Conceptual Framework Essays (Examples)

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Conceptual Frameworks
Pages: 2 Words: 767

collecting food packages for homeless centers. One of the volunteers explains that usually the government helps out, but they need additional resources. People are good, they want to help. He and his cohort of volunteers are relying on voluntary donations.
Another points to the need in the area for food, whilst another empathizes the wonderful work of the volunteers who are " actually assembling these after-school packs that get distributed to the school programs. And as soon as those packs get assembled today, they will be leaving out here next week. ."

Volunteers extol the wonderful feeling that the work give them. Organizers commend volunteers. Recipients of packages talk about the significance that the packages gave to their lives. They also praise other organizations / programs that help them and articulate their conception that giving out food extends to far more: it also involves giving out hope.

More than one framework seems…...



Bolman EG & Deal TE, Leadership and Management Effectiveness: A Multi-Frame, Multi-Sector Analysis

Leadership Styles

Conceptual Framework for Accounting Managers
Pages: 5 Words: 1638


easons that indicate that managers need to be knowledgeable about, understand, and use accounting information

Management accounting mechanisms are official systems for collecting, planning, and communicating information about the company's activities. While conventional management accounting techniques used to pay attention to historical and financial information about activities within the company, modern management accounting techniques also provide external, non-financial, and future-oriented information

If a manager searches for information to choose between possible considerations, to set objectives or to figure out a sufficient level and mix of sources to accomplish those objectives, he is using information for decision-making. The manager can also search for information after a choice has been applied. In that case, he uses the information to benchmark against organized results to make sure that the input, procedures, and outcome are in tune, to accomplish business objectives. This use is commonly known as focused information monitoring (Hermanson, Edwards & Invacevich, 2011).




Introduction to Managerial Accounting (2007, July 25) [Video File]. Retrieved from 

Martin, J.R. (n.d.) Management Accounting: Concepts, Techniques, and Controversial Issues - Chapter 1: Introduction. Management and Accounting Web Home Page. Retrieved from 

White, L., Clinton, B., van deer Merwe, A., Cokins, G., Thomas, C., Templin, K., & Huntzinger, J. (2011). Why We Need a Conceptual Framework for Managerial Costing. Strategic Finance, 93(4), 36-42.

Accounting for Management (n.d.). Managerial or Management or Cost Accounting Terms and Definitions. Retrieved from

Conceptual Framework for Studying HIV in the US and Canada
Pages: 4 Words: 1325

Introduction of the Framework

The conceptual framework used in the article is the Grand theory framework. The idea of using grand theory in this article is based on the aspect of the set of abstract ideas that together bring about a broad statement concerning human beings, the health, nursing, and the environment. Grand theory represents a broader scope of ideas in carrying out any form of study. The theory encompasses some concepts together with propositions with less abstract nature and generality unlike the concepts and propositions linked with the conceptual model. Nonetheless, even with such a perception, the model has not involved more concrete propositions and concepts like the middle-range theory (Olivia et al., 2013). The theory has been used by the study in this article in place of a conceptual model, which serves as a guide for carrying out research.

The article titled "Epidemiology, Policy, and…...



In Smith, M. C., & In Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories & nursing practice. New York: Routledge

Kearney-Nunnery, R. (2016). Advancing your career: Concepts of professional nursing. New York: Routledge

Olivia Carter-Pokras, Tabatha Offutt-Powell, Jay S. Kaufman, Wayne Giles, and Vickie Mays. (2013). Epidemiology, Policy, and Racial/Ethnic Minority Health Disparities. Ann Epidemiol. 2012 Jun; 22(6): 446-455. Doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2012.04.018

Smith, M. J., & Liehr, P. R. (2014). Middle range theory for nursing. New York: Springer.

Financial Statements Conceptual Frameworks and Financial Statements
Pages: 7 Words: 2154

Financial Statements
Conceptual Frameworks and Financial Statements

It has been said that financial statements provide comprehensive information about the reporting entity that is useful to existing and potential stakeholders. While that is generally considered to be true, it is important to address what makes it true. Financial statements are created by the company to which the financial information belongs, so there is some concern that these might not be as accurate as they would be if they were to be completed by an independent party (Hall & McKeith, 2010). This is why some financial statements will be independently verified and that information will be included in the statements. y doing that, the company is putting their information on the line and saying it is clearly correct (Elliot & Elliot, 2011). That can help investors and others when they are trying to make a decision about the financial health of a company…...



