Chicken Essays (Examples)

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Several bubble-like structures of rather minute size had formed within the cellular material, the primitive streak was no longer visible at al,, and there was a clear circular definition of a darker area within the larger blastoderm. The carbon (charcoal) that had been added to the blastoderm had also undergone fairly significant changes, having been spread out over a wider area of the blastoderm. The three initial points of carbon deposit were still clearly visible and provided the highest concentration of carbon in the blastoderm, but these points had more regular edges and shapes more closely approaching true circles than they had following the initial deposit of the material. Specks of carbon, including some spots of fairly sizable, extended in the same line on which the initial deposits had been placed though spread much further towards the edges of the blastoderm.

The hypoblast is formed from the inner cell mass,….

Optical Distortion
The purpose of ODI was to develop a product that could partially blind chickens, which would lead to their consuming less and saving farmers money over the duration of the chickens' life. The product that ODI developed was a contact lens for chickens. This lens was to be an improvement upon the situation for chickens, which previously were debeaked by farmers to prevent the pecking order from getting out of hand and the chickens progressing to cannibalism. Debeaking was a process by which chickens literally had their beaks cut off at different angles, weakening their ability to peck one another. The issue with debeaking, however, was two-fold: first, it produced serious trauma on the chicken, and resulted in hens not laying eggs for at least a week; second, it caused the farmer to have to fill the feed trough 3/8's of an inch higher because the chickens' beaks were….

Primarily, the company would be forced to implement equal pay practices. If it is to maintain its historical pricing practices, some workers will have to be fired to make up for the consequences of raising the payment for the workers in question. Both men and women would be likely to be fired, which could result in a severely negative workplace atmosphere for the remaining workers. Hostility could for example be levelled particularly at the workers who received pay raises, as they would be blamed for the loss of the workforce and the consequently increased workload.

The main strategy that has affected the company's human resource policies is pricing. In order to provide the public with competitively priced products, the company has adopted a policy of minimal wages for female workers. This has enabled it to remain competitive in the market. A more equal pay scale for the women involved would….

Headless chickens describes an organization which is alive, and able to operate and continue to exist, but that has no sense of what it is, or where it's going. y calling itself a headless chicken, the group on the case study of a higher professional education organization correctly identified how it was feeling, but also identified how the organization got to the unfortunate position. Once these two factors are known, a path can be charted out of the situation by surgically installing a new head, by someone who understands the nuances of what it will take to get the surgical procedure to take.
The process of change in on organization cannot be initiated with the simple change of a leader. The organization also has a culture which has been built over the lifetime of the organization. Changing the leader, when the new leader is brought in from the outside of the….

Kentucky Fried Chicken as an organization, detailing some of the salient aspects.
Company Introduction

First established in 1939 by one Colonel Harland Sanders, the name of Kentucky Fried Chicken has perhaps today become hallmark for millions of people around the world as one of the most unique recipes and dishes made from chicken as the principle ingredient. This has been duly supplemented by the ever changing and innovative recipes, and the equally modern methods of cooking and preparing a truly wide variety of products. Perhaps the single most important factor that has taken the name of KFC to such heights is the maintenance of quality and standard in the ingredients used for the delicious range of products, the innovative recipes introduced, and above all, the standard maintained that is not only restricted in to the kitchen while preparing KFC edible products, but is equally applicable in the KFC's operations, management, and….

Analyzing Boston Chicken Inc

Boston Chicken, Inc.
Scott Beck founded Boston Chicken in the year 1989 with the business idea of operating and franchising food service stores with the company's conception to combine fresh, palatable, and alluring meals concomitant with customary home cooking with a high level of expediency and value. In essence, the company was attempting to generate the setting for a consumer of obtaining and accessing a home cooked meal at a price that is reasonable and economical and all in very minimal time (Grant, 1993). The case will be analyzed on the following aspects: the comprehensive assessment of the success factors and risk factors of the strategy employed by Boston Chicken and assessing the accounting policies used by Boston Chicken. The case analysis will also undertake a comprehensive financial evaluation to determine the performance of the company. There will also be an outline that will delineate the assumptions being made by the….

