Case Study Essays (Examples)

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Treatment Plan:
The treatment plan should include medication for high blood pressure
and diabetes. Indeed, according to some evidence, the long term usage of
diuretic antihypertensives to reduce the presence of excess salts in the
body can help to lower blood pressure. (Klatt, 1) Given that the subject
of this discussion also suffers from an elevated risk of myocardial
infarction, the danger of cardiac arrest or general heart failure is of
greater concern than the presence of any side effects from the medication.
Research here denotes that the risk of myocardial infarction is increased
by the implications of hypertension, indicating that medication is
appropriate in this case. The treatment modality for both the prevention
of myocardial infarction and high blood pressure needs to be based on
regular medication habits. So is this the case with diabetes.
Also with regard to diabetes and concerning elevated cholesterol
levels, as elaborated in the discussion on lifestyle intervention, the
incorporation of regular physical activity, a health level of moderate

Case Study Josie

Josie Case Study
The author of this report is asked to look at a case study relating to a young girl named Josie. The author is asked to answer to four particular high level questions and provide clear and concrete advice and solution to each of the four. Those four questions, in order, asked for risk factors, what should be done, what roadblocks will occur and the key legal/ethical considerations that will come up along the way.

As for the first question, that regarding the key advocacy issues and risk factors in play here, there are two in particular that scream out from this example of Josie. First, she is bi-racial and she is in a suburban school. It's not safe to assume, but it's fairly safe to say that a suburban school would be predominantly white and this would cause a massive amount of identity and bullying issues due to the….

curriculum committee proceed with the work yet to be done?
The curriculum committee should solicit information from all stakeholders, including part-time faculty, current students, and also the five acute care hospitals which are a part of the university network. It should create a map for future curriculum development, complete with specific deadlines for a timeline of activities. Unless goals are specifically set with a deadline-driven focus, it is far too easy for the curriculum committee to merely remain at the abstract and theoretical level of debate or to become stymied by political in-fighting (a particular danger in educational politics). Educational changes must be time-sensitive, particularly because when they are instituted there will inevitably be some change resistance from various stakeholders. Unless the process has a sense of urgency, people will not buy into the change.

Q2.What should the curriculum committee consider next?

The curriculum committee should consider specifically how curriculum changes and….

Case Study of Facebook

Innovation and Creativity: Case Study of Facebook

On 28th October, 2003, Mark Zukerberg wrote Facemash in order to create a social networking website for the students of Harvard. At that time he was not aware that he was starting a whole new era of social networking innovation and creativity. What was started as a tool of social networking for the students of university became the biggest social networking hub. The reason behind this unexpected and surprising success is the innovative and fearless attitude of the Facebook leader. In this rapidly changing world, it has become necessary for each and every business to innovate and change in order to survive and operate profitability. To create examples of this kind requires leadership hype in innovation, creativity, and change.

ACKGROUND AND HISTORY OF FACEOOK:, as known at that time, was launched….

TTP Case Study
There are many different aspects of this company that help to foster innovation, beginning with the human resources at the company and the way they are viewed. It is clear that Gerald has had a commitment to hiring curious and investigative people from the start, and the employee-ownership structure of the company definitely helps to encourage an ongoing commitment to providing new and innovative ventures for the company. The general culture and atmosphere of curiosity and an emphasis on interest rather than profits (or in addition to profits, at the ver least) is also a very effective means of encouraging innovation as well as (presumably) encouraging employee retention, which would in trun foster innovation through the building of a great deal of camaraderie and trust amidst the company's teams.


This methods of innovation and of fostering innovation at TTP might not be easily transferable to other organizations, as many….

Ethics Case Study
This report presents an analysis of the ethical challenges faced by two organizations -- one in the not-for-profit sector named Susan G. Komen for the Cure and one in the for-profit sector named The Lubrizol Corporation. A brief background of the two organizations is provided which also includes a description of the ethical challenge. Several alternatives for each organization are discussed along with implications for various stakeholders. Out of the three alternatives for each organization, two are rejected and the reasons for rejection are also presented. The proposed solution for each organization is discussed and is followed by a detailed recommendation based on specific steps and measures to be taken by the management. The report concludes with a reflection on the qualities of an effective response to real-life ethical challenges faced by organizations.

