Appearance Essays (Examples)

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Appearance vs Reality
Pages: 3 Words: 1134

Appearance vs. Reality
Discrepancies between inner and outer realities:

1984 versus Death of a Salesman

Both George Orwell's dystopian classic novel 1984 and Arthur Miller's realist stage drama Death of a Salesman create a contrast between appearances and reality in order to criticize the political and social structure that exists in society and its negative effects on the protagonists. In Orwell's novel, the world within inston Smith's head is far more real than the propaganda manufactured by Big Brother. In contrast, the dramatic techniques used by Miller illustrate how illy Loman lives in a fantasy world of his own making that stands in sharp contrast to the reality of the world inhabited by his loved ones. Orwell's novel is a critique of idealized socialism, a world where everyone is supposedly equal but where people have no freedom, even the freedom to think. Miller scathingly critiques the American Dream that it is easy to…...


Works Cited

Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. New York: Penguin Plays, 1976.

Orwell, George. 1984. E-text available:

Appearance and Reality in Shakespeare's
Pages: 1 Words: 342

" (III.i.26-8). This is a powerful scene because we begin to think that Hamlet is not what he seems and we cannot figure him out.
Another scene where things are not what they seem is when Hamlet is talking to refuses to give Rosencrantz and Guildenstern a direct answer regarding Polonius' body. He says the "body is with the King, but the king is not with the body them a straight answer, instead saying, "The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body" (IV.ii.27-8).

Here we see how Hamlet is making others believe that things are not what they seem. In the final scene of the play, nothing is at it appears when it comes to beverages and swords. Gertrude drinks from a poisoned glass unknowingly and Hamlet ends up using Laertes' poisoned sword against him without knowing that it was intended to kill.

orks Cited

Shakespeare, illiam. Hamlet.…...


Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. New York: Washington Square Press. 1992.

Importance Maintaining a Professional Appearance
Pages: 7 Words: 2234

Professional Appearance
"First impression is the last impression." This statement especially in the world of commerce has become a significant declaration, whether it sounds good or bad. First impression counts a lot, indeed, it remains in the minds of the people. It is nearly impossible for the individuals to change their first impressions, and they might not even get a second opportunity to do it. Therefore, individuals should consider their professional appearance with seriousness.

Professional appearance is based on not only how you dress up, but an entire range of actions are essential to develop oneself into a complete package that can be reflected through professional appearance. Whether one believes or not, the appearance of the person is reflecting its capabilities. Hair care, nails, teeth, odors, cloths, shoes, wardrobe, and accessories are few of the vital components that should be considered with gravity in having a professional appearance (Butterfield, 2010).

Hair should…...



Butterfield, J. (2010). Illustrated Course Guides: Professionalism - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace: Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace. USA: Cengage Learning.

Fulton-Calkins, P.J., Rankin, D.S. & Shumack, K.A. (2010) The Administrative Professional: Technology & Procedures. USA: Cengage Learning.

Rodriguez, J.A. (2009). Not Intuitively Obvious: Transition to the Professional Work Environment. USA: Xlibris Corporation.

Zimmerman, C. & Luecke, R.A. (2010). Asserting Yourself At Work. USA: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

Girls and Appearance Why Are Girls More
Pages: 6 Words: 1890

Girls and Appearance
hy are girls more concerned about their appearance than boys? Is a question that has been asked by feminist and sociologist alike for a long time. The answer is not necessarily a clear one, nor is the reality of the statement, as social changes have occurred over the last few decades that blur gender identity and gender roles as well as the manner in which men and women feel about themselves and their outward appearance. One issue that could potentially still very heavily associated with girls is body image, or the manner in which one perceives that others see their bodily appearance, size, shape, symmetry and so on There was no common thread that united these women in terms of their appearance; women both young and old told me of the fear of aging; slim women and heavy ones spoke of the suffering caused by trying to meet…...


Works Cited

Carpentier, Jim. "Too Much Of A Good Thing." American Fitness 29.1 (2011): 14-16. Health Source - Consumer Edition. Web. 21 Nov. 2011.

Coleman, Rebecca. "A Method Of Intuition: Becoming, Relationality, Ethics." History Of The Human Sciences 21.4 (2008): 104-123. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Web. 21 Nov. 2011.

Grogan, Sarah. Body Image: Understanding Body Dissatisfaction in Men, Women and Children.

New York, NY: Routledge, 1999.

