Computer Science Essays (Examples)

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Computer Science Fundamentals
Too often the mechanistic are taken for granted in computer science. The technology has been around long enough now, that many take for granted the great powers that computers and computing technology has afforded modern man and his society. The fundamental characteristics of any successful endeavor should be investigated to help identify a pattern and produce learning and gather information.

The purpose of this essay is identify and explain some of the fundamental concepts in the framework of computer architecture. The essay will discuss the Von Neumann architecture and its contribution to the science and the many ideas that this idea has spawned. The essay will then address the importance of Boolean operations and the importance that this language of symbols plays in the logical processes of the computing operation. The essay will finally examine the concepts and fundamentals behind the various types of memory and storage that computer….

As with other information technology jobs, outsourcing of software development to other countries may temper somewhat employment growth of computer software engineers. Firms may look to cut costs by shifting operations to foreign countries with lower prevailing wages and highly educated workers. Jobs in software engineering are less prone to being off shored than are jobs in other computer specialties, however, because software engineering requires innovation and intense research and development.
As stated in the introductory paragraph, American bachelors' in Computer cience generally rely on outdated methods and curricula. However, Computer cience graduates are very good at doing problem sets thanks to college experience in tackling well-defined specified problems, and breaking them down into small tasks. Nonetheless, even in this case, employers who face a large amount of such problems are likely to turn to programmers in a low-wage country due to their need to reduce costs especially in today's….

(Cisco, 2009)
It is reported by Nortel that it has been indicated by 86% of service providers that there is a high demand for Ethernet services today. The result is that carriers are seeking to fulfill the demand through "upgrading their metro networks to deliver cost-effective Ethernet-based services to their customers." (2009) MPLS is stated to have been invented for the express purpose of "...of solving the problem of bridging multiple disparate protocols such as Frame Reality, ATM and Ethernet." (Nortel, 2009)

MPLS is stated to have "...Over the last few years,...become a widely used packet technology in core networks and has become a common inter-networking technology. " (Nortel, 2009) However, there are key limitations of MPLS 'as it applies to the metro area and specifically issues identified are those connected with " complexity, scalability and performance arise when MPLS is applied to the sheer number of network elements required in….

Computer Science
Having read Newman's Chapter 1, would you consider the security requirements across all environments to be the same?

Not all security requirements are the same in all network environments. Some systems are more vulnerable to the threat of viruses that permanently infiltrate the network's hardware, other to worms that do not permanently damage the hardware but cause programs to 'crash' through such tricks as forcing programs to infinitely reboot themselves. Certain systems, of which Microsoft and Oracle are good examples, excel at modifying or blocking with firewalls certain systemic vulnerabilities after hackers have found ways to broach these problems, and fixing the problem after the fact, but are not nearly as good at detecting holes prior to such exposure

Do you think SLAs will solve our security problem? Discuss why or why not.

Service Level Agreement, otherwise known as an SLA details the responsibilities of an Informational Technology (IT) services provider and….

I have a knack for computer science/web design. In middle school, my uncle showed me how to upgrade the memory on my desktop computer. It was not long before I was installing systems, detecting and resolving computer issues and replacing hard drives on laptops. My first course at (name university) continued this interest with projects using Perl, CGI and PHP. Later, I added Macromedia Flash for animation to my repertoire and then Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to be able to design a more aesthetic user interface. After graduation, I added Ajax, cold fusion, ASP, xml, JavaScript, CSS, RSS to my talents. Working in a business setting, I learned the importance of meeting the client's varied needs and expectations, explaining the different technologies and staying on task.

At (name of university), I would like to pursue the master's topic "Security Issues for the Use of Semantic Web in E-Commerce under (names of….