Table of Contents





Susan G. Komen for the Cure 3

2.2 The Lubrizol Corporation 4

3.0 Analysis….

Performance Plus Case Study
To stay competitive, organizations have to keep themselves abreast of the changes in their business environment and customer preferences. apid developments in Information Technology, increasing trend towards Globalization, and day by day increasing industry size are some of the factors that essentially require the business organizations to keep themselves dynamic in their respective industry. Therefore only those organizations can achieve a sustainable future that continuously keeps on bringing improvements in their business operations.

The Performance plus Team, under the supervision of Steve Cook is assigned with a new target 'new product development'. The main objective behind establishing this team is to improve company's current product offerings as well as ensure a better financial performance than previous years. The implementation of this Change Strategy will also bring some big challenges for the Performance Plus team that will make it difficult to achieve the desired results within the given span….

Ford Motor Company
Case Study of Ford Motor Company

History, Development and Growth

Ford Motor Company has been a vital American automaker since its incorporation in 1902. The car maker was started at that time by Henry Ford and has continued with some member of the family on the board of directors since that time. The company began selling individually manufactured vehicles, but moved to an innovation devised by the founder soon after. Henry Ford wanted to make a car that was easily mass manufactured. He came up with the Model A concept. Ford had all of the parts pre-made and then as the individual cars progressed through an "assembly line" parts were added at different stations until the car was complete at the other end of the line. With this new method of manufacture, Ford Motor Company was able to undercut the competition in price per vehicle. Following this, Ford grew astronomically.


Medication Error
Medical errors cost lives, and they cost health care organizations valuable resources. Nurses are often confused about their ethical as well as legal obligations, especially with a complex, constantly changing, global healthcare marketplace. Few medical errors are completely straightforward. Most incidents involve multiple actors and numerous stakeholders. Nurses are being increasingly challenged to combine deontological with utilitarian ethical viewpoints, an endeavor that is as challenging as the work of healthcare itself.

The Case

(from Hurley & Berghahn, 2010)

A nurse with 16 years of experience was working her third shift in 24 hours, one of which was a double shift. She spent last night sleeping in the hospital. Currently, the nurse was caring for two patients. One was a pregnant teenager admitted for labor induction. The patient tested positive for streptococcus, and a medical resident wrote an order for penicillin.

To prepare for the patient's procedure, the nurse removed the medications ordered for….

Case Study on Franz Berger

Franz Berger is quality assurance manager and master brewer at Brewing Partner Ltd.(BPL), a Beijing- based management services organization. BPL had been established by the China Investment Group (CIG) with the precise mission of helping the two local breweries, Dragon and Golden Spring, "realize their aggressive return on invested capital targets." One of the main tools in achieving these goals was through an improved product that could begin to rival some of the Western beers that had appeared on the Chinese market (Fosters, Budweiser, etc.). These beers, even if commercialized at a much higher price than the local beers, had become serious competitors through their higher quality and Western fame.
In his attempt to achieve an increased quality of the product, the quality assurance manager, Franz Berger, implemented several measures aimed at improving monitoring and control of the production process. Among these, he introduced several testing programs, as well as sampling….

