1950s Essays (Examples)

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Such movements gained momentum and encouraged individuals to be even bolder. An example of this can be seen when a group students demanded service at a oolworth's in South Carolina. Upon refusal, they return in greater number and, without violent, made their voice known. These types of movements inspired confidence and led to greater things. The sit-in movements became so popular that the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee grew from the energy generated by them. According to Grant, the SNCC's statement of purpose begins with an affirmation regarding the "philosophical or religious ideal if nonviolence as the foundation" (Grant 273) of their purpose. Their statements also reads that through nonviolence, "courage replaces fear, love transforms hate" (273). This group also believed that "love is the central motif of nonviolence" (273). Another organization that emerged from these movements is the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, who taught resistance "without bitterness; to be….

Black & Decker
During the 1950s and 60s, Black & Decker held a dominant position in the domestic market. The company was able to achieve this dominance through technological innovation, in that B&D had the only handheld power tools on the market. This is a manifestation of the "broad differentiation" strategy. This strategy involves "maintaining a presence in every segment" which allows the company to "gain a competitive advantage by distinguishing our products with an excellent design, high awareness and easy accessibility" (CAPSIM, 2010).

Black & Decker maintained this strategic focus three ways. In terms of distinguishing the products via excellent design, Black & Decker's pioneering handheld power tools were the first of this type to the market. The first mover advantage allowed the company to gain a dominant market share, and to maintain industry leadership. High awareness reflects the brand value. Even from the earliest days, Black & Decker sought to….

Polio Epidemic of the 1950s

The concept of epidemic regarding infectious diseases is a rather simple concept to understand: over a period of time, an infectious disease spreads within a population -- local or otherwise -- causing, in excess, results that far surpass human expectation of said disease. In the case of poliomyelitis, nobody expected the outbreak to have caused such massive impact on society, let alone the fact that there is now a unionized global fight against further spreading of the virus. Polio was a highly feared disease at its beginning phases. The aftermath of such an epidemic outbreak even went so far as to have become a national problem, and prior to the release of a vaccine, many families cowered in the onslaught of the virus. Thankfully, however, this fear has significantly subsided by 1955.

History of Poliomyelitis

Poliomyelitis (known as polio) is named appropriately due to the fact that the….

This apparent simplicity does not do justice to the complexity of emotion and mood capture and expressed by the music. The tempo of the music is usually between 180 to 210 beats per minute. This is a fast pace and alludes to the spicy excitement inherent in the music and corresponding dance. The lyrics of salsa music cover a wide range of themes from simple sentimental music to political and sexual themes. Salsa music also incorporates machoistic bravado into the lyrics as a way to express the virility and potency of the Latin male (Leymarie 268).
The comparison of salsa music and American popular music will consider two areas the lyrical content and the tempo of the various types of music. The focus will be on rhythm and blues (R & B) music. hile R&B began around the same time as salsa, the music was primarily directed toward urban African-Americans.….

1930s and the 1950s to

Their California dream is filled with the daily reality of survival, while by the 1950s, recreation and the ocean helped urge many people to leave their inland homes and travel west. That meant they needed water to survive. eisner writes, "By the 1950s, California was already using its full 4.4 million acre-foot entitlement to the Colorado iver" (eisner 134). Water, the ocean, and the population of California are all linked in the California dream.
Finally, water in California means survival, but it also is big business. The Joads saw the power and greed of big business when they arrived in the state. Their dream was that everything would be perfect, that they could get a fresh start, but that was not the case. Steinbeck writes, "And in the south he saw the golden oranges hanging on the trees, the little golden oranges on the dark green trees; and guards with….

Causes of divorce may also include physical, mental or emotional abuse, substance abuse, lack of conflict resolution skills, unmet needs, failed expectations, and significant discrepancies in parenting. People whose parents are divorced are twice as likely to have their own marriage end in divorce. Individuals with divorced parents may be more apt to see divorce as a solution to problems or may have a lower threshold for marital conflict. Studies show that people who live together before they get married are more likely to get divorced. How to reduce the rates of divorce is a complicated question that many have addressed. Especially with younger individuals, better education and understanding of what to and not to expect would perhaps be helpful. Statistics are interesting when it comes to the answer. For example, the University of Denver Center for Marital and Family Studies found that cities with major league baseball teams….

