HR Practices

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HR Practices at the Hotel
Pages: 7 Words: 2850

Note that Marriott inculcates teamwork into everything that it does. For that reason, Marriott was rated by JD Power, a rating agency, as the top hotel for guest satisfaction in 2007. ill Marriott, the hotel company's chairman, cites the reason as the staff's focus on customer satisfaction:
You may be interested in learning what I look for when I visit a hotel. Number one, and of great importance, is the people. Are they friendly? Are they helpful? Are they courteous? Are they anticipating my needs? (Marriott 2007)

Setting a motivation plan

Mayfield and Mayfield measured the effect of positive leader communication on worker performance and job satisfaction. They measured the impact of motivating language on full- and part-time employees. Their motivating language focused on three elements: direction-giving ("what should I do?"), empathetic ("speaking with understanding") and meaning-making ("transmitting the rules within the institution"). Thus, motivating language was interpreted in a more structured…...



Bernhardt, a. "Improving Worker Welfare in the Age of Flexibility." Challenge, 1998: 16-34.

Chemers, MM. An Integrative Theory of Leadership. Boston: Lawrence Erbaum, 1997.

Doyle, M.E. And Smith, M.K. "Classical Models of Management Leadership." Infed. 2001.   (Accessed October 3, 2007). 

Kanampully, J, Mok, C. And Sparks, B. Service Quality Management in Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. New York: Haworth Press, 2001.

HR Practices
Pages: 3 Words: 1008

Benefits Online
Employee retention is something which is negatively impacting Sew ight On Limited. The result is the firm losing cliental to competitors by not becoming more responsive to the needs of staff members. The most successful organizations will address these issues through an effective rewards programs, strong CS practices and sound ethics. When this happens, their profit margins increase, by providing the customer with more and decreasing their costs to train new personnel. It is at this point, when the firm stands out against competitors and can provide them with something more. To fully understand how this is achieved there will be a focus on those products and services that will add the most value. Together, these different elements will illustrate the best avenues for address these issues in the long-term. (Cheng, 2013) (Cho, 2009) (Costen, 2011)

What product services may add the most value for Judy and/or employees?

To effectively deal…...



Benefits of Worksite Wellness Programs. (2014). Wellness Proposals. Retrieved from:   programs/ -

Types of Programs. (2014). Blue Cross. Retrieved from: wellness/program-types.page

Cheng, P. (2013). Ethical Contexts and Employee Job Responses. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, 108 -- 115.

Cho, S. (2009). Employee Intent to Leave. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28 (3), 374 -- 381.

Human Resource HR Practices Are
Pages: 4 Words: 1233

Key positions normally undergo additional scrutiny in assessment even when time is of the essence.
Comparison between the American and German HR policies

Equal Opportunity and Employment Practices

This policy is put in place in order to ensure that all elements of the human resource management is carried out without any regard or inclination to race, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, political affiliation, color, religion, age, disability or veteran status .While it is true that great ideological and geographical divide exists between the U.S. And Germany, certain key elements are shared in the formulation of their HR policies. oth policies for example allows for Equal Opportunity and Employment Practices. This group of policies is stipulated so as to reduce cases of discrimination in the work place. oth countries do not tolerate any aspect of discrimination which might end up crippling the many organizations across the two nations.

Employee Training and Development

In order to…...



Barney, Jay B. (1991.) Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17: 99-120.

George Fischer (2007), Human Resources policy. Adding quality to Peoples Lives. November 2007

Hofstede, G. (1983). Dimensions of National cultures in fifty countries and three regions. In J.

Deregowski, S. Dzuirawiec, & R. Annis (Eds.), Expiscations in cross-cultural psychology

Google Culture Business and HR Practices How
Pages: 4 Words: 1275

Google Culture, Business and H Practices
How do Google's corporate values and goals concerning employees, customers, and the business combine to create job satisfaction and motivate the people who work there? Is this a model every business should adopt?

