Book Of Acts Essays (Examples)

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Book of Acts of the

This could prove a difficult task filling in the blanks existing in what he had acquired by then
There are instances of inconsistency between Paul's journeys regarding his visits in Jerusalem (as recorded in Galatians 1,2) and those recounted by Luke, which point to Luke's inability to comprehend the perfect sequence of events and their importance accurately. However, the most important thing to note is that the latter chapters of the book, which concerned the author himself, are consistent with facts and very accurate while the challenges faced between chapters 1 to 15 related to events in Jerusalem, where Luke could have been for very few weeks

The purpose of the book also stretches its relevance to current-day Christians. The book gives hope to Christians because is highlights some events about Jesus after rising from the dead. From the book, Christians are made aware of the fact that Jesus left the….

However, Acts should not be a descriptive guideline for churches of today. The normative aspects of the book are significant and should still b followed by modern churches because these guidelines keep the body in line with what the act of "church" should be. The responsibility of the church depends upon the believers within it and the world in which they live.
One thing we should keep in mind is that the book of Acts refers to the Acts of the Apostles and what followed those acts that contributed to the development of the early church. One example of how Acts should not be followed in modern culture is the topic of speaking in tongues and performing miracles. Thee acts should be kept in context and readers should understand that the acts that take place in Acts are specific to a generation and an event most commonly referred to as….

Book of Acts Theology

Book of Acts give a clear pattern for the proper structure of Church government? Why or why not?
A clear pattern for the proper church governance structure can indeed be derived from the Book of Acts. The structure depicted in the Church of Antioch alone is a sufficient example of how missionaries, teachers, and church elders should be appointed. The church, before even embarking on the mission of choosing its leaders, ought to seek God's guidance through prayer. Appointed church leaders then ought to work together towards the achievement of an organized mission, guided by the same spirit of prayer. The church has to keep its leaders in prayers, just as the church of Antioch (14:23) commended its appointed leaders to God.

The Church of Antioch is a perfect demonstration of diversity-appreciation. Its five leaders were drawn from a wide range of cultural, ethnic, and racial patterns which symbolized unity, togetherness,….

Holy Spirit is the cornerstone of the Acts of the Apostles, attributed to the apostle Luke. According to Lee, the Book of Acts refers to " the formative history of the Early Church," while establishing Luke as a "charismatic theologian who demonstrates that baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience of empowering to facilitate the mission of the Church."[footnoteef:1] The Book of Acts opens with a frank and narrative passage written self-consciously by Luke and establishing the importance of the Holy Spirit in defining the mission of Christ and His apostles. "In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen."[footnoteef:2] The phrase "through the Holy Spirit" insinuates the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Christ. Christ is….

Apostles the Book of Acts

It is not enough to believe, one must fulfill Christ's mission as he saw it, even if this means appointing another one of the twelve.
In Chapter 3, Peter and John help a lame man walk with the power of Christ, and preach the resurrection of the dead, in their own actions echoing the resurrecting actions and miracles of Christ. A resurrection of the spirit occurs when Saul, the persecutor of Christians, becomes Paul, a fulfiller of God's mission upon his sudden conversion on the road to Damascus. But even this spiritual crisis is physically and observably manifest, and affect's Paul's body as well as his mind.

A ministry must be active in the world, even if it is not of the world, this book teaches. The inclusiveness of missionary activities is further stressed when Peter, in Chapter 11, is rebuked for eating amongst the gentiles, the uncircumcised. Thus, when helping….

Holy Spirit in Acts
The book of Acts in the Holy Bible refers to the Acts of the Apostles and how these acts contributed to the formation of the early church. The importance of the Holy Spirit in the early days of the church cannot be underestimated. Paul told the Ephesians it was necessary to believe in the "one coming after him, this is, in Jesus" (New International Version Acts 19:4). Believing in who Jesus Christ was one thing but believing in the Holy Spirit was another. It was difficult to grasp this idea as well as understand the importance of his work. However, because of these early days, we know believing in the Holy Spirit is an essential part of believing in Jesus as the Son of God. The church, in these early days, taught this doctrine involved performing the right actions because a person's actions reveal the indwelling of….

Christian Holy Bible known as Acts, many people who read Acts may feel or be inclined to believe that it is a book of historical record and fact. However, there are many theologians and scholars that do not look at the book this way and this report shall look at the work of Powell and Boring when it comes to this fact. There are many in the Christian faith that assert that the Holy Bible should be taken "as is" in terms of what it says and so forth but there are others that put forth a great amount of caution when it comes to this idea and they have specific examples when it comes to the same. While many Christians may be inclined to take the book of Acts at its word, there are many reasons why this is less than wise. Analysis

Straight off the top, Powell is quick to….

