Family Essays (Examples)

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Family Stress Adaptation
Theory of Family Stress Adaptation

Family is the basic social unit of people sharing the same attributes. It is a group of people tied to the same kinship descent consisting of parents, guardians and children. It is necessitated that commitment and upkeep of the family be maintained, and for this reason, there has been introduced a number of theories implicating on the activities carried out in this social setting. However, amid these activities, negative attributions arise. They include marital challenges, inter-family relational problems and financial constrains, among others. These issues bring about stress related problems, leading to the development of theoretical results of how the stress should be handled and tailored. This is in conjunction to this context's topic on the theory of family stress theory adaptation by McCubbin and McCubbin.

Theory Description

The proposition of the theory asserts on the developmental perception of family science. The theoretical aspect explores the….

Family Life Education
Consider NCF Substance Area # 8 - FAMILY LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY and Substance Area # 9 -- ETHICS. Compare and contrast these areas with particular focus on how they might conflict with teach other.

According to the National Council on Family elations, Area Number Eight, Family Law and Public Policy refers to a comprehension of the legal factors, policies and pieces of legislation which can influence the well-being and general health of families in their entirety (2011). For instance, issues like family and the law connect to "marriage, divorce, family support, child custody, child protection & rights, & family planning; Family and Social Services; Family and Education; Family and the Economy; Family and eligion; Policy and the Family…" (NCFS, 2011). The issues encompassed by Area Eight are truly intensive and nuanced, and they are bound to come into conflict with professional ethics and practice as specified by Area….

Family Individual Therapy
Family and Individual Therapy

Family and Individual Therapy for the Family Center

Family and Individual Therapy for the Family Center


The interviewee is an ex-family therapist in a clinic in California. Mr. Asaid has a Master's degree in psychology and has worked with two organizations as well to analyze the psychological health of the candidates in recruitment process. Preserving and sustaining the well-being of family members is the task of family therapist (Family Counseling Center, 2009). He is hoped to know about the job since he has a relevant work experience. He understands family satisfaction dynamics and impact of roles and relations in maintaining happy family life. These are the questions he was asked in the interview and their respective answers.

Please explain the reason why you would be qualified to work as a Family and Individual Therapist?

I have worked as a family therapist in California and had to move to Georgia….

Family esource Management in USA
Family esource Management

Family resource management is a way or a series of steps that help a family organize their resources in a way which benefits them the most. Some people misunderstand this concept as personal finance but in reality family resource management encompasses the management of not only personal but the whole family's financial and cognitive skills. A family with a good knows how on the subject have greater chances of thriving in today's challenging economy of the United States of America. (Abdul-ahman, 2010)

In addition to the economy, the knowledge of family resource management helps the family to convert complex personal fiscal structures into cost saving mechanisms. The whole family's resources are considered as a whole and thus managed in a way that increases the mutual benefits derived from the scarce resources. (Abdul-ahman, 2010)

Family resource management also triggers the use of underutilized resources. Some of these….

Family Systems and Marriage Preparation Programs
It has been a recent development within the United States when the government has started making an effort to establish marriage programs that can help strengthen the foundation of marriages. They have done so by recently joining hands with the church and other faith-based organizations that run marriage preparation programs. One such organization is the Association of Couples for Marriage Enrichment (ACME) that primarily focuses on the provision of highly controlled, faith-based matrimonial preparation programs that aim to help the married couples in the sustenance of their marriages. One of the aspects that ACME and other religious groups focus on is the family systems that the couples must tackle and adjust to immediately after marriage. Hence, this aspect is primarily prepared by focusing on theoretical aspects of the family systems, cognitive behavioral therapy and lucid communication structures that assist is creating coping strategies and managing….

Family Law

Family Law and Gay and Lesbian Marriage
hat makes a marriage, in the eyes of society and the eyes of the law? As this paper is being written, President George . Bush has called for a constitutional amendment upholding the idea that marriage is an institutional bond that can exist only between a man and a woman. Somewhat belying his claim that this idea is purely legal in its nature, however, is his stress that a constitutional amendment is required to sustain this principle on a federal level. Bush is essentially attempting to pass judgment to all of the state legislatures of the land, forcing them to comply with upholding a singular and specific ideal regarding what constitutes a marriage. This goes against some of the past, predominant legal strictures of this nation, which has left defining and limiting marriage to states and communities, rather than to the nation as a….

Family Narrative
Every family has a story. Or rather every family has a number of different stories. This does not mean that there are not important overlaps and consistencies among the stories that different family members tell. Both what is the same (or nearly the same) from one family member to the next and what is different is important to attend to as one tries to make sense of the story of one's family. It is important to understand where the schisms are: Are there emotional and narrative fault-lines between generations? Between genders? Between matrilineal and patrilineal sectors? Between those that immigrated to the United States and those that were born here? And, just as important, where are the alliances? Between mothers and daughters? Between those who are the most or least educated? Between those who share a religion?

