American Population Essays (Examples)

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The proposal must first be promoted to a sympathetic Representative in the House who has sufficient power and support in Congress.
This representative will introduce the bill while the House is in Session. The bill will then be assigned a number at referred to a standing committee, which studies the merits and deficiencies of the bill. Witnesses and experts will then be allowed to present their case for or against the bill for the education of the committee. The bill will then go to a mark-up session where committee members debate the bill's merits and may offer amendments or revisions. Committees may also amend the bill, but the full house holds the power to accept or reject committee amendments. After debate, the committee votes on whether to report the bill to the full house.

Once the bill reaches the floor of the House, representatives in support and in opposition debate the….

American population is unemployed (Trading Economics, 2010). Because of such a high rate of unemployment, it is incredibly important to be a competitive professional in today's workforce. There are a number of ways to achieve this goal. Developing this knowledge and these abilities is an extremely important factor becoming competitive, and therefore obtaining success, in one's chosen career. When a professional, in any field, develops, maintains, and improves upon his knowledge, he stays on the cutting-edge of information, and as such is seen as more valuable, as well as more employable. However, gaining this information and pursuing personal betterment can be an extremely daunting task for anyone to undertake individually. This is one reason why professional organizations are so important. Professional associations are a synergistic group, meaning that the effect of a collection of people is greater than just one person (herwin, 2010). With many people working toward the….

U.S. Hispanic Groups

The Mexican-American population in the United States represents the largest Hispanic demographic in terms of population size (Lipski, 2003, p. 223) and accordingly has a relatively large impact on the form of Spanish spoken in the U.S. In areas where Hispanics of Mexican descent dominate, such as the Southwest and some Midwestern cities, Mexican Spanish is the only form represented in advertising, schools, and on television and radio stations.

The extended family or "la familia" remains an important institution among Mexican-Americans and is functionally defined as putting the welfare of the family above all else (Alverez, 2003, p. 258-259). This ideology benefited agricultural workers when the pay was so low that everyone had to contribute in order to survive, yet tends to get in the way of individual success that's so important for life in the U.S. The relative geographic isolation of the Southwest and its proximity to Mexico….

Chinese-American population holds a unique position in American history. The majority of the initial population of Chinese immigrants arrived in this county under coolie labor contracts, which were similar to the African slaves of the plantations of the South. The Chinese coolies were treated as disposable labor, and given less than full citizen status until the middle of the 1940's. However, this group did not let the American culture assimilate them; rather the Chinese-Americans built their own collective identity, which was a unique reflection of the rich Chinese heritage they left behind.
According to Wei Djao (2003) who interviewed close to a hundred across the world for her book "eing Chinese" there are four factors which contribute to the collective identity building process. She insists that the collective identity building process is a term which does not catch the full measure of the emotion and personality of the process by which….

Congressional DemographicsDemographic InformationAmerican PeopleMembers of the HouseMembers of the SenateAverage Age38.2 years old58.4 years old64.3 years oldPercentage of Minorities40.10%26.3%14.6%Percentage of Women50.80%27.7%24.00%The age, race, and gender demographics of the American population differ markedly from those of the 117th Congress, which may impact their policy preferences and priorities. While the average age of all U.S. citizens is 38.2 years old, members of the House of Representatives are, on average, 58.4 years old, and Senate members are 64.3 years old (United States Census Bureau). Furthermore, minorities constitute 40.1% of the American population but only 26.3% of the House of Representatives and 14.6% of the Senate, while women make up 50.8% of the population but comprise only 27.7% of the House of Representatives and 24.0% of the Senate. This suggests that Congress is considerably older and less diverse than the American population, which may have important implications for policymaking (Congressional Research Service, 2022; United….

American West and Brazil the

The relationship they had with one another included a fair division of land, and a good balance of trade. Unfortunately, after the settlers learned what they needed from the Native Americans and took what they could from them, they no longer had any use for the proud people whose land they had invaded.
The relationship between the settlers and the Native Americans began to change as settlers learned to do things for themselves, grow their own crops and breed their own animals for food. With the settlers being able to survive on their own, there was no longer any need for the Native Americans to help. The population of settlers was also growing, and new villages were being built on land that used to belong to the Native Americans.

The settlers kept expanding the areas that belonged to them, and this made the areas belonging to the Native Americans smaller and….

Without a public health system in place these elements were left in the street to be breathed in and walked through daily.
In addition there engineering advances that built large high rise slums that were quickly filled to capacity even though they offered no fresh water or waste disposal areas.

The 1870's became the decade for urban public health reform as Congress made the move to reorganize the Marine Hospital Service. It was also at that time the Surgeon General position was created and still exists today.

The Surgeon General was charged with overseeing public health issues and providing advice, guidelines and mandates as to how they would be best handled.

During the 1880's the movement toward public health moved away from the political arena and into the laboratories around the nation.

It was at this time scientists began to learn how to isolate disease producing organisms for communicable diseases.

