Chernobyl Essays (Examples)

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Chernobyl Liquidators
Pages: 4 Words: 1426

Chernobyl Liquidators: An Analysis of Government esponse and Deployment
When the Chernobyl nuclear accident took place, the government responded with Chernobyl Liquidators. Their effectiveness has been questioned, and the way they have been treated after the fact has also been questioned. As with most disasters that are cleaned up by human beings, people who were on that team often get sick at a later date. There is sometimes no rhyme or reason to why some of them get sick and others do not, but there are generally deep concerns about whether anyone who does become ill is compensated correctly for the pain and suffering that have occurred in their lives. The Chernobyl incident occurred on April 26, 2986, and there were many people from the ussian population that were called in to help clean up. They were called clean-up workers, but they also gained the name "liquidators." Certificates were given to…...



Cheney, G.A. (1995). Journey to Chernobyl: Encounters in a Radioactive Zone. Chicago: Academy.

Medvedev, G. (1991). The Truth About Chernobyl. VAAP. New York: Basic Books.

Medvedev, Z.A. (1990). The Legacy of Chernobyl (paperback ed.). New York W.W. Norton & Company.

Read, P.P. (1993). Ablaze! The Story of Chernobyl. UK: Random House.

Chernobyl Nuclear Incident During the
Pages: 19 Words: 6579

Some experts say that limits of 500 picocuries are harmful, especially to developing fetuses. hen we have conflicting information at this level, then it becomes hard to know what information is the best information. To ere on the side of caution, however, when one is facing harmful radiation levels, would logically be the course of action to follow. Except for cleanup at Chernobyl, there was nothing to be done about the accident. The question is, what kind of oversight was done to ensure that Chernobyl was cleaned up?

Chernobyl was not the first nuclear reactor the world has experienced. The first such accident happened in the United States, at Three Mile Island (TMI). In early 1979, a nuclear reactor in Pennsylvania was the site for the worst (known) accident in American history. Today, that reactor remains closed down, and the site at Three Mile Island, stands as a stark reminder to…...


Works Cited

Baverstock, Keith, and Dillwyn Williams. "The Chernobyl Nuclear Catastrophe: Baverstock and Williams Respond." Environmental Health Perspectives 115.5 (2007): 239+. Questia. 5 Dec. 2008 .


Blankenship, Steve. "The Battle of Chernobyl." Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 33.1 (2008): 43+. Questia. 5 Dec. 2008 .

Chernobyl Forum
Pages: 2 Words: 501

Chernobyl forum refers to an assembly of organizations that was formed in 2003 on 3-5 February in Vienna, which is the headquarters of international Atomic Energy Agency. It was founded so as assess and to give reports concerning the environmental and health consequences of Chernobyl (Clark, 2006).
Organizations involved in the Chernobyl Forum

There are various organizations that came in to give hand after the Chernobyl accident occurred. Their aim was to fully get over the stigma that was brought by the tragedy. Though there are several organizations that came in we will concentrate on two only.

This organization works very closely with International Chernobyl esearch and Information Network (Chykin, 2007). It concentrates on rehabilitation of the areas that were affected during the accident and upgrading public capabilities so as to manage public exposure.

UNICEF: This organization specializes on ensuring that mothers, young people and children have good health. At the same time UNICEF…...



Chykin, M. (2007). Chernobyl spots on the map of France. Komsomol'skaya Pravda (Moscow), March 25: p. 6 (in Russian).

Clark, M.J. (2006). Fallout from Chernobyl. J. Soc. Radiol. Prot. 6(4): 157 -- 166.

Chernobyl The Disaster and Its
Pages: 3 Words: 1097

In contrast, nuclear systems today are planned to respond to disasters. Even the Japanese power plants had extensive fail-safe mechanisms. The problem was, that while the Japanese had prepared for the possibility of an earthquake, they had not prepared for the danger of a tsunami following shortly afterward: "all the affected reactors initially managed to shut down automatically as planned, and begin emergency cooling operations. None of the reactors, for example, suffered damage that prevented the insertion of the control rods. hen the Fukushima-1 lost power, the backup diesel generators started up as planned. But they were then knocked out an hour later, apparently by the tsunami" ("Japan's nuclear crisis," CS Monitor, 2011). Chernobyl, in contrast, was caused by human error, and the plant had no fail-safe mechanisms for even a single disaster.
hile the operators at Chernobyl may have been poorly trained, the firefighters who worked to contain the…...


Works Cited

Barringer, Felicity. "The long half life of Chernobyl." The New York Times. March 16, 2011.

[March 18, 2011] 

Bradsher. Keith & H. Tabuchi. "Last defense at troubled reactors." The New York Times.

