Abuse Essays (Examples)

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Effects of abuse in children

buse: Effects and Impacts on Children

The purpose of this paper is to research the subject of childhood abuse in view of what is suffered both immediately and on the long-term basis in relation to the child's psychological, biological and social development.

Child abuse is all too common in today's world and is a subject that is almost daily splashed across the news. Physical abuse is by Merck Manual as being "battery'. Battery has the same meaning as physical violence to the body. Further the manual reveals that it is an element in every race and throughout every layer of societal structure leaving no one race, sex, group, or religion unscathed by its' effects. Two million children are abused in the United States each year; the numbers are likely much higher with 2000 to 5000 children dying each year as a result of abuse or neglect.

Indeed, child abuse….

There are many factors that must be considered when evaluating a possible abuse situation. The first thing that must be done is that all parties involved must be committed to taking the situation seriously, but also committed to acting without prejudice. Instances of abuse should neither be ignored nor falsely identified. "ecause childhood molestation has been hidden for decades, our quick suspicions are well founded. ut there can be backlash: innocent acts by parents are often falsely misconstrued as sexual abuse." (Heller) When approached by the teachers, I would ensure her that coming to speak to me was a good action to take.

In this situation, the family in question is not culturally American. It must be considered, first, that there are many cultural differences between a Chinese family and an American family. Communication and social interaction is definitely affected by this cultural difference. For example, this child is very quiet….

Even with under reporting, approximately 5% of elder women are likely abused to the point where they seek medical attention at least annually. These women are often well-known in their communities, so when they come into the emergency room with some story of malady, they know everyone will want to about what happened. In some cases, the trend is becoming more supportive, though. As educational programs transend economic barriers; more rural women are believed to have access to community services that are less than judgemental. They may have to travel to the next community, but there are still services that will, at the very least, intercede and find them a safer environment. This research concludes, based on qualitative and literature analysis, that it is even more difficult for rural women to get into the system. The women who go to their local clinics or egional Medical Centers are seriously….

Abuse at Home and Domestic

This can also be done to enable one attain a restraining order against their spouse while in the course of getting a divorce.
In conclusion, victims of domestic violence should be treated fairly and not discriminated against because of their gender. The system needs to make adjustment so as to be able to accommodate cases of domestic violence and abuse against men. The reason why these cases are rising is due to the cases of male victims not being taken seriously and is a form of discrimination. I believe that for domestic violence cases to be reduced there needs to be cooperation between various social institutions that will ease the processing of cases of domestic violence. The police need to be able to contact between the police and shelters for victims of domestic violence in order to make sure victims receive adequate help.


Dewar esearch. (2008). Plight of male victims of….

GAO report showed that one in every five nursing homes across the country was found deficient in terms of its care practices. It was also discovered that some of the abuse incidents had been serious enough to put the resident's life in jeopardy. In many cases, abuse was not even reported though it should have been "classified as actual harm or worse. These included such problems as serious avoidable pressure sores, severe weight loss, and multiple falls resulting in broken bones and other injuries" (p. 31). The report also explained what is meant by sufficient staff. According to CMS guidelines, "determination of sufficient staff is to be made based on the staff's ability to provide needed care to residents. The staff must be able to provide residents with sufficient care so they may reach their highest practicable physical, mental, and . . . well being." (Corzine, p. 32)
Hawes (2002)….

Abuses of Power elative to Elite Athletes
It is often the case that elite athletes are subjected to rigors and standards that are far beyond what is expected of the majority of the general public. There are many issues that are common among elite athletes that are known to affect either their bodies or their minds. For instance, some athletes are subjected to such high levels of discipline from either coaches or parents that the experience can be considered emotional harassment or even abuse. Coaches and parents can also use and abuse an elite athletes' bodies in many different ways. There is often a fine line between an eating disorder and attempts to maintain a body in a state of being able to achieve peak performance. Females athletes often attempt to suppress weight gain while it is more common for males to attempt to gain weight by increasing muscle weight and….

The safe harbors do not cover every area of permissible behavior, and an arrangement may not qualify as a safe harbor, but still not subject someone to the risk of prosecution.
In fact, the courts have interpreted the Federal Anti-Kickback Law relatively narrowly. The court in Feldstein v. Nash Community Health Servs., 51 F. Supp.2d 673 (E.D.N.C. 1999), implied that the government has to show that a defendant knowingly intended to violate the anti-kickback law. However, the court did not go so far as to permit ignorance of the law to form a defense to the charge; on the contrary, the court expected the health-care providers to know the content of fraud alerts issued by the regulatory agency. The Feldstein court was building on earlier similar decisions in Hanlester Network v. Shalala, 51 F.3d 1390 (9th Cir. 1995) and United States v. Bay State Ambulance & Hosp. ental Serv. Inc.,….