Kitchen sink realism
The concept of 'kitchen sink realism' became popular in England during the 1950s as a significant number of writers, playwrights, and screenwriters directed their attention toward writing words addressing young men who were angry with a series of things. Social realism was a dominant idea during the period and this is visible throughout works involving 'kitchen sink realism'. The genre focused on young Britons who spent most of their lives working low-paid jobs, staying in small apartments, and spending most of their resources on alcohol they drank in dirty pubs.

Kitchen sink realism is an essential part of British culture and the fact that it effectively replicates attitudes that were common in England during the 1950s and 1960s contributes to painting a true image of life during the period. There was nothing avant-garde about this genre, as it was meant to put across a social message and focused….

Public Perception of Women from 1950's to 21st Century
Man and women are what constitutes what one calls Mankind or Human Beings. Historically man has tried to be dominant over the woman. The further one travels in history it is seen that women were considered to be something inferior. They were not treated as human beings but were treated as objects. Men considered them to be their possession. They wanted to control their thoughts and actions. Man since time immemorial has tried to decide the role of woman in society. Some societies also saw them to be as a machine for the purpose of reproduction. Even today there are some societies that look upon women to be someone inferior although globally speaking these societies are very few in number and the majority of people have come to recognize and realize that women are as much of human beings as man….

Social Movement: The Civil ights Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s
The civil rights struggle in American history is one which is littered with numerous famous events and rulings and which marked the fierce battle of African-Americans to fight for equality. One of the most famous protagonists of the civil rights era was osa Parks, the tired seamstress who refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. However, the civil rights struggle had long been in affect before osa Parks refused to give up her seat. However, Parks was selected by African-American civil rights leaders to act as a symbol of the movement and to inspire others to fight the good fight.

While the civil rights struggle is largely credited to have occurred during the 1950s and the 1960s, one can trace its origins to American slavery and the plantation system. However, for the purposes of this….

Christian Dior's 1951 Wedding Dress: An Analysis
Fashion is often seen as a reflection of how a culture views sexuality, in particular female sexuality. With the introduction of Christian Dior's New Look, "practicality went out the window" and "ultra-feminine curves" became the dominant silhouette. [footnoteRef:1] More than hemlines had changed, however. American culture was also undergoing a seismic revolution as servicemen began to return home and start families in record numbers. The aby oom had begun as well as an era of economic prosperity for the United States was in full swing. This was reflected in clothing design as well: the gender binaries which had existed before the war reasserted themselves; before women began to work in classically 'male' occupations due to the shortage of able-bodied male workers at home. The shift in social expectations as women were often forcibly removed from these better-paying positions was reflected in the styles of….

1950's Fashion

1950s Fashions
Fashion and makeup trends in the 1950s reflected shifts in popular culture and were heavily influenced by film stars and television. A thriving youth culture contributed to changes in fashion, which were generally less conservative than in past decades. The exception was men's fashions, which became more subdued in the 1950s and included dark gray, blue, brown, and black suits. However, the Beatnik generation also contributed to fashion trends, and leather, denim blue jeans, and sneakers were also popular in the 1950s, especially among teenagers. Rock and roll also influenced the "greaser" look that developed around that time. The cult of the housewife similarly impacted new looks developing throughout the decade. A rise in consumerism encouraged many people to amass large, colorful wardrobes.

One of the most well-known fashion trends from the 1950s was the poodle skirt. Poodle skirts were round-cut, calf-length, full skirts, cinched at the waist. An applique….

S. air force. However, the first attack on the U.S. military by the Chinese was made on November 1 in North Korea. A large army of Chinese soldiers attacked the U.S. 8th Cavalry Regiment from the north, northwest, and west. This forced the retreat of UN forces.

