Computer Ethics Essays (Examples)

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Computer Ethics the Internet's Rapid
Pages: 10 Words: 3784

Clearly from this case and others there is a critical need for the development of safeguards on consumer data captured over the Internet, both of the opt-in (where the customer approves the data being captured) and the non-opt-in variety.
An Explicit equirement for Transparency and Ethical Use of Data

Consumers have become increasingly concerned that their data, however acquired, will eventually be sold without their knowledge, eventually leading to the potential for identity theft at the worst and continual junk e-mail and bulk mail at the least. Due to the pervasive lack of trust regarding the use of their data, consumers are increasingly calling for Corporate Social esponsibility (CS) programs that will protect their rights and data despite any pre-existing claims made by the companies who captured it through benign surveillance techniques (Pirsch, Gupta, Grau. pp. 126, 127).

Facebook, one of the emerging companies that is defining social networking, has gone through…...



Anders Albrechtslund 2007. Ethics and technology design. Ethics and Information Technology 9, no. 1 (March 1): 63.   (Accessed April 12, 2008). 

Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. 2008. Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review 49, no. 3 (April 1): 36-42.

Computer Ethics When Determining Ethical
Pages: 5 Words: 1705

In order to implement the policy, a preliminary general meeting, as mentioned above, can be held. The issues relating to the policy will be discussed, and modifications made as necessary. A final policy will be created and provided to each employee. Employees will be provided with the opportunity to participate at any time when they choose to do so. The policy can be enforced via providing each participating personnel member with a password that expires within half an hour after logging on during work hours, for example.

Continuous training sessions can also be implemented in order to keep personnel updated on policies regarding this issue. Furthermore, training sessions will also include guidance on using the Internet, and which Web sites are safe and user friendly for generating extra income.


McNamara, Carter. Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers. 2007.

Olson, Gary a. The Ethics of Technology. Chronicle Careers, October…...



McNamara, Carter. Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers. 2007. 

Olson, Gary a. The Ethics of Technology. Chronicle Careers, October 2007. 

Schwartau, Winn. Cyber ethics in the workplace. Network World, January 2002. 

Western Digital Corporation. Workplace Integrity. 2007.

Analyzing Social Networks and Computer Ethics
Pages: 8 Words: 2515

Social Networks and Computer Ethics
For the past 20 years, there have been many changes caused by the internet on many aspects of the contemporary life. The internet is growing rapidly. As of 2006, it was recorded that the number of internet users was about four million. For a long time, there have been promises made on how internet changes will positively impact people worldwide. These promises have reached many people throughout the world. Some of the promises have been fulfilled, while some have not been completely achieved. Among the main reasons for that is the decrease in people's faith in the system (Sund, 2007).

Sund (2007) stated that creating confidence and faith is a major factor for ensuring that the internet continues to grow, and for it to be used more. The increased growth of the internet has opened up doors for crime. Cyber criminals can now exploit the internet's weaknesses…...



Elovici, Y., Fire, M., Herzberg, A., Shulman, H. (2013, October 7). Ethical Considerations when Employing Fake Identities in OSN for Research. Retrieved June 28, 2016, from Arxiv.Org:

Huff, C., & Martin, C. D. (1995). Computing Consequences: A Framework for Teaching Ethical Computing. Communications of the ACM, Vol 38, No. 12, 75-84. Retrieved from ACM Digital Library: 

Johnson, D. G. (1997). Shaping social behavior online takes more than new laws and modified edicts. Ethics Online, Vol 40, No. 1, 60-65. Retrieved from ACM Digital Library:

Computer Ethics Internet Privacy One
Pages: 3 Words: 1058

Unfortunately, many consumers may not be aware of their photographic image being used in this fashion and even if they were, existing privacy laws fail to provide any substantive protections. For example, in response to these trends, the Harvard Law eview published an essay entitled, "In the Face of Danger: Facial ecognition and Privacy Law," with a majority of the article describing how "privacy law, in its current form, is of no help to those unwillingly tagged" (2007, para. 3). These issues have become even more salient because of the proliferation of social networking sites as discussed further below.

