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Can you help me with an essay conclusion for an ocean pollution essay?

Keyword(s) :    people persuasive


By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

If we were writing an ocean pollution essay, after presenting facts about ocean pollution we would almost certainly want to discuss solutions. Ocean.now is one of our favorite organizations to look at for solutions about ocean pollution because it provides strong science-based information about ocean pollution, as well as easy action points that people can take to help address the problem.  We love the idea of providing solutions because an essay that just gives facts about ocean pollution is going to be overwhelmingly depressing because ocean pollution and the havoc that it has caused the environment are, quite frankly, depressing.  Generally, when we have to tackle an essay on a topic that is depressing, we like to end with a possibility of change.  That’s what is known as concluding with a “call to action.”

One call to action approach we might take is to address policy changes that people can support to help with ocean pollution.  You can approach policy change in a variety of ways.  You can conclude by reiterating several policy changes that you suggested in your essay and tie them together to show that we still have the opportunity to reverse much of the damage that we have done to the ocean.  You could also take a narrower approach and focus on how much of an impact a single action could have on ocean pollution.

Of course, sometimes an optimistic approach does not fit the tone or purpose of the essay.  We live in a world where some people deny that the ocean is polluted or that ocean pollution is having significant ecological consequences.  If your ocean pollution essay is supposed to be persuasive or informative, then instead of being a call to action, your concluding essay might reiterate why ocean pollution is real and why that is a critical problem. 

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