Collective Bargaining Essays (Examples)

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Collective Bargaining
Pages: 5 Words: 1880

Collective Bargaining
The labor laws are encouraging unionization. This is because the state Labor elations Board determined that the As have a right to form / join a union and they are entitled to collective bargaining. At the same time, the university is recognizing the union as the legitimate representative for the As.

These factors are showing how the law is encouraging everyone to unionize. This is from the state making the legal determination that this kind of organization is legitimate. Despite the fact that they may be students, the As are entitled to greater protections under the law. As a result, a secret ballot can be conducted and the students can organize. The decision made this process much easier. This is because they dismissed a petition from the university questioning if the organization was a lawful union.

Moreover, the UAW has been actively involved in working with and representing other employees. These…...



Economic News Release. (2012). BLS. Retrieved from: 

National Labor Relations Act. (2012). NLRB. Retrieved from:

Greenhouse, S. (2004). Labor Board. New York Times. Retrieved from: 

Olafson, S. (2011). Oklahoma Set to Repeal Collective Bargaining Rights. Reuters. Retrieved from:

Collective Bargaining
Pages: 10 Words: 3418

Collective Bargaining
The bargaining environment in which Magic Carpet Airlines (MCA) found itself was a hostile one. The flight attendants' union (LFA - League of Flight Attendants) wanted much more than MCA wanted to give, but it was also clear that the LFA had legitimate concerns with the way they were treated by MCA and what they were offered financially. LFA was very committed to the idea that concessions needed to be made by MCA, and MCA was committed to the idea that concessions were not necessary. Because that was the case, proposals were drawn up and negotiations were begun. What made the bargaining environment more difficult was that MCA was technically a national carrier, but it was very small so it was seen more as a regional carrier, even by its management. It was also often referred to as a large regional carrier. While this might not seem significant to…...



Budd, J.W. (2009) Labor relations: Striking a balance (3rd ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin Publishing

Collective Bargaining
Pages: 4 Words: 1139

Collective Bargaining MLB
Collective Bargaining in the MLB

Locate an article describing a collective bargaining situation that has arisen within the past two years. This article should be from a newspaper, an academic journal, or a credible online news source. Use a minimum of two additional references to support your discussion and to respond to the questions in the assignment.

State the nature of the collective bargaining dispute.

The next collective labor agreement in Major League Baseball (MLB) will expire in 2016 and the interested parties are already speculating on the issues that will be the focus on the next round of labor issues (hite, 2014). There will be many issues that will need to be addressed in the new agreement.

hat are the underlying causes of the dispute?

Many of the rules are to try to create as much of a fair playing field as possible. There are two central factors that drive the modern…...


Works Cited

Calcaterra, C. (2014, March 28). MLB, MLBPA announce stronger testing, harsher penalties for PEDs. Retrieved from NBC Sports: 

Grossman, M., Kimsey, T., Moreen, J., & Owings, M. (2011). Steroids and Major League Baseball. Retrieved from University of California - Berkeley: 

Inskeep, S., & Goldman, T. (2013, January 11). Major League Baseball Enacts Anti-Doping Policies. Retrieved from NPR: 

Ozanian, M. (2014, March 26). Baseball Team Values 2014 Led By New York Yankees At $2.5 Billion. Retrieved from Forbes:

Collective Bargaining
Pages: 3 Words: 872

Collective Bargaining
It is the purpose of this Agreement to promote and provide for harmonious relations, cooperation and understanding between the city of Miami, the Sheriff and the employees all stakeholders involved in law enforcement. In addition, this agreement is designed to provide an orderly and equitable means of resolving any misunderstanding or differences which may arise out of through the daily work activities of law enforcement within the city of Miami. This agreement is also designed and to create an understanding of all parties involved. This ultimately will allow all stakeholders to reach a result based on good faith negotiations. The topic of this agreement with is that of wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment within the city of Miami. It is agreed that the delivery of municipal services in the most efficient, effective, and courteous manner is of paramount importance to the city of Miami and…...



1) Buidens, Wayne, and others. "Collective Gaining: A Bargaining Alternative." Phi Delta Kappan63 (1981): 244-245.

2) DeGennaro, William, and Kay Michelfeld. "Joint Committees Take the Rancor out of Bargaining with Our Teachers." The American School Board Journal 173 (1986): 38-39.

3) Herman, Jerry J. "With Collaborative Bargaining, You Work with the Union -- Not Against It." The American School Board Journal 172 (1985): 41-42, 47.

4) Huber, Joe; and Jay Hennies. "Fix on These Five Guiding Lights, and Emerge from the Bargaining Fog." The American School Board Journal 174 (1987): 31.