These activities include securing the current computing environment which includes any current tools, patches, updates and best known methods. This represents the bulk of the cost effective security capabilities and facilitates better detection. Visibility to key areas and activities is vital. Effective monitoring to identify issues, breaches and attacks is necessary. This drives immediate interdiction by response capabilities. Efficient management of efforts to contain, repair and recover as needed to return the environment to normal operations is vital. This reduces losses by rapidly addressing issues and feeds intelligence into both the prediction and prevention areas (Defense in depth strategy optimizes security, 2008).
Personnel esources

Personnel requirements to implement a defense in depth strategy are many. This process will include experts drawn from several different areas. The teams that are vital include:

emerging threats team- this cross functional team continuously discusses emerging trends and events in order to identify imminent threats that might….

These certifications are also on the rise because of their in detail technical focus. They help people to understand the technical skills that are associated with what professionals are trying to protect, and the intrinsic security capabilities of an infrastructure.
Long-term certification

On a more long-term basis it would be a good idea for the staff of the it department to seek Global information assurance certifications. "The SANS Institute offers this suite of certifications under the GIAC (Global Information Assurance Certification) program. While GIAC certifications are intended primarily for practitioners such as system administrators, and network engineers, there are a few that would be appropriate for early-career managers.

The GIAC Information Security Officer (GISO) is an entry-level certification that includes knowledge of threats, risks and best practices. The GIAC Security Essentials Certification (GSEC) is an intermediate-level certification that demonstrates basic information security knowledge for both practitioners and managers" (Gregory, 2003).


In order to….

One can also set up policies and procedures to respond to and reduce the effects of the loss or damage to ones it environment (Capaility: Security Process, 2012).
The assess phase should decide the fitting security needs for an organization and which processes are presently in place. Security requirements can vary radically from company to company or institution to institution ased, for instance, on dimension, industry or field, regional laws, or regulations. Gathering the necessities of an organization will permit one to define a fitting security process (Capaility: Security Process, 2012).

Throughout the identify phase, an organization will look at the tools and procedures presently in place and decide what the security requirements are for their organization. During this phase, one will gather security policies that are presently implied or enforced, in addition to technology components already in use or at their disposal. They will also gather any outside requirements, ased….

There is a hazard, however, that implementation of these potentially helpful best practices can be expensive and unfocused if they are treated as merely technical guidance. To be most effectual, best practices should be applied inside the business circumstance, focusing on where their use would provide the most advantage to the organization. Top management, business administration, auditors, conformity officers and it managers should work together to make sure it best practices lead to gainful and well-controlled it delivery (Aligning CobiT® 4.1, TL® V3 and SO/EC 27002 for Business Benefit, 2008).

Aligning CobiT® 4.1, TL® V3 and SO/EC 27002 for Business Benefit. (2008). Retrieved



SO/EC 27002:2005 nformation technology -- Security techniques -- Code of practice for information security management. (n.d.). Retrieved from

TL & Security Management. (2001). Retreived from http://itil-service-management-

Service Management -- TL. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Part 2

TL - the nformation Technology nfrastructure Library - is a set of best practices….

Computer Science
Research on Alternatives to Visual-Based CAPTCHAs for Sight-Impaired Users

Created to block the Web bots used by spammers, CAPTCHA ("Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart") is a technology used to verify that a person, rather than an automated system, is entering the data. A visual-based CAPTCHA shows distorted text and then users type in what they see in order to proceed. Users encounter CAPTCHAs in a variety of different Internet activities, such as submitting online comments and forms, creating email accounts, and registering for networking sites [1].

Because CAPTCHAs cannot be read by machines, the screen-reading software used by blind computer users cannot read the text either [2], which leaves these people unable to use the Web sites. This paper reviews the literature on CAPTCHA alternatives for blind and sight-impaired users.

Proposed Alternatives to Visual-Based CAPTCHAs

Audio-based CAPTCHAs

In Developing Usable CAPTCHAs for Blind Users, the authors propose….

computer science and the different scientific domains at MIT
Fortunately for myself, MIT's computer science division is closely related to many other scientific divisions in that institution. MIIT's Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department offer students the opportunity to interface between Computer Sciences and the Life sciences so exposure in this field may open me up to the disciplines of (amongst other areas) computational biology, synthetic biology, medical image analysis, bioinformatics, and computer assisted surgery.

