Classical Period Essays (Examples)

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Classical Period of Greek and
Pages: 4 Words: 1934

In addition, a theorized creation period is given, as well as the current location of the statue. However, very little other detail is given for this important piece.
Kortum, R. Warrior Vase. No date. East ennessee State University. October 16, 2006

he author, a professor at East ennessee State, gives a brief description of the krater (mixing bowl) pottery from the 12th century BC and now housed in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. In addition, a black and white image clearly depicting the militaristic scene on the piece is presented. he author makes the point of the differences between Minoan and Mycenaean lifestyles at this point in history, through the different typical pottery motifs.

Lahanas, M. he divine madness of the orgiastic Maenad. 2006. Dr. Michael Lahanas. October 16, 2006.

Dr. Lahanas gives a detailed account of Skopas' Maenads. Using Kallistratos' first hand accounts, he clearly expresses the fluid and…...


The Britannica's concise entry for Scopas is just that - concise. Although the entry gives a very brief detailing on who Scopas was, the discussion of the Maenad in Dresden is even shorter. However, it does note that this is one of his most noteworthy works.

Vermeule, C. "The Weary Herakles of Lysippos." American Journal of Archaeology 79(4) Oct 1975: 323-332.

Vermeule gives a comprehensive detailing of Lysippos' Herakles. Of note is the burden that Lysippos portrays with his sculpture. Herakles had the weight of the heavens upon him, and as such, many humans can empathize with that feeling. In addition to the original creation, Vermeule details the multitudes of replicas that were made of this work. These copies were created in a variety of sizes and materials.

Societies in the Classical Period
Pages: 5 Words: 1525

It is only human for cultures to borrow from successful societies. It has been a common practice throughout human history, especially within the context of the Classical periods, where many major nations were developing themselves as world powers. Many of these traditions still live on today either in their own right, or through the perpetuation by other cultures. In fact, Western society owes much of its foundations and philosophies to Classical cultures, such as Greco-oman and Middle Eastern influences. Then, the question remains, how will our current society lend to the future formation of new societies yet to be conceived?


Boeree, C. George. (2000). "An Introuction to Buddhism." Shippensburg University. etrieved 24 Mar 2009 at

Butler, Chris. (2007). "Bronze Age Greeks: the Minoans and Myceneans." The Flow of History. etrieved 24 Mar 2009 at

Hooker, ichard. (1996). "The Persians." World Civilizations. etrieved 24 mar 2009 at

Jayaram, V. (2008). "Chinese Buddhism:…...



Boeree, C. George. (2000). "An Introuction to Buddhism." Shippensburg University. Retrieved 24 Mar 2009 at .

Butler, Chris. (2007). "Bronze Age Greeks: the Minoans and Myceneans." The Flow of History. Retrieved 24 Mar 2009 at

Hooker, Richard. (1996). "The Persians." World Civilizations. Retrieved 24 mar 2009 at .

Jayaram, V. (2008). "Chinese Buddhism: An Overview." Hindu Website. Retrieved 24 Mar 2009 at .

Classical Baroque Comparing and Contrasting
Pages: 5 Words: 1709

The geniuses strained the boundaries of the characteristic styles more evidently and more quickly than those of their contemporaries to bring about such seismic changes.
orks Cited

Baroque: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Baroque: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Ludwig van Beethoven." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 2007. 23 Apr 2008.

Posner, Howard. "hat is basso continuo?" Early Music FAQ. 1994. 23 Apr 2008.

Sadie, Stanley. "Baroque." The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. New York: .. Excerpted at Classical Music Pages Homepage. Created by Matt Boynick. 1 Feb 1996. Revised 10 Oct 2000. 23 Apr 2008.

Sadie, Stanley. "Classical." The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. New York: .. Norton, 1994. Excerpted at Classical Music Pages Homepage. Created by Matt Boynick. 1 Feb 1996. Revised 10 Oct 2000.…...


Works Cited

Baroque: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Baroque: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical and Christian the Sixth Century Was
Pages: 3 Words: 903

Classical and Christian
The sixth century was a time of great transformation in the Western world; it was the time of the end of the Classical Period and the beginning of the Christian Era. ome had fallen to the barbarians, but they had assumed the mantle of oman Emperors. However, these barbarian "emperors," and the empire they ruled, were just a shadow of the real thing. In other words, the remnants of the old oman world still existed, but on top of that foundation was being built a new Christian world. Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy is an example of how the sixth century saw a mixture of the new Christian thought blended with a base of Classical philosophy.

