Alcohol Essays (Examples)

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Alcohol Pricing and Consumption ates
Minimum unit pricing of alcohol at off licenses and supermarkets

Alcohol has for time now occupied significant economic as well as socio-cultural position in the art of United Kingdom. These are reflected in the manner in which it generates jobs, creates economic revenues in the structure of alcohol taxes. Many times alcohol is consumed in social gatherings and it is also taken as an accompaniment to meals. Despite the fact that alcohol has always been, and goes on to be taken without any problems by a number of people and a percentage of alcohol usage is challenging and creates harm for persons as well as society at large.

According to abinovich et al., (2009), there has been rise in alcohol misuse as per the United Kingdom policy agenda and it shows that between 1985 and 2003 there was about 4% upshot in alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom….

Alcohol poisoning can be described as a severe and occasionally deadly outcome of excessive drinking of alcohol within a short period of time. Excessive drinking of alcohol has significant impacts on an individual's breathing, gag reflex, and heart rate. As a result, alcohol poisoning or excessive drinking has the potential of leading to coma and death. This condition can also be attributed to binge drinking, which is consuming five or more drinks in a row. Furthermore, the condition can also happen when a person consumes household goods that contain alcohol either intentionally or accidentally. hile excessive drinking causes several damages to the body, most of these damages are usually linked to long-term abuse of the body. An individual suffering from the damaging effects of alcohol poisoning should seek urgent medical attention in order to prevent severe danger. One of the major ways to avoid serious danger from these side effects….

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling
Personal Vision and Learning

Mission Statement

Ethical Framework

Professional Strengths and Limitations

Identification and fulfillment of Professional Potential

Professional Diversity

Integration of Theory and Practice

Ongoing Professional Developments

Alcohol (and other drugs) abuse is not just a problem of an individual but that of the whole society. This implies that the whole society has a role to play in the rehabilitation of the people who resort to drug abuse when they find it hard to put up with the ups and downs of life. Particularly, the counselors working at the rehabilitation center have a major role to play when it comes to restoring the independence and normalcy in an addict's life.

Personal Vision and Learning

During the course of my degree, I have acquired vast amount of knowledge on how a counselor should go about when he or she is dealing with an alcohol (or any other substance) abuser. It is not only just about counseling….

Alcohol and Its Effects on

Drinking alcohol in large quantities lowers the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a chemical that helps people to feel good and be in a good mood. Overconsumption of alcohol can destroy this chemical. Antidepressants are made to increase the levels of serotonin in the brain, but if too much alcohol is consumed it can take a long while for the antidepressants to work because there is little to no serotonin left in the brain to raise. Over time, the depressed person who is on medication may get impatient and feel that the antidepressants are not working and resort to overconsumption of alcohol again. This is a vicious cycle that is often difficult to break.
Overconsumption of alcohol can also deplete the body of vital nutrients it needs to remain healthy and functioning. Proper nutrition not only plays a large role in our physical health, but also our….

Mankind has endured the pangs of addiction arising out of consuming alcohol since ages. Alcohol is one of the oldest drugs familiar to man the physiological methods through which it triggers intoxication and chasing it have not yet been confirmed. (esearchers Study Mechanism of Alcohol's Effects -- One Cell at a Time) Alcohol abuse and alcoholism happen irrespective of gender, race and ethnicity. About 14 million people in the United States -- in 13 adults -- alcohol or have alcohol addiction. On the average nevertheless, men compared to women have affinity for alcohol or possess alcohol related problems. Moreover, it is most prominent among the young adults in the 18-29 age brackets and least among the older adults who are 65 years and more than that. Further, people who begin drinking at an early age for instance 14 years or younger -- increase the possibilities that they will develop alcohol….

It is important to observe that the increase in risk for mortality pertaining to these diseases is greater than the increase in risk for morbidity, especially at lower levels of consumption. This finding suggests that continuous alcohol consumption, be it even in low doses, increases the gravity of liver or pancreas disease by risking yet more severe consequences.
A connection between the concentration of alcohol quota in the blood and almost any sort of unintentional injuries has long been established, as psychomotor fallacies emerge after consuming two to three drinks in one hour. However, Taylor in 2010 indicated that, even at lower BAC values, risk of injury is increased when compared with total lack of alcohol consumption (ehm, 2011).

