Coaching Essays (Examples)

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Coaching and mentoring are fundamental lifelong commitment for graduate nurses. They are a key competency for nursing practitioners, researchers, and educators. This is because coaching and mentoring help nurses engage in relationships and conversations directed at promoting career commitment and professional development. Nurses are coached and mentored to advance their career practice and opportunities (Hamric, Spross & Hanson, 2009). In addition, coaching and mentoring will help me, as a nurse increase satisfaction and enjoyment with my current roles.
Coaching activity

A learning contract is a common activity in coaching. It involves negotiating learning between the nurse and the coach. In any contract, the coach and the nurse must sign a written learning agreement enabling the nurse to participate in many decisions about components of learning and objectives. Thus, it is often a coaching activity where the coach and the nurse (student) agree of objectives and the nurse's responsibility in attainment of the….

Both of these ideas may have caused some type of argument and disagreement had the teacher been permitted to engage in that manner at the time of that review. However, because the process was established whereby she could not debate them, the teacher seemed to really consider what the others had to say about her ideas. Unfortunately, the video did not show the classroom outcomes of the discussions (See generally, A community of learners, 1998).
While students and teachers at Souhegan High School all seemed enthusiastic about its approach to professional development, the video failed to provide any statistics that would empirically support that the program is beneficial. Therefore, any thoughts on why the program is beneficial must be based on conjecture and what the other research reveals about the mentoring process. The program appeared to have several benefits. First, the peer review of a teacher allowed the teacher to….

In the first scenario, the preceptor should be warned that their actions will not be tolerated in the future. This will occur by providing them with a written statement notifying them of the problem and asking them to correct it. If nothing changes, they should be removed from their position and immediately be replaced by someone who can more effectively set a better example for everyone to follow. This will hold them to higher standard of accountability and let them know that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. (Myrick, 2005) (Young, 2007)

Create a plan for addressing the preceptor's specific educational needs in the second scenario.

A possible strategy for dealing with the preceptor's educational needs (in the second scenario) is to offer them with some kind of tuition assistance and scheduling that is flexible. Under this plan, they will be able to attend school at time that is convenient for them.….

Coaching Divorce Couples

Coaching Divorce Couples
One of the most fundamental issues in America today is divorce. With exponentially rising divorce statistics this culture has become known as the culture of divorce. (iley, 1991) With these changes in the social fiber of our culture come many problems and concerns for individuals, both the children of divorced couples and the individual partners themselves, as well as their extended families. Divorce is an often avoided subject of research simply because so many people are afraid of the changes that divorce has had and will continue to have on the fiber of our society.

The challenge is then to develop useful and structured plans for easing divorce's impact upon the individuals who comprise that society. Divorce can not be avoided, as either a social concept in need of expert research or as a real social phenomena that is the end of nearly half of all marriages.

Divorce may well….

Avoiding charges of harassment and even the appearance of discrimination is a cornerstone of most workplaces' diversity policy. But promoting tolerance is not always easy. Quite often, there is a great gap between one person's perception of something as a joke, and another person's perception of the phrase as harassment, if they come from different cultures. Furthermore, different cultures have different standards as to what constitutes genuine harassment. A company with branches in France and Italy may be unpleasantly surprised when an international work team suddenly finds itself riddled with complaints from female, American employees, regarding the behavior of their male European colleagues, who see nothing wrong with what perceive as harmless flirting. A conservative Christian employee may feel threatened when a fellow worker brings his male partner to a company outing.

Keeping channels of communication open can at least allow misunderstandings to be discussed. This hopefully results in tensions being….

It calls for leaders to shift employees from one level to another (McDowall & Palmer, 2010, p.82).
Value of situational leadership: During the on-board process while people become more familiar with the environment, it would be important if leaders used their leadership skills in communicating with people within their working environment. This is important because they can understand each member in terms of competency during the team building process. This helps the team leaders in assigning roles and delegating duties in order to achieve the objectives of the organization (Bate & Hargreaves, 2010, p.18). For professionals working inside the organization, the oversight gives an overview of the reasons for working with the newly enrolled or the promoted: it increases productivity and retains the success of the organization. When an organization has invested in their leader, coaching is the best they can do to support the investment. This will help the….