Elliott, B. & Elliott, J., 2011, Financial accounting and reporting (14th ed.), NY: FT/Prentice Hall

Melville, A., 2012, International financial reporting: A practical guide, NY: FT/Prentice

Hall C.B. & McKeith, J., 2010, Financial accounting and reporting, London: McGraw-Hill

Dunn, J., 2010, Financial reporting and analysis, NY: Wiley

Hfson Conceptual Framework Is a Nursing Model
Pages: 4 Words: 1257

HFSON conceptual framework is a nursing model developed by Myra Levine. An individual or a family as the main object of this frame plays a critical role in this framework by influencing various factors related to the environment. The client is under a constant change in this model arising from its continued interaction with both the internal and external environments. Internal environment comprises of bio-psychosocial and spiritual components, whereas the external environment is made up of perceptual, and operational dimensions. The perceptual framework encompasses perceived stimuli like sound, taste, and touch while conceptual framework includes beliefs, value systems, language, and cultural traditions. On the other hand, the operational dimension comprises of those factors that cannot be perceived by any sense organ such microorganisms or radioactive emissions (Levine & Jacqueline, 2001).
Levine asserts that the unique interaction of components within this framework results in exchange of information making it a learning process.…...



Levine, M.E., & Jacqueline, F. (2001). Levine's conservation model: a framework for nursing practice. Chicago: F.A. Davis Co. Revise edition

Meleis, A.I. (2011). Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress. Sydney: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Parker, M.E. (2000). Nursing Theories in Practice. New York: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Revise edition

Wilkinson, J.M., & Treas, L.S. (2010). Fundamentals of Nursing - Volume 1: Theory, Concepts, and Applications. Texas: F.A. Davis.

What Is a Conceptual Framework in Research
Pages: 2 Words: 667

construct which "explains, either graphically or in narrative form, the main things to be studied -- the key factors, concepts, or variables -- and the presumed relationships among them" (Miles & Huberman 1994, cited in Chapter 3: 39). In the case of my qualitative research, one critical component of the conceptual framework is the relationship between gender and a person's propensity to be the victim of human trafficking. Women are presumed to make up the majority of persons who are the victims of human trafficking. Whether this is because the types of trafficking to which they are subjected are more likely to be discovered or because this is actually the case is somewhat controversial and will be one of the focal areas of my research.
The fact that women are more likely to be trafficked than males seems logical. Women are more apt to be poor and vulnerable, specifically in…...


Duong, K.A. (2012). Human trafficking in a globalized world: Gender aspects of the issue and anti-trafficking politics. Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 2(1), 48-65.

Hepburn, S., & Simon, R.J. (2010). Hidden in plain sight: Human trafficking in the United

States. Gender Issues, 27(1-2), 1-26. doi:

Beauty Society Conceptual Framework the Concept of
Pages: 1 Words: 345

Beauty Society
Conceptual Framework

The concept of this research project is to understand more about the behavioral and attitudinal qualities of the human mind. The subject of this research is the concept of beauty and humanity's seemingly innate magnetic attraction to beautiful objects and people. One goal of this research project is to gain a fuller and deeper understanding about what beauty is and how it affects our lives and how it can be used to improve the quality of life. The principles and concept of mass media advertising and its relation to beauty will help proved a boundary and frame in which to investigate how beauty relates to the consumer of advertising media. Societies relationship to beauty will also be incorporated into this research.


Beauty plays a significant role in affecting the impact of advertising on consumers.

Types of Data

In order to fully understand this subject some key definitions must be presented at…...