Privacy within social networking sites

Currently, there is a wide array of social media networks available, including social sharing sites such as YouTube and Flickr and social networks such as Linkedln and Facebook (Hensel & Deis, 2010). Others such as Spokeo and Twitter have become the virtual meeting places of choice for millions…...



Bamberger, K.A. & Mulligan, D.K. (2011). Privacy on the books and on the ground. Stanford Law Review, 63(2), 247-249.

Brodkin, J. (2009, December 8). PCWorld. Retrieved from 


Buchholz, R.A. & Rosenthal, S.B. (2006). Internet privacy: Individual rights and the common good. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 67(1), 34-36.

Ethics in Technology
Pages: 6 Words: 1965

Ethics in Technology
Business - Management

The purpose of this paper is to highlight and present the ethical issues that are involved in using modern technology. The paper highlights some of the current ethical issues faced by computer users that are due to unethical practice and lack of proper ethical policies by different businesses. The paper pinpoints the causes and gives recommendation on how the current issues can be minimized. A portion of this paper also consists of lawsuits that have recently occurred due to unethical practices adopted by businesses.

Ethics in Technology

We live in a modern era, the era of modern technology and innovation. Our lives are encircled by modern creations. These technology and advancement have surely brought comfort and ease in our life but unfortunately, the use of modern technology has also given rise to many ethical problems out of which few are a topic of discussion in this paper. The…...



Anderman, E.M., & Burton Murdock, E. (2007). Psychology of academic cheating. (p. 1). California, USA: Elsevier Academic Press.

Morley, D., & Parker, C.S. (2009). Understanding computers: Today and tomorrow, comprehensive. (12th ed., p. 712). Boston, USA: Course Technology Cengage Learning.

Rogozea, L. (2009). Towards ethical aspects on artificial intelligence. Manuscript submitted for publication, Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania. Retrieved from

Ethics of Privacy Is a
Pages: 7 Words: 2370

This information, stored on a computer and used to correlate with other data could be considered invaluable by many researchers, but the patients have a right to keep certain information private, and to suggest anything else would be an ethical violation of the patient's privacy.
Because computer ethics is such a volatile issue, an entire branch of study has grown up around computer ethics, which proponents who believe the computer age caused these ethical issues, and others who believe these issues would have surfaced anyway. One of the proponents of computer ethics, who actually was the first to teach the concept, Walter Maner, from Old Dominion University, is a proponent of the computer creating brand new ethical issues. An expert quotes Maner, "For all of these issues, there was an essential involvement of computing technology. Except for this technology, these issues would not have arisen, or would not have arisen…...



Adams, H.R., Bocher, R.F., Gordon, C.A., & Barry-Kessler, E. 2005 Privacy in the 21st Century: Issues for Public, School, and Academic Libraries. Libraries Unlimited, Westbrook, CT.

Bynum, Terryl 2008 Computer and Information Ethics, Stanford University, URL=" "

Fisher, C.B. 2006 Privacy and Ethics in Pediatric Environmental Health Research-Part I: Genetic and Prenatal Testing. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(10), 1617+.

Rennie, John 2008 Who's Watching You: The Future of Privacy, Scientific American, URL=" "

Computer and Web Ethics the Term Computer
Pages: 2 Words: 844

Computer and Web Ethics
The term "computer ethics," as coined by Walter Maner in the 1970s, refers to a field of study that examines "ethical problems aggravated, transformed, or created by computer technology" (Maner, 1980). Maner suggested that persons engaged in computer-related actions should apply traditional ethical frameworks, such as Kantianism and Utilitarianism, to govern their decision-making. While Immanuel Kant's virtue ethics are rooted in respect for all people and an inherent respect for virtuous character traits -- such as kindness, honesty, patience and humility -- Utilitarianism judges the morality of an action according to "the greatest good for the greatest number" rule (Stanford Encyclopedia, 2011).

Similar to Maner's definition, Deborah Johnson, author of Computer Ethics (1985), defined computer ethics as a study of how computers "pose new versions of standard moral problems and moral dilemmas, exacerbating the old problems, and forcing us to apply ordinary moral norms to uncharted realms" (Johnson,…...



