Career Opportunities Essays (Examples)

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The academic requirement for a person to become a hotel manager is a mixture of three to six months training and/or experience in the field (Zupek, 2007).
However, academic qualifications are not the only requirements for hotel clerks since there are personality traits and characteristics that the individual should possess. Some of the major characteristics for the individual include the ability to provide instant and excellent customer service, computer literacy skills, and mathematical capabilities.


The job responsibilities and duties of concierge is to assist guests arriving at a hotel with almost everything including making restaurant reservations, obtaining tickets for special events, travel arrangements, and tours to various places. Therefore, it can be concluded that the main role of concierges is to arrange for basic personal and special services for guests. In order for an individual to work as a concierge, he/she needs a short-term on-the-job training. This is coupled by some….

Career Opportunities
The author of this report is asked to focus on career descriptions and outlooks, twelve particular ones, and then describe which ones are most appealing to the author of this report. The careers, in the order that they will be mentioned, are child life specialist, early childhood intervention, adult protective services, court appointed special service, Head Start administrator/teacher, forensic interviewer, children's protected services, pregnancy center employee, adoption center employee, foster care parent or employee, women shelter employee and children's camp administrator. The choice of the most appealing careers to the author will follow the above and precede the conclusion.

Child Life Specialist

A child life specialist works within the pediatric field. They are typically part of a team that focuses on healthcare for children and/or teenage children. Child life specialists use playing, talking and art to connect and help children. These specialists will usually work in places like doctor's offices and….

Career opportunities and job outlook related to service to family and children look favorable in the upcoming years. Several fields offer stable job growth along with unique opportunities to not only showcase specific talents, but help children and families achieve stability in their lives. Opportunities include teaching, social work, and counseling, among others, inviting pursuit of several, and different avenues in order to achieve the desired career path. Below are descriptions of twelve jobs in their related fields that people seeking to work with family and children, can research and apply for.
Child Life Specialist

A child life specialist deals with families and their children in order to aid in managing stressful circumstances. The job responsibilities of a child life specialist include responsibilities related to the field of pediatrics. For instance, most child life specialists conduct their work in hospitals and are associated with a team that provides healthcare for adolescents or….

Career Opportunities in Business Communication
Corporate communications refers to any means by which information or ideas are communicated from a corporation to an external party, or between parties within a corporation itself. Corporate communications can take many forms, from verbal to written to visual. It spans all media forms, from intercompany memos, to press releases, to interviews given to the media, to multimedia presentations at trade fairs. Any time a corporation is making a communication that is not an advertisement, that is corporate communications. Some of the main forms are public relations, speeches, web content, internal communication and government communication.

The field of corporate communications is specifically concerned with these flows of information. Communications staff work are responsible for managing these flows. They are involved in setting the agenda for what is communicated; when and where it is disseminated; and they write and produce the communications.

For me, corporate communications is a tremendous….

For attracting people in the nursing industry, many employers are offering benefits like child care, bonuses, flexible working hours and other incentives. (esearch and Education Association, 1997)
With an increase in the aging population, the practice of nursing will be in such settings which include a large majority of the elderly people. Gerontological nursing will not remain restricted to long-term care settings since a larger number of patients in outpatient settings, clinics, home care, hospitals and other community settings would comprise of elderly people. This would lead to a greater demand for nurses in the twenty-first century; including nurses in the community, at the bedside and in research. Many opportunities would arise for nurses to be case managers; they would teach and assist the elderly people to remain independent and monitor their own health. In the community care setting there would be an expansion in adult day care as well….

Of the many associations that address clean water recycling and the development of sustainable water reclamation and distribution programs the Center for a Sustainable Economy is one of the most active in providing venture capital in these areas. The need for being able to recycle water and also define more cost-effective systems for its distribution are critical for the growth of 3rd world nations and their ability to feed their populations. The adage of doing well by doing good applies to how I'd like my career to progress while seeing how chemistry and logistics can be applied to delivering quality drinking and irrigation water through third world nations. The rising demand for environmental engineers (Brandon, 2010) is a case in point. Creating a better world starts by focusing on how best to use the most vital of resources in the world today, which is water. Ultimately I'd like to….