Collective Bargaining Agreements Refer to a Document
Pages: 4 Words: 1182

Collective bargaining agreements refer to a document of agreement signed between the management of a firm and its employees prepared by representative labor union that specifies terms of employment such as duration, wages, work conditions etc. In nursing profession, CBA are not something new and while some may oppose it, most still believe that these agreements are for the benefit of nurses and hence must be signed as they offer he job related security a person needs. They also give nurses a membership in representing trade union which may later work for them in case of unfair termination or other actions and they gain the power of collective bargaining which is the key feature of CBA. Collective bargaining is described by Kahn-Freund in the following manner:
By bargaining collectively with management, organized labor seeks to give effect to its legitimate expectations that wages and other conditions of work should be such…...



National Nurses United website, on the Internet at   (accessed May 4, 2012). 

Lena H. Sun, "Growing National Nurses United union steps up strikes in aggressive new strategy," The Washington Post, November 20, 2010, available on the Internet at   (accessed May 4, 2012). 

BLS Work Stoppages Program monthly report, June 2010, on the Internet at .

"Minneapolis-area nurses strike for a day," United Press, on the Internet at   accessed May 4, 2012 .

Collective Bargaining in Relation to
Pages: 3 Words: 898

The fact that there was need for stiffened penalties shows how the players could have been using hard drugs or human growth hormones to enhance their performance. On the other hand, it seems like most of the players were being punished without substantial evidence which lay on the line their careers hence thought it best to include a neutral panel of experts to clarify matters.

esolving the dispute

The dispute was however resolved and the players on their end agreed to ratify the deal by giving an 86 percentage vote out of the 200 players while the owners agreed on the ratification of the deal by a 25-5 vote. This meant that the teams were officially allowed to open their training camps and that the season for free agency that is the season 2011-12 had officially begun. This was conducted by electronic voting.

Importance of an arbiter

Commissioner David Stern among other union members…...



Turner, Broderick. NBA players, owners ratify collective bargaining agreement. Retrieved April 06, 2012 from

Collective Bargaining the Taft-Harley Act
Pages: 4 Words: 1269

The steel industry, lead by the United Steel orkers of America (USA) has also had a substantial force in the promotion of collective bargaining agreements. As well as being a skilled, blue-collar industry, the steel industry shares with automotive industry the common feature that it is deemed integral to the success of the U.S. economy as a whole, thus increasing worker's bargaining power. "Access to steel supply has been deemed an essential feature of every developing economy," (Mangum 1997, p.4).

This is one reason why in the current economic stimulus bill, protection for the steel industry were included, even though officially the U.S. does not support protectionism. Also, the American automobile industry's rehabilitation is seen as key in the redevelopment of the American economy as a whole: 'As GM goes, so goes the nation,' is the often-repeated common wisdom. Although unions are less powerful today, unions in these industries came to…...


Works Cited

Katz, Harry C., John Paul MacDuffie, & Frits K. Pil (2002, March 7). Collective bargaining in the U.S. auto industry. MIT. Retrieved March 3, 2009 at

Mangum, Garth L. & R. Scott McNabb. The rise, fall, and replacement of industry-wide bargaining in the basic steel industry. M.E. Sharpe, 1997.

Phelps, Shirelle. (2006). "Teacher's Unions/Collective Bargaining." Encyclopedia of Everyday

Law. Gale Cengage. 2006. Retrieved March 3, 2009 at   / teacher-s-unions-collective-bargaining 

Collective Bargaining the Key to
Pages: 1 Words: 310

This will make it more difficult to anticipate the other side's position. Thus, I should be prepared to slow the process down as information about the other side becomes available as part of the negotiation. Our side should be prepared to pause and complete further research when necessary in order to make up the knowledge gap.
The other implication is that this opening negotiation will set the tone for future ones. The other side will be less prepared as well -- they may approach the issue with a set of demands but are unlikely to have a strong sense of our demands. This means I would not only gather as much information as possible in preparation, but use it aggressively. This will involve setting specific priorities, objectives, and initial positions. If sufficient preparations are done, the negotiating process will not only proceed more smoothly but our outcomes will more thoroughly…...

Collective Bargaining Is the Process
Pages: 8 Words: 2319

Question Seven

The process of administering a collective bargaining unit includes two primary tasks. The first of these is to negotiate the contract that determines the conditions to which both workers and managers have to agree. (This process is repeated whenever the contract has to be renegotiated: How long a contract is in place is determined at the time that each contract is finalized.)

The second major function of the union and management leaders who administer a collective bargaining agreement is to file and address grievance is a complaint filed by a worker who is a member of the bargaining unit who believes that either an element of the union contract has been violated or that a law (such as an overtime law or one addressing workplace safety) has been violated.

