Children Obesity Essays (Examples)

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Television viewing needs to be controlled because this is a major source of weight gain. With children engaging in less physical activity and merely dumping themselves in front of the TV in their spare time, obesity is bound to rise. Major studies have found a correlation and now lesser TV time is considered one of the biggest weight management tools. In 1985, ietz and Gortmaker first discovered a link between television viewing and obesity. This led to many studies and NHES also found it to be a major contributor. Authors ietz and Gortmaker concluded that, "only prior obesity had a larger independent effect than television on the prevalence of obesity."[ietz: 810] and then in 1993, they reiterated the claim saying that, "29% of the cases of obesity cold be prevented by reducing television viewing to 0 to 1 hours per week." [ietz, 1993: 499-500]

We can thus conclude that obesity is….

Obesity on Children
Obesity is something an increasing amount of Americans are struggling with today. It is one of the most important health concerns in the country today, and both politicians, social scientists, and health experts have used various means of addressing the problem. One of the most difficult parts of obesity to deal with is when it already occurs in childhoods. While a variety of causes can be identified for this, few have truly been able to address the problem in a way that truly discourages obesity in children. One potential way to handle this is to investigate the various effects of obesity on young children and publish these not only as a deterrent, but also as a way to help young children understand the importance of a healthier lifestyle, since obesity in childhood could often lead to obesity in adulthood. Obesity in children is an important health concern….

Child Obesity and Junk Food
Over the last several years, the issue of childhood obesity and junk food has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because the total numbers of children who are considered to be at least 50 pounds overweight have risen dramatically. In a study conducted by Children's Hospital Boston, they found that 30% of those who eat junk fund on a regular basis are exponentially increasing the chances of reaching these levels. This is from them being exposed to added amounts of fat, sugar and cholesterol. (Holguin, 2004) Yet, other studies have shown that it is lifestyle choices, not the food itself that is making children obese. (Datar, 2012) This is creating conflicts about the accuracy of research. To illustrate the effects this is having requires showing how these variables are interconnected.

This will help everyone to realize how junk food is related to obesity levels. These….

Child Obesity

Child Overweight or Obese?
A study performed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1977 reported that approximately seven percent of children in the United States were overweight. A similar study done in 2000 reports that twelve to fourteen percent of children aged six to nineteen are considered overweight. While this number may seem insignificant, what it really means is that one out of every eight children in the United States are obese while another one in five are overweight. This same study goes on to say that overall about fifty percent of Americans are overweight/obese, equating to approximately ninety seven million people in the entire country. This number is increasing every year at an alarming rate. The health risks which are associated with obesity and being overweight is a significant cause for concern because in the United States alone, the number of deaths attributed to obesity is approximately….

Child Obesity Is and What

The evidences presented in this regard explain how different studies and research support that obesity can have profound deteriorating psychological effects as well as health effects on children. The changing eating lifestyles leading to increased consumption of fast foods and sodas have contributed greatly in doing so however; children and parents cannot control obesity if it is genetically engineered. Genetics play a role in the bodily structure. If children are obese due to their genetic constitution, reduced consumption of food cannot help however, physical activities such as exercises have greatly shown results in maintaining their weight. Preventive measures can be taken on a broad level to reduce the spread of obesity among children. In this regard, schools can be helpful to plan a balanced diet for children. At lunch, sodas must be banned and replaced with fruit juices or clean water so that children get accustomed to drinking healthy….

child obesity, which has become an epidemic in the current epoch of technological advancements and innovations. Since obesity is escalating at an unprecedented rate specifically amongst the teenagers and children; thus, thus research proposal intends to carry out a comprehensive research to identify its causes. This paper highlights the plan of the research process in detail that include the aims and objectives of the study, methodology, data collection techniques, risks involved in carrying out the research, ethical and legal considerations, and strategies that can ensure the validity and effectiveness of the research.
esearch Design and Data Collection Techniques

esearch Timeline

Strategies to Ensure Validity and Efficacy of the Study

Ethical and Legal Considerations

Barriers to carry out the esearch Study




By looking at the historical context, once can simply claim that being fat was considered a symbol of being healthy. However, this perception over time has changed because health of people on a global basis….

Childhood Obesity and Its Affects on Self-Esteem, Learning and Development
Childhood obesity has reached alarming proportions in developed nations of the world and its prevalence is continuously rising from 1971. In the Scandinavian countries, childhood obesity is less than compared to the Mediterranean countries; yet, the amount of obese children is increasing in both cases. Even though the highest rates of childhood obesity have been seen in developed countries, and at the same time, obesity is increasing in developing countries as well. Childhood obesity is at increased levels in the Middle East and Central and Eastern Europe as well. As an example, in 1998, The World Health Organization project assessing of cardiovascular diseases had showed that Iran was one among the seven countries, which had the highest rates of childhood obesity. (Dehghan; Akhtar-Danesh; Merchant, 2005, p. 1485)

In UK, observations state that there has been a noticeable enhancement in obesity levels, and….

