Brotherhood Essays (Examples)

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It is in the imagery of music that we come to understand Sonny's character. He is a tortured soul. He represents sadness and feeling, by contrast with his brother who represents fear and reason. Sonny does not avoid the darkness. He dives into it. The darkness and ice nourish him for some reason. He finds it in the blues he plays and in his obsession with music. At the same time, he sinks into his own depths, never able to talk. The image of depth characterizes him. Sonny withdraws into himself. He becomes insular in response to the outside world. His brother remembers him as a child full of "privacy" (1). This suggests a personality trend that contributes to the way he deals with suffering and conflict. After fights with his father, his brother remembers that "Sonny just moves back, inside himself, where he can't be reached" (8). In other….

history of the Brotherhood group, its goals, how the Muslim Brotherhood acted as a either a catalyst or just a participant in the uprisings, what the group has done since Arab Spring, and the concerns of Western governments (including Israel) regarding the Brotherhood.
Catalyst or Participant

Post-Arab Spring Actions

Western Concerns

The Muslim Brotherhood

The Arab Spring of 2011 began when citizens in Tunisia and Egypt organized peaceful protests in the capital cities of Tunis and Cairo. The protests ranged in both size and expectation, but they shared a common goal. All of the protestors, regardless which country they were protesting in, wanted to see regime change. The primary reason for this was that they saw the then current regimes as catering to their own needs rather than those of the people. The protests did, in some cases lead to the desired changes, but they also had other outcomes also. One of those which….

According to Usman, "The true strength of the Muslim Brotherhood lay not so much in its ideology as in the energy, devotion, and ruthlessness of its leaders. In its early years the Muslim Brotherhood maintained an active program of social welfare and agricultural cooperatives; in its later years it became more militant" (1680). The original goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was focused on reshaping society into one that mirrored Hasan al-Banna's rigid concept of early Islamic life.
Not surprisingly, the Egyptian government was alarmed at this movement because not all of the group's activities were considered benign social efforts, but were rather viewed as threats to the existence of the legitimate Egyptian government:

Reprisals, pressure, assassination, and armed gangs gave the Muslim Brotherhood power, and its actions attracted youth yearning for an active course to follow. The secular Egyptian government found the Muslim Brotherhood a serious threat and took….

Muslim Brotherhood -- Arab Spring in Egypt
The Arab Spring of 2010, in which angry citizens in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen took to the streets by the hundreds of thousands to demand changes, did not always result in the positive changes envisioned by the demonstrators. In Egypt, the chaos associated with the revolution that overthrew the dictator, Muhammed Husni Mubarak, did not end in a positive situation for citizens. In Ellen Lusk's book The Middle East, she points out that notwithstanding the demand for reforms, causing some, including Tunisia President Ben Ali, to quickly depart the country in January 11, 2010, and other leaders to step down, transitions in Libya, Syria and Yemen "deteriorated into civil war" (Lusk, 2016).

The flood of refugees fleeing the violence was significant as terrified citizens arrived in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Tunisia, Lusk explains. In a dramatic shift that has taken place over a….

Reform in Egypt and the

At the time of this report on October 27, 2010, the Brotherhood spoke out against boycotting the upcoming election, but projected a rather optimistic attitude towards resolving the conflict that confronted them. Still, in light of this optimistic attitude, they did not deny that it would oppose the anti-government in other ways (Arrott). Senior Brotherhood leader, Essam el-Eryan commented, "hat is urgent and a priority is to change the rules of the political game. e are ready to accommodate with any real political system…but we are living in a police state."
On December 1, 2010, it was reported that the Brotherhood planned to boycott the 2010 elections run offs (CNN Newswire). The boycott is being held as a protest to the irregularities in the first round of voting held on November 24, 2010. (CNN Newswire).

The Brotherhood did not win a single seat in Parliament in the 2010 election after having….