Book a Witness to Christ

spiritual matters do so with an eye to explain spiritual matters in a way that is acceptable to modern man. For these authors, Jesus was a great man, but not the son of God. For this group, the early church was a group of misguided and overly enthusiastic groupies who needed a political leader with divine attributes, and the record of Jesus contained in the New Testament is nothing more than the embellished stories which they told each other in order to find comfort in their political and social misery. Not so for Dr. Stewart Custer. Dr. Custer's treatment of the Book of Acts in his book Witness to Christ is a biblically-based scholarly work which expounds on the record while honoring the identity of Christ as the Son of God, and God the son. For bible students who want to get to know the historical context of the….

Exegesis of the Book of

For the early Christians, the Holy Spirit was experienced as a real power in their lives

. The Holy Spirit empowered them to continue the work of Jesus. When a person received the Holy Spirit, they experienced a difference in their lives -- and others noticed it. That is still true today.Although all Christians receive the Holy Spirit through Baptism, God's Spirit works in many

ways in the world, in both Christians and non-Christians. Yet the experience of being 'baptised in the Spirit' is a time of entering a deeper spiritual dimension.Those who experience this deeper infilling, or new outpouring, of God's Spirit usually begin to discover new spiritual gifts

. The gift of prophesy or that of speaking tongues given to the reborn disciples imparts them with the ability to sense what God is saying to a group or an individual, and to pass on that message. This usually takes the….

Historicity of Acts

Historicity of Acts
For centuries, the historicity of the book of the Acts has been questioned and criticized, prompting historians to label it "the storm center of modern New Testament study." Many scholars have suggested that the Acts were written as a means of religious propaganda, rendering the work historically unreliable. Others view the Acts as a blend of historical facts and unhistorical traditions.

While the argument continues in present time, the book of Acts has withstood the test of time, holding its ground as an accurate and reliable historical work, particularly as a result of many recent archaeological findings.

An unknown pastor once described his unquestioning faith in Jesus Christ by saying: "Even if some archeologists were to find the bones of Jesus tomorrow, I would still believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord!" While faith draws its life and strength from a place far beyond history, and even from….

Bible in Acts 13 Paul

Through him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the law of Moses," (Acts 13:38-39).
Peter also delivers powerful sermons in the book of Acts. Like Paul, Peter addresses his sermon in Acts 2 to a Jewish audience. There are some key differences between Peter's sermon in Acts 2 and Paul's in Acts 13. Peter uses the miracles of Jesus as a rhetorical device, as a means to prove the power of Christ and to urge his listeners to pay attention. Paul relies more heavily on the faith of the Jews in the laws of Moses, although Peter does mention the prophet Joel and notes, "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people," (Acts 2:17). Therefore, both Peter and Paul show that Jesus Christ is a direct fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy. "Jesus of Nazareth was….

The culminating act of the novel also clearly illustrates this principle. During the second time Tita and Pedro make love -- and the only time they do so with complete abandonment, without fear of getting caught, the world reacts in a manner typical of magical realism, with the massive fluttering sound of a thousand doves wings: "Tita was aware of none of this, she was experiencing a climax so intense that her closed eyes glowed, and a brilliant tunnel appeared before her" (Esquivel, 220). This tunnel leads to the afterlife, and means death. Tita is able to keep herself back from this light, resisting the temptation in order to enjoy her newfound world of pleasure with Pedro. Pedro, however, crosses over into the light; the act of uninhibited sexual intercourse is too powerful for him, and he is consumed by it. Though the book's central conflict is the denial….

With St. Paul, Luke traveled to several different destinations including Samothrace and Philippi -- where he appears to have lingered to guide the Church. The duo then reunite in Troas and Luke is with St. Paul during the latter's stay in a oman jail. As Paul says: "Only Luke is with me" (2 Timothy 4:11).
Exactly what Luke did with Paul during this time is debated: "St. Jerome thinks it is most likely that St. Luke is 'the brother, whose praise is in the gospel through all the churches' (2 Corinthians 8:18), and that he was one of the bearers of the letter to Corinth" (Knight, 2011).

