Authentic Leadership Essays Examples

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The reason why, is because the attitudes that they are embracing will have an effect on the work environment. As staff members will look to executives based on: the actions and attitudes of managers. In those situations, where executives are only concerned about themselves, this will have adverse consequences upon productivity. With employees taking, a similar kind of approach as, the attitudes of supervisors. Once this occurs, it will create an atmosphere where no one is willing to go the extra mile.
While those executives, who are demonstrating that they are willing to do more for employees and mangers will have a positive impact on the organization. This is because of the attitudes and ideas that they are projecting, will have an effect on work environment. Over the course of time, this will influence on how profitable the company will be. As employees are willing to go the extra mile,….

One noticeable weakness in the scoring measures is the fact that the questions must be answered in too absolute a manner. There is no room for flexibility or for answering in ways such as, "I normally accept the feelings I have about myself, except when I am in a bad mood." There are also differences in the ways I react to other people and to group pressures: it all depends on the people who form the group and my reaction to them in particular. When working with others who are less experienced than I am, I tend to be more confident. Yet if I am working with a group of others who are more experienced or have higher status than I am, I may be less prone to being assertive, sharing my opinion, or expressing myself as a leader. This bit of self-awareness sprung as I was taking the ALQ.….

Ethics: Puzzles and Perils of Transformational Leadership and Followership
The objective of this study is to answer as to what is authentic leadership according to ass and Steidlmeier and to answer what significant questions remain about the implementation and relevance of authentic leadership. This work will address the insights gained from Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in 'The Courageous Follower' concerning the role as a follower. Finally, this work will answer as to the moral responsibilities of followers to their leaders or in other words will describe transformational followership.

Transactional and Transformational Leadership

The work of ass and Steidlmeier reports that that ethical aspects of leadership are constructed upon the framework of: (1) the leader's moral character; (2) the legitimacy of the ethical values that support the vision of the leader and its articulation as well as the program of leadership that is supported or rejected by those being led; and (3) the….

Reflection on a Personal Ethical DilemmaOverviewThe purpose of this paper is to provide a critical personal reflection of an ethical dilemma that I faced in my business. The goal of the paper is to conclude with actionable strategies for improvement, based upon Gentiles (2012) approach to managing ethical situations successfully. Using Giving Voice to Values (GVV) and guided by Kolbs Experiential Learning Cycle, this paper draws upon the pillars of GVV to illustrate the thought processes I went through when navigating my own ethical situation in leadership. The following provides my value conflict scenario, a reflection, with personal and contextual analysis, and reasons and rationalization. Peer feedback is also incorporated as well prior to the conclusion.Value Conflict ScenarioAnalysis is used in business ethics when one applies the rules, laws, and policies of an organization to an ethical situation to determine if it is over the line or not, in the….

Leadership Practices by Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey G. Smith, U.S. Army
While the debate over nature vs. nurture continues, some people appear to be naturally born to assume leadership positions while others must constantly struggle to become and remain effective leaders. Moreover, some types of leadership have been shown to be more effective in certain circumstances than others, with transformative leadership being needed in some situations while authentic leadership is required in others. To determine the facts, this paper provides an overview of transformative and authentic leadership and a discussion concerning the relationship between them. The identification and description of a current successful leader, Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey G. Smith, U.S. Army, and the rationale in support of his selection is followed by the results of a telephonic interview with this leader. Finally, a summary of the research and a discussion concerning how the results of the personal interview with Colonel Smith will….

Momentum Case AnalysisIntroductionChange management situations call for transformational leadership. In the merger of Momentum and Metropolitan, two long-standing, large firms in the financial-insurance industries, there was a need for clear vision, commitment, communication, and supportive guidance. The merger worked and as a result it serves as a great case study for how to implement transformational leadership on a large stage.What?The Situation, Key Players and Main ProblemThe merger of Metropolitan and Momentum seemed a good idea for the banking-insurance-health companies. The operated in different target markets and could benefit from the merger in terms of reducing costs. However, some reservations existedsuch as the idea of whether this was a soft takeover and, if so, which company would be running the operations? Another issue was whether the cultures of the two corporations were complementary to one another or whether the differences might represent a problem.At the start of 2009, Wilhelm van Zyl,….