General Matthew Ridgway took over after General Walker's death on December 22. The former was the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division in Wold War II. Ridgway received command of all the forces serving in Korea, along with relative freedom to act as he saw fit. Although his initial aim was to undertake an offensive in Korea, he soon realized that the army was not in sufficient shape to accomplish this. Instead, General Ridgway undertook to rebuild the army. After a successful Chinese attack on New Year's Day, the Allied forces had to withdraw to the "D line," extending from Pyongtaek to Samchok. Here,….

It is also interesting that, somewhat differently from the first advertisement, we are no longer looking for efficiency, productivity increase and lower costs. Since consumerism is the key to this advertisement, the word of order now is spending. This is why this is the "costliest process on Earth."
The three advertisement are very interesting, because, despite still reflecting well the period of time in which they were created, they are somewhat different. On one hand, we have a society that stresses the importance of higher productivity rates and lower costs to be able to face the current challenges. On the other hand, we have individuals simply enjoying their existence, despite the existent challenges.


1. http://proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.fiu.edu/pqdweb?index=3&did=83316914&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=10&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=HNP&TS=1195085617&clientId=20175

2. May Tyler, Elaine. Homeward ound: American Families in the Cold War Era. asic ooks, 1990. Page 91.

3. http://proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.fiu.edu/pqdweb?index=10&did=83316817&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=10&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=HNP&TS=1195087871&clientId=20175

4. http://proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.fiu.edu/pqdweb?index=12&did=83316789&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=10&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=HNP&TS=1195087871&clientId=20175


May Tyler, Elaine. Homeward ound: American Families in the Cold War Era. asic ooks, 1990. Page 91. http://proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.fiu.edu/pqdweb?index=10&did=83316817&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=10&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=HNP&TS=1195087871&clientId=20175


1950's Cinema

Cinema 1950s
1950s was a decade of change for the U.S. - cinema was no exception, as it modeled itself to accommodate the social changes U.S. society was going through. Films not only provide entertainment to masses but are also believed to express the general outlook of society by the way it sets and adopts trends. 50s was marked by postwar prosperity, rising consumerism, loosening up of stereotype families, baby boom and growing middle-class. It was the time of reaction to the aging cinema, especially by the freedom loving youth who were keyed up with fast food (Mc Donald's franchised in '54), credit card (first in 1950) and drive-in theaters (Filmsite.org). Young people were fed-up with the conventional illustration of men and women. With growing interest in ock-n-oll and break-free attitude prevailing, a social revolution was very much in the offering, and that was to transfer the cinema as well -….

Study Limitations. There is no doubt that the issue of stem cell research and cloning carries with it scientific obligations, moral concerns, and future possibilities (obertson, 2000). However, authors such as osenthal and Lanza have managed to put the issue squarely where it belong at this juncture, namely, controlled empirical investigative research. The authors, although, thorough in their presentation, did little to encourage the on-going process of stem cell research for regenerative medicine. The limitations of their research presentation include the following:

No direct relationship was established between animal stem cell research and human stem cell research.

Mention was not made with respect to the costs of current stem cell research efforts and possible future costs.

Emphasis was not place on the overall need for advanced biotechnology.

Documentation between government regulations and current stem cell research efforts was not addressed.

The authors did little to address the potential stem cell research has to treat and….

Below are some recommendations for essay titles on Autism.

  1. What Has Led to the Dramatic Rise of Autism Cases in the US in Recent Decades?
  2. Educational Techniques for Helping Autistic Learners
  3. The Effects of Peer Tutoring on Autistic Students in College
  4. Link between Autism and Vaccinations:  Anecdotal Evidence and Why No Gold Star Study on the Association Will Ever be Performed
  5. How Raising Autistic Children Impacts Families and Parents
  6. The True Cost of Autism as Measured by the Social, Emotional and Economic Tolls
  7. How Autism is Depicted in Popular Media and the Way This Shapes Public Perception of the Disorder
  8. Ways to Diagnose Autism in Children and How....