This was a major breakthrough….

American History

American History
The underside of affluence

The period is in the early years of the twentieth century. America is now experiencing economic and political expansion as it became the model of an imperial superpower for all nations, both in the Western and Eastern regions. Economic growth spurred as a result of the industrial revolution, while political structures strengthened due to the numerous successful conquests of the Americans to colonize nations in the Asian and southern American regions.

However, despite the affluence that American society had experienced during this period, a considerable half of the American population is suffering from poverty. With the rise of urbanization, many people flocked to the cities in search of a high-paying job and steady source of income as factory workers. However, the rapid incidence of migration to the cities made them crowded with people, hence, living conditions began to deteriorate, which includes the lack of sufficient space to….

American Idiot
Popular Music and Social Change in the Present: Green Day's 'American Idiot' (2004)

Following the catalyzing events of September 11th, 2001, the United States would find itself deeply divided over the issues of terrorism, war and presidential politics. At the heart of this frequently impassioned and vitriolic debate would be the U.S.-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq as well as a far-reaching culture clash between two distinction American populations. The 2004 album by pop-punk trio Green Day, American Idiot, would be crafted with the intent of exploring these divisions. In the title track, Green Day would author an anthem that would become omnipresent in pop culture as the U.S. used falsified information to justify its invasion of Iraq.

"American Idiot" would serve both as a harsh critique of the war, of the presidency of George . Bush and of the violent, materialistic culture being fomented in the U.S. At this time.….

American National Character (history)
The Ongoing Search for an "American National Character"

This assignment asks the following pertinent and challenging questions: Is it possible to find trends amongst so much diversity? What characteristics are distinctly American, regardless of class, race, and background? What is problematic about making these generalizations and inheriting the culture? What have we inherited exactly? What problems arise with our ideals - and are we being honest with ourselves? Discuss individualism and the "American Dream." Are these goals realized and are they realistic? This paper seeks solid answers to these often elusive questions.

The search for a national character should be never-ending, and the pivotal part of the search that should be enlightening and enriching for the seeker of that knowledge may just be the inspiration from the books and authors springing into the seeker's mind along the way to discovery.

Who is presently engaged in a search for the national….

American History Between 1870 and 1920
The years between 1870 and 1920 had been the period of astonishing changes because of the political, social and military upheaval that occurred during the period. Typically, the United States had witnessed several changes that affected the American way of life during the period. For example, period of 1877 -1900 had witnessed the rise of the industrial revolution. The years between 1870 and 1920 were the period of momentous and dynamic changes in the American history because they set in motion the industrial and socio- economic development that shaped the country for several generations which include industrialization, labor strike, westward expansion, immigration, urbanization, and integration of millions of freed American Americans.

The objective of this paper is to explore the fundamental changes that occur between 1870 and 1920 and the impacts on the American life. The paper also explores different labor strikes and massacres that occurred….

The tragic events of 9/11 revealed a strong economy, capable of regaining from a blast. After it however, the Bush administration fought hard to eliminate terrorism and most of the state funds went to the military; as a result, the United States is now struggling with its highest federal debt. Natural phenomena, such as tornados and hurricanes, have also had negative impact upon the economy.

Effects first effect upon the American population has been that of increased unemployment rate. Agreements of international cooperation, such as NAFTA, have only managed to open the borders to cheap labor force; as a result, American multinationals outsourced their operations to Mexico or other cheap regions, throwing the U.S. citizen into unemployment.

A second effect, at a global scale this time, is that the purchasing power of the American population will decrease significantly. As a result, they will be unable to consume as they were used to.….

This sort of behavior and scapegoating was the intellectual and cultural "easy way out" for many Americans looking for solace from the events taking place thousands of miles away, affecting the entire country. In the fog of war, as writer Barbre (2000) puts it, mistakes are made and generalizations are easily placed into existence. hen Americans were confused and scared, they looked to the easiest form of comfort, the alienation of the outsider or the "other."

Sexual Projection and the Internment of the Japanese-Americans

riter Renteln (1995) explores the role that sexual projection had in the dealing with Japanese-Americans in internment camps during II. This can be directly related to the themes within the book Snow Falling of Cedars due to the fact that Americans used their fear of the outsider (Japanese and Japanese-Americans) to project their own fears and misgivings about their sexuality and feelings of inadequacy. As author Renteln (1995)….

Another trend that makes the American economy seem weak after September 11th is a change in spending habits. Many economists attribute a change in retail spending to the aftermath of September 11th when really it mostly reflects an evolution in the retail industry. Over time the American consumer's needs have changed and so have the demographics. For instance, "women are the driving force behind retail purchases" (Six Months, 2002) as more of them are head household now. According to BIGresearch, "consumers say they have changed and become more practical and realistic when making a purchase and 52.2% of them say this change is long-term" (Six Months, 2002). In this respect, September 11th did have a direct influence on the American consumer in that their retail spending tastes changed. Because of the attacks and fear, Americans spent more time with their families in the months after the attacks. This resulted in….