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Kentucky Fried Chicken
Col. Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, had a lasting impact on fast food, a segment he helped create. The Colonel, who became known throughout the world for his white suit, string tie and Kentucky-colonel goatee, is credited by industry leaders today with being a brilliant marketer and a man of exacting standards who understood food and the ways to whet the nation's appetite. One of the most compelling facts about the Colonel, who inspired many entrepreneurs during his life and since his death in 1980, is that he did not start the business that made him a legend until he was 66. At that age, and as a newcomer to the multiunit-restaurant business, he had new ideas that remain fresh today. His innovations included selling busy moms buckets of chicken to take home so they could put a complete dinner on the table with little….

What is it that PETA wants the company to do to raise its ethical standards over their chicken suppliers? They have several key arguments with the reasons for them. First, they want suppliers to comply with "Animal Care Standards" in use throughout the country, which would ensure better living and growth conditions for the chickens. They want them to use another method of slaughter that would remove the ability to abuse the chickens and cause less suffering. They want chickens to be gathered mechanically, which reduces the threat of physical injury to the birds. They want suppliers to stop using drugs to grow chickens faster, and breed them for health rather than growth, which would lead to less physical problems. Finally, they ask for more "transparency" in the suppliers' operations, and audits by KFC and independent staff, with the results of those audits posted on the KFC Web site and….

Big Mabel's Chicken & Waffles Food Truck Marketing Plan

For Big Mabel's Chicken & Waffles to succeed as a business it must become an indispensable, trusted source of fast food for the downtown, stadium, entertainment district and family events market segments. What most differentiates successful food establishments is the ability to become engrained in the daily and situational habits of its customers (Lee, 1987). In striving to become an essential part of their customers' experiences at these venues and locations, Big Mabel's Chicken & Waffles needs to concentrate on gaining and keep customer trust by delivering great meals at a very competitive price (obichaud, Khan, 1988). Distribution, location and timing need to also be supported with a consistently excellent experience as well, as customers can just as much about and in some cases, even more about how they are treated than about the products they are buying (Lee,….

Consolidated Chicken
Is there a reasonable basis for believing that the company is discriminating against women? If so, explain what it is and if not, explain why not.

There is a reasonable basis for believing that the company is discriminating against women because the owners know and the data shows that the women who work in the plant are paid less than their male counterparts for performing the same job. The women who work in the office are also paid less than males in the same pay band. Under Title VII of the Civil ights Act of 1964 it is unlawful to discriminate against individuals with respect to compensation based upon their gender. In addition, the owners are aware of the discrepancy in pay between men and women and feel that it is fair to pay women less because they believe that the company's female employees could not find higher paying jobs….

“Please God Let the Chicken Bucket be OK”: A Bucketful of Social Satire in Jennifer Knox’s “Chicken Bucket” Romance and familial life, at first glance, do not appear to be of much importance in Jennifer Knox’s “Chicken Bucket”—but upon closer inspection, romance and family life are really what the poem is all about, albeit these themes are perceived through the eyes of a thoroughly debauched thirteen year old girl transitioning from childhood to adulthood in a cascading fit of booze, schedule 1 narcotics, underage sex, and fried fast food. One could be excused for calling Knox an ironic poet, because if romance and familial relations are the dominant themes of Chicken Bucket they are only so by way of their rather conspicuous absence—at least, a quick examination would lead one to think this. However, romance and familial life are really the heart and soul of Knox’s “Chicken Bucket”—they are just presented….

Zinc in Poultry Feed Trace

" (Hudson, et al., 2003; p.1)
Hudson et al. (2003) states additionally that: "Variation of hatching time was not influenced by hen age, but mean incubation time decreased from 29 to 53 wk of age and subsequently increased from 53 to 65 wk. Seasonal temperature changes may have caused confounding effects on incubation time. Chick heart glycogen declined as hens aged, and liver lactate was lowest in progeny from 65 wk-old hens. Relative yolk sac weight and relative heart weight were lowest in progeny from 29 wk-old hens. These data indicate that underdevelopment of supply organs may limit the performance of chicks from young hens. Supplemental zinc source in breeder hen diets did not influence chick physiology at hatching." (p.1)

The work of Ao, et al. entitled: "Evaluation of ioplex Zn as an Organic Zinc Source for Chicks" published in the International Journal of Poultry Science states that a study to evaluate….