The acute effects of alcohol consumption on injury risk are also conditioned by the regularity of the individual's alcohol intake sessions. Gmel et al. consigned in 2010 that people who drink less….

For the affected individual, alcohol abuse sets up a pattern of drinking that often results in one or more of the following scenarios -- a failure to fulfill work, home or school responsibilities; repeatedly driving an automobile under the influence or while operating machinery; experiencing recurring alcohol-related legal problems, such as "being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or for physically harming someone while drunk," or experiencing on-going problems in some type of a close relationship which are caused or worsened by drinking ("Alcohol," 2008, Internet).
As to alcohol addiction, an affected individual may exhibit two or more of the following symptoms -- a strong need or craving to consume alcohol, even when it may lead to more problems; the loss of control or the inability to limit the intake of drinks on any given occasion, such as during a party or when dining out; physical dependence, such….

The researchers compared those who drank alcohol with those who were given injections of alcohol in order to study blood alcohol concentration levels. The researchers found that both methods of administering alcohol resulted in an inhibited ability to react using psychomotor skills. Furthermore, the authors found that these tests produced conditions similar to those that one would encounter in driving and other real-life tasks. Thus, the researchers concluded that, at different blood alcohol content levels, the use of psychomotor skills, which includes reaction times, were different (Grant, Millar, and Kenny 2000, p.405-406)
Thus, reaction times in those who are under the influence of alcohol are directly connected with blood alcohol content. But blood alcohol content is different in each person. According to Bigsby (nd), people process alcohol at different levels, and several factors can mitigate the processing of alcohol. For instance, having food in one's stomach can increase the processing….

Alcohol also affects the stomach, the pancreas, and the large and small intestines. Because alcohol increases acid in the stomach, gastritis and/or stomach and intestinal ulcers can result (Dunlap). Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is vital in the regulation of sugar levels in the blood. Alcohol increases the blood sugar, which causes the pancreas to respond by producing insulin, leading to a rapid drop in blood sugar (Dunlap). It is estimated that up to 90% of alcoholics suffer from hypoglycemia as a long-term effect, with symptoms that include dizziness, headaches, loss of concentration, depression, tremors, heart palpitations, anxiety, and loss of coordination (Dunlap). hen prolonged alcohol consumption, the pancreas may stop producing insulin, resulting in diabetes (Dunlap).

Hormones are controlled by the endocrine system, and includes the pineal, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands, as well as the ovaries and testes. Because alcohol sedates these glands, hormones react by under-producing, resulting in….

Alcohol elated Disorders
While for many people drinking is just a way to relax, for others consuming alcohol causes abuse and a host of negative disorders. Generally, alcohol disorders are viewed as conditions diagnosed by doctors when the consumption of alcohol by an individual causes negative consequences, some form of harm is done or created. A common symptom is putting themselves in dangerous situations because of their issues with alcohol. Alcohol related disorders are no simply subject and problem-drinking is influenced by a range of factors. For every individual, the influence of factors is diverse. "Problem drinking has multiple causes, with genetic, physiological, psychological, and social factors all playing a role. Not every individual is equally affected by each cause. For some alcohol abusers, psychological traits such as impulsiveness, low self-esteem and a need for approval prompt inappropriate drinking" ( Other drinkers seek to medicate other issues like ADHD, or even….

The study concluded that there were significant differences in the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of the degassed and the regular champagne. These results will be of importance in the proposed study because they will provide further baseline information to compare the results. The data from this study is also important because it suggests that the high CO2 content of champagne may increase the rate of absorption. If these results are valid then it will be important to keep them in mind when asking the subjects of the proposed study to ingest alcohol, realizing that certain drinks are absorbed in different manners.