American president as a king would have been one of the greatest insults in the early 19th century, merely decades after the United States won its independence from the British crown. Andrew Jackson's policies and leadership style both reminded the American public of monarchic rule. Here, Jackson is depicted as a loathsome king who tramples on the American constitution and wants to veto any legislation Congress tries to pass. The veto power refers to Jackson's vetoing of several congressional bills including those related to the creation of federal banking systems. At the top of the cartoon, the words "Born to Command" underscore the comparison with Jackson and a dictatorial ruler. Interestingly, Jackson touted himself as being the "man of the people," not "King Andrew." One reason why Jackson did engage his veto power as often as he did was that he viewed his role as being to protect the….

Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to American Colonies:

1. Compare and contrast the motivations for colonization between the Spanish, French, and English settlers in the Americas.
2. Analyze the impact of European diseases on Native American populations during the colonial period.
3. Discuss the role of religion in shaping the development of the American colonies.
4. Explore the economic systems of the American colonies and their impact on the growth of the colonies.
5. Evaluate the impact of the Atlantic slave trade on the development and economy of the American colonies.
6. Examine the relationship between Native American tribes and European colonizers in....

The westward invasion had a devastating impact on Native American tribes. As settlers moved westward, they encroached on Native American lands, leading to violent conflicts and wars. Many tribes were forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands and relocated to less desirable and often unfamiliar territories.

The loss of land and resources had a profound impact on the traditional way of life of many tribes. Their hunting grounds were disrupted, their food sources depleted, and their cultural practices threatened. This led to widespread poverty, hunger, and disease among Native American communities.

Additionally, the westward invasion resulted in the spread of diseases such as....

12 Pages


American Civics the American Population

Words: 4097
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

The proposal must first be promoted to a sympathetic Representative in the House who has sufficient power and support in Congress. This representative will introduce the bill while the…

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2 Pages


American Population Is Unemployed Trading Economics 2010

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

American population is unemployed (Trading Economics, 2010). Because of such a high rate of unemployment, it is incredibly important to be a competitive professional in today's workforce. There…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Literature - Latin-American

U S Hispanic Groups Mexican-American the Mexican-American Population

Words: 2131
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

U.S. Hispanic Groups Mexican-American The Mexican-American population in the United States represents the largest Hispanic demographic in terms of population size (Lipski, 2003, p. 223) and accordingly has a relatively large…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Chinese-American Population Holds a Unique Position in

Words: 1059
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chinese-American population holds a unique position in American history. The majority of the initial population of Chinese immigrants arrived in this county under coolie labor contracts, which were similar…

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1 Pages


The demographics and breakdown affecting Congressional decisions

Words: 392
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Congressional DemographicsDemographic InformationAmerican PeopleMembers of the HouseMembers of the SenateAverage Age38.2 years old58.4 years old64.3 years oldPercentage of Minorities40.10%26.3%14.6%Percentage of Women50.80%27.7%24.00%The age, race, and gender demographics of the American…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

American West and Brazil the

Words: 2900
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The relationship they had with one another included a fair division of land, and a good balance of trade. Unfortunately, after the settlers learned what they needed from…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


American Urban History-Public Health Public

Words: 3719
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Without a public health system in place these elements were left in the street to be breathed in and walked through daily. In addition there engineering advances that built…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


American History

Words: 1626
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American History The underside of affluence The period is in the early years of the twentieth century. America is now experiencing economic and political expansion as it became the model of…

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2 Pages


American Idiot Popular Music and Social Change

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

American Idiot Popular Music and Social Change in the Present: Green Day's 'American Idiot' (2004) Following the catalyzing events of September 11th, 2001, the United States would find itself deeply divided…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


American National Character History

Words: 3902
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American National Character (history) The Ongoing Search for an "American National Character" This assignment asks the following pertinent and challenging questions: Is it possible to find trends amongst so much diversity?…

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6 Pages


American Era Between 1870 and 1920

Words: 1747
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

American History Between 1870 and 1920 The years between 1870 and 1920 had been the period of astonishing changes because of the political, social and military upheaval that occurred during…

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2 Pages


American Economy Has for Decades

Words: 634
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The tragic events of 9/11 revealed a strong economy, capable of regaining from a blast. After it however, the Bush administration fought hard to eliminate terrorism and most of…

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3 Pages


American Fears and Bigotry Toward

Words: 741
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This sort of behavior and scapegoating was the intellectual and cultural "easy way out" for many Americans looking for solace from the events taking place thousands of miles away,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


American Economy After September 11

Words: 2140
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another trend that makes the American economy seem weak after September 11th is a change in spending habits. Many economists attribute a change in retail spending to the aftermath…

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2 Pages


American President as a King Would Have

Words: 462
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

American president as a king would have been one of the greatest insults in the early 19th century, merely decades after the United States won its independence from…

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