Book Of Revelation Essays (Examples)

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Revelation the Book of Revelation
Pages: 1 Words: 411

Those who rebelled against him are killed and the earth is ruined to ashes. Satan remains on the earth for one thousand more years. After that time elapses, Jesus returns to the earth to found New Jerusalem and set his kingdom on earth. Satan resurrects all wicked who died and perished before and orders them to attack New Jerusalem. Satan's army is stopped by God and is judged (executionary judgment), they receive final penalty and are sentenced to be burning in the lake of fire. This fire also purifies the earth and God establishes his kingdom of love and grace for those who were righteous.
Revelation concludes all Bible scriptures and makes predictions for future. The main purpose of revelations is to teach Christians to believe, as "One is blessed who believes" it has a purpose to teach Christians to be patient, tolerant and firm n their faith and in…...

Book of Revelations as the
Pages: 1 Words: 357

Second, the historicist view sees Revelations as "a sweeping panorama of ancient history between the first and second comings of Jesus Christ" (Wilson, 357). Third, the futurist view maintains that Revelations deals with end times which in essence removes the text from the author's own time period. And fourth, the idealistic or poetical view suggests that Revelations is purely subjective in nature and encourages Christians to endure their sufferings until the end of time by employing symbolic language as a way to imaginatively describe God's victory over Lucifer. In addition, Revelations, from a subjective standpoint, means to reveal as a form of literature rampant with subjective dreams and visions, often centered upon God and his heavenly majesty and man's future salvation which transcends ordinary human experience. As Thomas K. Wilson puts it, Revelations "stresses that God is in

control of mankind and his history and that the end of the…...



Wilson, Thomas K., ed. The Holy Bible and New Testament. New York: G.P. Putnam & Sons, 1998.

Book of Revelation Is the
Pages: 5 Words: 1696

The ook solemnly promises that good triumphs over evil, faithfulness will be amply rewarded and justice will be meted out (C Team, White).
Researchers have also found certain inaccuracies and points of contention. The troubling seven-headed east, which rises from the sea and demands to be worshipped as God, symbolizes Rome, the city of seven hills (C Team 2001). The number 666 of the east has led to speculations and computations, which ascribe its value to Nero. ut late 19th century ritish archaeologists found manuscript fragments of the ook of Revelation, which give the number of the east as 616. This number points to the Emperor Caligula who built a statue of himself in the temple of Jerusalem. This greatly offended the Jews of the time. The image of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse was adapted from the Hebrew prophet Zacariah. The red horse was Zacariah's symbol for war…...



BBC Team. Revelation. Religion and Ethics: British Broadcasting Corporation, 2001

Kirby, Peter. The Apocalypse of John. The Holy Bible, King James Version. Online text, 2001. Retrieved on January 29, 2008 at   revelation-kjv.html ,

Van Den Biesen, C. Apocalypse. The New Advent: The Catholic Encyclopedia, vol 1.

New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1907. Retrieved on January 29, 2008 at

Book of Revelation Reading Revelation
Pages: 4 Words: 1395

This choice has to do with the free will God gave all humankind at the beginning, as written in Genesis 1-4: since the days of Adam and Eve. Inherently, we may wish to do good with our free will, just as Eve wished not to eat from the Tree of Life. But like Eve and Adam, we must struggle within ourselves against doing evil instead. Adam and Eve's expulsion from paradise within Genesis underscores (and foreshadows) humankind's vulnerability to temptation and sin and our need to remain vigilant and fight hard against it, a key motif of Revelation, and Revelation 12-13 in particular.

The appearance of the two beasts of Revelation 13, the seabeast and the beast of the earth, is preceded, within Revelation 12, by the appearance of the dragon, representing Satan fallen to earth. Michael and his angels have fought hard against it in Heaven, but have not succeeded…...


Works Cited

Book of Revelation." Wikipedia. Retrieved October 11, 2005, from: http://en.


Bratcher, Dennis. "Interpreting the Book of Revelation." The Voice. Retrieved October 11, 2005, from:

Genesis 1-2. The Old Testament. In The Norton Anthology of World Literature,

Bible the Book of Revelations
Pages: 2 Words: 642

The meaning of the number seven becomes more complex: "The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches," (Revelations 1:20). Later we learn that the seven seals (Revelations 6) and the seven trumpets announcing the coming of Christ (Revelations 8) are also related, and this encourages us to see God anywhere we encounter the number seven. The number is repeated further with the seven-headed beast. In Revelation chapter 4, imagery becomes more captivating yet, with throne flanked by four symbolic creatures: the lion, the ox, the man, and the eagle. I draw inspiration from the imagery even when I do not comprehend the absolute meaning because the purpose of the Book is to promote our faith in Jesus and…...

