Betrayal Essays (Examples)

449+ documents containing “betrayal”.

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In short, Hamlet is a man in search of a reason to blame his hated uncle for some wrongdoing, the realization that the current king is a criminal comes as no shock. Medea is shunned by Jason's court as a foreigner, even before he casts her off, and his careless treatment of her should have proved a warning. Likewise, although Hester is sympathetic, she knew her relationship with Dimmesdale was illicit, and that he was a weak man. Finally, in the "Inferno" when God created hell, he surely knew Man would sin, even though he also gave humanity free will.
The looming specter of betrayal in a dangerous and mendacious world is often obvious. Just like when God forbade Eve to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, when there is an obligation there is also the corresponding temptation to flout that obligation, a temptation seemingly ingrained within….

Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller
Themes of Disillusionment in the American Dream, etrayal, and Abandonment in "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller

"Death of a Salesman," Arthur Miller's best play created in 20th century, is noted for its effective portrayal and illustration of the American life in the character of its tragic hero/protagonist, Willy Loman. Set at a time where the so-called "American dream" is fulfilled by every Americans during the 1940s, "Death of a Salesman" reflects the dreams of material progress that every American had dreamed of -- thus leading to the rise of the middle class, and eventual economic growth in the country.

Given this historical context, it is remarkable that "Death" offers a different facet or perspective in discussing how the concept of the "American dream" has become a reality or illusion for the society. As in the case of Willy, despite the progress that most….

Keller's morals are good -- he does not merely seek to win glory for himself, like the simplistic motivation of the man in the fable, he wished to 'make good' for all of his sons. But greed, ambition for his family and himself, and foolishness took hold instead. He loses his sons because of his actions, one of them to suicide, and the others emotionally.
Keller's son Chris likewise is a complex psychological figure. He has a very clear-cut view of the world, and condemns his father, and his father's actions outright. He acts as though he can no longer love his father, because his father has profited from an evil action. This indicates that Chris wants an ideal father, but instead he is confronted with his 'real,' fallible father. He also does not value money and material success the same way his father does. Because of his experiences in….

But it was from the difference between us, not from the affinities and likenesses, but from the difference, that love came: and it was itself the bridge, the only bridge, across what divided us" (Le Guin).
The "love" referred to in this quotation that arose between the female Estraven and Ai stemmed from distinctions of gender, since it originated due to the attractive nature of Estraven as a woman and of Ai as a man. However, this love actually transcends mere gender, which is evinced by the fact that the love is not sexually consummated in a physical form, but is rather consummated in an unconditional form of love that is the basis of the "friendship" that arose between Ai and Estraven. This love is perhaps the ultimate expression of the loyalty and fidelity that Estraven always demonstrated towards Ai, and which now is finally reciprocated by the latter. So….

God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy shows a surprisingly profound understanding of human nature for such a new author. Her complex novel intertwines the past and present with the subtleties of Indian class and culture to create a rich tapestry of betrayal and spirituality. It is perhaps in her portrayal of the many facets of human betrayal that Roy is at her most proficient and convincing in the novel. Betrayal is a common theme throughout Roy's novel, The God of Small Things, and is seen as adults betray children, society betrays individuals, classes betray castes, and children betray parents, and history and tradition are betrayed.
The impact of betrayal is seen throughout the differing settings of the book; both when the twins are seven years of age in 1969 and when the twins have reached 31 years of age in 1993. Betrayal involves most of the characters in the novel:….

Red Azalea Is the Memoir

Min enthusiastically goes to the Red Fire Farm in order to prove her willingness as a city girl to do the hard work of the proletariat. (52). While there, she meets a similarly zealous and ambitious woman, Comrade Lu, who continually shows off her knowledge of the Party and her own Party credentials. (60-65).
In contrast to deputy commander Lu, commander Yan is not only a model comrade, but a strong, selfless, and compassionate leader. A tall, handsome, "conqueror"-like woman, Yan never tried to prove her credentials as a party comrade. Min remembers, with affection, how Yan would trek alone to the well and carry back two 80 lb buckets of water on a pole, balancing it on her broad shoulders. (117). Yan's presence was so great that she did not even need to tell the other comrades to get back to work.