Bny Mellon-Union Avoidance Program
BNY Mellon Human esource

Management rights to avoid union program

Severance of benefits and wages

Monetary losses

Non-availability of unemployment insurance

Limited monetary benefits paid by unions

Economic implications for the company

eferendum on Unionization

estructuring wage structure

During a union organizing drive in any organization, it is the right of company's management to convince their employees of the potential benefits that not being part of a union may have for both the company as well as the employees. This is the crucial period when the union organizers, in this case International Brotherhood of Teamsters, will try to convince each employee of the potential benefits of joining a union. The usual tactics employed by union organizers are shortlist the opinion leaders and active members of employees and convince them. These opinion leaders in turn are tasked with convincing their coworkers to register in the union. In order to effectively mitigate the threat of unionization, management has….


Administration and membership of the Teamsters Union and its Organization

The Teamsters Union refers to one of the biggest labor unions across the world. It contributes significantly to the revenues realized by the U.S. The union has a unique structure that facilitates the effective running and management of organizational activities. The president leads the union who plays the responsibility of overseeing all the organizational activities and making decisions that influence the performance of the union and its ability to provide its services to its global consumers. The general secretary, international vice presidents, and international trustees play the responsibility of providing the required support to the president and implementation of the planned organizational activities (DeLancey, 2003). The Teamsters employ the use of top-down organizational structure to ensure effective communication and creation of order in the execution of organizational activities. The top-down organizational structure ensures that the organizational….

Media Control in Egypt
The media in Egypt is much more controlled than in many other countries, including the United States. That control began with President Gamal Abdel Nasser, moved through Anwar Sadat, and then on to Hosni Mubarak. During that time, the television and newspapers were strictly controlled, and only what the president wanted people to see was placed in them. There is significant evidence that the control of the media in Egypt was done largely to oppress the people, and to make sure they were only hearing and seeing what the government wanted them to hear and see. Social, political, and economic factors are all significant in the control of the Egyptian media, which many believe should be uncontrolled and independent. That would allow it to provide actual, factual information, instead of only what the government agreed that the people were allowed to know.


The Egyptian media is an important….

soldiers who fought in World War II and Vietnam. The writer illustrates many of the differences as well as similarities in the two war soldiers and uses movies and book sot underscore the point. There were four sources used to complete this paper.
The life of soldiers during times of combat has often been compared. It seems that many people believe all experiences of war are identical and if a soldier is in one war, then his experiences were identical to the experiences of a soldier in a different war. At first glance there is some merit to this mind set. Many experiences are the same without regard to the war in question. Soldiers who have to kill, and those who go through boot camp have similar training. While there are many similarities in the soldiers of war and their experiences there are also many differences. These differences are founded….

Knights Templar

Knights Templar, condoned by the Catholic Church, represents a religious order committed to the seemingly opposing principles and ideas of Christian peace and brotherhood of man while remaining dedicated to war and death. Through efforts to demonstrate this thesis, an effort will be made to document the manner in which the Catholic Church has justified this order in spite of its allegiance to opposing principles.
The Order of the Knights Templar was both a military and religious order, founded in the early 12 century, for the purposes of protecting Christian pilgrims who were traveling to holy places after the Catholic conquest of the Holy Land. The Order of the Temple was a military order, a type of religious order and was condoned by the Catholic Church from its onset due to its protective role. The order received its name after the King of Jerusalem gave the order his palace in….

MLK in His 1963 Letter

I can assure you that it would have been much shorter if I had been writing from a comfortable desk," (para. 47). The use of sarcasm allows King to retain his sense of confidence rather than to seem conciliatory to those who have thrwarted civil rights. Earlier on, King also uses sarcasm to enhance the confident tone of his writing. "I am sure that none of you would want to rest content with the superficial kind of social analysis that deals merely with effects and does not grapple with underlying causes." (para 4).
To achieve a balanced tone in the letter, King blends anger regarding discrimination with the hope of liberation. Doing so, King frames civil rights as a necessary part of achieving the social order and the goals of the Founding Fathers. He remains angry while also pointing out that liberation was the ultimate goal of American Independence. King….

