Brand Identity Essays (Examples)

807+ documents containing “brand identity”.

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New Belgium
This approach was effective for New Belgium. They wanted to create a strong sense of brand identity. Focus groups may have allowed for the broadest possible perspective, but New Belgium is a niche product, not seeking to be everything to everyone. Within their niche, New Belgium needs to be able to demonstrate authenticity, so it needed a brand identity that was stronger, and more specific to a sense of place. Furthermore, the campaign was rooted in the idea of lifestyle, in particular the tensions that define the target market for their beers. These tensions can be better defined by the people who live them --the spots are quite relatable to this niche market. There is a risk with focus groups and an effort to create the broadest possible appeal that the brand identity would become too generic, which would run counter to the company's effort to exploit a clearly-defined,….

Today's technology and the more intelligent and savvy consumers have made advertising and marketing techniques change with the times. Nonetheless, branding continues to be a sound and viable approach to marketing and that equates to a business constantly reevaluating and recreating itself through new tactics for selling and advertising. First, in regard to promotion, marketers have begun to use an underground approach called buzz marketing. Several things have made 'buzz' attractive for XYZ such as the fact that the technique is quite affordable.
owever, the true reason is that the consumer today needs a different and more diverse style of communication. "In a period of budget chopping, cheap is good. Then there's the rise of the Internet, which means marketers can reach just about anyone in almost any guise they care to assume. Finally, buzz marketing attempts to make each encounter with a consumer look like a unique, serendipitous event.….

Low Cost



Brand identity

Differentiate from other low cost providers to increase volume

Brand identity commands a premium price, increasing margin

Brand identity becomes identifiable with a specific niche

Build brand identity quickly to reduce the threat of new entrants


Lack of diversification

Diversify into many products to promote volume sales

Brand extensions

Diversification is not part of this strategy.

Diversification is key to opening new market opportunities.


Geographic expansion

Increase volume

Increase volume

Increase volume

Increase opportunities


High substitutability

Inherent in the strategy -- low cost defends against this

Differentiation seeks to neutralize this threat

Product uniqueness defends against this threat

There should not be substitutability; if there is another innovation is needed

Sources: Porter, M. / (2007)

Brand Identity

Brand identity is one of the major strengths of Kraft, and its brands are household names within its distribution area. hile brand identity is not normally associated with a low cost strategy, in some industries most firms compete on low cost and still must use brand identity to help differentiate themselves.….

Their use of product line extensions to increase the up-sell and cross-sell of products and
services are aimed at extending the product lifecycles of systems that
often have limited lifecycles of their own. Cross-selling and up-selling
based on product line extensions is prevalent in industries that have rapid
product lifecycles.
The third major factor to consider in brand extensions according to the
Marketing Leadership Council (2005) is the need for infusing the existing
brand with additional publicity and greater exposure. The Hummers' product
line extensions to the H2 and now the H3 Models underscore both the extreme
durability of this vehicle yet also give General Motors an opportunity to
further clarify their branding message of the Hummer line of vehicles also
being safe for families. Their extension from being a rugged off-road
enthusiasts' vehicle to that of a vehicle for the soccer moms of the world
shuttling their kids from one event to another has been successful through
the use of brand extensions to….

Brand Strategy Management
Nespresso Brand Strategy

Case Analysis

History of Nespresso

Mission and Ambition of Nespresso


Business Product ranges

n home product Ranges


Brand position

User Segmentation and Target Market


Brand values

Brand Personality

Brand dentity

Brand name




The evolution of the Packaging

Design of The Boutique

Nespresso brand equity

Brand awareness

Celebrity Endorsement


Advertising strategy

ncrease the number of boutique stores

Perceive Quality

Brand Advocacy

Brand loyalty

Brand Association and management



History of Nespresso

Nestle was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle in Vevey, Switzerland. Today Nestle is the world largest corporation in the food, nutrition, health, and wellness markets. The company now has more than 8000 products in their portfolio in various markets and they own over 140 brands. Since the beginnings, Nestle has been loyal to the traditionally and healthy made products. n 2012 Nestle had 461 factories operate in 83 countries and employ more than 330-000 people over 150 countries (Nestle, 2012.) with 83-642 million of CHF in sales and closed the year with a net profit….

Brand Extension
The disadvantages of employing brand extension strategy

This work compeers and contrasts the merits and demerits of implementing brand extension a s a growth strategy by various firms. This is done by means of practical examples. In the end of the debate, the paper indicates why it is better to adopt the extension strategy as opposed to shunning it due to its numerous demerits. A discussion of the key points is presented and then a final conclusion to hammer out the reason for the need to implement the strategy

Brand extension, which entails the use of a given brand name which is established in a given product class in entering another product class is noted to be hugely beneficial to several organizations (Tauber,1988).Keller (2003) pointed out that the concept of brand extension is clearly defined whenever a given firm employs an established brand name in the introduction of a totally….