Childhood Obesity and Fast Food
Inductive Reasoning

Empirical Research

Applied Research

Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research

Exploratory Research

Focus Groups


The paper is a research based on the topic of "The influence of fast food on child obesity." The study aims to evaluate and identify the root cause of child obesity. The study is based on a scientific approach by developing a hypothesis and then proving it through data collected.

Inductive Reasoning:

The hypothesis of this research has been developed after a number of general observations. These observations came from generally observing the school friends, cafes and restaurants, and family members. It was observed that children who were eating fast food regularly were fat. Another observation was that when we talk to obese people they often mention that they blame fast food restaurants for their obesity. Since we have developed specific conclusions from general observations, it is an inductive approach.

Empirical Research:

This research is based on the knowledge that is gained….

Causes of Increased Child Obesity
Causes of Increased Childhood Obesity in the 21st Century

Over the last several decades, the issue of childhood obesity has been increasingly brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because the overall number of children who are overweight or obese have risen dramatically. Evidence of this can be seen with a study that was conducted by the National Institute of Health (NIH). They found that the total number of children and teenagers who are obese / overweight is one out of every three. This is the highest amount of young people ever reported in either category. As, the underlying trends have continued to increase dramatically in the last 30 years. This is troubling, because in the future these individuals will more than likely suffer from a number of health issues. A few of the most notable include: hypertension, type two diabetes, liver disease,….

Fast Food and Child Obesity
Jonathan Kwan

This study identifies the underlying correlation of fast food consumption and the increasing rate of child obesity. The system of fast food is prevalent in all countries, with each country having its own variations of types of items served and the nature of establishments serving. The popularity of fast food is due to the convenience of fast service, packaged food and low cost. Now major fast food industries try to make their product seem as healthy as possible. It is likely that the convenience is influencing the growth of childhood obesity in the United States. In addition, the factors of media, family, and environment bring about differences within our community. Understanding the correlation between these factors is vital in producing a solution. However, there needs to be a better support for causation, not just correlation. The children and youth will one-day influence the dynamics….

Participants will be recruited with announcements in local newspapers and school newsletters. Flyers are posted in the nurse's offices and in the clinic. esponse cards will be given to parents who indicate an interest in participating in the study. See the participation invitation -- Appendix 1.

Once enrolled, participants will answer a series of questions related to food choices, influences, physical activities and food and beverage advertisements. The first measure will involve showing the children a set of distinct images. The children will then be asked 1) what company the image belongs to; 2) what they feel about that company; 3) if the images make them feel good/bad/nothing; 4) if they enjoy the food; 5) how they feel after eating the food; and, 6) what their parents think of the type of food or company. The following 15 images are examples of popular logos. These 15 will be used as….

Late Obesity

Obesity in Florida

Obesity refers to when a person has more weight than it is required by his height. Excessive fats are being gathered in the body parts in a condition. It has a number of adverse effects. It has been increasing in the various countries over the recent years. Physical training and diet are done in order to prevent obesity. Sugar and fat free products are to be consumed for proper dieting (Murphy, 2012).

What facilitates obesity?

Eating a lot of junk food

Unhealthy items available in nearby markets

Lack of exercises and physical activities.

Florida ranks 27 in state ranking according to the obesity. The obesity rate in Florida is 26.1%. The percentage of males having obesity is 73.6% and the number of females having obesity is 56.5% from 2008-2010 the percentage of average adult having obesity was 26.1% and the percentage of adults who has overweight and obesity were 62.6%. In the….

childhood obesity and its correlation to social-economic background. he researchers argued that attention to childhood obesity focuses on genetic and environmental factors, and there is the increasingly prevalent belief that pediatric obesity may be a combination of both. Environmental factors can limit obesity but what -- the researchers wondered - stimulated the influencing environmental factors
Previous study: What has the previous study found out?

A previous study that the researchers had conducted stipulated three prime factors that were environmentally responsible for obesity. hese were: low weekly levels of moderate physical exercise, high levels of daily television viewing, and routine participation in a school lunch program.


he hypothesis of this study was that certain socio-economic backgrounds were more conducive for introducing these factors than were others in that -- and this was their hypothesis - median household income influenced nutrition and recreational activities.

Investigation of this suggestion was the purpose of this article.

