Collections Management Essays (Examples)

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Digital Age and Library
Pages: 6 Words: 1737

Digital Age
Horava (2010) begins his study by asking, "What is collection management in the digital age?" (p. 142). The question is important because digital technology has disrupted so many sectors and changed the way all organizations conduct business. Assessing the impact of this technology on library science and, in particularly, on collection management is a way to better maintain a grasp on current environments, community expectations and organizational possibilities. What the researcher finds is that the digital age has transformed the way in which scholarly communications are shared, the manner in which information technology is utilized in collection practices, and has expanded options regarding information-seeking for library patrons thanks to the rise of the Internet as a mega-database.

Driving Forces of Collection Management

The study notes that one of the driving forces of earlier collection management practices was "pride and prestige" -- i.e., libraries competed with one another to have prized…...



Horava, T. (2010). Challenges and possibilities for collection management in a digital age. LRTS, 54(3): 142-152.

Johnson, P. (2014). Fundamentals of collection development and management.

Chicago: American Library Association.

Management of Change Case Study
Pages: 10 Words: 2851

If these managers are unfit at achieving such objectives, the change process will not be effective.
Establish the vision and the strategy

Any change management process must start by building a vision that the new organization will be based on. Same as all companies are built on a vision of their founders, so should the new organization that will result after the change management process, be built on a vision.

Although the manager will create the vision of the new organization, he should make sure that all the stakeholders in included in the process. The vision should not only be directed at how the museum will look like from an artistic point-of-view, but it should also be directed towards its employees and how they will participate in the change management process and in the new organization, and towards the new image that the Louvre will present in comparison with similar institutions.

During this…...


Reference list:

1. Change Management for Shared Services and BPO (2010). SourcingMag. Retrieved August 22, 2010 from .

2. Kotter, J. (1995). John P. Kotter's eight steps to successful change. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from .

3. Cellars, T. (2007). Change Management Models. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from .

4. ADKAR -- A model for change management (2007). Change Management Learning Center. Retrieved August 23, 2010 from .

Managing Homeland Security You Were
Pages: 5 Words: 2062

S. DHS "Strategic Plan," 2008, ealistically acts of terrorism, domestic or foreign are exceedingly rare, though slightly more common than they have been in the past and at least marginally more violent in nature, they occur very, very rarely. (Lewis, 2000, p. 201) Though maintaining serious preparedness the mitigation of natural disasters, most which cannot be avoided is an issue needed to be addressed almost yearly, on both small and large scales, across the nation and is much more likely to directly effect people and resources on an intimate level and should be the Emergency Management system's first and primary concern! Though worst possible case scenarios, regarding the use of WMDs is important it is not where all the resources should go.
(5. In the course, you have been introduced to the various responsibilities of different levels of government in the homeland security effort. What level of government do you…...



Daniels, R.S. (2007). Revitalizing Emergency Management after Katrina: A Recent Survey of Emergency Managers Urges Improved Response, Planning, and Leadership and a Reinvigorated FEMA -- the Federal Government Has Responded by Making Most of the Recommended Changes. The Public Manager, 36(3), 16.

Department of Homeland Security Website

Depoorter, B. (2006). Horizontal Political Externalities: The Supply and Demand of Disaster Management. Duke Law Journal, 56(1), 101.

Hulnick, a.S. (2004). Keeping Us Safe: Secret Intelligence and Homeland Security. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Management Is it an Art or a Science
Pages: 4 Words: 1353

Management - Is it an Art or a Science?
Management is Art

Management has a lot more closely attached to art than it is to science. usiness management is about working with, as well as influencing other people to fulfill the goals of both the corporations and its associates (2).

Managing in the New Era

Quick transformations that are far-reaching all through each and every feature of business today prompts the corporations to reorganize the method they do things. Even though the customary management replica has developed quite a bit, it is still geared to an unbending composition and command -- and manage state of mind (3). This replica is well modified to an atmosphere where transformation is sluggish and evolutionary rather than fast and radical. It helps put in order procedures and promote a sense of responsibility, order, and discipline (4).

What it is short of is elasticity making the company irresponsive to constant…...



1) Bjrn Bjerke. Business Leadership and Culture: National Management Styles in the Global. Edward Elgar, 1999.

2) Floyd Norris. A Climb to Riches, One Merger at a Time. New York Times. 2003.

3) Hal R. Varian. Can markets be used to help people make nonmarket decisions? New York Times. 2003.

4) Jeff Madrick. Looking beyond free trade as a solution to helping the developing world. New York Times. 2003.