Bynum, T. (2006). "Flourishing Ethics," Ethics and Information Technology, 8(4), 157-173.

Gotterbarn, D. (2001). "Informatics and Professional Responsibility," Science and Engineering Ethics, 7(2), 221-30.

Johnson, D. (1985). Computer Ethics, First Edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; Second Edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1994; Third Edition Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2001.

Maner, W. (1980). Starter Kit in Computer Ethics, Hyde Park, NY: Helvetia Press and the National Information and Resource Center for Teaching Philosophy.

Ethics of Virus Research Self-Replicating
Pages: 7 Words: 2230

Intent to perform a greater good would not affect the possibility of being exposed to a prison sentence of up to 20 years and a fine of up to $250,000, plus possible penalties under state law.
Montana compares this legislation with that of the regulation of firearms. It is not the mere possession of malicious code that is criminalized, but the use and the damage to computer systems and association economic losses that are the focal point of the law. Computer code, even MMC, is considered intellectual property and carries legal protections similar to books or sound recordings. It is also considered a form of speech and therefore is also offered protection under the Constitution's First Amendment. However, this protection is limited, just as 'free speech' is limited, especially in instances when this speech interferes with the protection of the public welfare -- as is the case with the release…...


Works Cited

Ford, R., Bush, M., & Boulatov, a."Internet Instability and Disturbance: Goal or Menace?" Proceedings of the 2005 Workshop on New Security Paradigms. 2005: p. 3-8.

Frohmann, B. "Subjectivity and Information Ethics." Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology. 59(2) Jan 2008: p. 267-277.

Johnson, M. & Rogers, K. "The Fraud Act 2006: The E-Crime Prosecutor's Champion or the Creator of a New Inchoate Offence?" International Review of Law, Computers & Technology. 21(3) Nov 2007: p.. 295-304.

Ledin, G. "Not Teaching Viruses and Worms is Harmful." Communications of the ACM. 48(1) Jan 2005: p. 144.

Ethics in Cyberspace
Pages: 9 Words: 3444

Ethics in Cyberspace
Summary of the Book- the Ethics of Cyberspace by Cees Hamelink

Cees Hamelink is not new in the field of study of the principles relating to the communicating world and their association with civil liberties of mankind. Hamelink has accumulated his skills and views on all fields of communication and authored a book on the ways that most of the democratic society need to be resorted to in order to systematize the cyberspace. Hamelink, in his previous publications, attempted to evaluate the products, system and institutions of traditional industries vis-a-vis the morality of the people and liberty of mankind with a view to identifying these industries firmly and intentionally amidst as well as accountable to the civil society worldwide. He proved both of them to be essential. The book asserts of the facts that the control of the cyberspace worldwide should be guided by the public necessity rather than…...



Cerf, Vint; et; al (2003). "Who Rules the Net: Internet Governance and Jurisdiction" Cato


Edgar, Stacey L. (1997) "Morality and Machines: Perspectives on Computer Ethics, Jones and Bartlett Publications"

Featherstone, M; Burrows, R (1995) "Cyberspace, Cyberbodies, Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment" London. Sage.

Ethics in the Workplace
Pages: 4 Words: 1488

Ethics in the Workplace
Ethics in Workplace

Ethics in relation to the use of Computer technology:

Ethics governing computer technology, the electronic data, personal information, and related situations have been of much debate in the information technology circles. The rules and regulations regarding this 'computer technology' seem to be very loose and flexible, and are often not given much regard. The field is in its adolescence phases and therefore not much has been concretely established relating to the ethical code of conduct relating to it. Since there is no concrete code of conduct, or set of instructions organizations and people tend to perceive ethical conduct each on their own accord. The way ethics related issues are solved differs from one person, organization to another. The difference can be based on external factors like the environment the organization is operating in, the size of the organization, the nature of industry it operates in etc.…...



