Character Education Essays (Examples)

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Other persons view smoking in different moral lights, and the notion of the example set by health care professionals is a vital topic in this field. In short, healthcare employees must not condone smoking through their own negative behaviors, observed by patients who are dealing with the health consequences of a lifetime habit -- but the organization must provide support for the workers to stop smoking and not simply assure them that strength of will enables them to quit.
This is an excellent example of the best of character and diversity education. It is specific and meaningful, concrete and tolerant, yet embraces discussion. Character is not set or engraved in stone, it can and must change in relation to others and to the needs of a community. However, that does not mean that a person must abandon what is good about his or her upbringing, personal character traits, or other….

Katz and the Toxic Culture of EducationOne of the things that caught me about the lecture given by Katz was when he described some of the worst of the bottom 25% of students he teaches: The worst of those students have had no education of character, common decency, appropriate language, appropriate behavior. They barely know right from wrong. These are the students who are at risk of dropping out, incarceration, or abusing social welfare. In support of the problem of a lack of character education are studies by Lickona (1993) and Pala (2011). Both show that this problem needs to be addressed because it is the root of issues with learners failing in school and in life. However, in support of the other side of the argument is this study by Kohn (1997), which argues that character education does not really play a fundamental role in the shaping of education….

According to a British Study conducted on all students born in the first week of March 1958, and following them through adolescence and on until the age of twenty-three:
There were no average differences between grouped and ungrouped schools because within the grouped schools, high-group students performed better than similar students in ungrouped schools, but low-group students did worse. Students in remedial classes performed especially poorly compared to ungrouped students with similar family backgrounds and initial achievement. With low-group losses offsetting high-group gains, the effects on productivity were about zero, but the impact on inequality was substantial." (Gamoran 1992)

As Gamoran points out, grouping or "tracking" tended to accentuate a student's skills or lack thereof. High-ability students benefited from segregation, but low-ability students did even worse than before. And while low-ability pupils received no benefit whatsoever from the tracking system, neither did their schools. The net gain in performance among the….

Biblical principles that are related to our intellectual and spiritual education. They have a basis in the Bible (both the New and the Old Testament) and can be applied to our lives in many ways. Often times, as is shown in this paper, our own experiences bear out what these principles teach us. In this paper, a discussion of 10 Biblical principles and their relation to Scripture is provided. How these principles have applied to the writer's own life is also described. Following these discussions are plans for how the ideas developed may be practically applied in life so as to give glory to God and better our own lives.
The education of young students takes place not just on an intellectual level but also on a spiritual level. It is part of what character education consists of -- the formation of the mind and soul in terms of the….

school uniforms within a school system. Ideas such as school discipline, student behavior, and academic achievement are discussed along with examples of why different schools have implemented student use of uniforms. Various viewpoints are presented, along with proponents and opponents concerns for the actual implementation of uniforms.

Many schools across the United States have adopted school uniforms to meet the needs for a mandatory dress code. There are many opposing arguments on the issue of whether public school students in the United States should be required to wear uniforms or obey dress codes. Improvement of discipline and academic performance, reduction of fashion competition among students are a few of the reasons given in support of implementing school uniforms. However, the opposing viewpoints maintain that requiring school uniforms are a violation of students' First Amendment right to freedom….

great leaders in times of change is that good leaders facilitate the change and enable the organization to achieve the objective. A great leader, however, has a vision of beyond the change -- one that encapsulates the higher and greater objective. he great leader not only facilitates the change but also provides the support and vision for the next steps after the change. In other words, the leader provides support for the entire culture, the organization's balance and mission.
Christal notes that the effective educational change leaders "comprehend and communicate what will be demanded of their graduates" and that they also "model the behaviors of learning, collaboration, effective teaching and risk-taking" (Wagner, 2013).….

Education in the Community
A major issue currently effecting culture, population, and demographics is that of wealth inequality. As the global economic downturn continues throughout the world, wealth disparity is increasing rapidly. This affects culture, population, and overall demographics in a litany of ways. First, due primarily to lower wages, families are postponing child birth. The uncertainty surrounding the future creates an atmosphere of fear. Families are now waiting until the economic climate becomes more certain before they have their children. Furthermore, the median income for middle class families has plummeted within the last 3 years. The median income for the average American household was roughly $51,000 in 2008. Now the median income is roughly $48,000. This creates problems as families are less apt to spend money are discretionary activities that form the basis of their culture. Holiday spending, for example has yet to reach its 2007 heights. Families are now….