Management Approach That Offers the Best Outcomes
Pages: 10 Words: 3075

Management Approach That Offers the Best Outcomes
for Knowledge Development

Understanding business, and what that process contains, is extremely complex. It takes years of study and focus to gain even a rudimentary idea of all a company has to do to remain viable. A company has to have employees who understand their jobs, clear work goals for all concerned in the business, accounting practices that tell the actual financial workings of the company and keep government agencies happy, along with many other processes among the strata. Threads run through all of the working practices of an organization which tend to bind it together. These can be tangible communication channels (email, phone lines, other forms of information technology), or they can be intangible. These intangible communication lines are another layer of complexity which the organizations managers have to control and mold. How people deal with one another is the way an organization actually…...


Works Cited

Cohen, Debra J. "Knowledge Development -- Future Focus: Emerging Issues -- in Human Resource Management." HR Magazine (2003). Web.

de Dreu, Carsten K.W., and Evert van de Vliert. Using Conflict in Organizations. New York: Sage Publications, 1997. Print.

Fischler, Michael L. "From Crisis to Growth…Race, Culture, Ethnicity, Conflict and Change." Education 124.2 (2003): 396-398. Print.

"Knowledge." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2011.

Management Case Study Where the Rubber Meets
Pages: 2 Words: 670

Management Case Study
Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Total quality management (TQM), defined in the most simplistic of terms, is the incremental improvement of all facets of a business to increase customer satisfaction and, in turn, company viability. Although TQM is often applied first to manufacturing functions in an organization (zero defects, on-time production), the intent of TQM is equally meaningful in all aspects of business, from administrative (zero defects in billing and timely collection of accounts receivable), to distribution (no breakage, just-in-time delivery) to management (appropriate incentive structures, timely and accurate stakeholder reporting). The increased efficiency and competitiveness created through TQM initiatives is not limited to only the manufacturing sector, with many of the benefits of TQM occurring in the service sector, too.

In the case of ridgestone/Firestone, TQM was not pursued prior to the recall of its 6.5 million tires in 2000, as evidenced by the magnitude of the defective…...



Case study: Where the rubber meets the road

Management Styles the Impact of
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Abraham H. Maslow and Douglas M. McGregor both believed that in order for people to work to their full potential, they're basic needs have to be satisfied. (Herzberg, 1964) Douglas McGregor also put forth the concept that people's management-behavior is dependent upon their view of human beings and work. (McGregor, 1960) rganizational design concepts have been constantly evolving since the last fifty years. Change is good and should be used as a strategy for organizations to achieve their goals and objectives. (McNamara, 2003)
Research Methods

This thesis will be based on primary as well as secondary research. Initially an extensive secondary exploratory research will be conducted on the topic of management styles used globally, the culture and values of the Middle East and management styles that were used in the past and those that are currently used. This phase of the thesis is expected to take about a month and will…...


Osterman, Paul. "Supervision, Discretion, and Work Organization." The American Economic Review 84.2 (1994): 380-84.

Porter, Michael E. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press, 1990.

Tannenbaum, Scott I, and Lisa M. Dupuree-Bruno. "The Relationship between Organizational and Environmental Factors and the Use of Innovative Human Resource Practices." Group & Organization Management 19.2 (1994): 171-202.

Management of Technology in Developing Countries Such as Iran
Pages: 9 Words: 3432

Management of Technology in Developing Countries Such as Iran
Technology management arrangements of developing countries vary from those of first world ones. The requirement for skill in these states is not growing from within, but somewhat cropping up from new wares imported from first world countries. Technological growth in addition does not consequence from inner data and research, but resulting upon the technology transmission from abroad. In these environments, technology management by customary way is barely effective. These are troubles facing the Islamic epublic of Iran these days and as a consequence organizations controlling the technology management endure non-compliance, then technological development does not trail an accurate trend (obertson, 2002).

Lack of distinctive management, vagueness of technological precedence's, misunderstanding of policy-making roles and inter-organization implementation and management, tremendous government involvement in all fields and lack of specialist manpower are amongst the vital troubles of the topic (Sveiby et. al 2001). Even though…...



(1.) Abou-Zeid, E.S. "A Knowledge Management Reference Model." Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(5), 2002. pp. 486-499.

(2.) Bender S. And Fish A. "The Transfer of Knowledge and the Retention of Expertise: The Continuing Need for Global Assignments." Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(2), 2008. pp. 125-135.

(3.) Beveren, V.J. "A Model of Knowledge Acquisition that Refocuses Knowledge Management." Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(1), 2002. pp. 18-22.