Case Study on Leadership

Michael A. Todman has a position of legal authority in the company as the president of Whirlpool. He exercises leadership not only through his official position with the company, but also in his symbolic role as being a visionary and global communicator. His colleagues describe Todman as a stellar decision maker, which is a core component of effective leadership. Being born in the Caribbean means that Todman also has a global foundation from which to base his communications decisions, and other members of the senior management team characterize Todman as being a global leader. Todman understands how to triage problems and create lists of priorities, which helps him lead teams through times of crisis. His familiarity with operations and organizational culture alike make it so that Todman's decision-making is logical. One of the ways Todman has been able to be an outstanding leader for Whirlpool is by encouraging members of….

bipolar diagnosis: A case study of Miranda
Miranda is a sixteen-year-old second-generation Chinese-American girl who is suspected of manifesting bipolar disorder, according her referencing pediatrician. Miranda's specific, proposed diagnosis according to Appendix D of the DSM is "Bipolar 2 Disorder, in which the primary symptom presentation is recurrent depression accompanied by hypomanic episodes (a milder state of mania in which the symptoms are not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or need for hospitalization, but are sufficient to be observable by others)." However, there are also some indications that drug use may be provoking her symptoms Miranda comes from a very high-achieving family that places considerable weight upon academic success. Throughout most of her scholastic life, Miranda has excelled in school but her sophomore year of high school her grades began to decline. According to Miranda's mother (who is a self-described 'stay at home mom'),….

Public Administration: Case Study on Health Care Institution
This work will examine public administration theories and concepts along with individuals that have contributed to the field of public administration while simultaneously reviewing the case study set out for examination in this work in writing. The case study relates a hospital matter in which the hospital has received $250,000 funding which is not earmarked resulting in several key administrative personnel in the hospital contemplating how they believe the funding should be utilized and each with their own personnel departmental agenda in mind.

Contemporary Public Administration

Basu (2004) states that modern public administration "has usurped more and more functions within its scope. Besides law and order, revenue collection and security functions, it operationalizes a vast array of public laws, provides public services like post and telegraphs and transport facilities in cities and towns, and is the main instrument of socioeconomic transformation in developing societies." (p.2)….

Ethics, Social Justice & Advocacy Dimensions
Cultural diversity case study: Biko

Biko has overcome tremendous obstacles to attain his current level of educational and social achievement. However, this inevitably has caused him a great deal of personal stress. He is currently feeling socially marginalized in a largely all-white environment even though he is academically competent. His feelings of guilt regarding his parents' desire for him to attend a historically black college further compound this sense of frustration and alienation. Biko's lack of a social outlet has resulted in him taking out his anger against his girlfriend.

On an individual level, Biko is highly gifted intellectually in terms of his ability in the sciences. However, this gift in understanding things from a mechanical perspective might prove to be an impediment for him empathizing with others. On a group level, Biko identifies as an African-American, a historically-discriminated against group in America that has faced….

Case Study on CABG

Coronary Artery Bypass Graph Case Study
Rationale for selecting article:

As a nurse, I have interacted with patients who have required coronary artery bypass graphs, although this is a recent experience; before this I had not been involved in these procedures. It is a serious medical procedure, as most procedures involving the internal organs are, particularly with regard to the human heart. CABG are used by surgeons to treat people with coronary heart disease (CHD). Plague within the heart hardens and then narrows the coronary arteries, reducing flow of blood to the heart which can result in a blood clot. CABG allow for the needed blood to get through the heart by bypassing the blocked artery. During the procedures, patients are anesthetized and then a healthy artery or vein is taken from another part of the body and connected to the blocked coronary artery. The article chosen is entitled "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention….

This is a very interesting topic.  Near the end of each year, Lux Research posts a list of transformational technologies to watch in the following year, which might be a good place to start if you are looking for ideas about a specific technology.  However, those are going to be technologies that are already invented.  Inventing a technology that would transform society in a specific country would require an intimate understanding and knowledge of a country’s culture, geography, religion, history, infrastructure, and natural resources; identifying a problem that it has; and combing up with a novel invention....

A paper that focuses on topics like strategic decision making, strategy, leadership, management control systems, entrepreneurship, or organization changes can take two approaches.  You can thoroughly explain one of the concepts, for example describing that strategic decision making is a method of business planning that looks at long-term goals.  The other approach is to do some sort of case study looking specifically at events to determine how one of those topics either impacted or was impacted by a company’s decision-making process.  So, the first thing you need to do is decide what type of paper....