In this paper I create a family narrative for my own family, examining….

Family Narrative

This family narrative involved an investigation of my family structure and the strengths and weaknesses of my family. It included an examination of how my family functions and how each family member impacts the family structure. In order to do this, I had my parents, siblings, and surviving grandparents complete a survey called Family Strengths (Duncan & McLane, Unk.). We were in different locations, but they all agreed to complete the survey and return the results to me via email. The survey had three options for each strength area: very strong, some growth needed, and much growth needed (Duncan & McLane, Unk.). It had nine different strength areas: caring and appreciation, time together, encouragement, commitment, communication, adaptive ability, spirituality, community and family ties, and clear responsibilities (Duncan & McLane, Unk.). The survey also included a goal-setting section, but, because I was focusing on family strengths, I did not ask….

Family Life and Divorce: A Comparison Between the 1940's and the 1990's
The family has changed significantly in the fifty-year period from 1940 to 1990. The decade of the 1940's is one where orld ar II had just ended and people were beginning to adjust to life after the war. One of the major impacts the war had involved the fact that it put women into the workplace and established that women could be more than just homemakers. This is often seen as the beginning of a shift towards women and men being more equal, a shift that is continuing today.

One of the major issues of the 1990's is divorce, with divorce having a significant impact on the family. Some argue that the family is dying, others argues that the family is finally working. Either way, there is no doubt that the family is changing.

To consider these issues further, firstly the….

Family Break Up

Family Break Up
For a humane, the word 'community' hints at people trying to work out solutions to common problems. The term 'community' generally stands for a group that is bigger and more diverse than a family or any group of people bound together with relationships. It also has more elements than being of the same neighborhood or enclave, though not as large as a county or a nation. Certainly it does not include entire mankind. Apart from being a group of people with common characters, there are other elements like political or legal bindings, or similar economic positions.

Certain communities have had existence for a long time and are bound together by being in similar situations for quite some time. Other communities have gone through changes with members and groups coming to the community or going out even though the community has been in existence for a long time. Communities also….

Family Formation

INTRODUCTION The idea of the “traditional” family of the 1950s is rooted more in nostalgia than in actual fact, according to Goode (1983) as quoted in Zinn, Etizen and Wells (2016). However, while the image of the happy, loving 1950s family may be a fiction, the concept of the nuclear family is one that certainly has some roots throughout the centuries. Though family arrangements and situations have differed greatly from society to society and from time to time, the nucleus of the family has generally consisted of a father, mother and child—though how long it remained intact depended on a number of external and internal factors that could range from the impact of disease to the impact of one’s own internal frustration with so-called family life, leading to estrangement. Prior to the modern era, family dynamics and structures were far more normative and typical. The departure from the Old World, which….

Family Cycle As per the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM), developmental assessment has got to do with the evaluation of not only the stage a specified family is in, but also familial tasks and attachments. In this development evaluation task, I will concern myself with the family life cycle of the selected family, its emotional processes, and the various tasks and issues taking place at present. The relevance of developmental assessment cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given that in seeking to enhance the standard of care advanced to families, there is need to have sound understanding of not only the functions and roles in families, but also the stressors experienced. In essence, the family being assessed in this case happens to be in the third stage of the CFAM, i.e. families with young children. The family has three children – Marissa, aged 2; Maddie, aged 3; and….

Is the Family in Trouble

If one is to judge whether families are in trouble by the criteria of traditional values and standards, which shaped the definition of “family” prior to the second half of the 20th century, one might well agree with the relatives at the family reunion shaking their heads and muttering that the family was in trouble these days. However, as the notion of “family” has altered since mid-20th century and what is viewed as a norm of family life today is different from the norms of the early 1900s, it is safe to say that a new definition of family must be constructed before beginning to assess whether the family is in trouble. Still, just because norms change does not mean that the concept of “family” really ever alters—so it is important to keep in mind the meaning of family over the centuries as well and how that meaning still plays….

THE EVOLUTION OF THE FAMILY Part OneAnnotated BibliographyBuehler, C., & OBrien, M. (2011). Mothers Part-Time Employment: Associations with Mother and Family Well-Being. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(6), 895-906.The authors used data collected from the seven waves of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHHD) Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development to draw comparisons among families of mothers in part-time employment, full-time employment, and the non-employed. The families were compared across the areas of mothers well-being, work-family interface, parenting, and couple functioning. Mothers well-being was measured using overall health and depressive symptoms, work-family interface was measured by the frequency of conflict with ones spouse, and couple functioning was measured by the extent of perceived intimacy with ones spouse. The study results showed that non-employed mothers were more at risk of developing depressive symptoms than those employed either part-time or full-time. The proposed paper seeks to explain….

