War Vs. Peace War And Term Paper


That is simply not the case. Troops are being pulled out and replaced with mercenaries. By using such deceptive tactics as talking points like that -- "I will bring the troops home" (one of Obama's campaign promises) -- the American public are fooled about politicians' plans. Politicians are by and large bought and sold by lobbyists from the military-industrial complex as well as by the Israeli lobby like AIPAC. If Americans in favor of peace cannot be fooled by phony promises of pulling the troops out (because they know they are only being replaced by hired mercenaries and unrest is still being promoted in the Middle East as a part of America's foreign policy), then Americans are tricked into believing that the Arab states are full of terrorists and that America is not safe unless it occupies the whole of the Middle East.

As Howard Zinn observes, "The United States has not been invaded for almost 200 years, not since the year 1812, but it has invaded other countries, again and...


Since this is the case, America has had to manipulate events and describe them as acts of terror, when in reality they are nothing more than acts of sabotage by cabals within the American government. Several threads tie such disasters as 9/11 to operatives within the Israeli Mossad and the American CIA -- but no notice is given to such threads by the mainstream media, which is largely owned and operated by military-industrial-congressional-complex. Thus, Americans are manipulated and deceived about the nature of the "wars" they are fighting. As Zinn states, peace is the real enemy -- because in peacetime, neither the MIC nor the Israeli apartheid state can profit.
Works Cited

Joseph, Paul. Are Americans becoming More Peaceful? MI: Paradigm Publishers,

2007. Print.

McCoy, Katherine. "Uncle Sam Wants Them." Contexts, Winter 2009, 14-19. Print.

Zinn, Howard. A Power Governments Cannot Suppress. SF: City Lights, 2007. Print.

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Joseph, Paul. Are Americans becoming More Peaceful? MI: Paradigm Publishers,

2007. Print.

McCoy, Katherine. "Uncle Sam Wants Them." Contexts, Winter 2009, 14-19. Print.

Zinn, Howard. A Power Governments Cannot Suppress. SF: City Lights, 2007. Print.

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