Assisted Living Essays (Examples)

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"It's a cheaper option than nursing homes -- daily rates are lower," says Redding. "You pay only for what you need, not for what your neighbor needs." Policymakers do have reason to be wary. If assisted living becomes covered by Medicaid, hundreds of thousands of elderly people might take advantage of it, thereby placing an ever greater demand on scarce government resources (Horvitz 1997).
As noted above, Sunrise Assisted Living Inc. is among the fastest-growing companies in the assisted living facilities industry; further, the company has managed to exceed analysts' expectations for earnings. The McLean provider of assisted-living services reported in March 2001 that net sales for its fourth quarter of 2000 increased fully 35% to $95.87 million from $70.35 million the year before. At the same time, the company's net income skyrocketed 128% to $8.8 million (39 cents per diluted share) from $3.86 million (18 cents); the diluted shares….

Assisted Living
Starting a Small Assisted Living Facility: Business, egulatory, and Ethical Considerations

Opening an assisted living facility, even on a small or moderate scale, involves a great many complex and very pressing considerations. The health needs of the individuals that will be served, the size of the market in which the facility will be operating and the amount of competition in this market, and a host of other environmental and internal factors must be accounted for and controlled during the planning and initial implementation of the plan for a business of this sort. Successful operation of an assisted living facility, of course, requires ongoing assessment and planning in all of these areas, as well, but it is in the startup phase of the business that such considerations are of utmost importance. Not only is this the phase of business with the steepest learning curve for entrepreneurs, but the initial planning will….

ummary & Conclusion

There are many considerations when attempting to make a decision between assisted living facilities and nursing home care for the individual who is of an advanced age because depending on the medical limitations of the individual that individual may desire more autonomy and more of a social and active lifestyle than is available in the nursing home setting. While the associated costs is a very important issue for consideration, and one that many are not knowledgeable concerning, making sure that the appropriate level of care is provided should be the foremost concern when making this very critical decision for oneself or for another member of ones' family.


AARP (1997). Out-of-Pocket Health pending by Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65 and Older: 1997 Projections. AARP Public Policy Institute, Washington, DC.

AARP (1998). Medicaid and Long-Term Care for Older People. AARP Public Policy Institute, Washington, DC.

ACLI (2000). Long-Term Care Insurance and Retirement Planning: The….

Assisted Living Care Facilities
After examining the Argentum Expanded Senior Living website, it appears perfectly clear that the role of assisted living programs in America is to help furnish a living and a balance between autonomy and dependence, for many different people in this country. The vast majority of those people are the elderly. However, they also encompass people with both physical and mental disabilities, and those who cannot fully provide for themselves in general. Thus, assisted living programs are designed to aid people with the basic necessities that they need to have meaningful, fulfilling lives. It is worth nothing that these people are far from helpless. However, they still benefit from having people provide assistance to them for some of the mundane tasks that could potentially complicate their lives if they were to attempt to complete them all on their own. Therefore, there is the aforementioned delicate balance between the….

Such technology is vital today, in a wold whee olde people ae inceasing and the caegiving system is inceasingly stained unde the pessue of demand without sufficient esouces to adequately supply. These inadequacies ae inceasingly appaent in stoies such as the one used as an example in Buce (2006, p. 62).

The autho elates the stoy of Theesa Bufod, who aived at a hospital in a coma because adequate medical cae did not each he on time. She died as a esult of he condition. Although Ms. Bufod was a esident in a cae facility, it is clea that he condition has not been adequately monitoed o mitigated. This is just one of many simila cases, which highlights the die need of bette cae systems fo olde people in the United States and acoss the wold.

At the same time, Wilden and Redfoot (2002, p. iii) note that assisted living is a….

Fox Meadows Assisted Living
This ad did not target the baby boomer generation. The grandmother in the ad was around 75 years old, yet the oldest baby boomer is 67 today. Boomers who are in assisted living would have major health issues; mostly they are putting their parents into assisted living because their parents are in their 80s and 90s. ocking chairs and knitting do not appeal to boomers, either, as far as symbols of lifestyle. The caption "your time has come" sounds like "time's up" than anything positive. Basically, there was nothing in this ad that spoke directly to the baby boomer generation or to its needs.

There are a lot of other methods of marketing that would be better. Of the four Ps, it starts with the product. ocking chairs and fireplaces are not really what boomers want -- the fireplace can stay but only with a nice wine or….

Mrs. Smith
The general impression of Mrs. Smith so far are that she is nearing an end-of-life phase: she is becoming weaker, tired, does not feel like going out much, and experiences a general sadness -- though she says she does not feel "sad exactly." Her general mood is pensive, somewhat concerned about her frailty -- definitely concerned about having another fall like she had last year and becoming dependent upon caretakers. Her fears are founded on the experience of friends and just an overall awareness of the fact that she is aging -- now 80 -- and will not be able to live independently forever. This is no doubt causing some slight depression -- which is not uncommon or unusual in seniors at this age (Shulman, 2007). Likewise her gait pattern -- slow, "reduced walking speed, arm swing and vertical head movements" are indicative of "sadness and depression" (Michalak et….