The search engine giant known as Google has experienced a successful few years and risen to become a leader in the search industry. They have enjoyed increased revenue, profits, share prices, market share and the expansion of their global workforce (Savoia & Copeland, 2011). Their business practices are a large part of the equation. They are dedicated to their mission, culture and what they refer to as their most valuable resource -- their employees (Baum, 2007). In addition to being a top-rated choice for internet searches by customers, employees consider them a great place to work.

The company is famous for its commitment to its employees. Diversity is of central importance to Google's hiring…...



Baum, R.M. (2007, November 5). The Google Model. Chemical & Engineering News. p. 3.

Savoia, A., & Copeland, P. (2011). Entrepreneurial Innovation at Google. Computer, 44(4), 56-61. doi:10.1109/MC.2011.62.

Stewart, J.B. (2013, March 16). A Place to Play for Google Staff. New York Times. pp. B1-B6.

Realigning HR Practices at Egan Clothiers
Pages: 1 Words: 379

Human esource Practices at Egan Clothiers
What overall changes could you recommend to the executive team at Egan's about its H practices?

Although the idea of making pay raises objective, rather than subjective, is a good idea, it clearly has drawbacks. The system is set up know so that employees are only rewarded on the quantity of service they provide and not quality. This has not only increased competition amongst team members, but also has seen a reduction in customer service. By adding in a factor for high quality service, perhaps a customer satisfaction survey, they may be able to counter this effect.

What are the pros and cons of Egan's performance appraisal system?

As mentioned, the pros are that it takes the subjectiveness out of the system. However, in the process, employees are losing the rewards for providing quality service. Certainly, this system may identify top sellers, but these are not necessarily the…...

How Peppercorn Dinning Is Reflecting Shifting HR Practices
Pages: 4 Words: 1208

Organizational Development and Change
The OD consultants were effective to a certain extent by listening to the views of employees and seeing how it impacted Peppercorn. This enabled them to understand what is occurring and create strategies for improving operational efficiency. Yet, at the same time, they relied on the views of select employees. This is problematic, as it is only taking into account certain perspectives of the operations and potential challenges. The result is that they could miss something key by talking with only certain employees. To address these issues, they should conduct a survey and compare the responses with the general trends. This will enable them to correlate what is happening from a much larger perspective. (Blaxter, 2010) (Stenbeck, 2009) (Cummings, 2009)

The content of the data was largely subjective. This is because three employees shared their views with OD consultants and they discussed with each one what was occurring.…...



Blaxter, L, 2010, How to Research, McGraw Hill, New York.

Cummings, T. (2009). Organization Development and Change. Mason, OH: Southwestern.

Daymon, C, 2010, Qualitative Research Methods, Routledge, New York.

Russell, B, 2013, Collecting in a Consumer Society, Routledge, New York.

HR Devolution an Analysis on How Devolution
Pages: 6 Words: 1699

HR Devolution
An Analysis on how Devolution can Drive Evolution of the Industry

In the last few decades the globalization trend has worked to foster extensive changes how organizations operate. The rapid pace of the business world has created a scenario in which organizations are constantly evolving and organizational change is nearly a perpetual process. The role of technology has also been a contributing factor that has also had profound implications on organizations and how their human resources interact, collaborate, perform task, as well as impacted the organizational context in general. The level of competition has also steadily risen as firms constantly streamline processes and business functions. Organizations now must maintain a close eye on the external environment and adapt as needed to continue to satisfy consumer demands.

It is in this environment that a trend of devolution in the HR business function is predicted to drive the evolution of the industry. The…...


Works Cited

Anderson, K., B. Cooper, and C. Zhu. "The effect of SHRM practices on perceived firm financial performance: Some initial evidence from Australia." Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2007: 168-179.

Andolsek, D., and J. Stebe. "Devolution or (de)centralization of HRM function in European organizations." The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2007: 311-329.