Organization Behavior
Marketing Strategies for ODI Lens


Target Customers and Market Segmentation

Major Target Groups

Pricing Strategies for ODI Lens

Introduce at the minimum possible price

Convincing the potential farmers

Selling and Promotional Strategies for ODI Lens

Promotional mediums

Forecasting Unit of Sales for the Next Three Years

Optical Distortion Inc. is a small scale business corporation that manufactures contact lenses for chickens to impair their eyesight. The lenses manufactured by ODI are used by chicken farmers in order to reduce chicken cannibalization and trauma which occurs after debarking process. It also improves the feeding efficiency of the chicken farm. Optical Distortion Inc. has brought revolutionary change in the chicken farm management by replacing the traditional techniques of reducing cannibalization with the usage of ODI lenses.

ODI lens is a thin plastic or glass lens that is placed on the Cornea of a chicken's eye and restricts their eyesight. It is a proven technique of getting the maximum output and….

Milk from the cow is one of the most versatile and important substances in the human diet as well as in the diets of many animals and in particular in the diet of poultry that are being raised as layers, broilers or for other purposes. The fact that this milk can be processed into many different forms adds to its versatility and provides a wide array of by-products from which specialized uses can be determined. Understanding the basic array of materials that can be obtained from processing milk is the first step in understanding how those products can be used in the diets of poultry. The next step of understanding the relationship between dairy by-products and the benefits they can provide to poultry comes through examining the nutritional content of those by-products for the feeding and development of poultry. As these two explanations are provided it becomes evident in which….

Further, the company's ability to compete nationally is severely hampered by its lack of execution on distribution strategies, specifically the penetration of the highly profitable Southern states and the move into adjoining Mid-Atlantic States. There seems to be too much of a complacenc6y to be in the Northeastern markets only.
The mainstream sausage market is mostly flat, with modest growth compared to the high growth area of specialty sausages, including chicken sausages. With the broader U.S. sausage market being $2.4B in 2004, the chicken sausage market is a niche at $75M, yet has the most attractive market growth rate of any product segment of the market. Further, the only entrenched competitor is Aidell with a marketing budget comparable to the proposed $185,000 budget that Kayem will be investing in the Al Fresco Chicken Sausage line. In summary, Kayem is in a unique position to grow a product into the highest….

McDonald's Influence on Global Culture: A Decade of Evolution


McDonald's, the iconic fast-food chain, has long been a symbol of globalization and Western influence. Over the past decade, the company's footprint has expanded further, shaping culinary norms, business practices, and consumer habits around the world. This essay explores the multifaceted evolution of McDonald's influence on global culture in the past ten years.

Increased Global Presence:

McDonald's has continued to expand its presence globally, opening new restaurants in emerging markets. This expansion has not only extended the company's reach but has also introduced American fast-food culture to new populations. In countries like India, China,....

1. The Impact of Immunizations on Public Health
2. Debunking Myths About Immunizations
3. The History and Development of Vaccines
4. The Importance of Childhood Immunizations
5. Immunizations: Protecting Against Preventable Diseases
6. The Controversy Surrounding Immunizations
7. Immunizations: A Global Perspective
8. The Economics of Immunizations
9. Immunizations for Adults: Why They Are Important
10. The Future of Immunizations: Advances and Challenges
11. Common childhood vaccines include the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, polio vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine, and the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. These....

Essential Immunizations for Infants and Children
Immunization plays a crucial role in protecting infants and children from a wide range of potentially life-threatening diseases. The recommended immunization schedule is based on the best available scientific evidence and is designed to provide optimal protection at different stages of development.
Immunization Schedule
The following is the recommended immunization schedule for infants and children in the United States, as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
0-6 months:
Hepatitis B (HepB)
Rotavirus (RV)
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13)
6-18 months:
DTaP (2nd and 3rd doses)
Hib (2nd....