Leadership is a process that helps in directing and mobilizing people. It has for the past 100 years been a subject of many studies. These studies have come up with theories of the nature and exercise of leadership. Some of these theories include trait theories of leadership, theories of emergent leadership, leadership style theories, psychodynamic theories, and the path goal theories among others. The second section of this paper focuses on evaluation of behavior of selected leaders. Leaders of different organizations exhibit specific behaviors that are in line with models and theories of leadership. Their behaviors can guide the behavior of individual followers, groups, or even teams. The analysis section touches on how leaders perceive their roles and what makes them develop as leaders. The summary wraps up all that the paper is about and what I have learnt.
Literature review

Management and leadership are interchangeably used in our everyday lives. Leadership….

Authentic Self

Authentic Self
Delving deep within one's own mind provides opportunity for personal growth and this intention may be useful in attaining potential. Accumulating certain valuable personal skills throughout a lifetime has given me an opportunity to reflect on these experiences and summarize them in an educational manner, useful for gaining understanding into these practices. Leadership seems at times a very interesting phenomenon that has varying consequences and originations. My own personal leadership skills, I believe, are a clear and true reflection of my authentic self and provide a useful and cathartic method of displaying this authentic self towards others. The purpose of this essay is to explore my authentic self and describe how my authentic leadership skills are derived from this source. I will explore my strengths and weaknesses and examine how they relate to my value system and other learned behaviors. I will also discuss how I have improved on….

At the core of leadership is the interaction between the leader and the follower. Much of leadership theory can be understood in terms of how leaders and followers interact and what the underlying assumptions are with respect to the roles and nature of leadership. Because of the many different types of leaders, and successful examples thereof, leadership scholarship has developed multiple branches that seek to explain leadership, but no one branch has yet proved definitive. Instead of understanding leadership through a single paradigm, and it better to understand it in terms of multiple paradigms, and different leadership theories can be applied to the same situation, and any given leader might apply multiple leadership styles at the same time.

Part of the appeal of leadership scholarship is that it encompasses so many unique academic disciplines. Leadership scholarship began life as in business schools but has been studied in the psychological and sociological….

Leadership APN

Leadership in Nursing
Excellence in leadership is an inherently innate skill set that over time emerges in the attitude, commitment and performance of subordinates. It is also reflected in how a given business unit or department coordinate, collaborates and trusts each other (Cohen, 2013). Compounding these factors are the often complex, highly intricate and often challenging aspects of managing and leading a nursing department (Swearingen, Liberman, 2004). The stresses and requirements of nursing leadership serve as a catalyst that accelerates leadership skills in nurse leaders. The challenges of orchestrating and leading a department are in many ways a crucible that leads to stronger nurse leaders capable of overcoming challenges and continually growing over time (Wong, Cummings, 2009). The most effective transformational leaders know how and when to rely on individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and idealized influence (ao, 2013). Taken together these are the attributes that are essential for a….

In order to accomplish this, I will need to in some ways "symbolize the norms" of what others expect (Wren 1995, pg. 188). This does note mean subsuming my identity, but making sure that I am more easily identified with than my mannerisms and extreme intellectualism sometimes allow.
How to ecognize Change

ecognizing change in oneself is supremely difficult, but there are tangible measures in leadership situations that can be used. The best way for me to tell if my expectations have fallen more in line with reality, for instance, would be to see how well and how easily my group accomplishes the set goals. If the goals seem to be creating an inordinate amount of stress and work, then it might be best to reduce expectations again. When it comes to changing the emotive content of my communication, asking a few trusted members of the team for their input on….