Title: School Dress Codes: A Comprehensive Analysis and Recommendations

In recent years, school dress codes have been the subject of much debate and controversy. Some argue that they are necessary to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, while others believe that they are unduly restrictive and infringe upon students' rights to express themselves. This essay presents a comprehensive analysis of school dress codes, exploring their historical roots, research findings, and potential biases. Based on this analysis, specific recommendations are offered to improve the effectiveness and fairness of dress code policies.

The History of School Dress Codes:
The origins of school dress codes....

Gender Equality in Contemporary American Culture: A Historical Perspective

In the tapestry of American culture, gender equality stands as a vibrant thread, woven amidst centuries of societal evolution and sociopolitical struggles. This essay delves into the historical trajectory of gender equality, exploring the shifts, triumphs, and ongoing challenges that have shaped its current status in American society.

Historical Roots:
The seeds of gender equality were sown in the early days of the American republic, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Constitution (1789). These foundational documents enshrined the principles of liberty and equality, yet they fell short of extending....

2 Pages

Black Studies

African-American Leaders in the 1950s

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Such movements gained momentum and encouraged individuals to be even bolder. An example of this can be seen when a group students demanded service at a oolworth's in…

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6 Pages


Black & Decker During the 1950s and

Words: 1814
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Black & Decker During the 1950s and 60s, Black & Decker held a dominant position in the domestic market. The company was able to achieve this dominance through technological innovation,…

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4 Pages


Epidemic Polio Epidemic of the 1950s the

Words: 1192
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Epidemic Polio Epidemic of the 1950s The concept of epidemic regarding infectious diseases is a rather simple concept to understand: over a period of time, an infectious disease spreads within a…

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3 Pages


Salsa Music the Late 1950's

Words: 1066
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This apparent simplicity does not do justice to the complexity of emotion and mood capture and expressed by the music. The tempo of the music is usually between…

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2 Pages


1930s and the 1950s to

Words: 720
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Their California dream is filled with the daily reality of survival, while by the 1950s, recreation and the ocean helped urge many people to leave their inland homes…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce Statistics in the 1950s

Words: 1829
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Causes of divorce may also include physical, mental or emotional abuse, substance abuse, lack of conflict resolution skills, unmet needs, failed expectations, and significant discrepancies in parenting. People…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Realism in the 1950s and 1960s

Words: 506
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Kitchen sink realism The concept of 'kitchen sink realism' became popular in England during the 1950s as a significant number of writers, playwrights, and screenwriters directed their attention toward…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Changes in Public Perception of Women From 1950's to 21st Century

Words: 1911
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Public Perception of Women from 1950's to 21st Century Man and women are what constitutes what one calls Mankind or Human Beings. Historically man has tried to be dominant…

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3 Pages

Black Studies

Social Movement Civil Rights Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s

Words: 980
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Movement: The Civil ights Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s The civil rights struggle in American history is one which is littered with numerous famous events and rulings and…

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5 Pages

Business - Law

Feminism and Fashion in the 1950s Weddings

Words: 1684
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Christian Dior's 1951 Wedding Dress: An Analysis Fashion is often seen as a reflection of how a culture views sexuality, in particular female sexuality. With the introduction of Christian Dior's…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


1950's Fashion

Words: 1047
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

1950s Fashions Fashion and makeup trends in the 1950s reflected shifts in popular culture and were heavily influenced by film stars and television. A thriving youth culture contributed to changes…

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4 Pages
Book Review

American History

Fifties the Book the Fifties

Words: 1338
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Review

S. air force. However, the first attack on the U.S. military by the Chinese was made on November 1 in North Korea. A large army of Chinese soldiers attacked…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

1950s Advertisment One of the

Words: 1646
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is also interesting that, somewhat differently from the first advertisement, we are no longer looking for efficiency, productivity increase and lower costs. Since consumerism is the key…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


1950's Cinema

Words: 2695
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cinema 1950s 1950s was a decade of change for the U.S. - cinema was no exception, as it modeled itself to accommodate the social changes U.S. society was going through.…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


1950s to Scientific Technology of

Words: 1839
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Study Limitations. There is no doubt that the issue of stem cell research and cloning carries with it scientific obligations, moral concerns, and future possibilities (obertson, 2000). However, authors…

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