March 16, 2011. [March 18, 2011]

Chernobyl Disaster of 1986
Pages: 5 Words: 1392

Chernobyl Disaster
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster is one of the worst ever catastrophe to strike the world. On April 26, 1986 the unit 4 reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine was totally destroyed by the explosion that was triggered by the sudden surge in the power output. Radioactive material got scattered all over the place leading to severe radiation hazard which was not restricted to Ukraine and the places in the immediate vicinity but affected most of the nations in the European continent. The severity of the problem can be ascertained by the grave environmental implications and the serious damage it caused to the ecosystem. Let us study the disaster with respect to the impact on the environment and its effect on the health of people.

The Accident (A brief outlook)

The Chernobyl accident occurred when the operators pushed the parameters beyond the safety limit as an experiment. For days…...



Roberta Crowell Barabalace, "Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster revisited," Accessed on November 12th, 2003, 

Nuclear Energy Agency," "Chernobyl: Assessment of radiological and Health Impact," Accessed on November 12th, 2003, 

Nuclear information center, South Australia," "The 1986 Nuclear Disaster at Chernobyl," Accessed on November 12th, 2003,

4) Jason Manning, "Chernobyl," Accessed on November 12th 2003,

Chernobyl Disaster the Disaster That
Pages: 15 Words: 4354

egions of overlapped accountability and authority wanted to be obviously recognized previous to any disaster. A lasting infrastructure needed also to be in place and upheld for any proficient completion of defensive actions. Such an infrastructure had to comprise quick communications systems, involvement teams and observation networks. Mobile ground observation teams were needed, as was airborne observation and tracking of the plume. Many countries reacted to this need by setting up such observation networks and rearranging their crisis reaction (Chernobyl: Assessment of adiological and Health Impact 2002 Update of Chernobyl: Ten Years on, 2010).
Logistic issues linked with intervention plans and migration clearly needed to be in place and practiced long ahead of the disaster, as they are too difficult and protracted to be put into place during the short period accessible throughout the development of the disaster. Intercession measures and the stages at which they should be initiated needed…...



Backgrounder on Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident. (2009). Retrieved November 18,

2010, from USNRC Web site: 

Beehner, Lionel. (2006). Chernobyl, Nuclear Power, and Foreign Policy. Retrieved November

18, 2010, from Council on Foreign Relations Web site:

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster and Writers
Pages: 3 Words: 1079

It is quite clear that their attitudes toward the event are expressed in their words and photos, and that their hearts linger with the children of Chernobyl, the children with brain tumors, hydrocephalus, birth defects, cancer, and numerous other ailments that have been tied to the radiation that permeates the area. These children are the unsung victims of the disaster, and people no longer think of them, or their plight. These authors attempt to change that by bringing their condition to the public and forcing them to look at what still goes on inside ussia. They show how the government largely ignores the area, the children, and the problem. Hopefully, work like theirs will change society's attitude both toward the aftereffects of this horrible disaster and toward nuclear power in general. Safeguards were not in place in ussia, in fact, the safeguards were turned off the night of the…...



Croce, Marie. "Children of the Damned; the After-Effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Have Turned the Village of Lapachy into a Hell on Earth." Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland) 10 Feb. 2001: 34.

De Jong, Antoinette, and Robert Knoth. "Nuclear Nightmares: Twenty Years Since Chernobyl." Pixie 2006. 6 Dec. 2007.

Baverstock, Keith, and Dillwyn Williams. "The Chernobyl Accident 20 Years on: An Assessment of the Health Consequences and the International Response." Environmental Health Perspectives 114.9 (2006): 1312+.

Disaster in Chernobyl
Pages: 4 Words: 1260

Chernobyl Disaster
In its attempt to be a leader in the nuclear power industry, the Soviet Union took risks that proved to be disastrous. Soviet nuclear power reactors were built with a major design flaw, and on the 26th of April 1986 this design flaw caused the greatest nuclear energy disaster in history of the human race. Nuclear power reactors are extremely complicated pieces of machinery with a variety of safety features built into them, however, the Soviets' design had a problem; in the event of a total power failure the system was designed to use back-up generators to power the cooling system and prevent a total meltdown. But the back-up generators required a period of time to reach maximum output, some 60-75 seconds, and in this time the core could possibly begin to meltdown. (Smith 2) Soviet nuclear engineers had hypothesized that a fan used for cooling another part of…...


Works Cited

"Chernobyl Accident 1986." World Nuclear Association. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. 

