Central America Essays (Examples)

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S.A. preferred to move the responsibility of assistance from the arms of the state and pass in unto the ones of the private sectors.
The trade capacity building assistance has its focus upon three main areas. The first area is represented by the reinforcement of the negotiating capacity of the five countries which adhered to the CAFTA agreement. The second one referred to then strengthening of the institutions which were responsible for the implementation of all the CAFTA decisions. The third one meant solving the problem of the costs implied by the consequences of the agreement. None of the declared purposes was fully reached until today.

There were environmental obligations, as well as labour ones, but they had to be implemented by the parties themselves with little if any help from the outside. Under the circumstances in which the unity of the Central American party had been destroyed by tye negotiations themselves,….

Companies that are seeking to enter this market are likely to find it a difficult undertaking because the society remains backward. A company cannot sell products to a people who have no money, and that is the situation in China today. It is also the situation in Central America, but Central America would be much more responsive to the entry of outside companies offering funds for development and providing jobs for the people than is China. Helping develop the society, and especially including more women in the process, could also help with the difficult task of reducing the stranglehold some authoritarian regimes still have. Those regimes might be resistant, but they are also eager to have external investment that would benefit them. Business has to make certain that investment also benefits the people and contributes to change in a positive direction.
One of the women who helped bring the plight….

Latin America and Central America: The History of BelizeBefore the arrival of Europeans, the people of Belize, called Maya, lived in the land due to the ruins in La Milpa, Altun Ha, Caracol, and Xunantunich (Alford, Griffith & Bolland, 2021). With the entry of Spanish into the area during the 16th and 17th centuries, the conversion of Maya to Christianity was initiated, though it was not a successful step. The politics decentralized within this region had already been in progress along with the downfall of Maya civilization before the beginning of the Spanish. It should still be noted that the Maya could not be conclusively beaten without the apt resources to fight the Spanish. Before the Spanishs incoming, the said civilization was considered one of the greatest civilizations of that time. They excelled in building temples shaped in a pyramid and gigantic stone buildings. They were experts in working with….

Food History Of Central American Cuisine
What is the geographical location of Central America and why it has an effect on the Central America cuisine? (i.e., what is the weather condition in Central America and does that play an affect as to why they eat the foods they eat and what foods do they eat mostly).

The geographical location of Central America has just about everything to do with the cuisine of the countries that make up the area. The countries include Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa ica, and Panama. The countries form an isthmus that connects Mexico with Latin America. They enjoy a tropical climate, which means a wide variety of plants thrive there, and this of course adds to the diet and the cuisine. For example, tropical plants such as plantains are popular in the cooking of the region, and coffee is one of the staples of the area….

H.B. Fuller Case Study
H.B. Fuller Company, a company based out of Minnesota that prides itself for being a socially responsible business, is a worldwide manufacturer of adhesives, sealants, and paint coatings. Since the early 1980's, H.B. Fuller has been marketing a solvent-based glue, known as Resistol, in Latin America. In 1996, a wrongful death lawsuit was filed against H.B. Fuller by the parents of Joel de Jesus, who claimed that the harmful solvent-based glue was the cause of their child's death.

Fuller marketed the glue despite knowledge that the product was being abused by thousands of street children in Latin American countries. The glue contained toluene, a sweet smelling, addictive chemical that is highly toxic. Toluene destroys the thin layers of fat that surround the nerves, causing them to die. It also causes nosebleeds, rashes, severe neurological dysfunction, brain atrophy, loss of liver and kidney functions, loss of sight and hearing,….

Social Housing in Central America
One of the major issues confronting the developing world is that of housing, with homelessness and sub-standard dwellings experienced by a large number of the world's impoverished citizens. Even the developed world experiences come problems in this regard, however it is in the nations and regions of the world that still have limited economic activity and infrastructure that this problem is most severe. Much of Central America is in such a position, with a lack of infrastructure, economic distress, and governmental and social instabilities contributing to the perpetuation of problems securing appropriate housing for all citizens. Social housing, or housing programs facilitated by governmental and/or non-profit organizations with the specific purpose of providing low-cost housing that meets basic standards, is one way that many nations of the region are attempting to address this issue.

Panama is in a somewhat better position than certain other countries of the….

