Columbia Essays (Examples)

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Columbia STS 107 Crew

Columbia STS-107 Crew
Introduction/Space Shuttle Columbia

History of Columbia

It's all in a Name

Previous Missions

Columbia's Final Flight

The Crew

Richard Husbands

William McCool

Michael Anderson

David rown

Kalpana Chawla

Laurel Clark

Ilan Ramon

Space Shuttle Columbia

On January 16th, 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia STS Flight with seven crewmembers on board departed earth on a sixteen-day research mission. More specifically, the crew of Columbia was charged with conducting research in physical, life, and space sciences, conducted in approximately 80 separate experiments, comprised of hundreds of samples and test points. The mission also known as FREESTAR (Fast Reaction Experiments Enabling Science, Technology, Applications and Research) was the 28th flight and the 113th mission for the shuttle Columbia. This much anticipated flight gave more than 70 international scientists access to the micro gravity environment in space. This paper will explore the lives of the crew of the Columbia as well as provide some insight into the fascinating history and missions of NASA's oldest shuttle.

History of Columbia


2003, Space Shuttle Columbia destroyed lives crew lost. Within 2 hours loss signal Columbia,
A thorough analysis of the interventions posited by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) following the 2003 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster provides a large amount of insight into what went wrong that fateful February day, as well as how to fix it. These interventions can be stratified into four different categories, those involving techno/structural changes, human processes, those that are multi-faceted and those that pertain to large groups. However, there is an intrinsic connection between categories of many of these interventions, which actually involve more than the aforementioned four stratifications. The lack of safety measures in place during the Columbia accident is directly attributed to the physical errors of the actual craft (techno/structural), management issues resulting in ineffective use of resources (from individual human processes to those involving large organizational groups), as well as misplaced priorities….

Vancouver ritish Columbia is a location that is steeped in tradition and a rich history. The purpose of this discussion is to examine Vancouver within the larger context of western Canadian development. The task is to prepare a short history of Vancouver and discuss the changes that have taken place over time. In addition the research will focus on the community's political history as a local register of reaction to outside or distant forces. We will complete this task by assessing regional geographic factors. Finally, the conclusion will reflect upon the broad sweep of Vancouver's history over the decades.
A short history

Vancouver is a city with a profound history consisting of very diverse people from various places in the world. The city of Vancouver was first occupied by Coast Salish people of the Kwantlen, Musqueam, Tsawwassen, and Capilano bands. ("Vancouver (ritish Columbia)" 2003) A book entitled "Making Vancouver: Class, Status, and….

Hungary or Columbia

Technical Analysis of Columbia Financial Market
Advocates of market efficiency generally believe that it is impossible for technical analysts to predict recurring-price pattern and technicians could not beat buy-and-hold strategy using technical trading rules. However, technical traders believe that there is some form of market efficiencies and technical traders can use price patterns strategy to beat buy-and-hold strategy.

Objective of this paper is to investigate Columbia Stock Market and attempt to find technical trading rules to predict changes in the Columbia Stock Market Index. The paper identifies trading strategy to be used to beat buy-and-hold strategy to enhance efficiency of Columbia stock market.

Within the past few decades, the stock markets in the emerging economies have experienced rapid growth, which have attracted investors across the globe. With the increase in the price movements in the emerging economies, greater importance has been given to market efficiency. While technical trading rules have been implemented to….

District of Columbia v. Heller
District of Columbia vs. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008) represents the U.S. Supreme Court's single biggest intervention in Second Amendment jurisprudence. The case was one which had been deliberately manufactured by a small cadre of ideologues: the case was organized and funded from the first by Robert Levy, a Senior Fellow with the libertarian Cato Institute. In 2010, Levy would address his own achievements in getting the Heller case before the supreme court in an article published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, calling the Heller decision a "big win for common sense" and a "big win for the Constitution" (Levy 216). Levy cherry-picked a diverse group of defendants in order to argue that a broad spectrum of persons were adversely affected by the Dicstrict of Columbia's handgun band (left without an ability to defend themselves). Levy's plantiffs found their initial suit dismissed….

Shuttle Columbia

Reporting Methods and Columbia
In early 2003, the space shuttle Columbia broke apart as it returned to earth, and the shuttle and crew members were lost. In response to this tragedy, an Accident Investigation team was appointed to investigate the cause for the accident, and make suggestions as how to improve the safely of future missions. For the purpose of this report, the e-mails between NASA employees will be reviewed, and recommendations made on this basis.