Since an impressive amount of MIT Laboratories (associated with different scientific domains) are connected to computer science, I will focus only on those that particularly interest me:

Berwick's laboratory where applied mathematical and modeling principals are investigated in order to develop computer models for biological systems such as DNA and genotype testing. Computational mathematic models are used in order to gain a deeper insight into the complexities of interaction of genes with the cellular environment and with….

Life at Friends University
As I come nearer to the completion of my work at Friends University, I would like to take the opportunity to reflect on the past, savor the present, and look forward to the future. I believe that remembering what has already taken place and the things I have learned is a key in planning a successful and worthwhile future.

I come to Friends University prepared to do my work, get my degree, and get on with my life. I never expected that a "school" could mean so much to me or could change my way of looking at myself and the world around me.

A good university should provide an education which helps prepare its students for life. A great university has not only provided an excellent educational experience for me, but has also allowed to become a part of something greater than I - a group of….

A criticism is that technology of video games is that they makes people more sedentary and violent -- but games such as "Dance Revolution" attempt to answer such criticism by providing nonviolent and physically active games.
Invention 2: The birth of the Internet

The challenge of getting a message quickly from point a to point B. has motivated the creation of foot messengers, the Pony Express, the U.S. Postal Service, Morse Code, the telegraph and telephone -- and the Internet. The Internet as an idea was first born in 1958 when researchers at the Bell Labs invented a modem that could convert digital signals to electrical analog signals and back, enabling computers to communicate with one another ("History of the Internet," Computing Science Chronology, 2005).

The beginnings of the revolution in communication technology between computers would later enable ordinary individuals to communicate with people they had never met far away, transform modern….

PESTLE Analysis
The Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering faces a complex external environment. The PESTLE analysis can help explain the external environment by analyzing the different political, economic, social, technological, legal and ecological factors that comprise the external environment (QuickMBA, 2010). By analyzing the external environment, an organization can better understand the role it plays in the community and can set better strategy to meet its objectives. Many of the factors in the external environment have a direct impact on the Faculty's mandate and its ability to carry out that mandate.

Political factors include tax policy, employment laws, trade restrictions and political stability (Ibid). For state-funded universities, political factors can affect the level of funding and even the school's mandate, which in turn will affect each of the different departments. A mandate to increase the number of computer science and engineering graduates could result in more funding, but funding could be….


When no date is given for an item being cataloged, attempts can be made to ascertain the date of publication using known information such as author and publishing house, etc. A question mark, or a question mark forming one end of a date range, denotes the lack of specific knowledge regarding this feature.


In addition to appearing on the verso, the place of publication of a book can often be found in larger type on the title page of the book itself, and sometimes on the spine as well.


School libraries often contain many books that progressively bring learners along in a specific knowledge area or skill set, making the inclusion of series statements especially useful in school libraries in assisting both students and librarians/instructors selecting the proper next text.


The publisher's name would appear in both the imprint section of the catalog record as well as the publishing house section; Harper Collins….

1. Online job boards and career websites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and Monster. These platforms attract a wide range of candidates looking for job opportunities in the tech industry.

2. College and university career fairs and job postings. Apple can establish partnerships with schools that have strong computer science, engineering, and design programs to target students and recent graduates who are interested in working for a leading tech company.

3. Employee referrals and internal job postings. Encouraging current employees to refer qualified candidates can help Apple identify top talent who are already familiar with the company's culture and values.

4. Tech industry....

Computer science has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with technology in numerous ways. Some key ways in which computer science has fundamentally changed our interactions with technology include:

1. Instant communication: Computer science has enabled the development of various communication technologies such as email, instant messaging, and social media platforms that allow people to communicate with each other instantly regardless of geographical location.

2. Mobile technology: The development of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has allowed individuals to access and communicate through technology on the go, leading to increased connectivity and convenience.