Coaching and Life

Life Coaching
The process of life coaching is becoming an approach which is utilized to help those with a variety of health conditions to overcome their challenges. This is designed to assist the person in discovering what is important to them, develop a plan, eliminate obstacles, partner for success and celebrate important milestones. These areas are teaching them how to adjust their diet and lifestyle choices to reflect healthy alternatives. To fully understand what is occurring requires focusing on three different conditions. Together, these elements will underscore the life coach's role and how they assist patients over the long-term. (Martin, 2001)

Life Coaching and Three Conditions

The three conditions which will be examined include: diabetes, chronic headaches and depression. These areas will influence the types of techniques that are utilized and the effects they are having on patients. This is when specific practices will determine the strategy and the rates of success. In….

Science of Coaching

Coaching Philosophy
Every coach would like to be a successful coach and that is the main target of each coach as they go about their coaching business each day. They all want to be a coach who wins, one who relates well with the athletes, one who motivates the players, one who knows how to recruit successfully, one with good financial support, with a strong work ethics, one who has the right equipment and most of all good knowledge of the sport.

Aspects of formulating coaching philosophy

The coach will have to take into account three main aspects or guiding principles when formulating the coaching philosophy that will enable him to operate successfully over a long period of time.

Self-awareness; this simply implies knowing self and can be achieved through getting the feedback from peers, sufficiently understanding the real self, the ideal self and the public self and how these three are the commonly….

Group Coaching

The concepts of powerful questioning discussed in Chapter 7 are directly applicable to creating, strengthening and growing a group of young women who are biomedical and electrical engineers who need to become more assertive and confident in the workplace. Using the techniques of powerful questioning the coaching activities center on getting each member of the group to explain their journey to become an engineer, which reinforces their core strengths and helps them see values in themselves. Strong coaching programs contribute to organizational cultures that are agile in responding to changing employee needs yet stable enough to provide ongoing support to program participants (Wilson, 2011). Powerful questioning leads to greater disclosure between group members driving up trust and collaboration in the process (Cockerham, 2011).

Use Of Powerful Questioning

Many of the most brilliant young women graduating from top colleges and universities lack the assertiveness and self-confidence to fully engage in discussions and….

Further, failure to understand the client's specific circumstances could end up frustrating the coaching process thus bringing about negative coaching outcomes. Closely related to this is the underestimation or overestimation of the problems or abilities of the client. The application of poor coaching techniques is yet another factor which could bring about negative coaching outcomes. Poor application of coaching techniques has got to do with poor methods selection as well as implementation, inaccurate assessment etc.
Other factors which could frustrate the realization of positive coaching outcomes include but are not limited to failure by the organization to allocate sufficient resources needed to sustain the coaching program, lack of support from top management as well as an organization culture indifferent to coaching.


Based on the discussion above, it can be noted that the relevance of the various key competencies required for coaching cannot be overstated. Indeed, it is these competencies that facilitate….

Self-Inventory and Personality AnalysisMy reflection on the various lenses of personality types, racial predispositions, and generational bias has let me obtain some insights into the subtle aspects of my identity that I probably would otherwise not have realized. Personality shapes perception and impacts ones interaction with the world. But what shapes personality? The inventories provided a structured approach to self-analysis, and got me to consider aspects of my character and preferences that I might otherwise overlook.Through the Personality Inventory, I discovered a balance between analytical and relational traits, aligning with the Driver and Expressive personality types. This duality captures my tendency to pursue goals with determination while cherishing the human connection in every interaction. The Generational Snapshot placed me within the boundaries of Generation X, where independence and adaptability are prominent features (Siahaan, 2020). However, some traits attributed to Millennials can also be found in my personalitytraits like willingness to….