In reviewing the NASA e-mails it is readily apparent that there are many areas that can be improved. Improving reporting methods is one key area. A number of internal NASA e-mails identify potential problems with foam tile damage, but these were not undertaken in an "official" capacity. As such, it is important to consider that the NASA reporting process may have failed in not taking these "unofficial" concerns seriously. In essence, a safely concern is always….

Fifth, by uysing publicly available financial data from Hanson and Lafarge Canada that indicates 30% of total NAICS 32733 demand are bricks; this multiplier was applied to the data. Sixth, the brick forecast was derived.
British Columbia Brick Competitive Environment

The dominant competitors in British Columbia include Lafarge Canada, which has two processing plants in the southern region of the province, Hanson Canada, a multinational corporation that has operations in 24 countries including being the leading provider of bricks and building materials in the Quebec and British Columbia provinces. In addition, Boral, Acme (Berkshire/Hathaway), CH and Wienerberger are multinational competitors with operations throughout British Columbia. In addition to these multinational companies there are 25 smaller manufacturers according to Statistics Canada. The table from the Statistics Canada website is shown below:

Number of Establishments in Canada by Type and egion

Concrete Pipe, Brick and Block Manufacturing

(NAICS 32733)

Province or Territory



Indeterminate of Canada *


British Columbia


New Brunswick


6% of all bakeries in Canada within the province, it's clear that a uniquely positioned bakery could have a significant market potential in the Vancouver market specifically.
With 211 total retail bakery outlets in all of British Columbia, the proposed bakery and party supplies story would just several key competitors. The following table provides an analysis of the proposed retail stores' key competitors in Vancouver:

Competitors to Bakery & Party Store




Anna's Cake House

ichmond, Burnaby

egularly wins awards and honors for their cakes and pastries; could easily move into offering party supplies as the demographic groups they sell into are likely to throw their own parities vs. cater one

Lack of retail space for starting a party store; lack of knowledge of that aspect of retailing will limit the stores' ability to move successfully into this market.

Cause for Celebration

The most serious competitor to the proposed store concept; this retail outlet specializes in wedding and special….

The final form of the proposed course of action is as follows:
1. Employees would be offered training programs in order to increase their confidence in the institution - these trainings would first be offered to administrative staff, namely managers, who would then be able to better supervise the NASA operations, identify and propose solutions to the encountered limitations. The programs would also prepare employees for the changes that are about to be implemented. They would help in increasing on the job satisfaction and reducing reticence to change.

2. Changes in the organizational culture - NASA would make it clear that they encourage open communication. They should ask all staff members to report any operational or safety shortages. The previous overconfident image would be shattered and the organization would recognize the new realities and adapt to them 3. They should request new funds - their endeavors would take place at both….

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster: What Happened and Lessons
The Space Shuttle Columbia (Columbia) disaster occurred on the 1st of February, 2003. On its return journey from space following its 28th mission, Columbia disintegrated after re-entering the earth's atmosphere, killing the entire crew.[footnoteRef:1] Whereas technical failures were responsible for the disasters, investigations have extensively faulted deficiencies in NASA's organisational culture, especially in terms of organisational structure, communication, and decision making processes.[footnoteRef:2],[footnoteRef:3] This paper delves into these issues, clearly highlighting why the disaster occurred and how it might have been prevented. [1: S.J. McDanels, .M. Mayeaux, T.E. Collins, G.A. Jerman, R.S. Piascik, R.W. Russell, and S.R. Shah. "An Overview of the Space Shuttle Columbia Accident from Recovery Through Reconstruction," Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 6, no. 1 (February 2006): 82-91.] [2: Julianne G. Mahler, Organization Learning at NASA: The Challenger and Columbia Accidents (Washington D.C: Georgetown University Press, 2009).] [3: Ruth Guthrie….

District of Columbia Metro Environment Must Be Funded for Efficient Transport to Be Realized
Annotated Bibliography

Cole, Danny. "The effect of a curfew law on juvenile crime in ashington, DC.." American Journal of Criminal Justice 27.2 (2003): 217-232

This journal investigates the criminal patterns in DC. The journal will facilitate this research in the nature of the crime, and the way criminals in DC. use the relatively underutilized infrastructure to foster their goals.