3. Voice recognition technology: Advancements in computer....

How Computer Science Has Revolutionized Communication and Technology Interaction

Computer science has profoundly transformed the way we communicate, interact with technology, and experience the digital realm. It has ushered in a paradigm shift in our social interactions, information consumption, and technological engagement.

Ubiquitous Communication and Social Networking:

One of the most significant contributions of computer science is the proliferation of digital communication platforms. The advent of the internet, smartphones, and social media has enabled real-time, global connectivity. Platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter have become essential tools for personal and professional communication, allowing us to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, and communities....

AI engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on the design, development, and implementation of artificial intelligence systems and technologies. It involves the use of machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and other AI techniques to create intelligent systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence.

AI engineers work on various projects such as developing intelligent chatbots, optimizing machine learning algorithms, implementing computer vision applications, and creating personalized recommendations systems. They also collaborate with data scientists, software engineers, and other professionals to build and deploy AI solutions across different industries.

Overall, AI engineering helps businesses improve efficiency, make better....

5 Pages

Education - Computers

Computer Science Fundamentals Too Often the Mechanistic

Words: 1481
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Computer Science Fundamentals Too often the mechanistic are taken for granted in computer science. The technology has been around long enough now, that many take for granted the great powers…

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7 Pages

Education - Computers

Computer Science Choosing One's Major

Words: 2100
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

As with other information technology jobs, outsourcing of software development to other countries may temper somewhat employment growth of computer software engineers. Firms may look to cut costs…

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8 Pages

Education - Computers

Computer Science Networking the Objective

Words: 2238
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

(Cisco, 2009) It is reported by Nortel that it has been indicated by 86% of service providers that there is a high demand for Ethernet services today. The result…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Computer Science Having Read Newman's Chapter 1

Words: 370
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Computer Science Having read Newman's Chapter 1, would you consider the security requirements across all environments to be the same? Not all security requirements are the same in all network environments.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Computer Science MS Degree Application

Words: 797
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I have a knack for computer science/web design. In middle school, my uncle showed me how to upgrade the memory on my desktop computer. It was not long before…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Computer Science Defensive Response Strategy

Words: 802
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These activities include securing the current computing environment which includes any current tools, patches, updates and best known methods. This represents the bulk of the cost effective security…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Computer Science Long-Term Planning and

Words: 1180
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These certifications are also on the rise because of their in detail technical focus. They help people to understand the technical skills that are associated with what professionals…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Computer Science Legislative Ethical and

Words: 1588
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One can also set up policies and procedures to respond to and reduce the effects of the loss or damage to ones it environment (Capaility: Security Process, 2012). The…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Computer Science Information Technology Infrastructure

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There is a hazard, however, that implementation of these potentially helpful best practices can be expensive and unfocused if they are treated as merely technical guidance. To be…

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2 Pages
Literature Review

Education - Computers

Computer Science Research on Alternatives to Visual-Based

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Computer Science Research on Alternatives to Visual-Based CAPTCHAs for Sight-Impaired Users Created to block the Web bots used by spammers, CAPTCHA ("Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and…

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5 Pages


Computer Science and the Different Scientific Domains

Words: 1459
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

computer science and the different scientific domains at MIT Fortunately for myself, MIT's computer science division is closely related to many other scientific divisions in that institution. MIIT's Electrical…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Computer Science Math Business and Pre-Engineering

Words: 1107
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Life at Friends University As I come nearer to the completion of my work at Friends University, I would like to take the opportunity to reflect on the past,…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Inventions Important Computer Science Inventions

Words: 899
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

A criticism is that technology of video games is that they makes people more sedentary and violent -- but games such as "Dance Revolution" attempt to answer such…

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3 Pages


PESTLE Analysis the Faculty of Computer Science

Words: 807
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

PESTLE Analysis The Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering faces a complex external environment. The PESTLE analysis can help explain the external environment by analyzing the different political, economic, social,…

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3 Pages


DDC Literature D Computer Science

Words: 759
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Assessment

5) When no date is given for an item being cataloged, attempts can be made to ascertain the date of publication using known information such as author and publishing house,…

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