Today, there are numerous job opportunities projected over the next several years for chefs based on the continued growth and expansion of food services outlets; chefs seeking higher-paying positions, though, will likely experience fierce competition (Chefs, cooks, and food preparation workers job and job outlook).

Based on current trends and growth patterns in the industry, experts project that there will be an 11% increase for chefs during the period 2006 to 2016, with about 351,000 new positions being created during this time (Chefs, cooks, and food preparation workers job and job outlook). Continuing population growth and demand for high quality food in upscale restaurants is expected to contribute to this increased demand for chefs in the future (Chefs, cooks, and food preparation workers job and job outlook). Outpacing this demand, though, will be the need for chefs who can cater to the casual dining consumer. According to the experts at….

Unemployment Away:
Internship and Career Opportunities With Apple Computers

Technology and computers are the future of our society and the jobs within it. It is important that every current student learn how to use computers so that he or she can keep up with the trends of the job markets. Even more important is actually focusing one's career on computers themselves. This line of work not only has many job opportunities that pay well, but also those that are fun and challenging. One company that offers some of the best options for computer careers is Apple. Apple is a top choice for those hoping to excel as a computer specialist because this company offers wonderful internship opportunities, a variety of well-paid career choices, and terrific benefits for employees.

Apple is one of the best computer companies with which to pursue a career because they offer incredible Internship opportunities to students. One example….

Flying the friendly skies -- but friendly to whom? The outlook of the airline industry regarding African-American job prospects and the overall future of the airline industry

Fly the friendly skies," the famous and infamous Delta Airlines advertisement used to proclaim to viewers everywhere. But friendly to whom, African-American job seekers and consumers could have demanded of the smiling Delta personnel depicted in the ads when they first ran in the 1970s and 1980s. The customers and the airline personnel alike in the advertisements were largely white, middle-class, and homogeneous in their appearances and depicted lifestyles. If women appeared in these ads in a professional capacity, they appeared as smiling and attractive stewardesses. This was, sadly reflective of the real-life airline industry in general at the time.

Also, in this "friendly" Delta advertisement, as in advertisements for most of the other carriers, African-Americans had no presence at all, even as customers. Today,….

Careers in Human esources
The three careers in my field of interest that are the most appealing include a payroll manager, an employee relations manager, and a recruitment specialist (also known as a headhunter). The responsibilities and tasks of these positions differ accordingly. Payroll managers are tasked with supervising all things related to the timely payment of employees and contractors. ecruitment specialists are tasked with finding and placing the proper candidates for the proper job positions that are available (Martinez, 2001, p. 48). An employee relations manager, which is also referred to as a director of labor relations, supervise general policies for employment. In fact, they oversee virtually aspects of employment from benefits and compensation to complaints, while contending with global change in labor practice (Townsend and Wilkinson, 2014, p. 203). Depending on what specific industry payroll managers and employee relations managers specialize in, they can make upwards of $100,000 a….

The "Dutch Test for Conflict-Handling," indentified my personality to have medium 'yielding' conflict style. This is consistent with my articulated belief that agreeability when handling conflicts is required, but not to the point that ethics are ignored. My test results on the "Big Five Personality" test thus support the notion that when handling ethical conflicts solving problems on a personal level and achieving a mutually beneficial solution is ideal. The need to do this in the financial industry today is evident in how many banks must renegotiate mortgages -- no one wants a foreclosure, as this benefits neither the home owner or the bank. Rather, resetting an interest rate so the home owner can stay in the homes but still make payments is the best solution, and this requires a compromise on both sides, ideally without a settlement in court.
A think, given what I have learned about the financial….