Branding, And Branding Management
Brands and branding are not new concepts in business. During the Stone Age, hunters used particular brands for their swords in hunting. Since then, the concept of brands and branding has developed in terms of knowledge, procedures and theories. Some theories used concerning branding, originated primarily because of the development of commercials in media. Companies have realized the importance of branding, which has added to the interest of theories behind the concept of brands and branding. This in turn has led to substantial literatures on the subject of brands and branding. Branding has undergone evolution, but the concepts of branding continue being central in every stage of evolution. In addition, branding management has also undergone substantial change since the 1950s (Marquadrt, Makens, & Larzelere, 1995).

Background: Evolution of Branding


Prior to the 1970s, branding was not a matter of attention. Even countries that understood the potential advantages of a….

Branding the Use of Names

As a result, brand name online is becoming increasingly important, especially for those companies who have existing business models that are based on retail operations. These include Wal-Mart, J.C. Penny, Kmart, Target and Sears who each experienced more than a 20% growth in the number of unique visitors to their sites after launching major online branding initiatives in 2001 (Janoff, 2001). Many studies also suggest that most customers do not distinguish between branding efforts online and offline, and prefer to the interactivity and knowledge available from websites and online tools as viable alternatives to learning more about a company. Personalization of websites is 25 times more likely to generate return traffic (Chiagouris & Wansley, 2002), and that the most successful offline and online brands do not confuse customers with variations in messaging between each approach.
eferences (Ciagouris, P & Wansley, G 2002), "Branding on the Internet,' 25 June 2002.….

She is, like Betty Crocker or Aunt Jemina, more than a woman. According to the company fact sheet released to investors, Martha Stewart, the brand, now has an exclusive deal with Macy's, Inc., the department store behemoth and: "In November 2006, we published Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide to Caring for Everything in Your Home. The book, which the ashington Post described as "the ultimate housekeeping resource," enjoyed an enthusiastic reception and climbed high bestseller lists across the country" and Martha's legal difficulties are forgotten ("Company Fact Sheet," 2006, Martha Stewart Omnimedia ebsite).
Of course, brands must constantly reinvent themselves -- all of these homemaking icons have changed their image to become more contemporary. Martha Stewart fixes fast and easy recipes, Betty Crocker makes low fat cake mixes, and Aunt Jemina has grown more politically correct in her depiction on the box. But a brand must stay the….

Distribution Channel Analysis Identifying Wholesalers, Distributors, Retailers, and e-Commerce
ingle or multiple channels of distribution can be utilized including the direct channel of the Internet using the company's e-Commerce website as well as the direct channel of sales teams. Multiple teams that specialize in different products of customer segments may also be utilized. Direct channels include catalogue sales and retail sales as well as the use of a wholesaler or distributor, which is described as a company "that buys products in bulk from many manufacturers and then resells in smaller volumes to retailers. The Value-Added reseller will work with end-users to make provision of custom solutions that including "multiple products and services from different manufacturers." (VanAucken, 2013) a consultant can be used to develop relationshi8ps with companies and make provision of various services types. A dealer may purchase inventory from a manufacturer or distributor and then resell is to an….

"Thee aspects of Concept: Band Expeiences, Band Image and Custome Satisfaction.

I must discuss and give examples of how each band inspies loyalty. Name a few bands.

The seven bands that inspie the most loyalty, accoding to business website ("Main Steet") ae the following:

Dunkin Donuts



Apple computes

Sam Adams

The Yankees

Each of these fits the definition of band expeiences as conceptualized by Bakus et al. (2009) as something which consists of sensations, feelings, cognitions, and behavioal esponses. Each of these factos too is evoked by cetain aspects of the band's packaging such as envionment, communication, and oveall stimuli. Band expeience, theefoe, accoding to Bakus et al. (2009) is synonymous to band image which essentially consists of fou dimensions: sensoy, affective, intellectual, and behavioal. When each of these fou concete dimensions is fulfilled, custome loyalty is the end esult since the custome has been satisfied in all sensoy and evaluative dynamics.

Some of the 7 bands….