An example of a grievance occurred last year when the Professional Engineers in California Government filed a grievance with the Department of…...

Collective Bargaining State the Nature of the
Pages: 2 Words: 601

Collective Bargaining
State the nature of the collective bargaining dispute.

The nature of the dispute occurred in the State of Oregon. What is happening is the state has been aggressively cutting funds for education. This is because they are seeing declining tax receipts (which is forcing legislators to make drastic changes). To achieve these objectives, they have given school districts greater amounts of authority in determining where these reductions will take place. However, the teachers union is arguing that the school districts are using this as an excuse to reduce teacher pay and restrict their rights. The combination of these factors has outraged educators to the point that they have begun to strike several school districts (most notably: Multnomah County, Gresham-Barlow and Parkrose). (Mayer, 2012)

What are the underlying causes of the dispute?

The causes of this dispute are based upon the tremendous cuts that are required from educators every single year. Then, there…...



Mayer, J. (2012). Teacher Strikes in Three Districts. Bend Bulletin. Retrieved from:

Collective Bargaining - Labor Relations Topic Define
Pages: 2 Words: 633

Collective argaining - Labor Relations Topic: Define dues-collection method called "checkoff," Taft-Hartley Act. Essay Question: Define dues-collection method called "checkoff," referencing regulations Taft-Hartley Act.
The checkoff arrangements refer to those conventions between management and unions whereby the employer collects union dues from the employee's salaries and ensures that they are passed on to the union fund (Sloane, Witney, 2010). The first two advantages that come out of this arrangement is that (1) the union's institutional position is strengthened and (2) there are significant time and money benefits that derive from the fact that management handles the entire financial operation.

In terms of the latter, checkoff arrangements help both the employer and the union, particularly in those situations where employment is conditioned by belonging to the union. In these situations, the employee might have avoided to pay the dues until the last moment, which would have meant that both the union and the…...



1. Sloane, A.A. & Witney, F. (2010). Labor relations (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

2. Boyce Gonzalez Melissa. N.a. NLRB Reverses 50-Year-old Precedent and Holds Dues Checkoff Clause Survives Collective Bargaining Agreement. On the Internet at   Last retrieved on September 27, 2013 .

Collective Bargaining - Labor Relations Topic Identify
Pages: 2 Words: 556

Collective Bargaining - Labor relations Topic: Identify differences theories management rights. Essay Question: Identify differences theories management rights. Discuss reasons poles determining management responsibilities maximize managerial authority.
The two types of theories regarding management rights are the residual theory and the trusteeship theory. The residual theory proposes the idea that there is no need to introduce a specific clause (or several clauses) in the agreement between management and labor, because the management only gives up those rights that are explicitly listed as such in the agreement. The residual theory stipulates that there is no need to put in additional clauses, since the management is well aware of what rights it is giving up on: those clearly states as such in the agreement.

Following this description of the residual theory, it is relatively easy to understand that this theory defends the rights of management. The understanding that labor only has the right that…...

Collective Bargaining - Labor Relations Topic Reasons
Pages: 1 Words: 331

Collective Bargaining - Labor relations Topic: Reasons poor performance unions 1920s Essay Question: hat reasons poor performance unions 1920s? Discuss reasons. Essay 250 words length APA format.
One of the first reasons why unions failed in the 1920s was that prices had remained constant ever since the beginning of the century. hile workers were accustomed to high wages from the 1917-1920 period, they had no one to turn to when wages experienced a dramatic fall during the 1920s.

Secondly, employers throughout the U.S. saw the opportunity to discredit unions and got actively involved in a process of having the masses less and less interested in unions.

The third reason is somewhat a continuation of the second, as it involves the introduction of welfare capitalism. Employers were determined to emphasize that unions were bad for the U.S. And they installed a series of programs that were dedicated to help employees -- this influencing many…...


Works cited:

Sloane, A.A. & Witney, F. (2010). Labor relations (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Van Tine, W.R. (1973). The Making of the Labor Bureaucrat: Union Leadership in the United States, 1870-1920. Univ of Massachusetts Press.

Collective Bargaining - Labor Relations Topic The
Pages: 1 Words: 407

Collective Bargaining - Labor relations Topic: The facets job arbitrator. Essay Question: What facets job arbitrator? Cite examples ethical considerations, past practice, fairness, traits responsibilities.
What are three reasons an arbitrator's decision may not be the final and binding decision? Provide court examples defending your reasons.