Harrington, S.J., (1996), 'The effect of codes of Ethics and Personal Denial of responsibility on Computer abuse Judgments and Intention', Management Information Systems Quaterly, Volume 20(03), pages 257-278.

Horvath, C.M., (1999), 'Macro and Micro: the emerging field of organizational ethics', The online journal of Ethics, September 17. Accessed on 25th September 2011 from 

Paradice, D.B., (1990), 'Ethical Attitudes of entry level Management Information System personnel', Information and Management, Volume 18, pages 143-151.

Pierce, M.A. And Henry, J.W., (2000), 'Judgments about computer Ethics: Do individuals, co-worker, and company judgments differ? Do company codes make a difference?', Journal of Business Ethics, December, Volume 28(04), pages 307-322

Specific Technological Product and Ethics Related
Pages: 7 Words: 2188

Computer Technology, The Concorde Jet Liner, And Ethics
The issues of ethic in business practices in the age of increasing computer technology and the importance of managing information has come to the forefront of organizational management issues. In a society which now creates much of its wealth, not from hardwoods products, or services, but from the use of information, the integrity of that information is imperative to the ongoing well-being of the organization. In order for company A to continue to occupy the competitive position in the marketplace, the information and knowledge which company A possesses is considered as one of its proprietary assets. Stealing, 'borrowing' or otherwise duplication information in today's information business world is no different than breaking into a bank vault, and making off with the companies payroll money, or electronically hacking into the company bank records, and transferring moneys to a personal account.

In order to protect the…...


Works Cited

Association of Computer Machinery. "ACM Code of Ethics and Professional." ACM: Code of Ethics. 10 October 1992. January 2001.

British Computer Society. "Codes of Ethics Online. Codes of Ethics Online. 6 March 1998. January 2001.

Computer Society of India. "Codes of Ethics Online." Codes of Ethics Online. 24 October 1997. January 2001.

Langford, Duncan. "Essay: Computer Ethics and Clothing." Computer Ethics and Clothing. 1995. January 2001.

Ethics and Technology
Pages: 5 Words: 1821

Ethics and Computing in Computer Science

Errors and Hazards and Their Consequences

Despite the best of care and talent, computation is subject to uncertainties, which experts call "errors (Landau, 2008)." Some of these errors are man-made and some are produced by the computer itself. The four classes of errors are blunders or bad theory, random errors, approximation or algorithm errors, and round-off errors. lunders are typographical errors or errors caused by running or using the wrong program or similar errors. Random errors are results of occurrences like fluctuations in electronics or cosmic rays running through the computer. Algorithm or approximation errors include the substitution of finite by infinite figures or variable inputs by constants. And round-off errors are inaccuracies as the finite number of digits for storing floating numbers (Landau). Peter Neumann at the SRI International identified more than 400 incidents of these errors, hazards and other problems, which can…...



Jacky, J. (1989). Safety-critical computing, hazards, practices, standards and regulation.

Vol. 29, # 5, "Programmed for Disaster: Software Errors that Imperil Lives."

Department of Radiation: University of Washington. Retrieved on March 22, 2014


Computer Addiction Causes and Potential
Pages: 3 Words: 874

This is what creates the continual need to share literally everything going on in their lives, as each post releases a significant dopamine rush (Charman-Anderson, 17, 18).
Dopamine is also the reason why the many forms of computer addiction are so difficult to treat. ith anonymity comes the opportunity to create multiple identities or personas online (Soule, 66, 67). This is what leads employees who have Internet addictions to create many different online identities, giving them ethical and moral leeway they would never give themselves. This aspect of personas and the forgiven unethicacy of conduct of personas is a key factor in online crimes committed by employees during company hours (Nykodym, Ariss, Kurtz, 82, 83). The personas of the addicted computer addicts are orchestrated for specific dopamine-driven production to fuel and feed habitual behaviors online

(Quinn 180). These strategies to ensure a steady supply of dopamine may not even be obvious…...


Works Cited

Charman-Anderson, Suw. "Seeking Addiction: The Role of Dopamine in Social Media." Computer Weekly (2009): 16-23.