Pacific Brands -- 'Pacific Brands responds environmental forces (takes a hammering)', page 55-7 text book. (Management: Foundations applications, 1st Asia-Pacific Edition.) EPOT OBJECTIVES you expected address objectives report
Pacific Brands: Competition and multicultural marketing in the apparel industry

Pacific Brands is an Australia-based apparel company located in an increasingly competitive industry: apparel. ival companies operating on a lower cost model are biting at the Australian manufacturer's proverbial heels. "With the elimination of quotas in January 2005, the international textile and apparel industry is facing many challenges. Among them are the increasing number of skilled producing nations, an overcapacity of goods, and a deflation of world market prices. Currently the country with the greatest capacity for capturing the largest share of the world market is China" (Parrish, Cassill & Oxenham 2006). For many years Pacific Brands combined a niche marketing strategy related to its lines of clothing specifically targeted at workers with….

The brand exists solely in the minds of the consumersand it encompasses their overall perceptions andattitudes of Vermont." ( Whena brand is established in a consumer's mind itcan trigger associations with smaller destinationswithin the area the brand represents.
But first there is a need to establish a consistent brand identity.For example, "The Henry Ford" brand is the umbrellabrand name for five different attractions in the samedestination. Although each attraction has its ownpositioning, promise, descriptor and tagline, all ofthem are consistently branded under one brand:"The Henry Ford." The choice of this brand namewas based on research performed by the organizationas to how visitors perceived and referred to thedestination.In the case of a state, the brand name provides anumbrella for the state's other destinations, as well asother business entities, which benefit from itsgreater exposure. For example, a shopping related business located in a primarily outdoor recreationdestination will benefit from the overall increase in….

The corporation or seller could benefit by developing marketing strategies prior to consumer reviews being available online.
Seller Response to Novice and Expert Consumers

efore allowing consumers to post product reviews on a corporations or sellers website, the seller should consider the size of the segments of expert consumers and novice consumers. For example, the seller may benefit from selling certain products if a significant number of expert consumers exist, especially for technology driven products. On the other hand, the seller may damage sales if the expert consumers' segment overshadows that of the novice consumers.

Unknown or Less Popular Stores Online Seller Response

Relatively unknown corporations should be overly cautious when allowing consumers to post comments on their websites. If brand marketers fail to attract enough consumers to post reviews, the corporation may damage its reputation. these corporations might consider hiring a well-known, popular third-party source to handle consumer reviews.

Seller Should Consider the….

The luxury brands in this age of fierce and intense competition perceive and believe that the conventional methods of advertising and promotion are only an itinerary that creates the knowledge and awareness amongst the consumers. Nevertheless, targeted marketing (that represents the emotional driving force) is becoming the primary and fundamental aspect of concern that many of the brands are focusing in order to create emotional engagement with the consumers that can provide them lasting relationships and loyalty from the consumers (Buckingham 2008).

However, looking at the perspective of the brand of Swarovski, it has been monitored that they have created a consumer-based pyramid in order to keep closely connected to the consumers' emotions and feelings. In this regard, they ensure high quality with proper detailing of the product during the manufacturing process and make the product a perfect one that can easily catch the attention of the consumers. They very well….

Essay Topics on Adidas: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. The Rise and Evolution of Adidas: A Study in Sports Marketing

Trace the origins and growth of Adidas, examining its key marketing strategies and product innovations.
Analyze the company's target audience, brand positioning, and communication channels.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities Adidas has faced in the competitive sportswear market.

2. Adidas's Social and Environmental Impact: A Critical Assessment

Evaluate Adidas's commitment to social responsibility and sustainability initiatives.
Examine the company's efforts to address issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and diversity and inclusion.
Discuss the effectiveness of these initiatives and their impact on....

1. The Power of a Good Title: How the Right title can Make or Break Your Writing
2. The Art of Crafting Catchy Titles: Tips and Tricks for Creating Engaging Headlines
3. The Impact of a Strong Title in Academic Writing: How to Grab the Reader’s Attention
4. The Psychology of Titles: Understanding Why Certain Headlines Capture Our Interest
5. Unleashing Your Creativity with a Title Generator: How to Generate Unique and Compelling Titles
6. The Evolution of Title Generation Tools: How Technology is Changing the Way we Create Headlines
7. Title Trends in Modern Marketing: Analyzing the Most Effective....

1. The Role of Visual Metaphors in Shaping Brand Identity

Explore the ways in which visual metaphors can create powerful and memorable brand identities. Analyze case studies to demonstrate how metaphors can convey brand values, connect with target audiences, and differentiate brands in competitive markets.

2. The Ethics of Image Manipulation in Advertising

Examine the ethical implications of image manipulation in advertising. Discuss the impact of altered images on consumer trust, body image, and societal norms. Consider the role of regulations and industry guidelines in balancing creative freedom with the need for transparency.

3. The Power of Data Visualization in Storytelling

Analyze the role of....