Both orators in some ways blame the hite Man for the destruction of his own peoples and remind the audience of the hite Man's seemingly unquenchable desire for more land and more power, at the expense of the Red Man. They also diverge in that Red Jacket is much kinder in his observations and conclusions, likely very much associated with the divergent audiences while Tecumseh is universally unkind to the hite Man for his historical actions, which have taken so much from and spilled much Red Man blood. Red Jacket ends his ethical rant by withholding judgement, while Tecumseh calls for a united war on the hite Man were revenge will be had and much hite blood will be spilled, through a united effort of war.

The character of the Red Jacket speech is dependant upon the emotional ties that the Red Man and the hite Man have with one….

But he juxtaposes this with other, brief examples of how his brothers knowingly brought harm to him. He then concludes that if everyone treated each other as brothers, it would be a horribly cruel place.
In this paragraph the author dramatically changes his focus and tone. He deliberately undermines his previous position by mentioning several of the helpful deeds his older brothers did for him as a child, and how he enjoyed their company. Yet, all the while, he maintains the tone of one who is genuinely upset about his treatment.

The author goes on to mention how he has continued to idolize and follow his brothers' examples throughout his life. He continues to use the words of one who is upset, but gives examples of obviously positive aspects of their influence.

Here the author generalized his case, once again. He points out that there are probably millions of people who would….

Big Brother
Combat. A French Resistance Newspaper from 1944


Big Brother: The Physical Embodiment and Symbol of the Party in Oceania

Big Brother's Predecessors: Hitler, Stalin and an Old British Recruiting Poster Featuring Lord Kitchener


By O'Brien X

Unlike the real dictators Hitler and Stalin, Big Brother does not really exist and has never existed, except as the symbol of English Socialism (Ingsoc) and the Party that controls all aspects of life in Oceania through totalitarian, police state methods. After all, a dictator with a physical body will eventually become ill, decline with age and die, Big Brother will live forever as the image of a Party that intends to remain in power forever. Its members will die off, even at the privileged Inner Party levels, but that matters no more than cutting off dead fingernails. As a collective organization, the only goal of….

There is an obvious contradiction between what we think of Muslim women and their actual life. In order to better understand them and their social and civil life, we need to understand their religion and the way of thinking for both men and women.


In the introductory chapter of the book "The war of Muslim Minds, Islam and the West," Gilles Kepel talks about the online article "Knights under the Prophet's anner," published on the Internet in December 2001 by Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's most valued ideologue and Osama bin Laden's mentor.

According to his statements, the explanation for the attack of September 11 on the World Trade Centre is a simple and rather nationalistic one. Jihad activists came to face the disappointing conclusion that wherever they would go, Afghanistan, osnia or Saudi Arabia, jihad activist were unable to motivate and gather up the masses in order to fight and eliminate the….

Leadership and Service:

Inspiring and Guiding Others: Military officers are entrusted with leading teams of individuals, motivating them to achieve goals and accomplish missions. The opportunity to lead and impact the lives of others is a compelling reason to pursue a military career.
Serving the Nation: Officers serve as guardians of the nation, protecting it from threats and upholding its values. The sense of patriotism and the desire to make a meaningful contribution to society are driving forces for many aspiring officers.

Challenge and Personal Growth:

Embracing Challenges: Military life offers continuous challenges, both physically and mentally. Officers are tested in....

Islam promotes equality among its followers in a number of ways, including:

1. All Muslims are considered equal in the eyes of Allah. Regardless of their wealth, social status, or ethnicity, all believers are equal in their worship and devotion to God.

2. Islam teaches that all human beings are created equal and are deserving of respect and dignity. This includes equal rights and opportunities for both men and women.

3. The concept of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam emphasizes the importance of treating one another with kindness, compassion, and fairness, regardless of differences in background or social status.