Leadership in My Community
In my community, our church had always wanted to do something to give back and provide assistance to people but no one in the parish could decide on an appropriate task. I came up with the idea of having a ravioli dinner to celebrate the community's Italian heritage and having an all-day benefit by selling pots of ravioli (the community could come in with whatever size pot they had and fill it up with ravioli for $10 a pot) and giving the proceeds to the local homeless shelter. I utilized my servant leadership skills to help move this idea into action by leading others through giving them whatever assistance they needed. I surrounded myself with like-minded individuals from the parish -- about half of dozen (to help organize) and asked them what they needed to make this idea a reality; through these discussions I was able to….

leadership theories and how they are influencing an organization. As, we carefully examine the different ones and discuss how this will impact the long-term sustainability of the firm. This is the point that we can determine how and when these different ideas should be used to motivate subordinates.
When most people hear the word leadership they will often think of a person that is sure of themselves. As they are using: their experiences and courage to help inspire everyone around them during the most challenging of times. Yet, when you look a little further, it is clear that genuine leadership is more than just an image or an ideal. Instead, it is common form of thinking and a way of life that can help to transform the world as we know it. To fully understand how this is taking place requires: providing a basic definition of this concept and examining….

Part 1 History of Modern Leadership Studies Since 1900
The evolution of modern leadership studies begins with the Great Man Theory, which originated in the 19th century and carried over into the 20th century. It came about as people looked at the world’s greatest leaders who stood out from the run of the mill individuals of their time and made a significant difference upon the course of human history. Individuals like George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln or Napoleon Bonaparte—they were seen as Great Men who were born with something special that made them into great leaders. The idea was promoted by Thomas Carlyle (1888) and other writers, such as Herbert Spencer (1896), who added his own twist on the theory by arguing that Great Men were as much products of their own day and age as anything else. Great Man Theory got the ball rolling in leadership studies, and out of it….

Leadership Is Critical

Systems Perspective, Organizational Behavior Perspective, and Organizational Development Perspective. I have discussed how the three theories apply to my leadership style and how they relate to my definition of leadership which is the betterment of the organization and its people. The three perspectives were key to the success of my Squadron and the care and welfare of the organization, followers and Families. The next chapter will define what I have learned and why it is important to me as I cover my final thoughts.
Final Thoughts

As I reflect back why I started my pursuit of getting a degree I would have to "Thank" a lot of people. My wife would be the number one reason for me pursuing my completion of the whole degree process as it took a lot of prodding and poking, she's the best. I have many senior leaders and peers that I would like to "Thank"….

In Bill George’s model of authentic leadership, he develops five factors that he believes define authentic leadership.  Those factors include: purpose, values, relationships, self-discipline, and heart.  Peter Northouse investigate’s George’s leadership model, along with several other models of leadership in his book on the topic.  In the book, he gives an abbreviated version of George’s model.  However, George has his own book that gives a longer and more detailed explanation of his model, how he developed it, and what the five factors mean.  It also goes into further detail about George’s idea of....

1. The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership
2. Transformational vs. transactional leadership styles
3. The impact of diverse and inclusive leadership on team performance
4. The importance of integrity and ethical decision-making in leadership
5. How mentorship and coaching can enhance leadership skills
6. The role of communication in effective leadership
7. The challenges and opportunities of leading in a globalized world
8. The qualities of a successful team leader
9. The significance of adaptability and flexibility in leadership
10. The impact of authentic leadership on organizational culture and employee engagement.
11. The relationship between servant leadership and organizational success
12. The role of leadership in driving innovation and....