Grieger, T.A.. "Follow-Up of Pentagon Employees Two Years After the Terrorist Attack of September 11, 2001." Psychiatric Services 56.11 (2005): 1374-1378

This article assesses the nature of September 11, 2001 Terrorist attack in the neighboring state of Virginia. In this article, one will notice how DC transport system can present a possible breeding place for terrorist. The article will also elaborate further on the issue of transport and domestic insecurity.

Guo, Zhan. "Does residential parking supply affect household car ownership? The case of….

According to Lindsay, the United States, which has only 5% of the world's population emits roughly 25% of its heat-trapping gases, therefore few Americans list global warming as a top environmental concern (Lindsay pp).
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 6.6 toms of greenhouse gases are emitted per person every year in the United States, and that emissions per person increased 3.7% between 1990 and 1997 (Global1 pp). Eighty-two percent of these emissions are from burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and power cars (Global1 pp).

Bruce Stutz in the September 22, 2005 issue of OnEarth states that global warming is a reality, citing that the year 2004 was the fourth-hottest on record, and that NASA predicts that 2005 will be even worse (Stutz pp). Oceans store four times more energy than the air, and satellite measurements over the past decade reveal that the seas are absorbing more heat….

Foreign business environment: Columbia
A. What events (political, economic, and technological) are the most important in recent years that might have impacted the business culture in Colombia?

Individuals who perceive Colombia as still being paralyzed by crime networks and drug cartels are skeptical and bewildered by the notion of a confederation of politicians, business leaders, and academicians visiting the nation. However, in reality, the situation in Colombia is far different from what it was a mere ten years ago.

Colombia’s infamous cruel and powerful drug cartels emerged during the latter part of the seventies era and developed in the subsequent two decades. Specifically, the Cali Cartel and Pablo Escobar’s Medellín Cartel were politically, socially and economically influential in the nation in this period. During the last two decades of the twentieth century, the world regarded the nation as being well on its way to becoming a failure as a state. This conceptualization is….

Columbia Admissions
Columbia University Summer Program Admissions Essay

I have always been a highly motivated individual and, for this reason, have always believed in setting goals. Despite some minor setbacks, I never gave up on my dreams and have continued to set goals for myself throughout high school. My curricular and extracurricular interests involve writing, business, politics, and film. I have taken numerous courses in these subjects, and have pursued activities that could broaden my understanding of them. Yet I now believe that in order to truly understand these interesting fields one must take one's education a step further. For this reason, I am now setting another goal, namely, to attend the Columbia University summer program.

My qualifications for pursuing this program rest both in my high motivation, as well as in my academic results and proven skills. For instance, and with specific regard towards the subject of writing, I have cultivated skills….

The program focuses on building an ethical culture, but does not appear to specifically address fraud risk assessments, controls over fraud prevention or other SOX provisions.
3) the company currently focuses on training and enculturation to sensitize its employees to ethical issues. One suggestion would be to align executive compensation with the objectives of the shareholders. Options only bring about temporary alignment, so shares or other long-term strategies should be used instead. This will help management to focus on both ethics and profitability. Another suggestion would be to build upon their existing program by creating job-specific training as well as corporate-wide training. This way the scenarios that the workers are exposed to are specific to situations they might see, which will bring the message closer to home.

orks Cited

No author. (2008) Sarbanes-Oxley. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Retrieved December 16, 2008 at

No author. (2008). Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Ethics Resource….

The Need to Abolish Solitary Confinement in Canada

Solitary confinement, a form of isolation where an individual is confined to a small cell for 22-24 hours a day with minimal human contact, is a cruel, inhumane, and ineffective practice that has been condemned by numerous human rights organizations and mental health experts. In Canada, the use of solitary confinement has disproportionately impacted Indigenous Peoples, who make up over 30% of the federal prison population despite representing only 4.9% of the Canadian population.

Psychological and Physical Harm

Solitary confinement has severe detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Prolonged isolation can lead to psychological....

Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities to Combat Speciesism in Dietary Decisions
Speciesism, the assignment of inherent value or moral status to animals based solely on their species, perpetuates discrimination and exploitation in dietary choices. Socioeconomic disparities further exacerbate speciesism by limiting access to nutritious and ethically aligned plant-based foods. This intersectionality underscores the importance of addressing socioeconomic disparities to effectively combat speciesism in dietary decisions.
Socioeconomic Roots of Speciesism in Food
Food insecurity and poverty disproportionately affect marginalized communities, limiting options for healthy and nutritious meals. The availability of affordable, processed meat and dairy products in these communities reinforces speciesism by presenting them as the....