History of Central America
Central America is a distinctive region comprising of five small countries namely Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa ica. Economically speaking, the region is well-known for coffee production but political speaking, the words crisis, conflict and trouble define the region. The five countries have encountered more than their fair share of political chaos and turmoil beginning from the times of colonial occupation. Central American countries like many other regions of the world were unfortunately not an enlightened section and thus became the target of Spanish imperialism in the 16th century. European imperialism that had dominated the entire world including North America originated from deep cultural division and the fact that Europe was the so-called educated and enlightened lot while the rest of the world was still going through Dark Ages. This lack of enlightenment had become an excuse for Europeans to occupy other parts of….

In the early 16th century the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua was settled by Panamanians as a Spanish colony but the country gained its independence from Spain in 1821, according to the CIA orld Factbook. Daniel Ortega and his wife Murillo hold power in Nicaragua and Ortega convinced the Supreme Court and the national assembly to change the rule that a president has term limits, so for the time being, they are unopposed, approaching a dictatorship. A civil war erupted which brought Marxist Sandinista guerrillas to power in 1979, and the United States became involved in funding the anti-Sandinista movement, which led to a major scandal in the Reagan Administration (more on that later in this paper).

Nicaragua Demographics

There is only one Latin American nation that is poorer than Nicaragua, and that is Haiti. As of July, 2014, there were approximately 5,848,641 people living in Nicaragua and the breakdown of age shows….

Maya vs. Aztecs
hen it comes to civilizations that have come and gone over the years, there are many that can be mentioned. Many people point to the Ottoman Empire, the Romans and others. However, there are other civilizations that are often skipped and the lost home of these civilizations is often the est. Just two of those would be the Aztecs and the Maya. There are many similarities between these two civilizations including where they were generally located and the patterns they took on when it came to their existence and prospering. However, there were also some marked differences including how long they lasted and the specifics of what ended up happening to their existence on this planet. This report will focus on one aspect of both cultures and how they were alike and different. For this report, that shall be religion. hile the Aztecs and Maya were very similar….

Enrique's Journey Book Summary
Enrique's Journey was the story of a young boy from Central America who quest to reunite with his mother who had left him at the age of 5 in order to search for work in the United States. Lourdes was Enrique's mother who struggled in Honduras to support her young children named Enrique and Belky. However, she realized that she would not be able to send her children to schools, and she did not want them to remain poor. Thus, she left her home to travel to the United States to be able to take care of her children by sending money to them. As a young child, Enrique did not have an idea why their mother left them and his family in Honduras did not provide a straight answer. Over the years, she moved from one family's home to the other while his sister was well….

This represented a sharp turn in public beliefs, and it represented a new type of America that no longer welcomed immigrants with open arms, and that has continued unchecked to the present day.
This shift in public thought and government legislation resulted in the first immigration law to exclude immigrants because of their race and class, and laws continued to tighten until after World War II ended in 1945. Potential immigrants were screened for health problems, but they were also interviewed, tracked, and monitored, something new to immigrants in the country. They began being treated as if they were second-class citizens, and they started settling in specific areas of a city or town, and keeping to themselves, attempting to hold on to their culture and way of life for as long as possible (Lee). This regulation resulted in many more laws governing who could immigrate and why, and led to….

Although Friedman claims that the use of religion as a common bond among early Americans is no longer relevant, there are scores of Americans who still believe that the nation is essentially a Christian one. The identity of Tea Party people is inextricably tied into an identity that may seem outmoded to many Americans. Yet to the Tea Party, their identity is more American than any apple pie.
Most Americans throughout most of American history considered it perfectly fine to deny half the (white) population the right to vote on the basis of gender. Being female was considered a handicap, which systematically denied women the right to be Americans even if they identified with the culture of the United States. Asian men who worked on the railroads in nineteenth century America were not even permitted to start families because their Otherness was too much for the ASP majority. Now, Asians….

Central Intelligence Agency
The civilian intelligence agency of United States has given the name of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The fundamental objective of this agency is to collect, assess and publicize foreign intelligence that provides national security intelligence assessment to the senior United States policy makers. The CIA is also involved in secret agenda at the request of President of United States.[footnoteRef:1]The establishment of CIA was in succession of the Office of Strategic Service (OSS) being operative in World War II. [1: Caroline Wilbert. "How the CIA Works." Available from http://people.howstuffworks.com/cia.htm; accessed Aug 3rd 2011]

On the government side CIA works fundamentally with the House Permanent select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. These two committees and the Foreign Relations, Foreign Affairs and Armed Services committee are responsible to authorize the CIA's program and oversee the CIA. The funding and budgeting system of the CIA programs, staffing….