Coaching with Compassion: Key Takeaways"Helping People Change" by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, and Ellen Van Oosten focuses on the idea of positive emotion attractors, which help people to thrive and flourish. By keying in on this aspect of emotional intelligence, coaches can help people creating lasting change in themselves. Having a vision, however, is essential to the process of personal long-term change. Companies can facilitate change in workers by relying on personal and professional coaches who understand this key principle. By embracing coachable moments, and offering safe spaces for reflection and openness, coaches can help people to reach the ideals they hold for themselves.One of the key takeaways of the book is that when coaching is done with compassion, clients will be able to reaffirm and articulate their own personal vision. This will include being able to identify, understand, and express their personal dreams, ambitions, goals; knowing what their true….

During these meetings, it is necessary to align my coaching objectives with both the business and the career goals of the employees. I can directly address the challenge of solving problems for employees without allowing them to do so first by utilizing appreciative questions that requires them to search for applicable solutions. In the event that they cannot I can provide solutions for them. I can directly address the challenge of my avoiding conflict by farming conflict in a beneficial manner which reinforces the positives in the situation, both internally and externally. I can also actively promote the virtues of emotional intelligence from an internal and external perspective to actively reduce the incidence and severity of conflict.

Ashkanasy, N., Hartel, C., Zerbe, W. (2000). Emotions in the Workplace: esearch, Theory and Practice. Westport: Quorum Books.

Cram, F. (2010). "Appreciative inquiry." MAI eview. 3 (1): 1-13.

Jalongo, M.J. (1995). "Promoting active listening in….

Digital vs. Film Cameras:

Capturing memories is an important task for many people. Whether it's holidays, special occasions, or just pictures of a random slice of life, recording these precious moments for all time is common in many households. As technology has advanced, new options for taking photos has entered the marketplace, in just the last twenty years -- digital cameras. There are a variety of reasons why digital cameras are far superior to their film predecessors including: convenience, cost, and storage.

Digital cameras are far more convenient and offer more flexibility than film cameras. With digital cameras, the user can immediately see the images they just captured on the screen. This preview image can not only be shown to others, but the photographer can decide if they captured the image they wanted and retake the photo if necessary. In contrast, using a film camera not only means the photographer has to….

The rate of corruption in Japan is relatively low, at the same level as that of the United States (Japan Today, 2008). Given the popularity of luxury goods in Japan, there is a disincentive for politicians to treat luxury goods in a way that would make them more expensive or less accessible.
There is some degree of economic risk. hile the luxury goods market in Japan has thrived throughout much of that nation's prolonged economic slowdown, recent declines in the Japanese luxury goods market indicate that the sector's historic robustness may be under threat (Kirby, 2009; Degen, 2010). The outlook for the Japanese economy remains relatively poor for the coming years. ith a low interest rate of 0.1%, there is little room for monetary expansion, so it may be years before Japan's economy picks up significantly with strong external purchases of Japanese goods (Ujikane & Otsuma, 2010). This could have….

Exploring the relationship between performance management plans and terminating employees.  How can performance management help employers demonstrate that a termination was not wrongful?  How can performance management help wrongfully terminated employees demonstrate that their employment was wrongful?

The importance of goal setting in performance management How can a manager and an employee work together to set attainable and quantifiable goals for the employee between review periods?  Emphasize how attainable goals are important, because setting goals that an employee cannot realistically achieve can demotivate otherwise high-performing employees. 

Measuring employee performance under employee management plans?  How can human resource professionals help managers develop quantifiable....

1. The benefits of workplace diversity for employee satisfaction and productivity
2. The challenges of managing a diverse workforce and strategies for overcoming them
3. The impact of workplace diversity on organizational culture and reputation
4. The role of diversity and inclusion initiatives in promoting equality and respect in the workplace
5. The importance of diversity training and education in creating a more inclusive work environment
6. The relationship between workplace diversity and innovation
7. The effects of unconscious bias in hiring and promotion practices on workplace diversity
8. Case studies of successful diversity and inclusion programs in various companies
9. The intersectionality of diversity in the workplace....

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Open with a captivating statement or statistic about the significance of military and professional bearing.
B. Thesis statement: State the main argument of the essay, highlighting the importance of military and professional bearing in shaping individual conduct and organizational effectiveness.