For this reason, contract specialists do not need as rigid a background as, say, a neurologist does. A contract specialist usually develops his or her skills for the job while working for a large organization that engages suppliers in major contractual agreements. Devotion to an organization may precede the decision to become a contract specialist. or, a business student might decide that the communication-oriented nature of contract specialization suits his or her personality. Another person might find that while standard legal careers were disappointing, a career in contract specialization helps bridge the gap between the law, business, and the public sector in ways other occupations cannot possibly do.
Where I Am Now

In relation to the goal of becoming a contract specialist, I am well on my way towards achieving this core career objective. Currently, I am an Army Service member who is becoming familiar with various government-related contractual agreements. The….

Career of Boris Karloff -

One of the most unique performances of Karloff's career was narrating the Dr. Seues cartoon "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
In his personal life, Karloff enjoyed playing Cricket, and was actually quite good at it. Karloff was the coach of the UCLA cricket team. He also liked to hike. His wife was not an actress, and they had one daughter together, Sara Jane born in 1938. Karloff was kind-spiritied and generous, donating large amounts of money to charities for children. He was also a charter member of the Screen Actor's Guild, and was quite active in the movement to get safer working conditions for movie actors in the 1930s. After many successful films, he returned to theatrical acting on roadway in 1942, when he starred in the first production of "Arsenic and Old Lace." He also appeared in live performances of "The Linden Tree" and "Peter Pan," in 1951, and….

career in sports nutrition, including the background necessary for the career, the necessary education, and job opportunities for sports nutritionists. Sports nutritionists can help people from every way of life lead healthier, happier lives. A professional sports nutritionist studies nutritional needs, weight maintenance, and even eating disorders so they can understand the nutritional problems American's face, and help them make the right eating decisions for their own specific needs. ith the growing problem of obesity in America, it is clear sports nutritionists will become even more valuable in the future. Today, they are an essential and integral part of modern sports exercise, and as the nutritional needs of our society continue to alter, nutritionists will play an even more important role in our healthy lives.
Sports nutrition is a relatively new field, and so many professionals are creating their own opportunities in many areas of exercise science and related sports….

To register, sonographers must pass a series of tests proving mastery of ultrasound procedures.
At the same time, sonographers can also receive special training from a variety of different venues including specialized programs ancillary to nursing coursework. The most common means of achieving the required certification is via a two-year Associates degree program ("Medical Sonographer Career and Job Information"). Coursework in specialized sonography programs includes ethical issues in health care as well as instruction in anatomy and physiology. Moreover, sonographers must prove they are able to life, push and pull heavy equipment and should be in general good health ("So You ant to Be a Sonographer").

orks Cited

Medical Sonographer Career and Job Information." Career Overview. Retrieved Feb 6, 2008 at

So You ant to be a Sonographer..." Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Retrieved Feb 6, 2008 at

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of what cosmetology is
B. Importance of cosmetology in personal care and beauty industry

II. History of Cosmetology
A. Origins of cosmetology
B. Evolution of cosmetology over time

III. Education and Training in Cosmetology
A. Types of cosmetology programs and schools
B. Curriculum and skills learned in cosmetology training
C. Licensing and certification requirements for cosmetologists

IV. Specializations within Cosmetology
A. Hair styling and cutting
B. Makeup artistry
C. Nail care and manicures
D. Skincare treatments

V. Career Opportunities in Cosmetology
A. Job outlook for cosmetologists
B. Potential salary ranges for cosmetologists
C. Work environments for cosmetologists


I. Introduction
A. Background information on expat dads in Korea
B. Thesis statement

II. Challenges faced by expat dads in Korea
A. Language barrier
B. Cultural differences
C. Work-life balance
D. Social isolation

III. Strategies for coping with challenges
A. Learning the language
B. Understanding Korean culture
C. Establishing a support network
D. Balancing work and family responsibilities

IV. Benefits of being an expat dad in Korea
A. Exposure to new experiences
B. Cultural enrichment for children
C. Career growth opportunities
D. Increased sense of independence and resilience

V. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis statement
B. Summary of main points
C. Closing thoughts on the....