1. The Importance of Company Authenticity in Building Trust and Loyalty

2. Unveiling the Power of Authenticity in Company Branding and Reputation

3. Authenticity as a Catalyst for Sustainable Growth and Success in Business

4. The Role of Company Authenticity in Connecting with Millennial Consumers

5. Embracing Authenticity: How Companies Can Stand Out in an Overcrowded Market

6. Authentic Leadership: Building Trust and Inspiring Employees in the Workplace

7. The Authenticity Paradox: Balancing Transparency and Vulnerability in Company Communication

8. The Impact of Authenticity on Customer Satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth Marketing

9. Authenticity vs. Artificiality: Distinguishing Genuine Companies from Fakes


Measuring a leader's effectiveness can be achieved through various methods, such as using key performance indicators (KPIs), conducting 360-degree feedback assessments, employee engagement surveys, and tracking team or organizational outcomes. By applying leadership theories in real-world scenarios, a leader can improve their effectiveness by:

1. Understanding and applying different leadership styles: Leaders can assess their natural leadership style and adjust it based on the situation and the needs of their team. For example, a leader may need to be more participative in decision-making during times of change or uncertainty.

2. Developing emotional intelligence: By understanding and managing their own emotions, as well....

6 Pages
Research Paper


Authentic Leadership Throughout History Effective

Words: 1808
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The reason why, is because the attitudes that they are embracing will have an effect on the work environment. As staff members will look to executives based on:…

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3 Pages
Reaction Paper


Leadership the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

One noticeable weakness in the scoring measures is the fact that the questions must be answered in too absolute a manner. There is no room for flexibility or for…

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4 Pages


Authentic Leadership and Ethics

Words: 1089
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics: Puzzles and Perils of Transformational Leadership and Followership The objective of this study is to answer as to what is authentic leadership according to ass and Steidlmeier and to…

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9 Pages
Creative Writing


Authentic Leadership and Communication Lines

Words: 2690
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Reflection on a Personal Ethical DilemmaOverviewThe purpose of this paper is to provide a critical personal reflection of an ethical dilemma that I faced in my business. The goal…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Transformative and Authentic Leadership What Is the Difference

Words: 1393
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership Practices by Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey G. Smith, U.S. Army While the debate over nature vs. nurture continues, some people appear to be naturally born to assume leadership positions while…

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6 Pages
Case Study


Change Management and Authentic Leadership

Words: 1819
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Momentum Case AnalysisIntroductionChange management situations call for transformational leadership. In the merger of Momentum and Metropolitan, two long-standing, large firms in the financial-insurance industries, there was a need for…

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11 Pages


Leadership Is a Process That Helps in

Words: 3349
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership is a process that helps in directing and mobilizing people. It has for the past 100 years been a subject of many studies. These studies have come up…

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5 Pages
Ghost Writing


Authentic Self

Words: 1548
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Ghost Writing

Authentic Self Delving deep within one's own mind provides opportunity for personal growth and this intention may be useful in attaining potential. Accumulating certain valuable personal skills throughout a lifetime…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Leadership at the Core of Leadership Is

Words: 2959
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership At the core of leadership is the interaction between the leader and the follower. Much of leadership theory can be understood in terms of how leaders and followers interact…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Leadership APN

Words: 560
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Leadership in Nursing Excellence in leadership is an inherently innate skill set that over time emerges in the attitude, commitment and performance of subordinates. It is also reflected in how…

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5 Pages


Leadership an Initial Evaluation of

Words: 1564
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

In order to accomplish this, I will need to in some ways "symbolize the norms" of what others expect (Wren 1995, pg. 188). This does note mean subsuming…

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5 Pages


Leadership Styles in My Community

Words: 1378
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership in My Community In my community, our church had always wanted to do something to give back and provide assistance to people but no one in the parish could…

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10 Pages


Leadership Theories and How They Are Influencing

Words: 3160
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

leadership theories and how they are influencing an organization. As, we carefully examine the different ones and discuss how this will impact the long-term sustainability of the firm.…

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13 Pages


Leadership Theory Integration

Words: 3849
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Part 1 History of Modern Leadership Studies Since 1900 The evolution of modern leadership studies begins with the Great Man Theory, which originated in the 19th century and carried over into…

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9 Pages


Leadership Is Critical

Words: 2489
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Thesis

Systems Perspective, Organizational Behavior Perspective, and Organizational Development Perspective. I have discussed how the three theories apply to my leadership style and how they relate to my definition…

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