II. Definition and Significance of Military and Professional Bearing
A. Military bearing:
1. Definition: Upright posture, disciplined demeanor, and respectful behavior expected of military personnel.
2. Significance: Instills discipline, fosters unit cohesion, and projects a professional image.
B. Professional bearing:
1. Definition: Conduct and demeanor that reflects high standards of ethics, competency, and accountability.
2. Significance: Enhances....

The Transformative Impact of Athletics in College: A Deeper Dive into its Benefits

1. The Multifaceted Benefits of Sports Participation in Higher Education:

Explores the physical, mental, social, and academic advantages of playing sports in college.

2. Sports as a Catalyst for Personal Development: The Journey towards Excellence

Focuses on the ways in which sports foster qualities such as discipline, perseverance, leadership, and teamwork.

3. Academic Success through Athletics: Breaking Down the Myth of the Student-Athlete Dilemma

Examines the correlation between sports participation and improved academic performance, debunking the notion of an inherent trade-off.

4. Building a Foundation for Lifelong Health and Wellness: The....

2 Pages
Research Paper


Coaching and Mentoring Are Fundamental Lifelong Commitment

Words: 678
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Coaching and mentoring are fundamental lifelong commitment for graduate nurses. They are a key competency for nursing practitioners, researchers, and educators. This is because coaching and mentoring help nurses…

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7 Pages


Coaching Teachers When One Thinks

Words: 2411
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Both of these ideas may have caused some type of argument and disagreement had the teacher been permitted to engage in that manner at the time of that…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Coaching and Development the Two

Words: 1860
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the first scenario, the preceptor should be warned that their actions will not be tolerated in the future. This will occur by providing them with a written statement…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Coaching Divorce Couples

Words: 2348
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Coaching Divorce Couples One of the most fundamental issues in America today is divorce. With exponentially rising divorce statistics this culture has become known as the culture of divorce. (iley,…

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2 Pages


Coaching Challenges in a Device

Words: 597
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Avoiding charges of harassment and even the appearance of discrimination is a cornerstone of most workplaces' diversity policy. But promoting tolerance is not always easy. Quite often, there is…

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5 Pages


Coaching Evaluate the Emerging Importance

Words: 1543
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

It calls for leaders to shift employees from one level to another (McDowall & Palmer, 2010, p.82). Value of situational leadership: During the on-board process while people become more…

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2 Pages


Coaching and Life

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Life Coaching The process of life coaching is becoming an approach which is utilized to help those with a variety of health conditions to overcome their challenges. This is designed…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Science of Coaching

Words: 958
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Coaching Philosophy Every coach would like to be a successful coach and that is the main target of each coach as they go about their coaching business each day. They…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


How Coaching Can Help New Graduates

Words: 560
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Coaching Group Coaching The concepts of powerful questioning discussed in Chapter 7 are directly applicable to creating, strengthening and growing a group of young women who are biomedical and electrical engineers…

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5 Pages


Competencies of Executive Coaching and

Words: 1567
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Further, failure to understand the client's specific circumstances could end up frustrating the coaching process thus bringing about negative coaching outcomes. Closely related to this is the underestimation…

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2 Pages


Unconscious Bias Personality Type and Coaching

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Self-Inventory and Personality AnalysisMy reflection on the various lenses of personality types, racial predispositions, and generational bias has let me obtain some insights into the subtle aspects of my…

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1 Pages
Article Review


Coachable Moments and Personal Vision

Words: 429
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Article Review

Coaching with Compassion: Key Takeaways"Helping People Change" by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, and Ellen Van Oosten focuses on the idea of positive emotion attractors, which help people to thrive…

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5 Pages


Coaching and Development Plan My

Words: 1708
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

During these meetings, it is necessary to align my coaching objectives with both the business and the career goals of the employees. I can directly address the challenge…

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4 Pages


Coaches Referees & Sports Commentator

Words: 1155
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Digital vs. Film Cameras: Capturing memories is an important task for many people. Whether it's holidays, special occasions, or just pictures of a random slice of life, recording these precious…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

History - Asian

Coach Japan Demand for Luxury

Words: 1283
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The rate of corruption in Japan is relatively low, at the same level as that of the United States (Japan Today, 2008). Given the popularity of luxury goods…

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