Bond, S., and S. Wise. "Family leave policies and devolution to the line." Personel Review, 2003: 58-72.

Cascon-Pereira, R., M. Valverde, and G. Ryan. "Mapping out devolution: an exploration of the realities of devolution." Journal of European Industrial Training, 2006: 129-151.

HR Compensation it Is Well Established That
Pages: 2 Words: 663

HR Compensation
It is well established that human resources personnel have a direct and forceful impact on the strategic success of any business or economic organization. Ulrich (1997) suggests that "the relationship between HR practices and business results is built on a rather simple premise: better deployment and use of HR practices should correlate with higher business results "(p.303). One tool HR managers have at their disposal is the use of compensation packages and their unique impact on the labor force. The purpose of this essay is to examine compensation packages, in both the monetary and non-monetary form, impact on attracting and maintain a desirable workforce and the possible influence on the overall effectiveness of the organization.

Casico (2010) discussed the aspect of compensation in terms of rewards. He suggested that compensation could be divided into two separate categories; either financial or non-financial rewards. Financial rewards are considered the monetary distribution of…...


Works Cited

Cascio, W. (2010). Managing Human Resources. Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. 8th edition. McGraw Hill.

Casico, W. (n.d.) . HR in Alignment hosted by Wayne Casico.

Ulrich, D. (1997). Measuring Human Resources; An Overview of Practice and A Prescription for Results. Human Resource Management, Fall 1997. 36, 3, Pp 303-320. Retrieved from

Complete an Evaluation of Personnel Practices Processes
Pages: 9 Words: 2655

HR Practices in Public Administration:
Performance Improvement Through Distributed Leadership

Managing personnel in a public administration context can be particularly challenging given the various economic, political and bureaucratic pressures which are often attendant to work in the public sector. These challenges are magnified when that public administration context is a school. Public schools are typically beset by a range of personnel obstacles that are unique to the field and which render the implementation of effective Human Resource strategies particularly complex. Indeed, the pressing realities of public education have to an extent created a context in which effective HR strategies have been relegated behind the often more apparent demands of parental contentment, administrative regulation and economic limitation. However, American public education is today suffering, as are many of the professionals who work within this context, due to a decline in quality and a diminishing experience as employees. This calls for a strategic change…...


Works Cited:

Administration and Finance Division (AFD). (2006). Distributed Leadership. West Chester University.

Flash, P.; Froehlich, S; Hegeson, S; Jensen, J.T. & Biotti, J.S. (2006). Identifying Key Attributes of An Effective Transformational Change Model at the University of Minnesota. President's Emerging Leader Team.

Gronn, P. (2002). Distributed Leadership as a Unit of Analysis. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(4), 423-451.

Harris, A. (2004). Distributed Leadership and School Improvement: Leading or Misleading. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(1), 11-24.

Analyzing Strategic HR Plan
Pages: 9 Words: 2441

H Strategic Plan
Explain human resource practices and functions and their relevance to a H Strategic Plan

Human resource functions are considerably dissimilar from human resource practices. In particular, functions comprise of transactional activities that can be taken care of in-house or dealt with through outsourcing. On the other hand, practices are half-conceptual, half-execution part of a human resource strategy, made up of systems that follow the normal or traditional way of undertaking business. The human resource functions and practices play a significant role and have great relevance to a human resource strategic plan (Mayhew, 2016). This is largely because, the human resource best practices are the systems encompassed within the H strategic plan that have the biggest impact not only on the workforce but the overall functioning of the organization and the future direction. H functions take into account different aspects such as administration of benefits, keeping of records and also…...



Lee, R. G., & Dale, B. G. (1998). Business process management: a review and evaluation. Business process management journal, 4(3), 214-225.

Lopez, J. (2007). Animal Welfare: Global Issues, Trends and Challenges. Scientific and Technical Review, Vol. 24 (2). The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 48(11), 1163.