Families, Delinquency & Crime
The fundamental changes occurring to families in the 2st century can be classified into two different categories, depending on the internal or the external perspective that is used in the analysis. The external perspective proposes an analysis of the sociodemographic changes that have occurred to families under the impact of the external factors of the 2st century. The sociodemographic changes are characterized both by the numbers, by a quantitative reflection of families, and by the relationships that are formed within each family.

From the first perspective, the 2st century has imposed both changes in the number of families (some cultures, notably the Western ones, have encountered decreases in size because of an increased reluctance of individuals to get married) and in the formation of these family groups. As such, in many of these family groups, the norm has translated from a man-woman marriage as the basis of family….

The aftermath of the war in All Quiet on the Western Front is most notable in the soldiers who are unable to adjust to civilian life. Paul, the main character, even struggles when he comes home on leave, because he does not really know how to handle family relationships anymore. He feels better when he's with his fellow soldiers, because he knows how to relate to them. In How Many Miles to Basra, the aftermath is more focused on how the soldiers, translator, and journalist were affected by their attempt to make amends. During war, truth and responsibility can become blurred,....

In both How Many Miles to Basra and All Quiet on the Western Front, the war had a strong impact on both soldiers and society. The aftermath of war in All Quiet on the Western Front is seen because the soldiers can't really adjust to being civilians again. It's hard for them even when they just come home on leave, and they aren't good with family relationships. That's hard on society because the soldiers aren't part of it anymore in the way they were before they left, which means they aren't the productive members that society really needs. In How....

4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Family Stress Adaptation Theory of Family Stress

Words: 1260
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Family Stress Adaptation Theory of Family Stress Adaptation Family is the basic social unit of people sharing the same attributes. It is a group of people tied to the same kinship…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Family Life Education Consider Ncfr Substance Area

Words: 1905
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Family Life Education Consider NCF Substance Area # 8 - FAMILY LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY and Substance Area # 9 -- ETHICS. Compare and contrast these areas with particular focus…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Family Individual Therapy Family and Individual Therapy

Words: 1100
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Family Individual Therapy Family and Individual Therapy Family and Individual Therapy for the Family Center Family and Individual Therapy for the Family Center Interviewee: The interviewee is an ex-family therapist in a clinic in…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Family Resource Management in USA Family Resource

Words: 1089
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Family esource Management in USA Family esource Management Family resource management is a way or a series of steps that help a family organize their resources in a way which benefits…

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4 Pages
Literature Review

Family and Marriage

Family Systems and Marriage Preparation Programs it

Words: 1445
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Family Systems and Marriage Preparation Programs It has been a recent development within the United States when the government has started making an effort to establish marriage programs that can…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Family Law

Words: 1845
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Family Law and Gay and Lesbian Marriage hat makes a marriage, in the eyes of society and the eyes of the law? As this paper is being written, President George…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Family Narrative Every Family Has a Story

Words: 1848
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Family Narrative Every family has a story. Or rather every family has a number of different stories. This does not mean that there are not important overlaps and consistencies among…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Family Narrative Describe This Family Narrative Involved

Words: 619
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Family Narrative Describe This family narrative involved an investigation of my family structure and the strengths and weaknesses of my family. It included an examination of how my family functions and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Family Life and Divorce A Comparison Between

Words: 2005
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Family Life and Divorce: A Comparison Between the 1940's and the 1990's The family has changed significantly in the fifty-year period from 1940 to 1990. The decade of the 1940's…

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22 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Family Break Up

Words: 8857
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Family Break Up For a humane, the word 'community' hints at people trying to work out solutions to common problems. The term 'community' generally stands for a group that is…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Family / Marriage

Family Formation

Words: 2261
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

INTRODUCTION The idea of the “traditional” family of the 1950s is rooted more in nostalgia than in actual fact, according to Goode (1983) as quoted in Zinn, Etizen and Wells…

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3 Pages

Family / Marriage

Family Assessment Development Evaluation

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Family Cycle As per the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM), developmental assessment has got to do with the evaluation of not only the stage a specified family is in, but…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Family / Marriage

Is the Family in Trouble

Words: 2437
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If one is to judge whether families are in trouble by the criteria of traditional values and standards, which shaped the definition of “family” prior to the second half…

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7 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Evolution of the Family Institution Sociology

Words: 2121
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

THE EVOLUTION OF THE FAMILY Part OneAnnotated BibliographyBuehler, C., & OBrien, M. (2011). Mothers Part-Time Employment: Associations with Mother and Family Well-Being. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(6), 895-906.The authors…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Families Delinquency and Crime

Words: 2311
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Families, Delinquency & Crime The fundamental changes occurring to families in the 2st century can be classified into two different categories, depending on the internal or the external perspective that…

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