Boethius was a oman aristocrat who had served the Ostrogothic Emperor Theodoric the Great. The Ostrogoths had conquered ome and set themselves up as the inheritors of the oman Empire, even going so far…...



Cooper, W.V. 2009. "The Consolation of Philosophy by Anicius Manlius Severinus

Boethius." The Ex-classics Project. Accessed 15 Sept. 2012.

Classical Greece Desire Emotion and Knowledge Greek
Pages: 4 Words: 1132

Classical Greece
Desire, Emotion, and Knowledge: Greek Society and Culture in the Classical Period (480-338 .C.)

Following the aftermath of Greeks' victory over Persians during 480-479 .C., Greek society has undergone rapid changes and revival in its political, economic, and cultural structures, called the Classical period of Greek society and culture. This period, 480-338 .C., is characterized by the emergence of new reforms in the society, such as the establishment of a new Athenian democratic government, the gradual assertion of women equal treatment in a patriarchal Greek society, and the flourishing of the arts through philosophy, literature, mathematics, and science.

Indeed, the Classical period is more appropriately described as a time wherein human potential and intelligence is at its highest. As Plato had stated, "Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, knowledge." This statement from the Greek philosopher brings into lucidity the important works of literature that had helped change the…...



Kagan, D., S. Ozment, and F. Turner. (1995). The Western Heritage. NJ: Prentice Hall.

Classical Era
Pages: 2 Words: 697

classical era which spanned from approximately 1750 to 1820.I shall discuss the stylistic changes sonata, string quartet and symphony and also the great composers of the time mainly Christoph Willibald Gluck, Johann Bach, and Joseph Haydn.


Sonata form is one, which is usually used as a part of multi-movement scheme, since it involves the musical structure of a single movement.

The basic structure of sonata comprises of the following three sections:



Recapitulation with a Coda added commonly.

The sonatas of Corelli Violin sonatas Op. 3 are a mixture of abstract and dance-type movements.

String quartet:

A string quartet is quite a complex style where the musical structure consists of four movements .It includes four string instruments which are two violins, a viola and cello.

In classical period string quartets were written for those who had a comprehensive knowledge of music since they were quite complex for the layman to understand.

In classical type of string quartet…...

Classical and Popular Music in 'The Crying
Pages: 5 Words: 1720

Thomas Pynchon is known for his complex storylines and weird characters. For this reason it is not easy to comment on the use of music in his novels as it is the very complexity of his plots that obscure the influence or meaning of classical and popular music in his books. Despite this, he is one of the most influential writers of the postmodern era and many singers have cited his work as an inspiration for their music. In our days for example, since the return of popular music, we notice that Thomas Pynchon has become a source of inspiration for many new pop artists. Larry Swindell (1996) says, "Pynchon is an enduring literary cult figure, sainted by proponents of darkest-hued comedy."

It is important to bear in mind that Pynchon's use of music is not limited to just one of his…...


Works Cited

Hans, James S., Emptiness and plenitude in "Bartleby the Scrivener" and 'The Crying of Lot 49.'. Vol. 22, Essays in Literature, 09-22-1995, pp 285(15).


Joel Stein, The Case For Thomas Pynchon., Time, 07-09-2001, pp 50.

Joseph Slade, Writers for the 70s: Thomas Pynchon, New York, 1974.

Classical Liberalism Central to the
Pages: 1 Words: 490

Moreover, they saw religious faith as critical to promoting moral stability in the community (Breslin, 2004). Here we see how federalists adhere in the idea of liberalism by siding with sovereign nation-states where a central type of government is a political strategy. Moreover, Federalists side with the Hobbesian doctrine of liberalism where no religious power should be exercised among people as Anti-Federalists argued that religious faith is crucial is the stability of communities. For Federalists, political rule is the only legitimate rule of power, at least in the socio-political sense.

Berkowitz, P. (1996). Intellectual History of Classical Liberalism. etrieved from onMarch 12.

Breslin, B. (2004). The Communitarian Constitution. etrieved from onMarch 12.

Moseley, a. (2006). Political Philosophy. etrieved at 12, 2009.

Mount, S. (2007). Constitutional Topic: The Federalists and Anti-Federalists. etrieved at onMarch 12, 2009.