I. IntroductionA. Comfort-Assisted Living ContextComfort Assisted Living, a senior living community, supports elderly residents in their daily routines. The organization is dedicated to delivering high-quality care and a pleasant living atmosphere for its residents. Although Comfort Assisted Living has an H Department, they have engaged an H consultant to verify the accuracy of employee job classifications.B. Grievance of Gregory WilliamsGregory Williams, a Senior H Specialist at Comfort Assisted Living, has held his position for five years. He consistently received exceptional performance evaluations until this year, when he was rated as meeting expectations. Upon seeing a job posting on for a Deputy VP of H at Comfort Assisted Living, Williams believed he was already performing the listed responsibilities. After discussing with his supervisor, he learned the Deputy position was new, and he would need to apply like other candidates. Williams disagreed, believing his current role should be reclassified as a….

Living Environment Options
Guide: Variables Having an Impact on the Options of Individuals with egard to Living Environments

Older adults require supportive and enabling environments. In addition to being safe and empowering, the said environments must also help in the elimination of ageism. It should be noted that in a way, the well-being of older adults is affected by their immediate living environments (Healy and Link, 2011). In this guide, a living environment will be used as a generic term indicating not only the physical place of residence but also the existing support networks in place.

Insurance and Financial esources

To begin with, it is important to note that insurance does have a significant impact on the choice of living environments. For instance, while some health insurance programs cover most of the costs incurred in an assisted living facility, some plans do not have such provisions. As Wallace (2007) points out, some employers….

Living Aangements Among the Eldely
This is an eight page pape concening the divesity in living aangements among the eldely. Thee ae six efeences used.
People today ae living longe, which means thee is a lage eldely population in ou society. Thee ae many concens facing the eldely, one of which is housing. The eldely have seveal options available to them and it's inteesting to see how divese they can be.
Befoe we look at the housing options fo the eldely, we should fist exploe the statistics concening the population of this gowing goup. Thee wee ove 35.0 million pesons ove 65 in the United States in 2000. This accounts fo 12.4% of the population o one in evey eight Ameicans. Since 1990, the numbe of eldely has inceased 12.0% in compaison to the 13.3% incease of those unde 65. The statling fact is those aged….

Assisted ying
Over time, those in support of assisted dying or what is more commonly known as physician-assisted suicide and those opposed to the same have presented strong and convincing arguments and counterarguments in support of their positions. In most cases, the term assisted dying is used synonymously with euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. Assisted suicide in the opinion of Morrison "refers to when a patient intentionally and willfully ends his or her own life, with the assistance of a third party" (223). Whichever way one looks at it, life is sacred and therefore it should be preserved at all costs. In my opinion, permitting euthanasia would be in total disregard of the sanctity of human life. In the section below, I analyze some of the arguments that have over time been presented in support of assisted dying.

According to Norman et al., one of the arguments that have been presented in support….

For example, does one really have to think about ethics while they are grocery shopping? ell, perhaps if one is thinking of cutting in line or taking the last shopping cart when there is an elderly woman who will be stuck with a basket.
Aristotle's virtue ethics said that people have to hone their virtues and this is a nice thought. He believes that everyone is born with the inherent tendency to do good, but people have to work on it just as one might have musical ability, they still must train in order to become a professional. Just because we think that we are ethical, good people (and we probably are) doesn't mean that we don't have to work on being better. This is also quite a nice theory, however, utilitarianism is still the best way for one to lead a happy, right life, because, once again, it forces….

com). Finally, healthcare providers may specifically resist the idea of striking, because of the potential to compromise the care of the individuals in their charge.
If the company elects to resist unionization, what steps should the company follow?

Management should be aware of what they can and cannot do in thwarting union membership. For example, threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they join or vote for a union or engage in protected concerted activity is prohibited by federal law. Managers cannot question employees about their union sympathies or activities. Particularly important is to remember that managers cannot directly promise benefits to employees to discourage their union support. Instead, to resist unionization, the company must recognize legitimate employee grievances, and create a dialogue between representatives of the staff to provide employees with a more attractive employment package, ideally one that matches those negotiated by the unions in other assisted living….

living things are characterized by the following seven characteristics namely mobility, respiration, excretion, sensitivity or response to external stimulus, growth, feeding, and reproduction. Though there may be variations between animal and plant kingdom (ex, plants take in carbon dioxide and prepare their own food), these characteristics are commonly observed among all living things.
iology is a very broad field that encompasses the study of characteristics of living things. It includes botany, zoology and all other sub-disciplines that range from microbiology to evolution and ecology.

Evolution is the branch of biology that deals with the study of natural development of living organisms and the changes in them over time. Evolution refers to the heritable changes that occur in a population over a period of time. All the diversity that is observed currently in plant and animal kingdom can be ascribed to evolution over a long period of time.

Atoms are the smallest, fundamental….