Display Conceptual Framework Display There
Pages: 2 Words: 592

Though this method is similar to the visual mapping described above and can itself be quite useful in many applications, the need to show hierarchical relationships is much lower in this research area than the need to properly illustrate process relationships and outcomes and to have these relationships and outcomes understood by the reader. Modeling associations is useful in many settings, especially in breaking down complex theories that are built on more abstract principles, but this really does not apply to the research situation at hand (Schensul et al. 1999). Both the conceptual frameworks and the actual data and processes to be examined in this research are more concrete, and the researchers and readers will be better served by the process mapping advocated above than by the modeling association described here.
There are no "explain and predict" techniques that would be entirely discounted for use in the described research area,…...



Miles, M. & Huberman, A. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Schensul, S., Schensul, J. & leCompte, M. (1999). Essential ethnographic methods: observations, interviews, and questionnaires. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Build Your Network Presents a Conceptual Framework
Pages: 3 Words: 981

Build Your Network presents a conceptual framework for building one's professional network. At the core of their argument is that building professional networks is an active process. One must work on the network; it will not build itself. A focused and regimented methodology will help a person to build his or her network more quickly and effectively than either a laissez-faire or any sort of ad hoc strategy. Their methodology involves understanding the pathways by which information travels. The idea is that you want to use your network to convey information -- either to tap into the network as a resource, to find contacts and referrals, or simply to obtain a new job.
The authors first note that networks have three powerful advantages: "private information, access to diverse skill sets, and power." Information exists in both private and public realms. Without contacts in a network, one typically will only have…...



Uzzi, B. & Dunlap, S. (2005). How to build your network. Harvard Business Review. In possession of the author.

Significance of Conceptual Framework
Pages: 4 Words: 1309

Lens of avitch & iggan
What and where is theory?

According to Hoffman (2013) theory has a lot to do with something that is causal, For instance from the chapter they mentioned the case if X represented smoking and Y symbolized lung cancer. The authors went on to make the point that this is more than likely the most extensively assumed meaning of what theory is supposed to be. However, the chapter goes onto make the point that it could also be interpretive. It brings up the point that X symbolized race and Y denoted identity. It is unlikely that you would be suggesting that race is somehow formed by identity.

Also, the authors would be arguing the meaning of race is somehow shaped by identity. It could be, however, that a person working the theory cannot figure out whether it is X or Y that is doing the determining, or if…...



Bhandari, A. (2013). Strategic Management: A Conceptual Framework. Chicago: McGraw Hill Education (india) Private Limited.

Clayton, P.H. (2010). Research on Service Learning: Conceptual Frameworks and Assessments (IUPUI Series on Service Learning Research). IUPUI Series on Service Learning Research.

Duncan, A. (2011). The Conceptual Framework of Quantum Field Theory. Oxford University Press; 1 edition.

Hoffman, L. (2013). Foundations Of Family Therapy: A Conceptual Framework For Systems Change. Basic Books; 1 edition.

Conceptual Frameworks in the Field of Education Research
Pages: 1 Words: 388

FrameworksThomas (2021) used Crenshaws theory of intersectionality framework. Hall (2017) used a conceptual framework of transformational leadership developed by Burns and its application to school reform. Marshall (2019) used the conceptual framework of multicultural education developed by James A. Banks in support of the study of attitudes of preservice teachers toward multicultural competence.Thomas (2021) leverages Crenshaw\\\'s theory of intersectionality, which contends that social categorizations such as race, class, and gender intersect to create a complex system of discrimination or privilege. Given that the study\\\'s focus is on the experiences of Black female middle school students - a group at the intersection of multiple identities - this framework is highly relevant. It helps illuminate the unique experiences and challenges faced by Black girls and provides a nuanced lens through which to examine the role of teachers\\\' interactions and emotions in conflicts. Thus, the intersectionality theory adequately supports the research problem and…...


ReferencesHall, D. (2017). The Lived Experiences of High School Principals Implementing the Core Principles of High School Reform. Nova Southeastern University.Marshall, A. (2017). Evaluating the Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Toward Multicultural Competence. Nova Southeastern University.Thomas, D. (2021). Teachers’ Navigating Emotions and Communication Exchanges in Teacher-Student Conflicts at a Black Urban All-Girls Middle School. Nova Southeastern University.