El Baradei, Mohamed. "The Enduring Lessons of Chernobyl." International Atomic

Energy Agency ( (2005). Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

International Policies and Laws
Pages: 4 Words: 1284

Chernobyl Nuclear disaster took place in 1986 in Ukraine which is a former Soviet State. This plant was built back in 1970 and consisted of 4 reactors. The plant was scheduled to undergo a scheduled and controlled shut down so as to test the generator's ability to produce electricity using the plant's safety system. eactor 4 of this plant exploded after interior energy increased beyond control discharging radioactive debris and smoke on close by cities and created a radioactive cloud that spread out to a big region of the U.S.S.. And Europe. This catastrophe involved over 500,000 workers, and over 18 million ubles. It was considered an International disaster due to the large area that it impacted negatively.
Immediately after the incident, firefighters arrived at the scene and tried to put off the fires. Lieutenant Pravik was among the first commandants to arrive at the scene and he died in 1986…...



Alexey V.Y.; Vassily B. Nesterenko; Alexey V. (2009). Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) Wiley-Blackwell.

Berger, E.M. (2010). The Chernobyl Disaster, Concern about the Environment, and Life Satisfaction. Kyklos, 63(1), 1-8

Davletbaev, R (2001). Last shift Chernobyl. Ten years later. Inevitability or chance? Moscow: Energoatomizdat.

Jargin, S. (2012). Debate on the Chernobyl disaster: on the causes of Chernobyl overestimation. International Journal Of Health Services: Planning, Administration, Evaluation, 42(1), 29-34

Accountability for Dangerous Mitigation Efforts
Pages: 2 Words: 698

Accountability for Dangerous Mitigation Efforts
When the Chernobyl nuclear accident took place, the response framework was nowhere near what it should have been. As such, many people died and many others became sick in later years from the effects of the radiation to which they had been exposed (Cheney, 1995). The main reason behind so much sickness and death was that the workers at the nuclear plant did not recognize or acknowledge the severity of the incident. Even with pieces of the reactor lying on the ground around them, they still felt that they could still pump water into the reactor and stop any further problems (Medvedev, 1991). In the meantime, there was so much radiation being released that the workers who were in the plant ended up dying within days from the heavy doses of radiation they received. They did not put on protective gear. Some of the workers who…...



Cheney, G.A. (1995). Journey to Chernobyl: Encounters in a Radioactive Zone. Chicago: Academy.

Medvedev, G. (1991). The Truth About Chernobyl. VAAP. New York: Basic Books.

European Parliament and the European
Pages: 10 Words: 3708

For example, the EP has the right to bring an action for failure to act, and can also take action to have the ECJ review acts of the Council or the Commission.
Despite those protections, the ECJ determined that the legal remedies provided for in the Euratom Treaty and EEC treaty might be ineffective or uncertain.

For example, an action for failure to act cannot be used to challenge a measure that has already been adopted.

In addition, though the EP has the right to seek a preliminary ruling on the validity of such an action, such a ruling does not mean that anyone will actually bring an action for annulment.

In fact, even though the Commission is required to respect the EP's prerogatives, it is not obliged to adopt the EP's positions as its own.

As a result, the ECJ concluded that the legal remedies available to the EP were not sufficient to…...


Works Cited

"Article 230." Treaty of Nice. 2000. University College Cork. 25 Aug. 2009


Case 70/88, European Parliament v. Council of Ministers, Judgment of the ECJ of 22 March

1990, European Court Reports 1990, p. I-2041.

Energy Is Hard to Define
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

These massive walls of water travel faster than a commercial jet as they descend upon cities and islands. The energy and force of a Tsunamis is the massive transference of potential energy, caused by the shifting currents of the ocean, into kinetic energy that active pushes the Tsunamis forward. In 2004, one tsunami traveled 375 miles in a mere 75 minutes, about 300 miles per hour. Energy however is not just limited the massive, and the mystical, it is present in every form of life. In our own bodies, energy is the driving force behind why our heart pumps blood and why we have the ability to breathe. We use chemical energy, kinetic energy, heat energy, etc. To power the basic functions of our bodies.
imply put, energy drives every stage of life, it is in attempting to find the factors that influence how energy is used and cultivated that…...


Simply put, energy drives every stage of life, it is in attempting to find the factors that influence how energy is used and cultivated that has established the sciences. There are limitations to energy however, detailed by the fundamental laws of physics such as the law of conservation of energy. Scientist's everyday is attempting to fine hone and find the limitations of scientific knowledge. In the hopes that one day we will find an indisputable source of energy that will never wane in force, the dream of "perpetual motion."

Serway, Raymond a.; Jewett, John W. (2004). Physics for Scientists and Engineers (6th ed.). Brooks/Cole

Walding, Richard, Rapkins, Greg, Rossiter, Glenn (1999-11-01). New Century Senior Physics. Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press

Nuclear Energy Risks vs Reward Every Source
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

Nuclear Energy: isks vs. eward
Every source of energy has its own drawbacks. This is more so the case taking into consideration the recent energy source related accidents including but not limited to coal-mining mishaps, the nuclear crisis in Japan, the B.P. oil spill, etc. In this text, I will amongst other things concern myself with nuclear power and the consequences associated with the development of the same.