Assisted Suicide and Suicide
PAGES 60 WORDS 13401

Physician Assisted Suicide in Patients With Unbearable Suffering or the Terminally Ill
One of the most hotly debated issues today is physician-assisted suicide. ecently, California became the fifth state to legalize physician-assisted suicide, and there is an increasing likelihood that other states will follow suit in the foreseeable future. The purpose of this study is to determine if the factors chosen have any bearing on those who choose to end their life with physician assisted suicide. In support of this purpose, the objectives of this study were as follows: (a) to research scholarly articles regarding physician-assisted suicide and gather pertinent information into a comprehensive profile; (b) to research whether unbearable suffering is the dominant motive to request physician-assisted suicide; (c) to research whether the race and level of education of the patient are contributing factors when physician-assisted suicide is requested; and, (d) to research whether the type of terminal illness the….

Example Bibliography for an essay on assisted living.

Writing about assisted living facilities can be challenging, because many of the sources that you will find online will be advertising for assisted living, rather than factual and informative pieces.  An assisted living facility is a housing facility for people who cannot or choose not to live independently.  They can range from facilities where there is a minimum amount of help to full-care nursing facilities.  In fact, many facilities offer a range of housing options, which are adaptable as a person’s ability to live independently....

A job analysis paper refers to a specific type of essay that examines different aspects of a job. The type of tools and methods you choose to analyze a job depends on a few factors, such as what job you are analyzing and the purpose of the analysis.  If you are in management or human resources, you might use metrics like output or time to complete a job to help determine job requirements, while if you are a prospective employee or looking at a career, you might choose an entirely different approach.  Whatever approach you choose, an effective job analysis....

10 Pages
Term Paper


Assisted Living an Analysis of

Words: 3184
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

"It's a cheaper option than nursing homes -- daily rates are lower," says Redding. "You pay only for what you need, not for what your neighbor needs." Policymakers…

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6 Pages


Assisted Living Starting a Small Assisted Living

Words: 1592
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Assisted Living Starting a Small Assisted Living Facility: Business, egulatory, and Ethical Considerations Opening an assisted living facility, even on a small or moderate scale, involves a great many complex and…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Death and Dying  (general)

Assisted Living Care vs Nursing

Words: 2258
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ummary & Conclusion There are many considerations when attempting to make a decision between assisted living facilities and nursing home care for the individual who is of an advanced age…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Programs for Assisted Living

Words: 790
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Assisted Living Care Facilities After examining the Argentum Expanded Senior Living website, it appears perfectly clear that the role of assisted living programs in America is to help furnish a…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Death and Dying  (general)

Eldercare in Assisted Living Facilities

Words: 2105
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Such technology is vital today, in a wold whee olde people ae inceasing and the caegiving system is inceasingly stained unde the pessue of demand without sufficient esouces to…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Business - Advertising

FOX Meadows Assisted Living

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Fox Meadows Assisted Living This ad did not target the baby boomer generation. The grandmother in the ad was around 75 years old, yet the oldest baby boomer is 67…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Medical  (general)

Assisted Living and Depression

Words: 1083
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Mrs. Smith The general impression of Mrs. Smith so far are that she is nearing an end-of-life phase: she is becoming weaker, tired, does not feel like going out much,…

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7 Pages
Case Study

Human Resources

What responsibilities'suit individuals in comfort assisted living

Words: 2151
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

I. IntroductionA. Comfort-Assisted Living ContextComfort Assisted Living, a senior living community, supports elderly residents in their daily routines. The organization is dedicated to delivering high-quality care and a pleasant…

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4 Pages


Living Environment Options Guide Variables Having an

Words: 1113
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Living Environment Options Guide: Variables Having an Impact on the Options of Individuals with egard to Living Environments Older adults require supportive and enabling environments. In addition to being safe…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Diversity in Living Arrangements Among the Elderly

Words: 2133
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Living Aangements Among the Eldely This is an eight page pape concening the divesity in living aangements among the eldely. Thee ae six efeences used. Intoduction People today ae living longe,…

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2 Pages

Death and Dying  (general)

Assisted Dying Over Time Those in Support

Words: 588
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Assisted ying Over time, those in support of assisted dying or what is more commonly known as physician-assisted suicide and those opposed to the same have presented strong and convincing…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Living Well and Rightly Moral

Words: 1478
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, does one really have to think about ethics while they are grocery shopping? ell, perhaps if one is thinking of cutting in line or taking the…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Advise the Independent Living Home

Words: 672
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

com). Finally, healthcare providers may specifically resist the idea of striking, because of the potential to compromise the care of the individuals in their charge. If the company elects to…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Living Things Are Characterized by the Following

Words: 4492
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

living things are characterized by the following seven characteristics namely mobility, respiration, excretion, sensitivity or response to external stimulus, growth, feeding, and reproduction. Though there may be variations…

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60 Pages

Ethics and Morality

Assisted Suicide and Suicide

Words: 13401
Length: 60 Pages
Type: Thesis

Physician Assisted Suicide in Patients With Unbearable Suffering or the Terminally Ill One of the most hotly debated issues today is physician-assisted suicide. ecently, California became the fifth state to…

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