Most organizations set their own limits as to what conditions may be subject to arbitration and the scope of final arbitration decisions (ules of conditionally binding arbitration, 2013, BBB). However, regardless of company policy, there are conditions in which the final arbitration decision may be overturned. If Title VII rights are involved, such as in cases of discrimination based upon 'protected' categories, the decision of the arbiter may not be final and binding. An arbiter cannot make a decision that violates an employee's civil rights, which are specified in the Civil ights Act of 1964. In the Alexander v. Gardner-Denver decision, the decision of the arbiter…...



Rules of conditionally binding arbitration. (2013). BBB. Retrieved: 

Sloane, A.A. & Witney, F. (2010). Labor relations (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice


Collective Bargaining in Sports and
Pages: 10 Words: 2529

Strikes in particular have been used as a bargaining chip during collective bargaining negotiations. Players unions can use the threat of a strike to motivate owners to capitulate to their demands. If this is unsuccessful, then players can follow through on their threat and effectively shut down the professional sports industry. For the human resources professional, the potential of a strike is a significant problem. It hinders the smooth and desired negotiations in collective bargaining and undermines the productivity of the organization as a whole. If it is the role of human resources departments in an industry, professional sports included, to keep workers working, then even the possibility of a players strike would be anathema to the H professional.

The strikes that occur in professional sports can almost invariably be traced back to underlying labor policies placed on players, specifically those restraint systems that are designed to restrict players' mobility among…...



Adams, W. And Brock, J.W. (1997, Fall). Monopoly, monopsony, and vertical collusion: antitrust policy and professional sports. Antitrust Bulletin, 42(3), pp. 721-747.

Besack, M. (1997, September). In this ballpark, HR is the name of the game. Workforce, pp. 31-32.

Brown, M.K. (1997-98). Bargaining for social rights: unions and the reemgergence of welfare capitalism, 1945-1952. Political Science Quarterly, 112(4), pp. 645-674.

Capelli, P. And Crocker-Hefter, a. (1996). Distinctive human resources are firms' core competencies. Organizational Dynamics, 28(2), pp. 7-21.

Could you support me in crafting a thesis statement about the labor unions?
Words: 642

Labor Unions: Uniting Workers for Collective Empowerment

Labor unions have played a pivotal role in shaping the modern workforce, empowering workers to collectively bargain for better working conditions, wages, and benefits. Through their advocacy efforts, unions have been instrumental in establishing crucial labor laws and safeguarding workers' rights. However, their impact extends beyond the economic sphere, fostering a sense of solidarity and community among members and contributing to broader social and political change.

The Historical Role of Labor Unions

The origins of labor unions can be traced back to the early days of industrialization, when workers faced rampant exploitation and unsafe working conditions.....

How can Canada address the persistent gender wage gap in the workforce?
Words: 564

Addressing the Persistent Gender Wage Gap in Canada

The gender wage gap, where women earn less than men for comparable work, remains a persistent issue in the Canadian workforce. Addressing this disparity requires a multifaceted approach that involves government, employers, and individuals alike.

1. Strengthen Pay Equity Legislation

Expand the scope of pay equity laws to cover all sectors and industries.
Introduce stricter penalties for non-compliance and establish transparent mechanisms for enforcement.
Ensure that job evaluation tools used for setting salaries are bias-free.

2. Promote Workplace Transparency

Require employers to disclose salary ranges and job descriptions for all positions.
Encourage companies to publish....

What factors influence teachers\' perceptions of work-life balance?
Words: 495

Factors Influencing Teachers' Perceptions of Work-Life Balance
Teachers face unique challenges in maintaining a healthy work-life balance due to the demanding nature of their profession. Several factors contribute to their perceptions of this balance, including:
1. Workload and Time Demands:
The heavy workload of teachers, including lesson planning, grading, and meetings, can significantly impact their work-life balance.
Long working hours and weekend work are often required, leaving less time for personal and family responsibilities.
2. Emotional Investment and Job Stress:
Teachers are emotionally invested in their students' well-being, which can lead to stress and burnout.
Dealing with challenging students, parents, and administrative responsibilities....

How has Canada\'s social policy evolved to address the growing income inequality in the country?
Words: 663

Canada's Evolving Social Policy to Address Income Inequality

Income inequality has emerged as a pressing concern in Canada, prompting the government to adjust its social policy approach to mitigate its impact. Over the years, the government has implemented various measures to address income disparities and promote a more equitable distribution of wealth.

Minimum Wage Increases:

One significant measure has been the progressive increase in minimum wages across provinces and territories. By establishing a higher minimum threshold for compensation, the government aims to provide a living wage and reduce the number of workers living in poverty. This policy has particularly benefited low-income earners and....

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