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Can you help with writing an essay about the meaning of life?

Keyword(s) :    family love legacy life


By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

The very best thing about writing an essay about the meaning of life is that it is very difficult to be wrong.  The meaning of life is a very personal topic and also very subjective, so you have room to be very creative in your response.  In fact, one of the most famous popular works to discuss the meaning of life, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, concluded that the meaning of life was the number 42.  So, please feel free to be creative.  However, while being creative, keep in mind that you are going to have to defend your position. Whatever you decide is the meaning of life, be prepared to support your position.  To do that, you want to choose a meaning of life that you can support with three or more strong reasons, and each of those reasons needs to be substantial enough to provide the foundation of its own paragraph.

Here are ten topic possibilities that are strong enough to support an entire essay about the meaning of life:

  1. The meaning of life is to live it and embracing life and its various experiences is the only way to understand its true meaning. 
  2. The meaning of life is family.
  3. The meaning of life is love.
  4. The meaning of life is to create something that will last beyond you or leave some type of legacy.  
  5. Life is meaningless.
  6. The meaning of life is to improve the world or improve the lives of others.
  7. The meaning of life is not to harm other living things.
  8. The meaning of life is to find god.
  9. The meaning of life is to disrupt harmful systems and be an agent for change.
  10. The most interesting thing about the meaning of life is that it tends to change along with a person&39;s stage of life.

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