New World Encyclopedia. (2008). Age of Enlightenment. etrieved from 12.

Sommerville, J.P. (n.d.) Theories of…...



Berkowitz, P. (1996). Intellectual History of Classical Liberalism. Retrieved from onMarch 12.

Breslin, B. (2004). The Communitarian Constitution. Retrieved from onMarch 12.

Moseley, a. (2006). Political Philosophy. Retrieved at   12, 2009. 

Mount, S. (2007). Constitutional Topic: The Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Retrieved at   onMarch 12, 2009. .

Classical Composers & the Impact
Pages: 4 Words: 1322

. . which fascinates by the mass of its beauties" (Goulding, 1995, 256). Much like Wagner, Tchaikovsky was influenced by several love affairs, first with Desiree Artot, an opera singer who deserted him to marry someone else and Nadezhda von Meck, a patroness of the arts. Thus, the relationship with Ms. Von Meck provided the stimulation Tchaikovsky needed for the completion of omeo and Juliet; she also was obviously his Juliet, a woman from a contrasting family (she provided him with much financial support) and someone that was out of reach for a simple composer.
Claude Debussy:

The piece known as Clouds is part of Debussy's Three Nocturnes for orchestra and as described by Debussy himself, Clouds represents "the unchanging aspect of the sky, and the slow, solemn movement of the clouds, dissolving into gray tints, lightly touched with white" (Goulding, 1995, 315). All of this is symbolized by the atmospheric…...



Goulding, Phillip G. (1995). Classical Music: The 50 Greatest Composers and Their 1000 Greatest Works. Westminster, MD: Ballantine Books.


Neo-Classical Art and Romanticism
Pages: 3 Words: 906

Art has always been used as a means of expression and of confirmation of events and movements that take place in the society in that respective period of time. The Neo-Classical and Romanticist art makes no exception to this rule and the two periods have been considered in the history of artistic art as two of the most representative for the expressivity they brought to the world of the arts as well as through the painters they inspired. Jacques-Louis David and Eugene Delacroix are two of the most representative painters of the New Classical period and the Romanticist art and their paintings are significant for the symbols and ideals these two periods provided for the artistic world.
Neo-classical art must be seen in the wider context of the 18th century and the era of Enlightenment when the new perceptions on the role of reason were redefined against the concepts of the…...

Art Period's Styles Represent a Theme Art
Pages: 5 Words: 1416

art period's styles represent a theme art. Your comparison focus artists period styles. The pair choose drawn period styles. For essay, I compare a High Classical Greek artwork Early Italian Renaissance artwork.
The Artemision ronze vs. Donatello's bronze David

While most people are inclined to look at the Italia Renaissance as being innovative and as bringing new concepts to society, the artistic movement actually inspired from Ancient Greece. y looking at the Early Renaissance period and at the Classical Greek artistic movement one is likely to observe a series of parallels, as the more recent artists did not hesitate to inspire themselves from individuals that they considered to be particularly refined in producing artwork. To a certain degree, one can consider the two movements to have had a similar effect in individuals living contemporary to them, considering that they both brought on artistic revolutions. The Artemision ronze and Donatello's bronze statue…...



Kleiner, Fred S. "Gardner's Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective," (Cengage Learning, 2009)

Mattusch, Carol C. "Greek Bronze Statuary: From the Beginnings Through the Fifth Century B.C.," (Cornell University Press, 1988)

Shaked, Guy, "Masters of Italian Sculpture," (, 2007)

"Donatello's David," Retrieved May 11, 2012, from the Suny Oneonta Website:

The Greek Classical Artistic Tradition
Pages: 5 Words: 1778

Greek Classical Era on Christian Art
The fifth century B.C.E. initiated a new philosophy in Greek art. hile before this era, Greek representations of the human form tended to be static and relatively stylized (much like Egyptian art), the Classical era exhibited a notable break with previous artistic images. Representations of the human form became much more realistic. Knowledge of anatomy combined with an ideology that celebrated and idealized the human form (while still keeping it recognizably human) characterized the style of this era, as can be seen in one of the wonders of the ancient world, the Tomb of Mausolus (Asia Minor, 359-351 B.C.E.). One famous relief on the Tomb depicts Greek warriors and Amazon women in combat. Both the soldiers and the women are intricately detailed in terms of the folds of their clothing and musculature. Both sides are also perfectly proportioned and while all look recognizably human,…...