In a sense, Min looked at Yan as….

462). The pattern of adjusting to the feelings and needs of the advisor rather than the advisor adjusting to meet the needs of the advisee is seen repeatedly in the different types of relationships between women who are pursuing doctoral studies on college campuses and their female advisors.
One type of advisor was described as an iron maiden, while the advisee assumed the role of handmaiden. In this type of relationship, the advisors support the goals of the student, but they have little time for interpersonal communications or sympathy for the advisee's personal issues. The advisees who worked under the tutelage of such women often found themselves sacrificing "their own personal power and their own work for iron maiden advisors" (p. 454).

The inadequate advisor-over adequate advisee relationship was in direct contrast to the iron maiden/handmaiden relationship. In this scenario, the advisor was too focused upon the interpersonal relationship and did….

It carried with it the scent of blood and betrayal. How I would have condemned such cowardice in the past. Now I could not face my own home. The breeze brought to me the sound of my child's tears and my wife's blame.
Things darkened and chilled. A cloud blocked the sun, like the thing in my heart that rose and blocked all that used to be decent and good. I had not known it was there. But now I was too aware. The sun of my life had been to bright up to now. Now it would be permanently blocked by the hatred of a family who used to adore me. The earth beneath my feet poked out between thin patches of grass. It was hard; stepped on by too many aching feet. It would make a good grave. A cat came from nowhere and rubbed against my leg.….

Fo Ami, this is the only way to edemption. The boy, he leans, is living in an ophanage in the Taliban afflicted
Afghanistan. In esolution, Ami detemines to tavel to Kabul to bing
the boy back to Ameica and adopt him. Anothe chaacte of impotance is
Ami's wife Soaya, who seves as a souce of suppot and comfot to the
guilt-idden man.
The stoy evolves pimaily on Ami's esponse to his actions both
duing a childhood in Afghanistan and an adulthood in Ameica. In both
contexts, he is afflicted by a sense of his own shotcomings. Thee is no
small degee of jealousy on his pat fo the gifted and vituous Hassan.
Though he had loved his fiend like a bothe, he had also sensed some
degee of competition to which he could neve live up to. This is an
undecuent in the plot which takes place acoss counties ae peiods of
chaacte expeience.
The text poves itself to be athe compelling, both….

Centralia 1947 Mine Explosion
Throughout the annals of the American industrialized age, countless tragedies have occurred within the workplace and these incidents have forced the public at large to consider the weighty issue of applying moral precepts to the realm of public administration. While the tomes of American jurisprudence are littered with examples of corporate enterprises and bureaucratic entities failing to uphold their basic responsibilities, perhaps no case has demonstrated the capacity to generate both outrage and activism as readily as The Blast in Centralia No. 5: A Mine Disaster No One Stopped. Authored by John Bartlow Martin, this seminal case study examines the unique confluence of internal and external circumstances which eventually resulted in the 1947 explosion of Centralia Mine No. 5, a catastrophe which claimed the lives of 111 coal miners. By carefully retracing the series of events preceding the actual explosion, including a history of the Centralia mine….

Sound of Music released in 1965, became an Academy Award winning icon in American movie musicals. As an historical account of the singing von Trapp family, the film is highly inaccurate and has several other strongly negative characteristics. However, the film's positive characteristics, chiefly its music and scenery/cinematography, override the negatives to make film a well-loved classic.
The Sound of Music: What the Movie is about; Which Parts are Historically Accurate and Inaccurate; a Review

"The Sound of Music" is about the singing von Trapp Family of Austria, who escaped Nazi control during Hitler's rule. The movie is historically accurate in some respects. Maria, an Austrian postulant with a religious order of nuns, was sent to the Salzburg home of widower Georg von Trapp, a military officer, and his 7 children. Maria and Georg eventually married. Also, the family was singing family and did win an Austrian musical competition. Finally, Maria, Georg….