Mayhew, R. (2016). Functions & Practices of Human Resource Management. Chron. Retrieved 11 May 2016 from: 

Queensland Government Business and Industry Portal. (2015). Animal welfare laws in Queensland. Retrieved 11 May 2016 from:

HR Services &Bull Identifies at Least 3
Pages: 3 Words: 979

H Services
• Identifies at least 3 users of H services within an organization

The major consultants of H Services are the employers and within the company the management requires the services of the H not only for selection of the right employees but also to increase productivity and efficiency Inn view of the modern researches that have been conducted in the field it is found that occupation choice and performance are influenced by the personality factors and these in turn influence person-job fit. esearches showed that H managers have differences from the other type of managers and even from non-managerial H specialists. (Lounsbury; Steel; Gibson; Drost, 2008, p. 357)

The second category would be the worker or the employee who wish to either better hi career or arbitrate the working conditions. The human resource department also functions as the arbitrator where two of these parties are in dispute and over that also…...



Blau, Francine D. 2006. The Declining Significance of Gender, Russell Sage Foundation. pp 133-134.

DeSanctis, Gerardine. 1986. Human Resource Information Systems: A Current Assessment

MIS Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 1, pp: 15-27.

Lounsbury, John W; Steel, Robert P; Gibson, Lucy W; Drost, Adam W. 2008. Personality traits and career satisfaction of human resource professionals. Human Resource Development International, vol. 11, no. 4, pp: 351-366.

HR Task Performance Human Resources and HR
Pages: 3 Words: 786

HR Task Performance
Human resources and HR managers contain enormous potential in their ability to align a larger corporate strategy into its own inner workings. Specifically, HR managers working within PM and leadership for elderly services can greatly affect the overall performance of the organization by identifying and completing tasks that support the overall mission. This role within human resources depends on the leader's ability to gather resources and disseminate them accordingly.

For example, HR managers in this case must develop, update and implement important policies. These polices must be standardized and put down in writing. Implementation of these plans must be done by actually performing the outlined policies and putting them into practice, otherwise the policy is useless and not worthwhile. Distinguishing between quantity and quality is also very important in this situation as the tendency for overkill is strong within the social services industry.

Dealing with money with a human services…...

HR Hypothesis the General Field of Human
Pages: 8 Words: 2806

H Hypothesis
The general field of human resources has become more and more difficult as well as more perilous. That is not just a simple generalized statement made for dramatic effect and just for the purpose of setting up the introduction of this paper. Indeed, there are some questions that can and should be posed by human resources professionals that do not have clear answers because of how complicated and how contradictory the field's body of work has become. The ethical implications and obligations pertaining to human resources have been made very muddled by contradicting laws and guidelines thus making real compliance beyond a reasonable doubt very hard to pull off.

The hypothesis that underlies this report comes down to one main statement, and that is as follows:

The different ethics, laws and vagueness that exists in both has made it possible to become completely and reliably compliant with the expectations and laws…...



Bruoden, B.C. (1989). TAX FACTORS IN CHOOSING THE CORRECT CORPORATE STATUS. Journal Of Financial Planning, 2(2), 75.

Charen, M. (2011, July 22). What Else Will ObamaCare Mandate? | RealClearPolitics. What Else Will ObamaCare Mandate? | RealClearPolitics. Retrieved October 26, 2013, from   all_be_free_110669.html (2013, October 23). Teachers' unions fight bill that would bar sex offenders from schools. Fox News. Retrieved October 26, 2013, from -


HR Function Review
Pages: 6 Words: 2227

HR Function Review
History of the Organization -- General Practice Alliance South Gippsland (GPASG) is a division of General Practice Alliance Australia. It is one of 110 divisions that are tasked to help support identified health needs and services in a given area. GPASG has a division office in Inverloch, and serves of 5,000 people in a 41,000 square kilometer area. Essentially, the organization proves service and information to health care professionals, accreditation support, immunization support, professional development, peer support, advocacy and information (GPASG, 2011).