America was a wonderful experiment in freedom and democracy which had never before been attempted by any nation. Nations either tried to give power to the people in order to prevent monarchies from rising to despotic power, or they allowed monarchs, despots and other sole figure heads to rise to power. In the case of allowing the people to rule, Europe and European's had learned many times that unbridled power in the hands of the people was no more just than the rule of despots. obs could become just as dictatorial as individual monarchs who sat upon golden thrones. Until America came into existence, nations could only expect to exist for a short time before political turmoil would create change of government, and the nation would start over again.
So as America grew from a fledgling nation to a powerful and economically stable country, those who had watched democracy struggle around….

In years before, America was a collection of Chinese, Germans, Italians, Scots, Croats, etc., all craving freedom. Today, even the simple concept of an English-speaking nation is fading off the continent. In the past, immigrants were taught in English in the public schools. In America today, children are taught in German, Italian, Polish, and 108 other languages and dialects. Most of these schools are funded by 139 million federal dollars. "The linguist's egalitarian attitude toward dialect has evolved into the multicultural notion that dialect as a cultural feature is part of one's identity as a member of that culture."
Due to their ethnic or cultural heterogeneity, multiethnic societies in general are more fragile and have a higher risk of conflicts. In the worst case such conflicts can cause the breakdown of these societies. Recent examples of this were the violent breakdown of Yugoslavia and the peaceful separation of Czechoslovakia. Forced….

8 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Cafta the Central America Free

Words: 2671
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S.A. preferred to move the responsibility of assistance from the arms of the state and pass in unto the ones of the private sectors. The trade capacity building assistance has…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Women in Central America Social

Words: 1898
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Companies that are seeking to enter this market are likely to find it a difficult undertaking because the society remains backward. A company cannot sell products to a…

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5 Pages

Latin America

The History of Belize Latin America and Central America

Words: 1390
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Latin America and Central America: The History of BelizeBefore the arrival of Europeans, the people of Belize, called Maya, lived in the land due to the ruins in La…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Food History in Central America

Words: 1829
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Food History Of Central American Cuisine What is the geographical location of Central America and why it has an effect on the Central America cuisine? (i.e., what is the weather…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Hb Fuller and the Street Children of Central America

Words: 788
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

H.B. Fuller Case Study H.B. Fuller Company, a company based out of Minnesota that prides itself for being a socially responsible business, is a worldwide manufacturer of adhesives, sealants, and…

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2 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Social Housing in Central America One of

Words: 533
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Housing in Central America One of the major issues confronting the developing world is that of housing, with homelessness and sub-standard dwellings experienced by a large number of the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Modern History of Central American People

Words: 1590
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

History of Central America Central America is a distinctive region comprising of five small countries namely Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa ica. Economically speaking, the region is…

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3 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Facts About the Central American Country Nicaragua

Words: 986
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Nicaragua In the early 16th century the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua was settled by Panamanians as a Spanish colony but the country gained its independence from Spain in 1821, according…

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3 Pages


Ancient Central American Cultures Compared

Words: 1126
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Maya vs. Aztecs hen it comes to civilizations that have come and gone over the years, there are many that can be mentioned. Many people point to the Ottoman Empire,…

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3 Pages
Book Report

Literature - Latin-American

Central America and Mother

Words: 926
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Report

Enrique's Journey Book Summary Enrique's Journey was the story of a young boy from Central America who quest to reunite with his mother who had left him at the age…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

American History

America Even the Native Americans

Words: 1407
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This represented a sharp turn in public beliefs, and it represented a new type of America that no longer welcomed immigrants with open arms, and that has continued…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

American History

America One Enduring Aspect of

Words: 1242
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although Friedman claims that the use of religion as a common bond among early Americans is no longer relevant, there are scores of Americans who still believe that…

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5 Pages


Central Intelligence Agency the Civilian Intelligence Agency

Words: 1636
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Central Intelligence Agency The civilian intelligence agency of United States has given the name of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The fundamental objective of this agency is to collect, assess…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


America Was a Wonderful Experiment in Freedom

Words: 3066
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

America was a wonderful experiment in freedom and democracy which had never before been attempted by any nation. Nations either tried to give power to the people in order…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


America as a Multinational Society

Words: 3513
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In years before, America was a collection of Chinese, Germans, Italians, Scots, Croats, etc., all craving freedom. Today, even the simple concept of an English-speaking nation is fading…

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