Outline for an Essay on Expat Dads in Korea

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a compelling anecdote or statistic highlighting the unique experiences of expat dads in Korea.
B. Thesis statement: Briefly state the central argument or claim of the essay, such as "Expat dads in Korea face distinct challenges and rewards that shape their experiences as fathers and cultural outsiders."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Challenges of Being an Expat Dad
A. Lack of social support: Discuss the isolation and disconnect that expat dads may feel due to being far from their extended family and support systems.
B. Cultural differences: Explore....

3 Pages
Research Proposal


Career Opportunities Within the Hospitality

Words: 925
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The academic requirement for a person to become a hotel manager is a mixture of three to six months training and/or experience in the field (Zupek, 2007). However, academic…

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11 Pages


Career Opportunities the Author of This Report

Words: 3032
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Career Opportunities The author of this report is asked to focus on career descriptions and outlooks, twelve particular ones, and then describe which ones are most appealing to the author…

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13 Pages


Career Opportunities and Job Outlook Related to

Words: 3891
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Career opportunities and job outlook related to service to family and children look favorable in the upcoming years. Several fields offer stable job growth along with unique opportunities to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Career Opportunities in Business Communication

Words: 3670
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Career Opportunities in Business Communication Corporate communications refers to any means by which information or ideas are communicated from a corporation to an external party, or between parties within a…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Career Opportunities in the Early

Words: 2356
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For attracting people in the nursing industry, many employers are offering benefits like child care, bonuses, flexible working hours and other incentives. (esearch and Education Association, 1997) With an…

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4 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Career Opportunities Exist in This

Words: 1622
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Of the many associations that address clean water recycling and the development of sustainable water reclamation and distribution programs the Center for a Sustainable Economy is one of…

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8 Pages


Career Opportunities for Chefs in

Words: 2675
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Today, there are numerous job opportunities projected over the next several years for chefs based on the continued growth and expansion of food services outlets; chefs seeking higher-paying…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Unemployment Away Internship and Career Opportunities With

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Unemployment Away: Internship and Career Opportunities With Apple Computers Technology and computers are the future of our society and the jobs within it. It is important that every current student…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Career Opportunities for African Americans in Aviation Jobs vs Market Potential and Growth

Words: 1587
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Airline Flying the friendly skies -- but friendly to whom? The outlook of the airline industry regarding African-American job prospects and the overall future of the airline industry Fly the friendly…

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2 Pages

Human Resources

Human Resources and Careers

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Careers in Human esources The three careers in my field of interest that are the most appealing include a payroll manager, an employee relations manager, and a recruitment specialist (also…

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9 Pages
Research Proposal


Career Report Individual Report The

Words: 2665
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The "Dutch Test for Conflict-Handling," indentified my personality to have medium 'yielding' conflict style. This is consistent with my articulated belief that agreeability when handling conflicts is required,…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Career Path Career of Interest

Words: 1219
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

For this reason, contract specialists do not need as rigid a background as, say, a neurologist does. A contract specialist usually develops his or her skills for the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Career of Boris Karloff -

Words: 1785
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One of the most unique performances of Karloff's career was narrating the Dr. Seues cartoon "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." In his personal life, Karloff enjoyed playing Cricket, and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Career in Sports Nutrition Including the Background

Words: 812
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

career in sports nutrition, including the background necessary for the career, the necessary education, and job opportunities for sports nutritionists. Sports nutritionists can help people from every way…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Career Investigation Sonographers Enjoy the

Words: 338
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

To register, sonographers must pass a series of tests proving mastery of ultrasound procedures. At the same time, sonographers can also receive special training from a variety of different…

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