Luke also brings special awareness to the importance of mercy and forgiveness, with the parable of the Prodigal Son and the tale of the woman whose sins were forgiven because she bathed Christ's feet in her tears.

But this special awareness is also seen in….

Johnson (1992) lists four theological themes present in the book of Acts: the Holy Spirit, the life of the church, the discernment of god’s activity, and universality. The same four themes are present in the life and ministry of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. Moreover, these are the four main themes that would become the bedrock of the early church itself. According to Johnson (1992), being able to recognize these themes not only enrich the reader’s understanding of the gospel, but also reveals the “consistent religious preoccupations that might not be obvious on the surface of his storytelling,” (p. 14). These consistent religious preoccupations remain the cornerstones of Christianity.
The first theme is the Holy Spirit. So crucial is this theme Johnson claims that the book of Acts can even be considered the “Book of the Holy Spirit,” (p. 14). Luke refers to the “dramatic outpouring” of God, of course in Jesus….

Patriotic Act
Arguments for and against the Patriot Act

The unusual events surrounding the creation and passing of the Patriot Act make it a suspect bill in many eyes. However, major media reports like this one: "Fifty-nine percent in an ABC News/ashington Post poll favor continuing the additional investigative authority in terrorism investigations that was granted to the FBI starting in 2001. President Bush urged such an extension of the Patriot Act today" (Langer) insist that there are others who support it and promote it as a protection against the kind of terrorism that was seen on 9/11. For supporters the idea of sacrificing civil liberties for security measures such as the TSA is, while unfortunate, a necessary evil. Those who oppose it, like alternative media journalist Ryan Dawson and Sen. Ron Paul, decry it as government intrusion. This paper will give arguments for and against the Patriot Act and show why….

6 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Book of Acts of the

Words: 2171
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This could prove a difficult task filling in the blanks existing in what he had acquired by then There are instances of inconsistency between Paul's journeys regarding his visits…

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3 Pages


Book of Acts Descriptive or

Words: 861
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

However, Acts should not be a descriptive guideline for churches of today. The normative aspects of the book are significant and should still b followed by modern churches…

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2 Pages


Book of Acts Theology

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Book of Acts give a clear pattern for the proper structure of Church government? Why or why not? A clear pattern for the proper church governance structure can indeed…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts

Words: 1947
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Holy Spirit is the cornerstone of the Acts of the Apostles, attributed to the apostle Luke. According to Lee, the Book of Acts refers to " the formative…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Apostles the Book of Acts

Words: 383
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is not enough to believe, one must fulfill Christ's mission as he saw it, even if this means appointing another one of the twelve. In Chapter 3, Peter…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts

Words: 1386
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Holy Spirit in Acts The book of Acts in the Holy Bible refers to the Acts of the Apostles and how these acts contributed to the formation of the early…

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4 Pages

History - Ancient

Book of Acts History or Theology

Words: 1497
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Christian Holy Bible known as Acts, many people who read Acts may feel or be inclined to believe that it is a book of historical record and fact. However,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Book a Witness to Christ

Words: 909
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

spiritual matters do so with an eye to explain spiritual matters in a way that is acceptable to modern man. For these authors, Jesus was a great man,…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Exegesis of the Book of

Words: 2360
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

6). For the early Christians, the Holy Spirit was experienced as a real power in their lives . The Holy Spirit empowered them to continue the work of Jesus. When…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Historicity of Acts

Words: 3162
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Historicity of Acts For centuries, the historicity of the book of the Acts has been questioned and criticized, prompting historians to label it "the storm center of modern New Testament…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Bible in Acts 13 Paul

Words: 678
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Through him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the law of Moses," (Acts 13:38-39). Peter also delivers powerful sermons in the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Female Perspective on Sexual Acts

Words: 1600
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The culminating act of the novel also clearly illustrates this principle. During the second time Tita and Pedro make love -- and the only time they do so…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Communicative Approach to Acts 25 30

Words: 3276
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

With St. Paul, Luke traveled to several different destinations including Samothrace and Philippi -- where he appears to have lingered to guide the Church. The duo then reunite…

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2 Pages


the book of luke acts and the early church

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Johnson (1992) lists four theological themes present in the book of Acts: the Holy Spirit, the life of the church, the discernment of god’s activity, and universality. The same…

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11 Pages


Patriotic Act Arguments for and Against the

Words: 3462
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Patriotic Act Arguments for and against the Patriot Act The unusual events surrounding the creation and passing of the Patriot Act make it a suspect bill in many eyes. However, major…

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