Alcohol Impairs Speed

The response rate to simple stimuli can be impaired by the administration of alcohol as discovered in previous studies and the proposed study seeks to verify the difference between that impairment in regards to simple and complex events. This particular article documents the results of that impairment concerning….

Alcohol and Highway Safety
Vehicle crashes have been accounted as the leading cause of death in the 15-20-age group of drivers and most of these crashes are alcohol-related. About 1/5 of all U.S. drivers admit to driving while or after drinking and 4 out of 5 of them are legally impaired. There have been prevention laws and further recommendations to prevent drunk driving but violations and fatalities persist. Suggested legislations to reduce overall drunken driving have also been listed. Super Drunk laws have been enforced in Michigan. ut whether these will solve the problem remains to be seen.

Drunk driving is illegal because it increases the risk of accident (Daniels 2012). Drunk driving is known as driving under the influence of alcohol, or DUI, and driving while impaired, or DWI. At this time, normal brain function is affected and slows down as an effect of alcohol. States have their specific laws although….

For more than thirty years governments have been trying to restrict tobacco promotion, however, it seems that nothing except a total ban is going to work (Shatenstein Pp). For example, in response to government crack-downs, the industry has become more heavily involved in sports sponsorship, in fact, tobacco companies are now among the largest sponsors of sport (Shatenstein Pp). Sponsorships such as this confuses health messages, "neutralizes a range of important potential allies for public health including sports organizations, athletes, and politicians, as well as perpetuates the myth that smoking is really not that dangerous to health (Shatenstein Pp). Another promotional ploy is brand stretching, whereby tobacco companies use the name, colors and logo of a cigarette brand on other products that do not have advertising restrictions, such as Marlboro Classics clothing and Camel boots and accessories (Shatenstein Pp).

According to one recent study, alcohol advertising expenditures are greatest in the….

Alcohol and Depression Comorbidity
Comorbidity Alcohol & Depression

The comorbidity or dual diagnosis of mood disorders -- particularly depression -- and alcohol abuse/dependence has increased in awareness during recent years due to the frequency of comorbidity. Depression and alcohol use is a topic that sparks much discussion as depressive symptoms can both precede and/or follow the onset of alcohol dependence (Sokya, Hollweg & Naber, 1996). This often leads to a "chicken or the egg" (Flensborg-Madsen, 2011) type question concerning alcohol abuse/dependence and depression: Which came first -- the abuse/dependence or the depression? Whichever came first, there is evidence to show that there is a causal relationship between the two different disorders (2011).

Alcohol abuse is defined as an alcohol use disorder that is characterized by sustained drinking in spite of any negative consequences as well as the inability to take responsibility for one's own actions -- especially in relation to those negative consequences.….

We are proposing a new set of rules and guidelines Drexel should follow to ensure the success of its students moving forward.
The current policy for the underage consumption of alcohol here at Drexel University goes as followed. Obviously the consumption of alcohol under the age of 21 is highlighted in Drexel drinking policy; in fact Drexel's alcohol policy is in compliance with all of the state of Philadelphia's alcohol policy. Such rules include the Possession, use, or distribution of alcohol by underage students, disruptive conduct due as a result of intoxication and/or providing a space for the consumption of alcohol by underage persons, in addition, the possession of kegs and other bulk containers is prohibited.

If caught under the influence of alcohol by either a Residential advisor, staff member, or Drexel Public safety officer, students would suffer the following consequences.

Strike one- A three-strike system would take effect, strike one being….

Homeless affects a community in a number of ways, including social, economic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Socially, there is a stigma associated with homelessness that implies the person is mentally ill, a drug addict, or an alcoholic. While a number of the homeless population do fall into one of these categories, there are other reasons for homelessness. It is also hard on the economy, because these people don't contribute financially to society. There is a cost to feeding them and allowing them shelter, and that cost can be a lot for a community to handle. Homeless people struggle in interpersonal and....