Influence of Celebrities on Political Opinions and Issues
Celebrities, with their vast public platforms, wield significant influence in shaping political opinions and driving social change. They leverage their visibility, credibility, and emotional appeal to engage with audiences on a personal level.
1. Raising Awareness and Engagement:
Celebrities raise awareness about important issues by speaking out, participating in protests, and endorsing causes. They use social media, interviews, and public appearances to educate and motivate their followers. For example, during the Black Lives Matter movement, celebrities like Beyoncé and Lebron James amplified the voices of victims, raised funds, and called for systemic change.
2. Shaping Narratives....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Columbia STS 107 Crew

Words: 1812
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Columbia STS-107 Crew Introduction/Space Shuttle Columbia History of Columbia It's all in a Name Previous Missions Columbia's Final Flight The Crew Richard Husbands William McCool Michael Anderson David rown Kalpana Chawla Laurel Clark Ilan Ramon Space Shuttle Columbia On January 16th, 2003 Space Shuttle…

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4 Pages


2003 Space Shuttle Columbia Destroyed Lives Crew

Words: 1244
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

2003, Space Shuttle Columbia destroyed lives crew lost. Within 2 hours loss signal Columbia, A thorough analysis of the interventions posited by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) following…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Historical Analysis of Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Words: 3798
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Vancouver ritish Columbia is a location that is steeped in tradition and a rich history. The purpose of this discussion is to examine Vancouver within the larger context of…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Hungary or Columbia

Words: 4165
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Technical Analysis of Columbia Financial Market Advocates of market efficiency generally believe that it is impossible for technical analysts to predict recurring-price pattern and technicians could not beat buy-and-hold strategy…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Law - Constitutional Law

District of Columbia v Heller District of

Words: 4967
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

District of Columbia v. Heller District of Columbia vs. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008) represents the U.S. Supreme Court's single biggest intervention in Second Amendment jurisprudence. The case was one…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Shuttle Columbia

Words: 471
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Reporting Methods and Columbia In early 2003, the space shuttle Columbia broke apart as it returned to earth, and the shuttle and crew members were lost. In response to this…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Brick Market in British Columbia

Words: 1289
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fifth, by uysing publicly available financial data from Hanson and Lafarge Canada that indicates 30% of total NAICS 32733 demand are bricks; this multiplier was applied to the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Market Research Vancouver British Columbia

Words: 1421
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

6% of all bakeries in Canada within the province, it's clear that a uniquely positioned bakery could have a significant market potential in the Vancouver market specifically. With 211 total…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Management

Organizational Behavior the Columbia Space

Words: 1971
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The final form of the proposed course of action is as follows: 1. Employees would be offered training programs in order to increase their confidence in the institution -…

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8 Pages


Challenger Disaster and Nasa

Words: 3123
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster: What Happened and Lessons The Space Shuttle Columbia (Columbia) disaster occurred on the 1st of February, 2003. On its return journey from space following its 28th…

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4 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


District of Columbia Metro Environment Must Be Funded for Efficient Transport to Be Realized

Words: 1360
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

District of Columbia Metro Environment Must Be Funded for Efficient Transport to Be Realized Annotated Bibliography Cole, Danny. "The effect of a curfew law on juvenile crime in ashington, DC.." American…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Global Warming the Columbia Encyclopedia

Words: 723
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to Lindsay, the United States, which has only 5% of the world's population emits roughly 25% of its heat-trapping gases, therefore few Americans list global warming as…

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2 Pages


Foreign business environment of Columbia

Words: 824
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Foreign business environment: Columbia A. What events (political, economic, and technological) are the most important in recent years that might have impacted the business culture in Colombia? Individuals who perceive Colombia…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


Summer Program High School Students NYC

Words: 507
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Columbia Admissions Columbia University Summer Program Admissions Essay I have always been a highly motivated individual and, for this reason, have always believed in setting goals. Despite some minor setbacks, I…

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1 Pages
Case Study

Business - Ethics

Ethical Leadership Problems That Resulted

Words: 345
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Case Study

The program focuses on building an ethical culture, but does not appear to specifically address fraud risk assessments, controls over fraud prevention or other SOX provisions. 3) the company…

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