Neumann, Peter G. "Are Computers Addictive?" Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM 41.3 (1998): 128-135.

Nykodym, Nick, Sonny Ariss, and Katarina Kurtz. "Computer Addiction and Cyber Crime." Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics (2008): 78-85. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 3 Dec. 2012.

Quinn, Brian. "The Medicalisation of Online Behaviour." Online Information Review 25.3 (2001): 173-80.

Ethics and Addiction it Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1677

These kinds of compulsive behaviors are observed on a daily basis. It has been highlighted by the authors that there is an acceptable use policy implicated on the students in academic institutions and on the daily basis, without regarding the restrictions placed by these policies, students work against the policy. According to the policy, computers within the universities can only be used for academic purposes only. The policy has highlighted that computers in an academic environment should not be used for online sharing, downloading, social networking and gaming (Nykodym, Ariss, & Kurtz, 2008, p. 7). But in the campuses and academic institutions, it is seen that the students usually sit in for social networking and gaming. Thereby, from here it can be seen that either the students don't want to follow the policies or they don't want to understand the restrictions placed in the policies.
The authors have highlighted that…...



Nykodym, N., Ariss, S., & Kurtz, K. (2008). Computer Addiction and Cyber Crime. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics .

Poulsen, K. (2011). Kingpin: how one hacker took over the billion-dollar cybercrime underground. Crown Publishing Group.

Roberts, K. (2010). Cyber Junkie: Escape the Gaming and Internet Trap. Hazelden Publishing.

Ross, A.J. (2008). How to Hug a Porcupine: Negotiating the Prickly Points of the Tween Years. McGraw-Hill Professional.

Ethics at Apple Has Been for Some
Pages: 3 Words: 1118

Ethics at Apple
Apple has been for some time now the leading manufacturer of innovative wireless technologies, including the iPhone, the iPad, iPods, and Macintosh computers that do more and set the table for other manufacturers to emulate "Mac" innovations. Following the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs -- and the emergence of Tim Cook as the new CEO -- the technology media and happy Apple consumers wait for the next launch of an innovative device that will change the way people communicate and retrieve information.

hat are the Apple values and ethics? The "Apple Values" section of the Apple Employee Handbook (circa 1993) sets the record straight on what is expected of employees. In short, Apple asserts that "…we will not compromise our ethics or integrity in the name of profit" ( hat Apple does is "…set aggressive goals and drive ourselves hard to achieve them" and "build products" that "extend…...


Works Cited

Gurman, Mark. (2011). Revealed: Apple's internal policies on employee social networking, speculating on rumors, leaking, blogging, and more. 9to5Mac. Retrieved May 27, 2012,

from .

Mac Observer. (2011). Revealed: 10 big Apple Store secrets. Retrieved May 27, 2012, from .

Marshall, Gary. (2011). Inside Apple: Cupertino's secrets revealed. Tech Radar. Retrieved May

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on computer crime in computer ethics. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 241

1. The ethics of using artificial intelligence in cyberattacks
2. The impact of deepfake technology on online fraud and deception
3. The ethical implications of governments using cyber espionage for national security purposes
4. The role of social media platforms in enabling cyberbullying and online harassment
5. The ethical considerations of hacking as a form of activism or protest
6. The relationship between cybercrime and environmental sustainability
7. The ethical dilemmas of using ransomware as a means of financial gain
8. The ethics of using cyber warfare tactics in conflict resolution
9. The implications of the dark web for cybercrime and illicit activities
10. The moral responsibility of tech....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on computer crime in computer ethics. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 596

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Cybercrime: Ethical Considerations

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed various aspects of our lives, including the realm of computer crime. The integration of AI into cybercrime tools and techniques has raised pressing ethical concerns, necessitating a fresh approach to understanding and addressing these evolving threats. This essay aims to explore the ethical implications of AI-driven cybercrime and propose strategies for mitigating its potential harm.

AI's Impact on Computer Crime:

AI has significantly enhanced the capabilities of cybercriminals. Machine learning algorithms enable the automation of complex tasks, such as malware creation, phishing email campaigns, and....

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