Many people have suggested reasons that obesity remains prevalent in Salford, UK.  The low level of adult physical activity is believed to be the primary cause, but it is important to recognize that childhood obesity is also a factor in Salford.  In addition, one must compare other health measures in Salford to the rest of the UK to get a full picture.  In general, Salford is simply less healthy than the English average, with higher rates of adult smoking, smoking-related deaths, alcohol-related hospital stays, mental health conditions, dementia, and learning disabilities.  This seems to be directly linked to issues....

The concept of self-care has never been more important than it is now, when a pandemic has shut down much of the globe and external stressors are unlike anything most people have seen in their lifetimes.  Generally, when people discuss self-care inside the topic of mental health, they are referring to the importance of caregivers engaging in self-care.  This makes it an excellent topic for a narrative essay, because of how narrative essays are structured.

The concept of self-care is an important one. People who are responsible for helping care for those who....

7 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol Pricing and Consumption Rates Minimum Unit

Words: 2443
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Alcohol Pricing and Consumption ates Minimum unit pricing of alcohol at off licenses and supermarkets Alcohol has for time now occupied significant economic as well as socio-cultural position in the art…

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4 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol Poisoning Can Be Described as a

Words: 1259
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Alcohol poisoning can be described as a severe and occasionally deadly outcome of excessive drinking of alcohol within a short period of time. Excessive drinking of alcohol has significant…

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14 Pages


Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Personal Vision

Words: 4494
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Essay

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Personal Vision and Learning Mission Statement Ethical Framework Professional Strengths and Limitations Identification and fulfillment of Professional Potential Professional Diversity Integration of Theory and Practice Ongoing Professional Developments Alcohol (and other drugs) abuse…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol and Its Effects on

Words: 2844
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Drinking alcohol in large quantities lowers the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a chemical that helps people to feel good and be in a good…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol Mankind Has Endured the Pangs of

Words: 2170
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alcohol Mankind has endured the pangs of addiction arising out of consuming alcohol since ages. Alcohol is one of the oldest drugs familiar to man the physiological methods through which…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol Consumption Is the Most

Words: 2478
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

It is important to observe that the increase in risk for mortality pertaining to these diseases is greater than the increase in risk for morbidity, especially at lower…

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4 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol and Alcoholism by Definition

Words: 1090
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

For the affected individual, alcohol abuse sets up a pattern of drinking that often results in one or more of the following scenarios -- a failure to fulfill…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol Reaction Time Alcohol and

Words: 889
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The researchers compared those who drank alcohol with those who were given injections of alcohol in order to study blood alcohol concentration levels. The researchers found that both…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol Consumption Actually Depresses the

Words: 1140
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alcohol also affects the stomach, the pancreas, and the large and small intestines. Because alcohol increases acid in the stomach, gastritis and/or stomach and intestinal ulcers can result (Dunlap).…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol Abuse and Disorders

Words: 1334
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Alcohol elated Disorders While for many people drinking is just a way to relax, for others consuming alcohol causes abuse and a host of negative disorders. Generally, alcohol disorders are…

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5 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol Reaction Nhtsa Traffic Safety

Words: 1367
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

The study concluded that there were significant differences in the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of the degassed and the regular champagne. These results will be of importance in the…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


Alcohol and Highway Safety Vehicle Crashes Have

Words: 2390
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Alcohol and Highway Safety Vehicle crashes have been accounted as the leading cause of death in the 15-20-age group of drivers and most of these crashes are alcohol-related. About 1/5…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol and Cigarette Advertising Alcohol

Words: 1951
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For more than thirty years governments have been trying to restrict tobacco promotion, however, it seems that nothing except a total ban is going to work (Shatenstein Pp). For…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol and Depression Comorbidity Alcohol & Depression

Words: 706
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alcohol and Depression Comorbidity Comorbidity Alcohol & Depression The comorbidity or dual diagnosis of mood disorders -- particularly depression -- and alcohol abuse/dependence has increased in awareness during recent years due…

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3 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol and Drug Policy in

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

We are proposing a new set of rules and guidelines Drexel should follow to ensure the success of its students moving forward. The current policy for the underage consumption…

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