U.S. Legal System United States Reaction Paper


b. Civil -- Civil cases involve disputes between two parties. In these cases the person or entity who files the suit (the plaintiff) claims that the other person or entity (the defendant) has failed to fulfill a legal obligation to the plaintiff. The plaintiff may request the court to require the defendant to either fulfill the obligation or make monetary restitution.

III. Federal Court System

a. Jurisdiction -- The jurisdiction of federal courts is limited to what is provided in the Constitution. Typically, these are cases involving:

i. Cases in which the United States is a party

ii. Cases involving violation of the U.S. Constitution or Federal Laws iii. Cases between citizens of two different states if the amount is greater than $75,000

iv. Bankruptcy, copyright, patent, and maritime...


Organization of Federal Court System -- There are three basic levels of the federal court system. These are the United States District Court, the United States Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.
i. The United States District Courts -- There are 94 federal judicial districts, each with a district trail court that hears both civil and criminal federal cases.

ii. The United States Courts of Appeal - Cases decided at the District Court level may be appealed to one of the 12 Courts of Appeal. Additionally, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, hears appeals from certain courts and agencies, such as the U.S. Court of International Trade, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

iii. The United States Supreme Court -- Cases decided at a Court

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