Trade Barriers Visible And Invisible Term Paper


But in some instances, if a particular nation has received bad press regarding its labor practices, mandatory labeling as an imported good might act as an additional invisible trade barrier. Also, if a nation is being subject to a particularly damaging round of international publicity regarding other aspects of its international policy, this may lead to a boycott of the nation's goods, and thus invisible tariffs can be constructed through simply the apparently innocuous policy of labeling nation's country of origin, in the supposed interest of consumer information. Works Cited

Fliess, Barbara Carlos Busquets "The Role of Trade Barriers." OECD Trade Policy

Working Paper No. 45. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2006. 7 Mar 2007.

Jennings, Horace. "Brazilian trade sets new highs as import barriers are lowered."

Business America.

May 1994. 7 Mar 2007.


"Is Country of Origin Labeling a Secondary Trade Barrier?"
Department of Economics. Kansai University, Japan. April 4, 2005. 7 Mar 2007.

Polos, Steve. "Increased Globalization: Despite, not because of trade barriers." Eclet

Econ. 19 Apr 2006. 7 Mar 2007.

Reynolds, Alan. "The politics of NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement"" National Review.

Oct 18, 1993. 7 Mar 2007.

Wood, Diane. "Antitrust: A Remedy for Trade Barriers?" U.S. Department of Justice. 1995. Address given to the Asian Law Program Japan Information Access Project 24 Mar 1995.

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Fliess, Barbara Carlos Busquets "The Role of Trade Barriers." OECD Trade Policy

Working Paper No. 45. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2006. 7 Mar 2007.

Jennings, Horace. "Brazilian trade sets new highs as import barriers are lowered."

Business America.
May 1994. 7 Mar 2007.
Department of Economics. Kansai University, Japan. April 4, 2005. 7 Mar 2007.
Econ. 19 Apr 2006. 7 Mar 2007.
Reynolds, Alan. "The politics of NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement"" National Review.
Oct 18, 1993. 7 Mar 2007.
Wood, Diane. "Antitrust: A Remedy for Trade Barriers?" U.S. Department of Justice. 1995. Address given to the Asian Law Program Japan Information Access Project 24 Mar 1995.

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