Revelations Is That Book of
Pages: 2 Words: 670

he author expresses this when he describes the church as "neither cold or hot." It is easy to fall into the patterns of Christianity, thus becoming neither hot or cold. he author cautions the church in Laodicea that going through the motions of Christianity will cause it to be spit out of the mouth of God on Judgment Day.
"17 for you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.

18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see." In these two lines we begin to have a sense of the identity of the author; the author of…...


This is probably why spiritual leadership and trained guidance is a good thing.

Tim LaHaye (1999), author of Revelations Unveiled, points out that this is interesting because Laodicea was destroyed by an earthquake in a.D. 62.

LaHaye (1999) reminds us that 28% of prophetic Scripture must be perceived in an allegorical or symbolic context (27).

Revelation and John Theology
Pages: 2 Words: 1177

Theology: evelation and John
evelation and John: Theology

A lot of debate and controversy surrounds the proper interpretation of the Book of evelation. There are four main interpretations of the apocalyptic work, with the four differing on the question of whether the events in evelation have already been fulfilled, and whether the symbols relate to any historical events (Pate, 2009). We discuss three of these interpretations:

The Idealist View

the book of evelation does not relate to any historical events; it only symbolizes the ongoing struggle between evil and good (Kreider, 2004)

Symbols not tied to specific events, but point to themes in the history of the church - the battles represent the spiritual warfare manifested in wars and the persecution of Christians; the catastrophes represent God's displeasure with man's sinful nature and a manifestation of how God emerges victorious in the end; the trumpets represent natural disasters occurring as God works out His plan…...



Instone-Brewer, D. (2002). Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: The Social and Literary Context. Grand Rapids, MI: W. B. Eedrmans Publishing Company.

Kreider, G. R. (2004). Jonathan Edward's Interpretation of Revelation 4: 1-8: 1. Lanham, MA: University Press of America.

Mayes, B. T. G. (2011). Counsel and Conscience: Lutheran Casuistry and Moral Reasoning after the Reformation. Berlin, Germany: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Publishers.

Pate, M. C. (2009). Reading Revelation: A Comparison of Four Interpretive Translations of the Apocalypse. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic Publishers.

Revelation Our Senses Are'so
Pages: 10 Words: 3209

Calvin also taught that another way God begins to deal with a person to make him/her restless is knowledge.

Under the influence of the Spirit of God, a person is borne upward; traveling upward toward the knowledge of God. Conscience, as far as human understanding reaches, is a source which constitutes the unconditional starting point for the beginning of knowledge of God; for the revelation of Jesus Christ.

For Calvin, "revelation is not immediately revelation of Jesus Christ. But revelation of the harsh judgment of God, although this is certainly finally oriented to Christ."

Basically, Calvin did not have any revelation problem as the center of his theology. He began with the reality that a person is alienated from God, but that God seeks the individual out and entices him/her to a way in which community with God may be discovered again. Calvin argued sin has damaged human reason; that not only do…...

Revelations From Men Seeking Women
Pages: 8 Words: 2014

Age, race open. I'd like to chat so if you're interested.
M4W: Are you ready to truly be happy? Me too...glad I found you - (Almost) 39

Are you looking for a man to treat you like you have never been treated before? Do you want a man who can't wait to hurry and get home to you at the end of the day and wrap his arms around you like he is never going to see you again? Do you want a man you know you can trust never to let you down and know you can always turn to him for anything no matter how big or how small?... I am looking for my forever, not just sex or a one night stand... A man who will always be there for you 24/7 well then I am glad we found each other.... I look forward to spending the rest…...