Your assignment requires you to pick two case studies about family relationships.  You can select the case studies from your own experience or from articles.  At least one of the case studies needs to focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural considerations.  If you are going to use your personal experiences, you want to write out the case study to make it easier for you to reference.

Once you have selected the families you want to highlight in your case studies, you need to write the case studies.  Even if you are....

5 Pages
Research Proposal


Case Study Risk Assessment for

Words: 1660
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Treatment Plan: The treatment plan should include medication for high blood pressure and diabetes. Indeed, according to some evidence, the long term usage of diuretic antihypertensives to reduce the presence of excess…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Case Study Josie

Words: 1207
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Josie Case Study The author of this report is asked to look at a case study relating to a young girl named Josie. The author is asked to answer to…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Health - Nursing

Case Study Philmore College

Words: 1342
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

curriculum committee proceed with the work yet to be done? The curriculum committee should solicit information from all stakeholders, including part-time faculty, current students, and also the five acute…

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6 Pages
Case Study


Case Study of Facebook

Words: 1672
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Innovation and Creativity: Case Study of Facebook "FACEMASH TO FACEOOK: AN INNOVATIVE JOURNEY FROM UNIVERSITY SOCIAL NETWORKING WESITE TO ILLION DOLLAR usiness" On 28th October, 2003, Mark Zukerberg wrote Facemash in…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Case Study the Technology Partnership

Words: 534
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

TTP Case Study There are many different aspects of this company that help to foster innovation, beginning with the human resources at the company and the way they are viewed.…

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10 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Case Study Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values Between For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Organizations

Words: 3494
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

Ethics Case Study This report presents an analysis of the ethical challenges faced by two organizations -- one in the not-for-profit sector named Susan G. Komen for the Cure and…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Case Study Performance Plus

Words: 1260
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Performance Plus Case Study To stay competitive, organizations have to keep themselves abreast of the changes in their business environment and customer preferences. apid developments in Information Technology, increasing trend…

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8 Pages
Case Study


Case Study of Ford Motor Company

Words: 2344
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Case Study

Ford Motor Company Case Study of Ford Motor Company History, Development and Growth Ford Motor Company has been a vital American automaker since its incorporation in 1902. The car maker was started…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Case Study Medication Error Dealing With an Ethical Dilemma

Words: 1268
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Medication Error Medical errors cost lives, and they cost health care organizations valuable resources. Nurses are often confused about their ethical as well as legal obligations, especially with a complex,…

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7 Pages
Case Study

Urban Studies

Case Study on Franz Berger

Words: 2119
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

Franz Berger is quality assurance manager and master brewer at Brewing Partner Ltd.(BPL), a Beijing- based management services organization. BPL had been established by the China Investment Group (CIG)…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Case Study on Leadership

Words: 564
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Leadership Michael A. Todman has a position of legal authority in the company as the president of Whirlpool. He exercises leadership not only through his official position with the company,…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Case Study Bipolar Disorder in an Adolescent

Words: 1461
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

bipolar diagnosis: A case study of Miranda Miranda is a sixteen-year-old second-generation Chinese-American girl who is suspected of manifesting bipolar disorder, according her referencing pediatrician. Miranda's specific, proposed diagnosis…

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9 Pages
Case Study


Case Study on Health Care Institution

Words: 3079
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Case Study

Public Administration: Case Study on Health Care Institution This work will examine public administration theories and concepts along with individuals that have contributed to the field of public administration while…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Case Study Ethics Social Justice and Advocacy Dimensions

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Ethics, Social Justice & Advocacy Dimensions Cultural diversity case study: Biko Biko has overcome tremendous obstacles to attain his current level of educational and social achievement. However, this inevitably has…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Health - Nursing

Case Study on CABG

Words: 1021
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Coronary Artery Bypass Graph Case Study Rationale for selecting article: As a nurse, I have interacted with patients who have required coronary artery bypass graphs, although this is a recent experience;…

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