(4.) Bhatt, G. "Organizing Knowledge in the Knowledge Development Cycle." Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(1), 2009. pp. 15-26.

Managing Human Resources Analysis of
Pages: 6 Words: 1901

Based on the method the researcher use to conduct analysis, the data analysis presented is appropriate because the researcher use combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods in the data analysis.

Interpretation of esults

The interpretation of results is critical in the research studies. Based on the objective of the study, the researchers have been able to draw a significant correlation between research results and research aim and objectives. esearchers emerge the total combination of 2,991 themes to evaluate the opinion of students towards their tutors. The findings are presented in meta-theme and four meta-themes as being revealed in table 2.

Table 2: Findings in Meta-theme and four Meta-Themes combined


Endorsement ate (%)









Four Meta-themes Combine









Based on the effectiveness of TEF as a strategy to evaluate students perception on their tutors, the researchers used nine themes that students used to evaluate their tutors, and the top five themes were professional, connector, director, transmitter and responsive.…...



Chow, M.Y.K. Quine, S. & Li, M. (2010).Bene-ts of using a quantitative with qualitative mixed methods approach- -to identify client satisfaction and unmet needs in an HIV healthcare centre. AIDS Care. 22 (4): 491-498.

Fisher, W.P. & Stenner, A.J. (2011). Integrating qualitative and quantitative research approaches via the phenomenological method. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches.5(1): 89 -- 103.

Onwuegbuzie, A.J. Witcher, A.E. Collins, K.M.T. et al. (2007). Perception of Students Characteristics of Effective College Teachers: A Validity Study of a Teaching Evaluation Form Using a Mixed-Methods Analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 44(1): 113 -- 160.

University of South Alabama (2011): Mixed Research: Mixed Method and Mixed Model Research. USA.

Management History of Management of
Pages: 9 Words: 2610

This differentiation refers to the management and administration of the agricultural resources of the kingdom. This in turn involved an organized network of royal foundations. (Wilkinson 116) the second area of administrative concern was the processing of government revenue and "…its redistribution to the various state operations…" (Wilkinson 116) Wilkinson in his book also deals extensively with managements issues in relation to the Egyptian treasury. (Wilkinson 125)
In understanding the background to management in ancient Egypt one has to continually take into account the wide range of concerns and activities that required ordered control and administration. As Erman states in his work Life in Ancient Egypt (1894), "The enormous properties belonging to the temples required of course complicated machinery for their administration & #8230;certain members of the priestly college were deputed to manage the affairs of the treasury, the commissariat and the correspondence…" (Erman 303)

Taking into account the above discussion…...

Managing Organizational Change it Is Reasonable to
Pages: 8 Words: 2233

Managing Organizational Change
It is reasonable to suggest that companies of all types and sizes have integrated information technology systems of some sort to help them manage their businesses and achieve a competitive advantage in recent years. Because computer systems tend to become obsolete rapidly as Moore's Law continues to hold true, many companies have accumulated a mish-mash of various computer types and capabilities that may not operate efficiently in a networked environment. When these legacy systems are replaced by a standardized array of compatible computers, the transition may introduce a number of challenges and obstacles that can adversely affect the company's ability to remain agile and responsive to internal and external customer needs. To determine how the transition from an older legacy system to an improved set of computers can be achieved in an efficient fashion, the key stakeholders who are involved in the process, and the potential lessons to…...



Johnson, J. & Andrews, M. (2003, July). New markets, old technology: a strategic mismatch.

Risk Management, 50(7), 48.

McGinn, D., Kudyba, S. & Diwan, R. (2002). Information technology, corporate productivity and the new economy. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.

Nakata, C., Zhu, Z. & Kraimer, M.L. (2008). The complex contribution of information technology capability to business performance. Journal of Managerial Issues, 20(4), 485-

Managing Conflict at Central Florida
Pages: 10 Words: 2775

15. I see teachers tease students.

16. I tease other students.

17. I see students hurting others physically.

18. I hurt others physically.

19. I hurt others emotionally.

Academic Skills:

20. I am interested in coming to school.

21. I am a good listener.

22. I am involved in extra-curricular activities.

23. I do my homework.

24. I get good grades.

25. Adults listen to me.


26. I am lonely.

27. I feel lonely when I'm at school.

Emotional Expression:

28. I share my feelings easily.

Substance Avoidance:

29. I used tobacco within 2 weeks.

30. I used alcohol within 2 weeks.

31. I used drugs within 2 weeks.

(not at all) to 10 (a lot).