Fashion and Appearance Central to
Pages: 4 Words: 1246

Crane holds that the fashion of today "has several diverse and inconsistent agendas, ranging from representations that echo sadomasochism and pornography to portrayals of women as empowered and androgynous." (2001) According to Crane "...the manner in which people perceive the social structure and conceptualize their identities within it has changed in the course of the twentieth century." (2001)

The social identity was perceived by the individual to be "relatively fixed" however those with lower status were found to be more likely to "emulate the styles and behavior of those with higher status." (Crane, 2001) Contrasting is "in fragmented societies occupational settings are status hierarchies, but, outside the workplace social distinctions are based on criteria that vary within as well as between social classes." (Crane, 2001)

The work of Katherine (1991) relates that boundaries are utilized by the social psychology in explaining "...where an individual's self-concept begins and…...



Abstract Paper no.29 (nd) Brunel University - West London. Online available at   Organization Studies 1994, 15/4 535-563 .

Alvesson M. Talking in Organizations: Managing Identity and Impressions in an Breward, Christopher (1999) the Hidden Consumer: Masculinties, Fashion and City Life in 1860-1914. Manchester and New York, Manchester University press. 1999.

Brewer M., Hewstone M. Self and Social Identity. Blackwell publishing (2004).

Crane, Diana (2001) Fashion and Its Social Agenda: Class, Gender and Identity in Clothing. University of Chicago Press. 2001. Online Google Books available at,M1

Superficiality of Appearances in Oates vs Hawthorne
Pages: 3 Words: 1052

superficiality of appearances in Oates vs. Hawthorne
Both the protagonists of Joyce Carol Oates' "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" And Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" experience revelations over the course of their respective tales about the societies in which they inhabit. Connie, Oates' heroine, learns that the image of teenage sexuality which she believes to be quite powerful is actually very vulnerable and leaves her open to assault from men like Arnold Friend. The hero of Hawthorne's tale learns that the apparently pious inhabitants of the town where he lives are in fact in league with the devil, and their exterior appearances hide an immoral core. The themes of the two stories reflect the notion that appearances are not what they seem and what is sexual is often innocent within; while what seems harmless has a fundamentally dark and rotten core.

At the beginning of "Where Are You…...

Outward Appearance vs Inner Self
Pages: 3 Words: 865

The creature wants to connect with people and form relationships but the people he wants to connect with are the very ones that drive him away. He becomes endeared to the De Lacey family even before he knows who they are. He looks at them with wonder, notices their "gentle manners" (Shelley 95), and wants to be with them. hile he is afraid to interact with them, he still watches them intently learning all that he can. The creature even learns kindness from the De Lacey family. hile he watches them eat dinner, he notices that sometimes the "younger cottagers" (96) gave their food to the blind man. The creature admits, "this trait of kindness moved me sensibly" (96). It moves him so much that he cannot take food from them for himself because he knows that it would cause them to be hungry. Instead, he decides to do…...


Works Cited

Bloom, Harold. "A Study of Frankenstein: or, the New Prometheus." Partisan Review. 1965. GALE Resource Database. Site Accessed March 08, 2008. 

Johnson, Diane. Frankenstein: Introduction. New York: Bantam Classics, 1981.

Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. New York: Bantam Classics, 1981.

Role of Appearances in William
Pages: 4 Words: 1127

For example, his parents feel no paternal instincts toward their son at all - his mother "fell on the floor" (Kafka 20) at the sight of and his father "covered his eyes with his hands and wept until his great chest heaved" (20). His sister also allows his appearance to get the best of her as she tries to convince the family to "try to get rid of it" (48). Here we see how all of the characters in this story have a skewed perception of reality because they have a hard time remembering what is actually real.
Gregor's duties and responsibilities are severely affected by his transformation and that causes him to come to some serious realizations about his life and his family. First, he begins to understand that he is nothing more than a source of income for his family. He thinks he should "provide for my parents…...


Works Cited

Kafka, Franz. "The Metamorphosis." The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction R.V. Cassill, ed. New York W.W. Norton and Company. 1981. pp. 740-78.

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. Barbara Mowat, ed. New York: Washington Square Press. 1992.

Fashion Appearance and Social Identities
Pages: 4 Words: 1402

A study conducted in 1995 found that 70% of women felt depressed after looking at fashion magazines for three minutes. Around half the female population at one time or another attempt weight loss, leading to greater smoking and eating disorder among women (Women and Body Image, 2009). These images, of course, influence men as well, as, finding the idealized images of women more appealing and sexy, men expect their girlfriends and female partners look similar. Expecting something unattainable obviously leads to cracks in their relationships. The images also influence women and men's formation of their gender identities.
While there are many factors that influence advertising of women's bodies today, Jean Kilbourne argues that modern technology also plays an important role in it. The way software programs such as Adobe Photoshop allows advertisers of women's images to change their appearances is a perfect example. But the technology influences the relationship between…...



Breward, C., 1998. Cultures, Identities, Histories: Fashioning a Cultural Approach to Dress. Fashion Theory, 2(4), pp. 301-313.