Buss, David M.. (1999). Evolution of Desire. Retrieved October 15, 2008, at

Conklin, Ellis E.. "Board With Her Love Life North Bend Woman Advertises Big in Search of a Relationship." Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Seattle, WA), November 19, 1998. Retrieved October 15, 2008, at 

Craigslist, Inc. (2000-2008). BusinessWeek. The McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc. Retrieved October 15, 2008, at 

Guidelines, Professors (2008) Class Handout

1000 Years of Revelation 20 1-6 Evangelical Christian
Pages: 8 Words: 2553

1000 Years of evelation 20:1-6
Evangelical Christian perspective on 1000 years of evelation 20:1-6 (the Millennium)

Evangelical view of the millennium is dependent on hermeneutical approach towards the Bible as a whole, as well as our way of interpreting the book of evelation. Since realized millennialism is at times suspected for not adopting the "literal" approach, this becomes extensively misleading. An evangelical Christian can affirm the literal-nature of Scripture and also recognize all metaphors pertaining to a text, which recognize the fact that all the prophecies of Old Testament were fulfilled by Jesus. Our debate revolves around interpreting Scripture rather than concerning the commitment to Scripture (Jupp, 2009).

The interpretation of evelation 20 in the light of entire counsel of God is imperative as evelation tends to be the only book present in New Testament which discusses millennium. Charles Hodge believes the explanation of obscure passages to be essential in interpretation of Scripture…...



Bebbington, D. (2007). Evangelicals and Eschatology in Britain. Unpublished Paper Presented at St. Andrews University.

Benware, P.N. (2006). Understanding End Times Prophesy: A Comprehensive Appoach. Chicago: Moody Publishers.

Hodge, C. (1997). Systematic Theology. Originally published 1872. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

Hoekema, A.A. (1977). Amillennialism. In Robert G. Clouse, ed., The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity.

Exegesis of Revelation Chapter 20
Pages: 15 Words: 4904

Book of Revelation is a unique portion of the New Testament. Unlike the other Books found in the latter part of the Bible, the Book of Revelation is not presented as a historical document or an instructional discussion, but is essentially a prophetic book, intended to deliver a glimpse of upcoming history that affects the happenings of the church. Also more mystery and disagreement surrounds the Book of Revelation than any other part of the New Testament. hy is this so? One reason why there is so much disharmony in the interpretations of the Book of Revelation is that there are different perspectives from which this apocalyptic book could be understood. The magnificence of revelation is apparent in its intersection of shared imagery, language and style. It is often beneficial to read revelation alongside the Old Testament. Bible scholars have found up to 500 references from the Old Testament…...


Works Cited

Lambrecht, J. 1998. The Opening of the Seals (Rev. 6.1-8.6). Biblica 79:198-221.

Lambrecht, J. 2000. Final Judgements and Ultimate Blessings: The Climactic Visions of Revelation 20.11-21, 8. Biblica 81:362-385.

Moyise, S. 2001. Does the Lion Lie Down With the Lamb? In Studies in the Book of Revelation, ed. Stephen Moyise, 181-194. Edinburgh: T&T Clark.

Moyise, S. 1985. Revelation and Intertextuality. In The Old Testament in the Book of Revelation, ed. Stephen Moyise, 108-38. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Exegesis of Revelation 3 14-22
Pages: 8 Words: 2524

For comprehensively understanding the meaning of Jesus's message to this specific church, it is necessary to first know and comprehend the church, together with its culture. This book's writer is a messenger from the divine who has taken it upon himself to convey a serious message from Christ. Although the book is directly targeted at the First Century Laodicean church, the advices therein may be applied to Christians in all eras[footnoteRef:1]. The work's literary examination reveals that this church's moral nature apparently reflects its socioeconomic context. That all distinguishing aspects of the city contradict the church symbolizes failure, and not success. [1: Gary Cohen, Understanding Revelation]
Socio-historical context

The city of Laodicea was proud of its affluence among all 7 cities, and famous for its exquisite manufactured clothing of local black wool and a medical institute that made an eye-curing salve. Its affluence and pride may be seen from its refusal to…...

Jesus the Four Gospel Books in the
Pages: 6 Words: 2001

The four gospel books in the New Testament are the principal foundation of the information regarding the life of Jesus. These books include Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The four books tell the story of the life of Jesus, but from different perspectives. Christian faith depends on the four gospel books that narrate the historical life of Jesus. As a result, if the provisions in these four books are a correct historical account of Jesus, then the faith of Christians is practical. Moreover, if indeed Jesus rose on the third day from the departed, the claim that Jesus is the Son of God is rational. If the claim that Jesus taught the people many things highlighted in the four gospel books, then believing in Him is the only means through which Christians can have everlasting life. Although the gospel books particularly Matthew, Mark and Luke demonstrate the synoptic problem,…...