Keystone Meats is a trusted name in the food industry, known for producing high-quality canned meats that are convenient, healthy, and delicious. With a commitment to using only the finest ingredients and traditional cooking methods, Keystone Meats has been satisfying customers for over 50 years. This essay will explore the history of Keystone Meats, their commitment to quality, and the wide range of products they offer.
Keystone Meats has a long history of providing customers with top-notch canned meats. They pride themselves on using only premium cuts of meats, sourced from trusted suppliers, to ensure that their products are of the....

2 Pages


Chicken Lab Chicken Embryo Lab

Words: 511
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Several bubble-like structures of rather minute size had formed within the cellular material, the primitive streak was no longer visible at al,, and there was a clear circular…

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3 Pages

Sports - College

Chicken Lenses for Chicken Farmers Odi Case Study

Words: 977
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Optical Distortion The purpose of ODI was to develop a product that could partially blind chickens, which would lead to their consuming less and saving farmers money over the duration…

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3 Pages

Sports - Women

Consolidated Chicken Products There Is

Words: 1022
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Primarily, the company would be forced to implement equal pay practices. If it is to maintain its historical pricing practices, some workers will have to be fired to…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Headless Chickens Describes an Organization Which Is

Words: 4333
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Headless chickens describes an organization which is alive, and able to operate and continue to exist, but that has no sense of what it is, or where it's going.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Kentucky Fried Chicken as an Organization Detailing

Words: 891
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Kentucky Fried Chicken as an organization, detailing some of the salient aspects. Company Introduction First established in 1939 by one Colonel Harland Sanders, the name of Kentucky Fried Chicken has…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Analyzing Boston Chicken Inc

Words: 5985
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Boston Chicken, Inc. Scott Beck founded Boston Chicken in the year 1989 with the business idea of operating and franchising food service stores with the company's conception to combine fresh,…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Kentucky Fried Chicken

Words: 3432
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Kentucky Fried Chicken Col. Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, had a lasting impact on fast food, a segment he helped create. The Colonel, who became known throughout…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Company Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC

Words: 2777
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

What is it that PETA wants the company to do to raise its ethical standards over their chicken suppliers? They have several key arguments with the reasons for them.…

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4 Pages


Big Mabel's Chicken & Waffles Food Truck

Words: 1446
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Big Mabel's Chicken & Waffles Food Truck Marketing Plan DISTIBUTION, LOCATION AND TIMING For Big Mabel's Chicken & Waffles to succeed as a business it must become an indispensable, trusted source…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Consolidated Chicken Products

Words: 2040
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Consolidated Chicken Is there a reasonable basis for believing that the company is discriminating against women? If so, explain what it is and if not, explain why not. There is a…

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6 Pages


Satire in Knox's Chicken Bucket

Words: 2095
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

“Please God Let the Chicken Bucket be OK”: A Bucketful of Social Satire in Jennifer Knox’s “Chicken Bucket” Romance and familial life, at first glance, do not appear to be…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Zinc in Poultry Feed Trace

Words: 1345
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (Hudson, et al., 2003; p.1) Hudson et al. (2003) states additionally that: "Variation of hatching time was not influenced by hen age, but mean incubation time decreased from 29…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Organization Behavior Marketing Strategies for Odi Lens

Words: 1138
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Organization Behavior Marketing Strategies for ODI Lens MAKETING PLAN Target Customers and Market Segmentation Major Target Groups Pricing Strategies for ODI Lens Introduce at the minimum possible price Convincing the potential farmers Selling and Promotional Strategies for…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Milk by Products and There Effects on Growth in Poultry

Words: 3810
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Poultry Milk from the cow is one of the most versatile and important substances in the human diet as well as in the diets of many animals and in particular…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Buzz Marketing at Kayem Buzz

Words: 2150
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Further, the company's ability to compete nationally is severely hampered by its lack of execution on distribution strategies, specifically the penetration of the highly profitable Southern states and…

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