1. An In-depth Analysis of Apple Inc: A Leading Technology Company

2. Examining the Success Factors of Amazon: A Retail and Technology Giant

3. Company Analysis: The Business Strategy of Coca-Cola

4. A Comprehensive Review of Tesla Motors: Innovation in the Electric Vehicle Industry

5. Analyzing the Growth Strategies of Google: A Dominant Player in the Tech Industry

6. Uncovering the Success Story of Walmart: A Retail Giant's Business Model

7. Company Analysis: Understanding the Marketing Strategies of Nike

8. Exploring the Financial Performance of Microsoft Corporation

9. Case Study on Starbucks Corporation: A Coffee Company's Global Expansion

10. The Evolution of McDonald's Corporation: A Fast Food Empire's Business....

3 Pages

Urban Studies

Brand Identity of New Belgium Brewery

Words: 1022
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Chapter

New Belgium This approach was effective for New Belgium. They wanted to create a strong sense of brand identity. Focus groups may have allowed for the broadest possible perspective, but…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Marketing XYZ Inc Brand Identity

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Today's technology and the more intelligent and savvy consumers have made advertising and marketing techniques change with the times. Nonetheless, branding continues to be a sound and viable…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Low Cost Differentiation Preemptive Strength Brand Identity

Words: 1052
Length: 4 Pages
Type: SWOT

Low Cost Differentiation Preemptive Strength Brand identity Differentiate from other low cost providers to increase volume Brand identity commands a premium price, increasing margin Brand identity becomes identifiable with a specific niche Build brand identity quickly to…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Brand Extension Considerations There Are

Words: 487
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Their use of product line extensions to increase the up-sell and cross-sell of products and services are aimed at extending the product lifecycles of systems that often have limited lifecycles of…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Brand Strategy Management Nespresso Brand Strategy Case

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Brand Strategy Management Nespresso Brand Strategy Case Analysis History of Nespresso Mission and Ambition of Nespresso PRODUCT RANGES Business Product ranges n home product Ranges BRAND POSTON Brand position User Segmentation and Target Market BRAND PROMSE Brand values Brand Personality Brand dentity Brand name Logos URL…

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10 Pages

Business - Advertising

Brand Extension the Disadvantages of Employing Brand

Words: 2560
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Brand Extension The disadvantages of employing brand extension strategy This work compeers and contrasts the merits and demerits of implementing brand extension a s a growth strategy by various firms.…

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8 Pages

Business - Advertising

Understanding Branding Techniques

Words: 2447
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Branding, And Branding Management Brands and branding are not new concepts in business. During the Stone Age, hunters used particular brands for their swords in hunting. Since then, the concept…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Branding the Use of Names

Words: 346
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As a result, brand name online is becoming increasingly important, especially for those companies who have existing business models that are based on retail operations. These include Wal-Mart,…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Brands Cannot Be Expected to

Words: 464
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

She is, like Betty Crocker or Aunt Jemina, more than a woman. According to the company fact sheet released to investors, Martha Stewart, the brand, now has an…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Mochalicious Branding Pricing and Distribution

Words: 1117
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Distribution Channel Analysis Identifying Wholesalers, Distributors, Retailers, and e-Commerce ingle or multiple channels of distribution can be utilized including the direct channel of the Internet using the company's e-Commerce…

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4 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Business - Advertising

Loyalty' Three Aspects of Concept Brand Experiences

Words: 997
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Loyalty' "Thee aspects of Concept: Band Expeiences, Band Image and Custome Satisfaction. I must discuss and give examples of how each band inspies loyalty. Name a few bands. The seven bands…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Pacific Brands -- 'Pacific Brands Responds Environmental

Words: 1339
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Pacific Brands -- 'Pacific Brands responds environmental forces (takes a hammering)', page 55-7 text book. (Management: Foundations applications, 1st Asia-Pacific Edition.) EPOT OBJECTIVES you expected address objectives report Pacific…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Destination Branding All Products Require

Words: 772
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The brand exists solely in the minds of the consumersand it encompasses their overall perceptions andattitudes of Vermont." ( Whena brand is established in a consumer's mind itcan trigger…

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66 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Ewom Communication and Brand Trust

Words: 18230
Length: 66 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The corporation or seller could benefit by developing marketing strategies prior to consumer reviews being available online. Seller Response to Novice and Expert Consumers efore allowing consumers to post product…

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38 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Advertising

Emotional Drivers Towards Swarovski's Brand

Words: 12508
Length: 38 Pages
Type: Literature Review

The luxury brands in this age of fierce and intense competition perceive and believe that the conventional methods of advertising and promotion are only an itinerary that creates the…

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