Universal Truth in Hamlet

Universal Truth in Hamlet

Hamlet's story is different from most of the stories of revenge and betrayal in a way that throughout the novel he was not sure about a lot of things. Thus, the way the story unfolded eventually really showed that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Hamlet goes on in the uncertainty and in doing so he wonders what the purpose of life is. This dwells on the uncertainty Hamlet portrays and also the questions many of the people in play put forward. Secondarily, this uncertainty however foreshows that the nation is corrupt and so are all the people in it. These corruptions and problems lead to the story moving forward. Hamlet throughout the book stays in a melancholy and a malicious judgment about women as well. To him, the knowledge that he has is sufficient to rule out and judge others in his life. However,….

Treason, Terrorism and Wartime Crimes

Treason is the term legally used to describe different acts of unfaithfulness, treachery and betrayal. The English law was the first to make a distinction between high treason and petit (petty) treason in the Statute of Treasons (1350). It described petit treason as an act in which one's lawful superior is murdered by him/her. For instance, if an apprentice murdered his/her master, it was stated as a petit treason. On the other hand, high treason was defined by the English law as any grave threat to the permanence or stability of the state. High treason consisted of "attempts to kill the king, the queen, or the heir apparent or to restrain their liberty; to counterfeit coinage or the royal seal; and to wage war against the kingdom" ("treason," 2012).

Treason is regarded as both a prehistoric misdemeanor and an acknowledged epithet (Eichensehr, 2009). The turncoats, traitors and….

Under Fire

Rules of Engagement (ROE) are necessary to a certain degree during wars and skirmishes in order to determine what actions military personnel can take when confronted with immediate and personal dangerous or violent situations. Determining a correct ROE, however, is the key to successfully addressing the overall mission and purpose for military interventions in the first place. As one recent author states "these rules are in place for reasons that both protect the military and respect the international conventions of war" (Vallely, 2013). hat is interesting about this subject is the fact that in the same report, Vallely goes on to state "ROE can be conveniently manipulated by the political objectives and military mission limitations essential to the construction and application of ROE" (Vallely, 2013). That is what seems to be happening in the current war situation in Afghanistan if what experts are saying is to be believed.
Michael Jenkins is….

Personal Reflection on a Managing Change

Change in any organization can be challenging, especially when there is resistance to change by employees. Effective management may help the change to be accepted and embraced and increase the potential for success (Buchanan & Huczynski, 2010). Many cases regarding change look at major changes, where there is significant disruption, but even small changes can be unsettling for employees and cause resistance. In the case used in the paper, the change was simple; a change in the shift patterns at a work place. The employer wanted to increase the coverage by existing employees by staggering work start times. Some employees would start up to 2 hours earlier and finish earlier, others would start later and finish later, the system was designed on a rota basis, with sufficient flexibility available for any employees that had special circumstances. As a manager, the resistance to this change was….

In the book Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, the author describes a Native American child and his family who retreat into the woods in order to avoid the child being taken from them and raised away from the family, which was happening not just to members of their Ojibway nation, but to Native Americans across the country.  The book is a fictional novel, but is based in the historical fact that not only were Native Americans forcibly removed from their ancestral lands throughout North America, but were also subjected to having their children stolen from....

Chivalry refers to a code of conduct that was developed in the latter part of the Middle Ages in various parts of western Europe, most notably in what are parts of modern day France and Britain.  Though it may be referred to a system or the chivalric code, it is not actually a codified system of norms or behaviors, but instead an informal code of moral behavior.  Its origins can be traced back to around 1170, though it draws upon moral codes from earlier times, especially the Carolingian Empire, which featured a similar idolization of the soldier/warrior.

Chivalry is a very....