Abuse and Fraud a Joint

Furthermore, we cannot forge a safe harbor under 42 C.F.R. §1001.952(p), because Sundown Community Hospital is not a physician's group (Altshuler, Creekpaum, & Fang, 2008). Finally, the proposed arrangement does not fall within the safe harbor provided for investments in group practice because the hospital would not meet the criteria of: equity interests held by licensed professionals; equity interests being in the entire practice; unified business with unified decision making and pooling of financial interests; and revenues from ancillary services coming only from in-office ancillary services (Altshuler, Creekpaum, & Fang, 2008). Consequently, the proposed arrangement would fall outside of the safe harbor provisions of the Medicaid Anti-Kickback Statutes; however, the proposed arrangement may fall within the exceptions to the Stark Statute.
Reviewing the Stark Statute, no physician may refer Medicare or Medicaid patients to an entity (here, the hospital) to which he/she has a financial relationship unless the transaction falls….

Physical Abuse of Older People by Their Families
hen grandpa and grandma are getting on in years and they are living with their children, the data from reliable sources shows that in far too many cases, physical abuse is visited upon the elderly family members by their own children or grandchildren. This is a travesty but moreover it is a felony to physically abuse older people, and family members guilty of those attacks need to be advised that no matter how angry or un-happy they may be by an elderly family member's behaviors, violence is unacceptable.

The fact that Americans are growing older and that many of them are being physically abused -- in numerous cases by their own families -- is a great cause for concern. This paper references scholarly sources that point out the frequency of physical abuses that the elderly are subjected to, and the reasons why they are….

Abuse and Pregnant Women
PAGES 40 WORDS 13948

Violence against pregnant women is a commonplace phenomenon and this research paper will explain the background of violence against pregnant women. Women undergo different forms of violence for instance, beating, threats, raping and unwilling prostitution. Some years back, it wasn't a big issue as approach towards women was a tad bit different back then. Men were treated as the dominant sex due to their physical strength. So is the case with education and men. It is common for men to get educated while women remain undereducated. With the passage of time, this created a genuine gap for women in the society as they were being undermined. Now violence against women, in general, is red flagged especially in Asia where women are treated very poorly. Now the circumstances for women are improving slowly and gradually in Asia but not completely (Jasinsk, 2004).
Violence against pregnant women isn't just limited to developing countries;….

Angela's case study illuminates several aspects of domestic violence. The case shows how domestic violence progresses from what was originally a normal relationship, through stages of escalating violence. Each section shows how persons outside the family might have the opportunity to intervene or offer support. What was most interesting about this case was the different legal obligations of health care workers, educators, and colleagues. Not all people are obliged to report suspected domestic violence. It is important to understand one's role and whether or not reporting is appropriate.
eporting is appropriate and warranted when there are obvious gunshot wounds or gunpowder burns, and also when an early childhood educator suspects domestic violence being perpetrated on a child (Minnesota Statutes, 2015). Each segment of the case study shows how complex the issue is, and how each person has a different role to play and different levels of responsibility. The main things to….

In fact, one study suggested tat if a fruit or vegetable could not be arvested mecanically, it would not be grown in te United States after 1975 (Braceros: History, Compensation).
Workers in te Bracero Program faced a great amount of worker exploitation in te form of low pay and lost wages, bot from te United States government as well as teir own ome government in Mexico. Currently, te governments of bot participating countries are working to compensate te families of te bracero workers for te lost wages garnised during tat time. However, despite te U.S. government's efforts to rigt its wrongs in past situations, te fact remains tat exploitation of immigrant and undocumented workers in te United States is still a problem tat is faced today. Today, undocumented and immigrant workers face a new set of callenges. For example, in a survey, 25% of workers wose employers found out tat….

Satanic Abuse epresentations in the Media and Social Science Literature
Throughout history, few things have been able to literally scare the bejabbers out of people as much as reports of satanic abuse in general and in their own communities in particular. Indeed, based on various reports from Europe and North American over the past four centuries, it would seem that when Satan fell from Heaven, he fell directly into many peoples' lives. Even today, isolated but sensationalized reports of satanic abuse can still create the widespread perception that these practices are commonplace and are increasing in prevalence. The hysterical reaction that can sweep through entire communities is proof positive of the continuing relevance of this phenomenon today. Irrespective of the actual reality of the satanic entity, the implications of these reactions for some people are profound and severe and may even cause some people to experience potentially life-threatening mental health….

Special Population and Substance Abuse

Prison inmates and substance abuse

Drug courses or rehabilitation programs for drug offenders

The reoffender issue

Drawbacks of not providing rehab treatments and facilities

Cost vs. benefit analysis if rehabilitation programs and imprisonment

Drug abuse or substance abuse is a major issue in the U.S. It is the addictive and patterned use of drugs in quantities that are not approved by the health and medication regulating bodies, neither administered under the supervision of any clinician. Substance abuse covers wide categories of drugs used without the prescription of health administrators with excessive and often dangerous consumption levels. Substance abuse includes the use of performance enhancing and psychoactive drugs. The leading organizations that issue the standards and symptoms of drug and substance abuse are World Health Organization's International Statistical Classification of Diseases, American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), and ICIS Medical organization elated Health….