Mission, Vision -- SPASG's vision is to be a catalyst for the people of the South Gippsland area and to look towards 2015 to achieve the best health outcomes possible. Their mission is to lead the development of innovations in primary care solutions that specifically maintain and improve community-based health care by: 1) building and supporting more general practices; 2) integrating health care services across the entire…...


Works Cited

Bannerman, E 2002, 'Antropometric Indicies Predict Physical Function and Mobility in Older Australians', Public Health Nutrition, vol 5, no. 1, pp. 655-62.

Cress, CJ 2007, Handbook of Geriatric Care Management, Jones and Bartlett, New York.

Deans, D 2005, Senior Lobby Affects Budgets and Elections, viewed December 2011, .

'Draft Transition Actions for Gippsland Medicare Local' 2009, Human Resources/Administration, GSA.

HR Process the Well-Known Americans With Disabilities
Pages: 2 Words: 989

H Process
The well-known Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the EEOC, Department of Homeland Security and the Department of labor outline the various provisions that are formatted to ensure the people with disability, the minority groups, and every caliber of Americans have equal access to the employment opportunities. The laws and provision are meant to ensure the people with disability live a normal and comfortable life, there is a reduce discrimination in term of color, race, country of origin, religion or sex. The EEOC for instance ensures that the rule of law is followed in employment and no single organization uses the neutral laws to disadvantage a given group or individual.

The ADA is mandated to ensure the Americans living with disability enjoy equal employment opportunities, equal rights to access and enjoy State and Local Government Activities, easy access to public transport, access and equal utilization of public accommodations, fair housing, fair…...



Edie Grace, (2010). Discrimination against the Disabled in the Workplace. Retrieved May 5,

2011 from

U.S. Department of Justice, (2006). A Guide to Disability Rights Laws. Retrieved May 5, 2011


Could you help me draft an essay outline about Case Study: Summit Financial Assume you are a Human Resource Specialist employed at Summit Financial?
Words: 328

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the case study of Summit Financial
B. Explain the role of a Human Resource Specialist at Summit Financial

II. Background
A. Provide an overview of Summit Financial
B. Describe the current challenges faced by the company

III. Human Resource Specialist's Responsibilities
A. Recruitment and selection process
B. Training and development programs
C. Performance management
D. Employee relations

IV. Analysis of the Case Study
A. Identify the key issues faced by Summit Financial
B. Evaluate the effectiveness of the current HR practices in addressing these issues

V. Recommendations
A. Suggest strategies for improving recruitment and selection process
B. Propose methods for....

What are the key findings on strategic HR practices in Indian gig economy?
Words: 733

Literature Review:
The gig economy, characterized by short-term, freelance, or temporary jobs, has been gaining prominence in recent years in India. As the traditional employment model evolves, companies are increasingly relying on gig workers to meet their fluctuating demands. This shift has led to a growing interest in understanding the strategic human resource practices in the gig economy in India.
One key aspect of strategic human resource practices in the gig economy is recruitment and selection. Companies in the gig economy need to develop innovative ways to attract and retain top talent. According to a study by Deloitte India, companies in the....

What are the key findings on strategic HR practices in Indian gig economy?
Words: 339

Key Findings on Strategic HR Practices in Indian Gig Economy
1. Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements:
Gig workers in India highly value flexibility and autonomy in their work arrangements. Strategic HR practices prioritize implementing flexible scheduling, remote work options, and performance evaluation based on output rather than hours worked. (Bhatnagar, 2021)
2. Skill Development and Training:
With the rapidly evolving nature of gig work, HR teams recognize the importance of providing continuous skill development opportunities. Programs focus on upskilling and reskilling gig workers to prepare them for emerging job roles and enhance their employability. (Mehta & Sivakumar, 2021)
3. Employee Engagement and Motivation:
Despite the transient....

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