Boden, S., 2006. Dedicated Followers of Fashion? The Influence of Popular Culture on Children's Social Identities. Media, Culture & Society, 28(2), pp. 289-298.

Have We Come a Long Way? Interview with Jean Kilbourne, 2010. Bitch Magazine. Retrieved on 22 February 2011, from

Women and Body Image: Ten Disturbing Facts, 2009. Retrieved on 22 February 2011, from

Teacher Judgments About Student Success Based on Appearance
Pages: 2 Words: 581

Teacher Judgments of Student Success Based on Appearance
Methods in Sociology of Education:

The value of methods in sociology to identify and respond to factors associated with success of students in schools cannot be underestimated. esearch in sociology indicates that non-cognitive traits play an important role in student success. The physical appearance of a student has an influence on the way he or she is perceived by both peers and adults. For better or worse, one's appearance is considered representative of one's values, intellect, and ability to succeed. Bias based on appearance can be due to physical attractiveness, grooming, dress, demeanor, attitude, physical handicap, disfigurement, race, gender, and many other perceivable traits.

In a related study, sociologist from the University of Miami Health Economics esearch Group conducted research on three influential non-cognitive traits on high school grade point averages (GPA). The primary objective of the study was to ascertain if attractiveness, personality, or…...



Bidwell, C; Kasarda, J (1980). Conceptualization and Measuring the Effects of School and Schooling. American Journal of Education, 88(4)

Dreeben, R. (2002). On What is Learned in School. Percheron Pr.

French, M, Robins, P, Homer, J, & Tapsell, L. (2009). Effects of Physical Attractiveness, Personality, and Grooming on Academic Performance in High School. Labour Economics, 16(4)

George, P, & Aronson, R. (n.d.). How do Educators' Cultural Belief Systems Affect Underserved Students' Pursuit of Postsecondary Education. Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, Retrieved from

Appearance and a List of
Pages: 4 Words: 1514

By assembling all of the aforementioned parts, the casing, the switch, the contacts, the light source, and the reflector, along with batteries and a lens, a useful portable light source is to be had. The durable "plastic" or metallic casing holds the batteries, contact strips or springs made of some sort of thin conductive metal; provides a place to mount the slide, rocker, or pushbutton on/off switch; acts as a base upon which to fasten the "head" of the flashlight which contains the light source (usually incandescent), the lens (usually plastic or glass), and the shiny aluminum reflector. All of the above components combine to form a small, light emitting, electrical circuit which may be turned off or on as needed.



D. Misell. "Electric Device," U.S. Patent 617-592, Jan. 10, 1899.


Author Unknown. (2012, Feb. 6) Flashlights 101: How Flashlights Work [Online]. Available: [3]

Author Unknown. (2012, Feb. 6) Basic Electricity [Online].…...




D. Misell. "Electric Device," U.S. Patent 617-592, Jan. 10, 1899.


Author Unknown. (2012, Feb. 6) Flashlights 101: How Flashlights Work [Online]. Available:   [3] 

Ancient Accomplishments and Later Appearances
Pages: 1 Words: 357

The Sumerians of Mesopotamia were also the first to use iron, They recovered the metal from meteorites and used it for spear tips and ornaments. Later smelting techniques developed in the area to purify the iron, and these spread to Europe via trade routes. By the Middle Ages, large foundries existed for smelting and forging iron into the many things it was used for. Basic trade rules and organization also passed from the Sumerians to Europe; methods of keeping accounts and even early guilds and merchant groups were part of Sumer, and passed est with trade (Airmet).

orks Cited

Airmet. "The History of Iron orking." Accessed 26 July 2009.

Hooker, Richard. "Ancient China: The Shang." Accessed 26 July 2009.

O'Connor, J.J. And E.F. Robertson. "Egyptian Numerals." Accessed 26 July 2009.


Works Cited

Airmet. "The History of Iron Working." Accessed 26 July 2009. 

Hooker, Richard. "Ancient China: The Shang." Accessed 26 July 2009. 

O'Connor, J.J. And E.F. Robertson. "Egyptian Numerals." Accessed 26 July 2009.

Physical Appearance and Personality
Pages: 4 Words: 1936

Scientific Thinking and Scientific Skepticism
It isn't easy to define psychology. Nonetheless, the general understanding of psychology is that it a scientific study of behavior, the mind and the brain. As a discipline, it spans several levels of analysis. A thorough understanding of psychology cannot be achieved by looking at just a single level of analysis since every level has a different set of knowledge and view point (Lillienfied, Lynn, Namy & Woolf, 2011).

Lilienfield, Lynn, Namy and Woolf (2011) are of the opinion that scientific thinking gives us skills to overcome our prejudices and biases which can distort our perception and make us ignore evidence that go against our line of thinking. Six scientific principles of thinking are particularly vital when one wants to study psychology. The first one is "Extraordinary Claims" which was proposed by David Hume, a Scottish Philosopher who lived in the 18th century. David Hume believed that…...