4. Islam teaches the importance....

## Islam's Promotion of Equality

Islam, as a comprehensive religion, places great emphasis on fostering equality and inclusivity among its followers, regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. This principle of equality is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Quran, the sacred text of Islam, and the actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

### Quranic Teachings on Equality

The Quran repeatedly emphasizes that all human beings are created equal in the eyes of God. In Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 13, it states: "O mankind! We have created you from a single (pair) of a male and....

4 Pages


Brotherhood in Sonny's Blues Brotherhood

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

It is in the imagery of music that we come to understand Sonny's character. He is a tortured soul. He represents sadness and feeling, by contrast with his brother…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

History of the Brotherhood Group Its Goals

Words: 2106
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

history of the Brotherhood group, its goals, how the Muslim Brotherhood acted as a either a catalyst or just a participant in the uprisings, what the group has…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Following

Words: 3195
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to Usman, "The true strength of the Muslim Brotherhood lay not so much in its ideology as in the energy, devotion, and ruthlessness of its leaders. In…

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3 Pages

Middle East

How the Muslim Brotherhood Ruined Changes for Egyptian Leadership

Words: 1111
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Muslim Brotherhood -- Arab Spring in Egypt The Arab Spring of 2010, in which angry citizens in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen took to the streets by the hundreds of…

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12 Pages
Research Paper


Reform in Egypt and the

Words: 4063
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

At the time of this report on October 27, 2010, the Brotherhood spoke out against boycotting the upcoming election, but projected a rather optimistic attitude towards resolving the…

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10 Pages

Business - Management

Bny Mellon-Union Avoidance Program Bny Mellon Human

Words: 3088
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Bny Mellon-Union Avoidance Program BNY Mellon Human esource Management rights to avoid union program Severance of benefits and wages Monetary losses Non-availability of unemployment insurance Limited monetary benefits paid by unions Economic implications for the company eferendum…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Organizational Structure and Efficiency in Labor Unions

Words: 735
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

TEAMSTES THE INTENATIONAL BOTHEHOOD OF THE TEAMSTES Administration and membership of the Teamsters Union and its Organization The Teamsters Union refers to one of the biggest labor unions across the world. It…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

Controlling the Media in Egypt

Words: 4404
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Media Control in Egypt The media in Egypt is much more controlled than in many other countries, including the United States. That control began with President Gamal Abdel Nasser, moved…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Soldiers Who Fought in World War II

Words: 942
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

soldiers who fought in World War II and Vietnam. The writer illustrates many of the differences as well as similarities in the two war soldiers and uses movies…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Knights Templar

Words: 1675
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Knights Templar, condoned by the Catholic Church, represents a religious order committed to the seemingly opposing principles and ideas of Christian peace and brotherhood of man while remaining…

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2 Pages


MLK in His 1963 Letter

Words: 726
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

I can assure you that it would have been much shorter if I had been writing from a comfortable desk," (para. 47). The use of sarcasm allows King…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Black Studies - Philosophy

Tecumseh Red Jacket Speeches the

Words: 1030
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Both orators in some ways blame the hite Man for the destruction of his own peoples and remind the audience of the hite Man's seemingly unquenchable desire for…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Namely That the Effects of

Words: 388
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

But he juxtaposes this with other, brief examples of how his brothers knowingly brought harm to him. He then concludes that if everyone treated each other as brothers,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Newspaper Response to Orwell's 1984 to What Extent Is Resistance to Liberalism Justified

Words: 1643
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Big Brother Combat. A French Resistance Newspaper from 1944 COMBAT: THE RESISTANCE NESPAPER Big Brother: The Physical Embodiment and Symbol of the Party in Oceania Big Brother's Predecessors: Hitler, Stalin and an Old…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Islam and Politics the Islamic

Words: 2281
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There is an obvious contradiction between what we think of Muslim women and their actual life. In order to better understand them and their social and civil life, we…

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