Dr. Frank Pajares, writing in Reading and riting Quarterly (Pajares 2003), points out that in his view of Bandura's social learning theory, individuals are believed to possess "self-beliefs that enable them to exercise a measure of control over their thoughts, feelings, and actions."

As has been mentioned earlier in this paper, but put a slightly different way by Pajares ("Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Motivation, and Achievement in riting: A Review of the Literature") based on Bandura, behaviorists can better predict what individuals are capable of based on "their beliefs about their capabilities" than by what they are actually capable of accomplishing.

This aspect of self-efficacy carries over into a student's writing abilities; and a writer with a "strong sense of confidence" may excel while writing an essay because there will be less apprehension over the quality of what the writer is trying to express. The writer may have some doubts about whether the essay….

This places distance learning at a great advantage to traditional educational systems.
After learning new information, the student must then move on to the development of logical reasoning, and use newly acquired information in combination with pre-existing knowledge to come to new conclusions. Distance learning can provide students with this opportunity. Of course, there is a danger in the distance-learning environment that students will simply be asked to regurgitate facts or figures. However, this danger is not unique to distance-learning, and can occur in any type of learning environment. Competent distance educators go beyond asking students "what?" And ask them "why?" By challenging students to address why things happen, educators in any environment help students synthesize knowledge and learn their reasoning skills.

Finally, distance education provides students with a way to acquire maturity. Unlike the traditional educational environments, distance education forces students to be completely personally accountable for their educations. Students….

This task can be performed with the support of animated movies. The teacher can introduce a certain character within the documentary, and seek the participation of the students for understanding of the traits and behavior of the particular character, and at the end of the day; the teacher can relate those traits with the essence of moral and ethical values. (Aristotle: (
It is also important that the rights of the teachers are protected, and this can be achieved only if the teachers under their limited capacity are able to make and understand the students their importance and significance, not only within the premises of the school, but also in the society. This is an important aspect that has to be handled and treated with due diligence, because unless the teacher is successful in making their students respect them, it will be difficult to communicate and teach the students, otherwise.….

However, it is now up to me to develop my own "reasonable cause" rather than relying solely on hearsay. An interview with Mr. Brown might help me to clarify the issues. I would request his assistance, by asking for the names of his daughter's friends. I would endeavor to meet privately and confidentially with those students, and with no pressure placed upon them.
Next, I would contact my superintendent. The policy of the Trenton School District is that the principal must notify the superintendent in any case involving suspected abuse. This way, law enforcement can take over the investigation if and when that is necessary. I would consult my superintendent about how to proceed while continuing to gather as much evidence as possible before launching a formal investigation. When sure about how to proceed, I would then consult with Tom Brown. Because Tom Brown is a friend of the alleged….

Whatever biases remain in public education can be removed, because the belief in equal opportunity has prevailed.
Standardized testing offers the only known way to ensure admissions to universities are based more on merit than on social class. In spite of their limitations, standardized tests do offer the only means to assess scholastic aptitude. A merit-based admissions procedure contributes to the betterment of society by offering educational opportunities to citizens who would be otherwise denied them. Upward social mobility and the ability to participate fully in the political process are possible outcomes of a merit-based educational system.

Effective educators understand the cultural contexts in which they work. In "Culture of Youth and How it Affects Learning," we saw how educators need to work hard to understand youth culture. To relate to their students, teachers must find common ground. Learning the language and values their students use out of the classroom will….

Need for Study

Roles and Responsibilities of Assistant Principals

Historical Perspective of Assistant Principal Roles

Prior and Current Research Studies of Assistant Principal Roles

Assistant Principals and Use of Instructional Leadership

Transforming Assistant Principals into Instructional Leaders: Key Obstacles

General consensus indicates that the role of the assistant principals should move beyond its traditional clerical and disciplinary heritage to evolve to instructional leaders that deal with curriculum development, teacher and instructional effectiveness, clinical supervision, staff development and teacher evaluation. Yet, historical and current research shows that there has been little change in the assistant principal occupation since its origin in 1920. This paper uncovers research that tries to reconcile why the role change that practically everyone seems to want to happen hasn't been that quick to occur. As these reasons are better identified and understood, perhaps the twenty first century will see a positive transformation in the role of the assistant principal.

1.1 Need for Study

More research….