Physical Appearance and Sea
Pages: 1 Words: 331

As the narration will then unfold, he had not given up the features of humanity, as a human being himself. His submarine is wondering the seas of the world because it has also higher reasons than those of a personal revenge against crimes humans might have committed against the captain. Verne creates in captain Nemo a combination of a deeply suffering human being, a brilliant scientist, a restless adventurer and a cold blooded pirate. His scientific researches are not destined to destroy the world in a careless act of a fanatic, but they are full of respect for the living world. His adventures are not reckless and do not lack the element of awareness of an adult. His engagement in fights against other ships occurs only when he is being attacked by them, but he does not undertake any acts of pointless cruelty.
Verne, ules; Aylward, W.. Twenty Thousand Leagues…...


Judging first by his physical appearance, the narrator, professor Aronnax describes captain Nemo as presenting: "self-confidence, -- because his head was well set on his shoulders, and his black eyes looked around with cold assurance; calmness, -- for his skin, rather pale, showed his coolness of blood; energy, -- evinced by the rapid contraction of his lofty brows; and courage, -- because his deep breathing denoted great power of lungs" (Verne, 67). Ending his conclusions based on physical traits, the professor end with the remark that "this man was certainly the most admirable specimen I had ever met" (idem).

The captain presents himself as someone who completely broke out from any laws of the human race. As the narration will then unfold, he had not given up the features of humanity, as a human being himself. His submarine is wondering the seas of the world because it has also higher reasons than those of a personal revenge against crimes humans might have committed against the captain. Verne creates in captain Nemo a combination of a deeply suffering human being, a brilliant scientist, a restless adventurer and a cold blooded pirate. His scientific researches are not destined to destroy the world in a careless act of a fanatic, but they are full of respect for the living world. His adventures are not reckless and do not lack the element of awareness of an adult. His engagement in fights against other ships occurs only when he is being attacked by them, but he does not undertake any acts of pointless cruelty.

Verne, Jules; Aylward, W.J. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953

Physical Appearance and Sea
Pages: 2 Words: 647

If a salesperson gets a commission from signing a new client but then does not make anything further from that client's long relationship with the company, there is little incentive for a salesperson to cultivate any kind of relationship.
4. Please specify the type of business that most closely describes your company.

This question is designed to look for patterns within types of companies based on the way that they take care of their salespeople and also based on the way that they plan their short- and long-term goals in order to determine if there are specific businesses that do things a certain way and why that is the case. It is also important to determine whether those ways of doing things are working for those businesses and whether they plan to try other things in the future (as can be evidenced by question number one).

5. Please indentify the title that…...

Can you provide me a topic for an essay on world civilization and an attention grabber?
Words: 487

In an essay, an attention grabber is known as the essay hook.  To help you out on your world civilization essay, we have put together a few topics, essay hooks, and thesis statements you could use for a world civilization essay.

World Civilization Essay Topics

  1. To what extent does the character Khal Drago from Game of Thrones resemble the real-life warlord, leader, and destroyer Genghis Khan?
  2. An exploration of the well-known Barbarian leader, Attila the Hun and how his actual behavior and history conflicts with his reputation as an uncultured and vicious leader, including investigation into his education, his use....

Can you help me with writing an essay on drug abuse?
Words: 383

Writing an essay about drug abuse, it is important to start by distinguishing it from drug usage. Most people use some type of drugs casually or recreationally.  Whether it is a morning caffeine fix, a glass of wine with dinner, over-the-counter painkillers when a headache strikes, or some recreational marijuana, substances are a part of everyday life.  While using drugs may be an acceptable way to relax, to ease pain, or to handle other issues, drug abuse can have profoundly negative effects on a person’s life.

Unfortunately, there is not a bright-line between drug use and drug abuse. ....

I need help with an outline for a narrative essay?
Words: 603

A narrative essay is probably the most personal and least formal type of academic essay you will be asked to write.  Narrative essays are all about storytelling, which means that they may be somewhat less structured or rigid than other types of essays.  While that can be a benefit to some writers, for others the fact that narratives are not as tightly structured makes them more difficult to approach.  One way to help your narrative keep the structure of an essay is to keep in mind that while a narrative tells a....

I need help with an outline for a narrative essay?
Words: 603

A narrative essay is probably the most personal and least formal type of academic essay you will be asked to write.  Narrative essays are all about storytelling, which means that they may be somewhat less structured or rigid than other types of essays.  While that can be a benefit to some writers, for others the fact that narratives are not as tightly structured makes them more difficult to approach.  One way to help your narrative keep the structure of an essay is to keep in mind that while a narrative tells a....

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