References List

Bible Society in Australia Staff 2008. Holy Bible: New international version. Australia: Bible Society in Australia Incorporated.

Donahue, J., & Harrington, S.J 2002. The Gospel of Mark: Texas: Liturgical Press.

Dunn, J 1985. The evidence of Jesus. Westminster: Westminster John Knox Press.

Green, J., Turner, M 1999. Jesus of Nazareth: Lord and Christ: Essays on the historical Jesus and the New Testament Christology. New York: Wipf & Stock Pub.

The Woman in Revelation 12 Symbolism
Pages: 3 Words: 1147

Symbolism in evelation: The Woman in evelation 12
The Woman in evelation 12: Symbolism

The book of evelations is regarded as one of the most difficult books to interpret. Different interpretations have been put forth, with some arguing that the events prophesied therein came to pass with the destruction of Jerusalem, and others arguing that the events are yet to be actualized. This text examines chapter 12 of the book of evelation and analyzes how the imagery presented therein has been interpreted under different approaches.

The Woman in the Wilderness: evelation Chapter 12

Scholars differ on whether what is being unveiled in evelations is the future or the past, and whether the symbols are tied to specific historical events in the past. These opposing views give rise to the three different interpretation approaches for the book of evelation: the preterits approach, the futurist approach and the idealist approach. Preterits subscribe to the viewpoint that…...



Chambers, R. (2010). Apocalypse in Sight: The Significance of the Revelation for the 21st Century. Oxford, UK: Lulu Publishers.

Ice, T. (n.d.). The Woman in Revelation 12. The Pre-Trib Research Center. Retrieved November 17, 2015 from 

Pataki, A. D. (2011). A Non-Combat Myth in Revelation 12. New Testament Studies, 57(2), 257-272.

Rhodes, R. (2000). Reasoning from the Scriptures with Catholics. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.

Dante's Poetic Revelation of His Own New
Pages: 4 Words: 1633

Dante's Poetic Revelation Of His Own New Life In Vita Nuova
The main thrust of the primary narrative thread or 'plot' of Dante's Vita Nuova, or "New Life," is of the love of the poet for the beautiful Beatrice. Beatrice was a woman from Dante's social circle who was holy and beautiful in her manner and countenance. Yet she married another man. Despite this, Dante continued to adore Beatrice from afar, after seeing her and falling in love with her at first sight when both of these poetic protagonists were children. Even though his passion could only take place from a worshipful distance. Dante continued to love Beatrice as his adored poetic and spiritual muse, even after the poet wed another woman, and Beatrice remained faithfully wedded to another man.

The thematic progression of Dante's Vita Nuova is not simply about love. Overall, it tells of the narrator's coming to life as…...


Works Cited

Dante. "Vita Nuova." Translated by A.S. Kline. 2001. [16 Mar 2005]

Explanation of the word Canon in the New Testament?
Words: 364

Many people are familiar with the word “canon” as it is used when discussing fictional works.  It refers to those books or other works that are an official part of the created world, as opposed to those created by others, like fan fiction.  It also distinguishes the written word from speculation or theories built on that word, but not directly supported by it.  Canon has a similar meaning in Biblical studies of the New Testament.  It refers specifically to those books believed to have been divinely inspired and incorporated into the New Testament.  This makes Christianity somewhat different from many....

What biblical teachings can be used to challenge traditional gender roles in essays?
Words: 378

1. The biblical narrative of creation, which depicts God creating both men and women in his image, challenges traditional gender roles by emphasizing the inherent equality of the sexes.

2. The story of Deborah, a female judge and military leader in the Old Testament, provides a powerful example of a woman breaking out of traditional gender roles and exercising leadership and authority.

3. The teachings of Jesus Christ, which emphasize love, compassion, and service, challenge traditional gender roles by valuing qualities that are not typically associated with masculinity or femininity.

4. The role of women in the....

My teacher suggested focusing on new testament survey. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 394

1. The significance of Jesus' teachings and parables in the New Testament
2. The role of the apostles in spreading the message of Christianity in the New Testament
3. The themes of love, forgiveness, and redemption in the New Testament
4. The impact of Paul's letters on shaping early Christian beliefs in the New Testament
5. The relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament in terms of fulfillment and continuation of prophecy
6. The importance of the resurrection of Jesus in the New Testament and its implications for Christian faith
7. The cultural and historical context of the New Testament and its influence on....

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