Meth Addiction and Abuse Problems
Meth Crystal Addiction and Abuse Problems in Los Angeles County

Meth addiction and abuse problems are on a rise in Los Angeles County and many other places in other countries. Its use and abuse has become so common that some people have started referring to it as the new heroin. Just like any other drug, the use of this drug above its therapeutic dose has produced toxicities that have been proven to be hazardous to human health.

When people find themselves in addiction and abuse problems of Meth crystals, they then turn to the health care institutions and other rehab centers, which increase the responsibility of nurses as well as counselors. In this paper we shall look at some of the complications of addiction and abuse problems in Los Angeles County. We shall also see its impacts on the human health and health care systems. Furthermore, we shall….

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

The topic of violence is a broad one because violence is persuasive in our society, there are competing theories about the causes of violence, and violence begins to impact people at a very young age.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are eight types of violence children may be exposed to or experience: bullying, child maltreatment, community violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, school violence, sexual abuse and sexual violence, sex trafficking, and teen dating violence. These different types of violence not only impact children, but also adults in the community,....

Writing an essay about drug abuse, it is important to start by distinguishing it from drug usage. Most people use some type of drugs casually or recreationally.  Whether it is a morning caffeine fix, a glass of wine with dinner, over-the-counter painkillers when a headache strikes, or some recreational marijuana, substances are a part of everyday life.  While using drugs may be an acceptable way to relax, to ease pain, or to handle other issues, drug abuse can have profoundly negative effects on a person’s life.

Unfortunately, there is not a bright-line between drug use and drug abuse. ....

6 Pages
Term Paper


Abuse Effects of Abuse in Children Abuse

Words: 1702
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

buse: Effects of abuse in children buse: Effects and Impacts on Children The purpose of this paper is to research the subject of childhood abuse in view of what is suffered both…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Abuse There Are Many Factors That Must

Words: 707
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Abuse There are many factors that must be considered when evaluating a possible abuse situation. The first thing that must be done is that all parties involved must be committed…

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7 Pages
Literature Review

Family and Marriage

Abuse of Older Adults Abuse

Words: 2330
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Even with under reporting, approximately 5% of elder women are likely abused to the point where they seek medical attention at least annually. These women are often well-known…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Abuse at Home and Domestic

Words: 1600
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This can also be done to enable one attain a restraining order against their spouse while in the course of getting a divorce. In conclusion, victims of domestic violence…

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4 Pages

Death and Dying  (general)

Abuse and Neglect in Nursing

Words: 1281
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

GAO report showed that one in every five nursing homes across the country was found deficient in terms of its care practices. It was also discovered that some…

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5 Pages


Abuse and Harassment in Sports

Words: 1778
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Abuses of Power elative to Elite Athletes It is often the case that elite athletes are subjected to rigors and standards that are far beyond what is expected of the…

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3 Pages


Abuse and Fraud Medicare Agreement

Words: 983
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

The safe harbors do not cover every area of permissible behavior, and an arrangement may not qualify as a safe harbor, but still not subject someone to the…

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3 Pages
A-Level Coursework


Abuse and Fraud a Joint

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: A-Level Coursework

Furthermore, we cannot forge a safe harbor under 42 C.F.R. §1001.952(p), because Sundown Community Hospital is not a physician's group (Altshuler, Creekpaum, & Fang, 2008). Finally, the proposed…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Abuse of the Elderly by Family Members

Words: 1165
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Physical Abuse of Older People by Their Families hen grandpa and grandma are getting on in years and they are living with their children, the data from reliable sources shows…

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40 Pages
Capstone Project

Sports - Women

Abuse and Pregnant Women

Words: 13948
Length: 40 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Violence against pregnant women is a commonplace phenomenon and this research paper will explain the background of violence against pregnant women. Women undergo different forms of violence for instance,…

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2 Pages

Sociology - Counseling

Abuse Domestic Violence Case Study

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Angela's case study illuminates several aspects of domestic violence. The case shows how domestic violence progresses from what was originally a normal relationship, through stages of escalating violence. Each…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

American History

Abuse of the Under-Privileged by

Words: 1699
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In fact, one study suggested tat if a fruit or vegetable could not be arvested mecanically, it would not be grown in te United States after 1975 (Braceros:…

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10 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Satanic Abuse Representations in the Media and

Words: 3042
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Satanic Abuse epresentations in the Media and Social Science Literature Throughout history, few things have been able to literally scare the bejabbers out of people as much as reports…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Special Population & Substance Abuse Special Population

Words: 2695
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

SPECIAL POPULATION & SUBSTANCE ABUSE Special Population and Substance Abuse Prison inmates and substance abuse Drug courses or rehabilitation programs for drug offenders The reoffender issue Drawbacks of not providing rehab treatments and facilities Cost…

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20 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Crystal Meth Addiction and Abuse Problems in Los Angeles County

Words: 6363
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Meth Addiction and Abuse Problems Meth Crystal Addiction and Abuse Problems in Los Angeles County Meth addiction and abuse problems are on a rise in Los Angeles County and many other…

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