Understanding public health is often difficult because, when public health efforts are effective, there are fewer adverse events like illnesses or injuries to report.  In contrast, when public health efforts are not working, there is “news” about public health.  We hear about the obesity epidemic, the diabetes epidemic, lower life expectancies in certain communities, cancer clusters, or other topics that suggest a breakdown in public health.  Therefore, we tend to talk less about successful public health efforts than unsuccessful ones, which can lead people to believe that public health efforts are not....

1. The evolution of soap operas: From radio to television to online streaming platforms
2. The impact of soap operas on popular culture and societal norms
3. The portrayal of gender roles and stereotypes in soap operas
4. The representation of race and diversity in soap operas
5. The appeal of soap operas to different demographics and generations
6. The role of fashion and consumerism in soap operas
7. The influence of soap operas on storytelling techniques in popular media
8. The enduring popularity of soap operas in the age of reality TV and streaming services
9. The storytelling techniques and conventions unique to soap operas
10. The role....

2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Betrayal the Inevitability of Betrayal

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In short, Hamlet is a man in search of a reason to blame his hated uncle for some wrongdoing, the realization that the current king is a criminal…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Death of a Salesman Theme the American Dream Betrayal and Abandonment

Words: 2200
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller Themes of Disillusionment in the American Dream, etrayal, and Abandonment in "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller "Death of a Salesman," Arthur…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Family Betrayal in Myth Modernist

Words: 1414
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Keller's morals are good -- he does not merely seek to win glory for himself, like the simplistic motivation of the man in the fable, he wished to…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Duality of Love the Principle

Words: 2363
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

But it was from the difference between us, not from the affinities and likenesses, but from the difference, that love came: and it was itself the bridge, the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


God of Small Things Arundhati Roy Shows

Words: 1520
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy shows a surprisingly profound understanding of human nature for such a new author. Her complex novel intertwines the past and present with…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Red Azalea Is the Memoir

Words: 1490
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Min enthusiastically goes to the Red Fire Farm in order to prove her willingness as a city girl to do the hard work of the proletariat. (52). While…

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4 Pages
Article Review


E-Learning Platforms According to National

Words: 1286
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

462). The pattern of adjusting to the feelings and needs of the advisor rather than the advisor adjusting to meet the needs of the advisee is seen repeatedly…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Exercise the Harsh Rays of

Words: 401
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

It carried with it the scent of blood and betrayal. How I would have condemned such cowardice in the past. Now I could not face my own home.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

History - Israel

Khaled Hosseini's 2003 Novel the

Words: 581
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Fo Ami, this is the only way to edemption. The boy, he leans, is living in an ophanage in the Taliban afflicted Afghanistan. In esolution, Ami detemines to tavel to…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Centralia 1947 Mine Explosion Throughout the Annals

Words: 1144
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Centralia 1947 Mine Explosion Throughout the annals of the American industrialized age, countless tragedies have occurred within the workplace and these incidents have forced the public at large to consider…

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4 Pages


Sound of Music Released in 1965 Became

Words: 1202
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Sound of Music released in 1965, became an Academy Award winning icon in American movie musicals. As an historical account of the singing von Trapp family, the film is…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Universal Truth in Hamlet

Words: 1601
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Universal Truth in Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet's story is different from most of the stories of revenge and betrayal in a way that throughout the novel he was not sure about…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Treason Terrorism Wartime Crimes

Words: 1513
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Treason, Terrorism and Wartime Crimes Treason Treason is the term legally used to describe different acts of unfaithfulness, treachery and betrayal. The English law was the first to make a distinction…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Under Fire

Words: 879
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Rules of Engagement (ROE) are necessary to a certain degree during wars and skirmishes in order to determine what actions military personnel can take when confronted with immediate and…

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2 Pages


Experience of Change Management

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

HRM Personal Reflection on a Managing Change Change in any organization can be challenging, especially when there is resistance to change by employees. Effective management may help the change to be…

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