4. Methodology:….

S Gubbels. Talks about how obesity is a major problem of our society and how it is affecting the children and adults. The article talks about the causes and the consequences of obesity and provides certain prevention for this problem. The article relates the problem of obesity with the Health Belief Model and talks about how the Model contributes in motiving the people to bring Health behavior change in their lives. It point out the reasons for people in bringing behavior changes associated with the Health Belief Model. (J.S Gubbels, 2013)
In the article "Health Belief Model in the Town of Obese Elderly Women use Health Education" by Zeng Gui Ying, the writer talks about how the Health Belief Model is a major source of information and education for the obese women living in towns and villages .It tells that how the model motivates and encourages the obese women to take….

Blacks also have a 320% higher rate of hypertension-related end-stage renal disease than the general population (Diet-elated Chronic Diseases, 2001).
According to a study of diet-related chronic diseases among black men in Florida, it was found that almost two-thirds of blacks in Florida are estimated to be at risk for health problems related to being overweight. The percent of the total population that is at risk for health problems related to being overweight compared to the State of Florida in shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2. Percentage of Black/White Population at isk for Overweight Health Problems - Florida vs. The U.S. (Source: Diet-elated Chronic Diseases, 2001).

Florida National

Black 62.4-65.4

White 52.0-56.0

The authors of this study point out that many blacks do not eat a sufficient amount of vegetables and other foods that require the recommended levels of nutrition. Clearly, there is more involved in the epidemiology and causation of obesity among blacks….

3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Obesity in Children Obesity Is

Words: 1097
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Television viewing needs to be controlled because this is a major source of weight gain. With children engaging in less physical activity and merely dumping themselves in front of…

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4 Pages

Education - Physical Education

Obesity on Children Obesity Is Something an

Words: 1459
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Obesity on Children Obesity is something an increasing amount of Americans are struggling with today. It is one of the most important health concerns in the country today, and…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Child Obesity and Junk Food

Words: 708
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Child Obesity and Junk Food Over the last several years, the issue of childhood obesity and junk food has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because the total…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Physical Education

Child Obesity

Words: 1473
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Child Overweight or Obese? A study performed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1977 reported that approximately seven percent of children in the United States were overweight.…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Child Obesity Is and What

Words: 2242
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The evidences presented in this regard explain how different studies and research support that obesity can have profound deteriorating psychological effects as well as health effects on children.…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Not Specified

Child Obesity Which Has Become an Epidemic

Words: 1755
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

child obesity, which has become an epidemic in the current epoch of technological advancements and innovations. Since obesity is escalating at an unprecedented rate specifically amongst the teenagers…

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18 Pages
Term Paper


Child Obesity and Its Affects on Their Self-Esteem Learning and Development

Words: 7029
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Childhood Obesity and Its Affects on Self-Esteem, Learning and Development Childhood obesity has reached alarming proportions in developed nations of the world and its prevalence is continuously rising from 1971.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Methodology on Child Obesity Fast Food

Words: 957
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Childhood Obesity and Fast Food Inductive Reasoning Empirical Research Applied Research Quantitative Research Qualitative Research Exploratory Research Focus Groups Participants The paper is a research based on the topic of "The influence of fast food on child…

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6 Pages

Communication - Television

Causes of Increased Child Obesity Causes of

Words: 1888
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Causes of Increased Child Obesity Causes of Increased Childhood Obesity in the 21st Century Over the last several decades, the issue of childhood obesity has been increasingly brought to the forefront.…

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6 Pages


Fast Food and Child Obesity

Words: 1889
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Fast Food and Child Obesity Jonathan Kwan This study identifies the underlying correlation of fast food consumption and the increasing rate of child obesity. The system of fast food is…

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10 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Miscellaneous

Obesity in Children and Impact of Advertising

Words: 2722
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Participants will be recruited with announcements in local newspapers and school newsletters. Flyers are posted in the nurse's offices and in the clinic. esponse cards will be given…

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4 Pages

Medical - Nursing

Obesity Late Obesity in Florida Obesity Refers

Words: 1188
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Obesity Late Obesity Obesity in Florida Obesity refers to when a person has more weight than it is required by his height. Excessive fats are being gathered in the body parts in…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Child Obesity and Fast Food

Words: 755
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

childhood obesity and its correlation to social-economic background. he researchers argued that attention to childhood obesity focuses on genetic and environmental factors, and there is the increasingly prevalent…

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7 Pages
Literature Review


Obesity Prevention Using Health Belief

Words: 2200
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Literature Review

S Gubbels. Talks about how obesity is a major problem of our society and how it is affecting the children and adults. The article talks about the causes and…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Social Issues

Obesity Among Blacks in General

Words: 2218
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Blacks also have a 320% higher rate of hypertension-related end-stage renal disease than the general population (Diet-elated Chronic Diseases, 2001). According to a study of diet-related chronic diseases among…

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