Over the last several years, educators have been facing considerable challenges in meeting rising expectations for performance. This is because a host of solutions (such as the No Child Left Behind Act) have not addressed the lack of student achievement. Instead, academic performance has continued to linger and become worse in some areas (i.e. mathematics and science). (Hannah, 2012)

In New Jersey, the Core Content and Common Core Curriculum standards is designed to provide clarity on specific subjects and topics students must learn in order to graduate from high school. To fully understand how this occurring requires examining the way it is related to the concepts from Mary Zimmerman's Metamorphoses and a contemporary issue. This will be accomplished by focusing on the modes of communication, its shape and the way the literature can provoke cultural insights. Together, these elements will highlight how the Core Content and Common Core Curriculum standards are….

Regardless of grade level, teacher-centered and student-centered instructional strategies incorporate similar situations and practices. The teacher-centered approach usually involves little student participation in class discussions, few opportunities for group activities, and little in the way of interactive or multimedia projects. Students are expected to be passive learners, their brains like sponges to soak up the learning material imparted by the instructor. In a teacher-centered approach, the teacher also demands a certain amount of attention and maintains an aura of authority. Students are expected to be obedient and generally deferential toward the teacher, even when the teacher is kind or has a good sense of humor. Lectures and note-taking can be an important part of the teacher-centered approach, as is a reliance on examinations and formal classroom activities that can be easily and straightforwardly graded. In a student-centered situation, on the other hand, the teacher acts more as a guide than….

5 Pages
Term Paper


Diversity and Character Education Character

Words: 1787
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Other persons view smoking in different moral lights, and the notion of the example set by health care professionals is a vital topic in this field. In short,…

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2 Pages


Bring Back Aristotelian Character Education

Words: 660
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Katz and the Toxic Culture of EducationOne of the things that caught me about the lecture given by Katz was when he described some of the worst of the…

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22 Pages
Term Paper


Education Factors Relating to the

Words: 5961
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to a British Study conducted on all students born in the first week of March 1958, and following them through adolescence and on until the age of…

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9 Pages


Education and Biblical Principles in the World

Words: 3132
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Chapter

Biblical principles that are related to our intellectual and spiritual education. They have a basis in the Bible (both the New and the Old Testament) and can be…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Education Uniforms in School

Words: 1895
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

school uniforms within a school system. Ideas such as school discipline, student behavior, and academic achievement are discussed along with examples of why different schools have implemented student…

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7 Pages


Addressing the Issue of Character Education

Words: 312
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Chapter

great leaders in times of change is that good leaders facilitate the change and enable the organization to achieve the objective. A great leader, however, has a vision…

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9 Pages


Education in the Community a Major Issue

Words: 3152
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Education in the Community A major issue currently effecting culture, population, and demographics is that of wealth inequality. As the global economic downturn continues throughout the world, wealth disparity is…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Education Theories Knowledge of Learning

Words: 3781
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dr. Frank Pajares, writing in Reading and riting Quarterly (Pajares 2003), points out that in his view of Bandura's social learning theory, individuals are believed to possess "self-beliefs that…

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2 Pages


Education Since the Research Material

Words: 605
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This places distance learning at a great advantage to traditional educational systems. After learning new information, the student must then move on to the development of logical reasoning, and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Education Is Important Aspect and

Words: 1235
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This task can be performed with the support of animated movies. The teacher can introduce a certain character within the documentary, and seek the participation of the students…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Education Plan of Action Allegations

Words: 1068
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

However, it is now up to me to develop my own "reasonable cause" rather than relying solely on hearsay. An interview with Mr. Brown might help me to…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Education Recent Literature Reveals a

Words: 1394
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Whatever biases remain in public education can be removed, because the belief in equal opportunity has prevailed. Standardized testing offers the only known way to ensure admissions to universities…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Education Need for Study Roles and Responsibilities

Words: 4083
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education Need for Study Roles and Responsibilities of Assistant Principals Historical Perspective of Assistant Principal Roles Prior and Current Research Studies of Assistant Principal Roles Assistant Principals and Use of Instructional Leadership Transforming Assistant Principals…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Education Over the Last Several Years Educators

Words: 1132
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education Over the last several years, educators have been facing considerable challenges in meeting rising expectations for performance. This is because a host of solutions (such as the No Child…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Education Regardless of Grade Level Teacher-Centered and

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education Regardless of grade level, teacher-centered and student-centered instructional strategies incorporate similar situations and practices. The teacher-centered approach usually involves little student participation in class discussions, few opportunities for group…

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