As I have already pointed out in the introductory section, every source of energy has a set of drawbacks. For instance, while there are a number of benefits associated with wind energy, the same also has several disadvantages. In the words of Eccleston, March and Cohen (2011), "wind farms can interfere with radar, creating a hole in radar coverage affecting aviation and national security." The author further points out that wind energy is largely unpredictable. Similarly, although hydroelectric power in the opinion of Eccleston,…...



Eccleston, C.H., March, F. & Cohen, T. (2011). Inside Energy: Developing and Managing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Ginley, D.S. & Cahen, D. (Eds.). (2011). Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability. New York: Cambridge University Press.

McKinney, M.L., Schoch, R.M. & Yonavjak, L. (2012). Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Miller, G.T. & Spoolman, S. (2007). Environmental Science. Belmont, CA: Thompson Higher Education.

British Airways Flight 9
Pages: 10 Words: 2886

ritish Airways Flight 9
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers report entitled "Volcanic Ash: To Fly or Not to Fly? reports that the prediction of "ash movement and dispersal has become more sophisticated over the years. In the UK, the Met Office uses Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modeling Environment (NAME), computer model, developed after the Chernobyl accident in 1986." (2010, p.3) This model is reported to have tracked various atmospheric dispersion events and to have as its purpose the prediction of "how far and how concentrated, emitted particles will be dispersed, using a number of factors, such as wind, rainfall and particle size…" (Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, p.3) On June 24, 1982 ritish Airways 747-200, Flight 9 near Jakarta Indonesia ran into trouble when the crew accidentally flew into a volcanic ash cloud from Mount Galunggung in west Java, Indonesia. The ash caused severe damage to all four engines and the aircraft lost…...



Guidance for Flight Crews and Controllers (nd) Retrieved from:

Marks, Paul (2010) Engine Stripdowns Establish Safe Volcanic Ash Levels. 10 Apr 2010. Retrieved from:

Moody, Eric (1986) Down to a Sunless Sea: Anatomy of An Incident. The Log, April 1986. Retrieved from: 

Volcanic Ash: To Fly or Not to Fly? Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- The Background Science of Engineering. October 2010. Retrieved from:

International environmental law
Pages: 7 Words: 2207

Part 1 Both the Trail Smelter and the Chernobyl episodes greatly affected the evolution of international environmental law. The smelter operation at Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company at Trail, British Columbia, had caused damages across the border in Washington State. Arbitration settlement resulted in Canada agreeing to pay the US $350,000 for damages accrued by the fumes from the smelting operation prior to 1932.[footnoteRef:2] With Chernobyl a half century later, the nuclear reactor meltdown and fallout damaged the environment in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, along with several other European states. Three consequences from these two episodes in shaping the new regime of international law were that: 1) they established harm principles, which 2) shifted to regime responsibility by the end of the century, which resulted in 3) the establishment of climate justice at the Paris Agreement of 2015. Each of these consequences can be seen in concrete ways, particularly when it…...



Akehurst, Chapter 16: Environment.

Ewing-Chow, Michael and Darryl Soh , “Pain, Gain, or Shame: the Evolution of Environmental Law and the Role of Multinational Corporations.” Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, vol. 16, no. 1 (2009), 195-222.

Mueller, Benjamin and Mark Landler, “UK Court Blocks Heathrow Airport Expansion on Environmental Grounds,” New York Times, 27 Feb 2020.

REPORTS OF INTERNATIONAL ARBITRAL AWARDS: Trail smelter case (United States, Canada). 16 April 1938 and 11 March 1941. VOLUME III. NATIONS UNIES - UNITED NATIONS (2006), pp. 1905-1982.

Schwartz, John. “In Strongest Climate Ruling Yet, Dutch Court Orders Leaders to Take Action,” New York Times, 20 Dec 2019.

Shaw, Malcolm. International Law. Cambridge University Press.

Need help with a research paper on What happened before, after and during Chernobyl?
Words: 437

The Chernobyl nuclear incident remains one of the worst unintentional nuclear disasters to ever occur.  It is important to understand what happened at Chernobyl, before, during, and after the incident, in order to avoid a similar incident occurring in the future.  Understanding the after effects is also important for seeing how a nuclear disaster can impact an area that is not heavily populated by humans, because some of the results of the results have been surprisingly positive for the flora and fauna in the Chernobyl area.

Chernobyl was a nuclear power plant in Russia.   Like all....

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