Works Cited

"Art of the Crusades Era." University of Michigan. 8 Dec 1997. Web 28 Dec 2015.

Boardman, John. "The Classical period (5th - 4th century BC)." Classical Art Research Centre.

Oxford University. 26 Oct 2012. Web 28 Dec 2015.

Cartwright, Mark. "Ara Pacis Augustae." The Ancient History Encyclopedia. Web 28 Dec 2015.

French Revolution The Classical Era
Pages: 8 Words: 2267

Essay Topic Examples

1. The Role of Enlightenment Ideas in Fueling the French Revolution:
     Explore how Enlightenment philosophers such as Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu influenced the ideological foundation of the French Revolution. Discuss the ways in which their ideas about individual rights, democracy, and the social contract helped to underpin the revolutionary movement and contribute to the eventual overthrow of the old regime.

2. The Economic Crisis and its Contribution to the Outbreak of the French Revolution:
     Examine the financial turmoil that plagued France in the years leading up to the Revolution. Analyze the factors that brought about this economic distress, including costly wars, the depletion of the royal treasury, and the resistance to financial reforms by the privileged classes, and how this crisis propelled France towards revolution.

3. The Influence of the French Revolution on Classical Music:
     Investigate how the French Revolution, with its themes of liberty, equality, and…...


Primary Sources

Locke, John. Second Treatise of Government. 1689.

Sieyès, Emmanuel. What is the Third Estate?. 1789.

Louis XVI. Letters Patent on the Calling of the Estates-General. Versailles, 1789.

The National Assembly of France. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. 1789.

Robespierre, Maximilien. On the Principles of Political Morality. Speech before the National Convention, 1794.

Classical Myths in Children's Writing's
Pages: 20 Words: 8051

He stated that, "I mean printed works produced ostensibly to give children spontaneous pleasure and not primarily to teach them, nor solely to make them good, nor to keep them profitably quiet." (Darton 1932/1982:1) So here the quest is for the capture and promotion of children's imagination through stories and fables that please as well as enlighten. There is always the fallout that once a child learns to love to read he or she will read many more things with greater enthusiasm than before.
The children's literature genres developed in Mesopotamia and in Egypt over a roughly 1,500-year period - proverbs, fables, animal stories, debates, myths, instructions (wisdom literature), adventure and magic tales, school stories, hymns and poems - pass down to the Hebrews and the Greeks. The Old Testament owes much to both Mesopotamian and Egyptian literature (Adams 2004:230)

One can see that, as stated previously, children's literature is nothing…...



Adams, Gillian. 2004. "16 Ancient and Medieval Children's Texts." pp. 225-238 in International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literature, vol. 1, edited by Hunt, Peter. London: Routledge.

Ancient Babylonia - Gilgamesh Tablet. 2009. Bible History. Retrieved 2 August 2010 ( .).

Bell, Robert H. 2005. "Inside the Wardrobe: Is 'Narnia' a Christian Allegory?." Commonweal, December 16, pp. 12-15

Bible Maps. 2009. Genisis Files. Retrieved on 6 August 2010 ( )

Classical Greek Indian Civilizations Egyptian Civilization
Pages: 6 Words: 2201

art from three different cultures. Specifically it will discuss pieces from the Classical Greek, Indian Civilizations, and Egyptian Civilizations, including the meaning of the work and an art analysis of the work. Each of these different cultures produced very different works of art that were meant to entertain, enlighten, and be viewed for enjoyment. They used different techniques, but there were commonalities, as well. They represent some of the best and most beautiful artwork the world has ever seen.
The Classic Greek work of art I have chosen is the marble sculpture the Venus of Arles, which now resides in the Musee du Louvre in Paris. It is made of Hymettus marble and is thought to be as old as the third century BC. It is thought that the Venus was created by the sculptor Praxiteles, in an attempt to recapture his sculpting career. It is often called the Aphrodite…...



Bens, K. (2009). Aphrodite of Arles. Retrieved 16 Oct. 2009 from the Museum of Antiques Web site: .

Editors. (2009). Kishangarh miniatures - In quest of divine love. Retrieved 16 Oct. 2009 from the India Profile Web site: .

Nalubwama, E. (2009). Ancient Egyptian papyrus. Retrieved 16 Oct. 2009 from the University of Minnesota Web site:

Sikander, N. (2009). Bani Thani paintings. Retrieved 16 Oct. 2009 from the Ethnic Paintings Web site:

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