Low Substance Culture:

32. Students in this school use tobacco.

33. Students in this school use alcohol.

34. Students in this school use drugs.

What methods will be used to answer the evaluation questions? The 100 students selected for the initial administration of the Challenge Day program will be requested to complete the questionnaire above, which is provided with…...



Be the change action plan. (2008). Challenge Day. [Online]. Available:

Ferber, S., Robertson, B., Leigh, G., Fleuridas, C. & Marachi, R. (2007). Summary of Challenge Day student survey. Challenge Day. [Online]. Available:

Frequently asked questions. (2008). Challenge Day. [Online]. Available: .

Maklin, M. (2002, May 20). for-profit PC workshops. Insight on the News, 18(18), 45.

Managing Money Cash Is the Main Basis
Pages: 2 Words: 665

Managing Money
Cash is the main basis of financial management in a new company. In most instances, the period between payment of suppliers and employees as well as a collection of debt from the customers is often a challenge. The solution to all these financial challenges is sound financial flow management. Managing of cash flow means delaying expenditures of cash and at the same time ensuring anyone owing the business pays up rapidly.

Managing Cash in a new business

Measuring of cash flow is necessary as accurate financial flow projection helps the business owner to be aware of an upcoming business challenge before it happens. On the other hand, cash flows should not be used to gauge the business environment in the future. There are a number of elements that need to be considered to counter the challenges. The factors are evaluating the payment histories of the customers, business thoroughness in identifying upcoming…...



Stone, R. (September 01, 2001). Managing wealth: A new approach. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 6, 1, 84-97.

Land, C., & Taylor, S. (January 01, 2010). Surf's Up: Work, Life, Balance and Brand in a New Age Capitalist Organization. Sociology, 44, 3, 395-413.

Management Action and Productivity Businesses in Developed
Pages: 9 Words: 2475

Management Action and Productivity
usinesses in developed countries tend to think of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a characteristic that is centered in their own businesses or, failing that, situated in the industries of wealthier nations. The CSR movement is substantively skewed in the direction of the developed world where the motivation for adopting a CSR initiative is driven more by altruism -- or "enlightened self-interest" (Vogel 2006: 18) -- than profit margins. It is unusual to find a perspective that considers CSR from the perspective of a sourcing company. In the centrically-oriented corporate arena of the developed world, CSR is seen as originating with the company that establishes a supply chain with a multinational company -- not the other way around. In order to manage and control ethical issues arising from doing business with overseas markets, many corporations rely on a social compliance model (PricewaterhouseCoopers 2007).

The social compliance model requires…...



Buying your way into trouble? The challenge of responsible supply chain management. 2004. Insight Investment, HBOS. London, UK: Acona Investment Consulting. Retrieved 

Cooper, D.R. And Schindler, P.S. 2008. Business Research Methods, 10th Ed. Edition, McGraw-Hill.

Environics International 3rd Annual CSR Monitor. 2002. (In November of 2003, Environics became GlobeScan Incorporated. [Press release] Retrieved 

Eslenshade, J. 2004. Monitoring Sweatshops: Workers, Consumers, & the Global Apparel Industry. Temple University Press.

Managing the Effectiveness of the Audit Process
Pages: 11 Words: 3446

Managing the Effectiveness of the Audit Process
Mission and Objectives of the International Audit Department


The IAD stakeholder power-interest grid

The Audit Process

Objectives, Scope and Approach of the Research

Purpose and Mandate


Competency Development

Sustaining People Excellence

Tools and Technology

Knowledge Management





Infrastructure and Operations

Japan Tobacco International (JTI) is an international tobacco business that is operated by Japan Tobacco Inc. Japan Tobacco Inc. is the third largest player in the international tobacco industry with a market capitalization of 32 billion USD and a market share of 11%. JTI was established in the year 1999 when Japan Tobacco Inc. purchased the operations of United States multinational R.J. Reynolds, for 8 billion USD.

The Internal Audit Department (IAD) of the organization is accountable to the board of directors. The department is headed by the Global Internal Audit Vice President. He took his position in the year 2009.

The basic object of this research is to analyze the operational ability and effectiveness of the…...


Works cited

Anupindi, Ravi. 2006. Managing Business Process Flows. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Leseure, Michel. 2010. Key Concepts in Operations Management. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Mahadevan, B. 2009. Operations Management. New Delhi: Published by Dorling Kindersley (India), licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia.

Slack, Nigel. 2009. Operations and Process Management. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall/Financial Times.

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