Workings Of HR Department How Term Paper


Specifically, this objective is attained by the strong and positive reputation a solid HRM policy creates for the firm, reputation which is valued by investors HRM supports the development and implementation of common values, which in turn support the development and implementation of long-term sustainable strategies

HRM policies ensure the firm with the best skilled staff members, which would be able to ensure a most efficient allocation of the organizational resources

HRM creates an organizational culture focused on quality and performance

HRM systems allow the company to implement change in a less disruptive manner. Specifically, the implementation of change is often a tedious process which meets resistance. HRM helps reduce the resistance to change and supports the implementation of change in an efficient manner.

Finally, the human resources system enhances and strengthens the organizational core competencies (Simms).

4. The HR system alignment at the economic agent

The managerial team at the software organization has understood the importance of an adequate human resources management system and has strived to create the components which ensure employee satisfaction and as such enhanced organizational advantages. Their efforts would be discussed below, but at a general level, it has to be noted that the HRM objectives of the firm have yet to be fully attained. With this realization in mind, several recommendations would be offered throughout the following section. Nevertheless, this current section focuses on the means in which the components of the HRM system align and support each other, as well as on the means in which they impact employee morale, organizational efficiency and productivity, employees' balance between life and work and the internal climate and organizational culture. The components of the HRM system to be addressed refer to the following:

a) Job design issues

b) Training activities

c) Recruitment activities

d) Selection approaches used

e) Performance appraisal systems

f) Promotion systems implemented

g) Pay parts and other benefits

h) General supervisory styles

a) Job design issues

The job design represents the process by which internal parties organize the tasks and responsibilities of a position in order to ensure that the occupant of the job best serves organizational goals. There are three categories of issues which impact job design, namely:

Organizational factors, which refer to: task characteristics, environmental factors, ergonomics and work practices

Environmental factors which include: the abilities and availability of the employees and the social and cultural expectations

The behavioral factors which include: the feedback received, the autonomy of the parties, the use of abilities and variety (Hub Pages, 2011).

The job design supports the HRM system through its ability to identify the necessary skills required from a future employee, and it as such increases the efficiency of the selection and recruitment stages. Additionally, a properly completed job design also supports training programs by integrating skilled and qualified staff members, which are not only capable to perform their assigned tasks, but which are also able to understand and add new knowledge.

At the level of the impacts job design generates upon various organizational elements, the following are noteworthy:

A high quality job design process allows the company to effectively recruit the desired candidates, which in turn means that the selected individuals would be easily integrated to increase their efforts and support the company's productivity and efficiency

The job design also impacts the levels of employee satisfaction. The job is a central part in the life of any individual and a good job design increases the levels of employee satisfaction. Specifically, in order for the job design to generate high levels of employee morale, it is expected to define and stimulate job involvement, job satisfaction, competence, productivity and job performance (Kondalkar).

b) Training activities

Training activities are generically understood as processes by which an employee is introduced to new knowledge which would help him / her better perform their professional tasks. Within the software organization, training programs are offered for two straight months upon the individual/s hiring within the firm. The training programs revolve primary around the presentation of the project to which the new employee would be assigned with the scope of familiarizing the developer with the project and with the customer. During these two months, the new employee would also be delegated to interact directly with the customers.

The means in which training supports the other stages of the HRM system refers to the following:

The degree to which the employee has learnt and implemented the teachings in the training sessions impact...


On the one hand, training programs prepare the staff members and enhance their professional skills and abilities. This in turn translates into higher performances, efficiency and productivity. On the other hand however, training is welcomed by the developers who see the sessions as opportunities for professional development. In a different formulation, employees who are trained gain an increased sense of confidence in their professional future, and they as such become better satisfied.
c) Recruitment activities

The recruitment operations at the software firm are completed through both traditional as well as modern medias, such as advertisements in the local press, online advertisements or ads through the local employment agency. These operations impact the components of the HRM system at the level of organizational efficiency and productivity. In this order of ideas, when the recruitment processes are tedious, resources are consumed and organizational efficiency and productivity are negatively impacted. Vice versa, when recruitment is quick and efficient, organizational efficiency and productivity are supported.

A high quality recruitment mechanism also supports an efficient selection process through the targeting of the adequate candidates.

d) Selection approaches used

At the level of the selection approaches, the firm focuses on a complex set of interviews, composed primarily from thee interviews -- the interview between the candidate and the company's HR representative, the technical interview and the psychological interview.

An efficient selection process is supported by the recruitment processes and in turn it supports the promotions and the appraisals. For instance, in the selection stages, the skills of the candidate are observed. At a future point in time, they are compared with the skills gained and the comparison supports the appraisal systems, the promotions which the employee could be offered and the pay and other benefits he/she could receive.

The selection process generates a direct impact on organizational efficiency and productivity in a relationship based on resource consumption -- as has been described throughout the previous sub-section. A fair and objective selection process also generates employee morale and improves the organizational culture.

e) Performance appraisal systems

The performance appraisal system at the software organization is relatively complex and consists of sustained observations of the employee in question, as well as conversations, direct interactions and analysis of the employees and his/her performance through their own lenses, as well as from the standpoint of their colleagues, supervisors and the customers with whom they interact.

The performance appraisal system supports the pay and other benefits system, as well as the promotions. Additionally, an objective appraisal also contributes to the creation of a pleasant and fruitful working environment, in which all staff members are presented with the same opportunities.

At the level of the impacts, the appraisal system generates employee morale and satisfaction due to the sense of fair opportunities to be evaluated, as well as due to the opportunity to explain and self-promote oneself. Also, an efficient appraisal system supports organizational efficiency and productivity. The scope of the appraisal process at the firm is that of being conducted without disrupting the operations at the company. All these components and features of the appraisal system contribute to the creation of a positive working environment.

f) Promotion systems implemented

The promotions offered are based on the results of the appraisal processes and this supports organizational efficiency and productivity through the elimination of inefficiencies due to frustrations. Additionally, employee morale is generated. Finally, recruitment also supports the systems of pay and other bonuses to be received. At a general level, the staff members which are promoted are presented with an increase in wage which stimulates morale and a positive organizational climate and culture.

g) Pay parts and other benefits

As it can be deduced from the previous sections, the pay and the benefits are offered as a result of the evaluation processes. The pay includes the wage which has been established through negotiations based on job design and candidate skills and capabilities. The second component of the pay system is constituted by the premiums and bonuses offered to the staff members. These are…

Sources Used in Documents:


Collins, C., Trenberth, L., 2005, Sport business management in Aotearoa / New Zealand, 2nd edition, Cengage Learning Australia

Giachetti, R.E., 2010, Design of enterprise systems: theory, architecture and methods, CRC Press

Jackson, S.E., Scheler, R.S., Werner, S., 2008, Managing human resources, 10th edition, Cengage Learning

Kondalkar, Organizational effectiveness and change management, PHI Learning Ltd.
2011, Job design, Hub Pages, last accessed on February 4, 2011

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