Conceptual Framework and Management
Pages: 3 Words: 1017

Walmart's E-commerce Strategy: Annotated...


Kujacic, M., Blagojevic, M., Sarac, D., & Vesovic, V. (2015). The modified activity-based costing method in universal postal service area: case study of the Montenegro cost. Engineering Economics, 26(2), 142-151.

Onat, O., Anitsal, I., & Anitsal, M. (2014). Activity-based costing in services industry: a conceptual framework for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial Executive, 149-167.

Stefano, N., & Freitas, M. (2014). Framework: activity-based costing in services. Brazilian Journal of Management, 7(1), 153-169.

Study Analysis Conceptual Framework
Pages: 3 Words: 755

CONCEPTUAL FAMEWOK Conceptual FrameworkThe selected study sought to identify the effect of nutritional counselling and oncological nursing care on the health outcomes of colorectal cancer patients (eiter et al., 2020). The assessed health outcomes were discharge rates, nutritional behaviour, and side effects management. The study divided participants into a control group and two subgroups of the intervention group. The control group received usual care characterized by unsystematic nutrition counselling and no nurse counselling. The first intervention group received systematic in and out patient nutritional counselling and in patient only oncology nurse counselling. The second intervention group received systematic nutritional counselling coupled with in and outpatient oncology nurse counselling. The findings showed that patients receiving in and outpatient nurse counselling as well as systematic nutritional counselling dealt better with treatment side effects, were better at following dieticians advice and were better placed to gauge food intolerance. This text discusses the conceptual…...


References Boehmer, K. R., Dabrh, A., Gionfriddo, M. R., Erwin, P., & Montori, V. (2018). Does the chronic care model meet the needs of people living with multimorbidity: A systematic review and thematic analysis. PLoS One, 13(2). Doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0190852Collins, C. & Rochfort, A. (2016). Promoting self-management and patient empowerment in primary care. Irish College of General Practitioners Dublin, 27-35. Reiter, M., Gerken, M., Lindberg-Scharf, P., Fuerst, A., Liebig-Horl, ., Ortmann, O., Eberl, E., & Bartholomeyczik, S. (2020). Health services research in colorectal cancer: A quasi-experimental intervention pilot study on in and out patient oncology. Clinical Oncology, 147(1), 1789-1802.

IASB and FASB Joint Conceptual
Pages: 2 Words: 661

This is important, because it shows specific issues that are being dealt with, surrounding how a reporting entity will account for these issues. (Conceptual Framework 2011)
The measurement phase is when you were creating standards that can be used to accurately calculate the financial information that is being provided. Where, both entities have identified a number of issues that can help to create a universal standard to include: valuation strategies, confidence in the standards that are being presented and how to calculate interest rates along with other charges. In this case, a tremendous amount of progress has been made in: determining the various standards and which ones will be used. This helps to support the objectives and qualitative characteristics, by ensuring that a standard of measurement is used that takes into account these different viewpoints. (Conceptual Framework 2011)

The reporting phase is when there is a discussion about: what is considered…...



Conceptual Framework, 2011, FASB. Available from: [7 May 2011].

McCarthy, I, 2003, cooperation Between FASB and IASB, Entrepreneur. Available from: [7 May 2011].

Harvard Format.

Strategic Framework in BP-Deepwater Horizon Accident One
Pages: 15 Words: 4053

Strategic Framework in BP-Deepwater horizon accident
One of the most eminent names in the oil and gas industry is British Petroleum, considered as the largest provider of oil and gas to its customers for transportation, energy for heating and light and retail services for petrochemical products globally. The financial and operational picture of the company's performance is illustrated in table1 below.

Performance at a glance for 2010

Facts and figures

Sales and other operating revenues

eplacement cost profit

Number of employees

Proved reserves

etail sites


efineries (wholly or partly owned)

efining throughput

$297,107 million (year 2010)

($4,519) million (year 2010)

79,700 (at 31 Dec 2010)

18,071 million barrels of oil equivalent


Active in 29 countries


2,426 thousand barrels per day (year 2010)

(BP's Corporate website, 2010)

On 20th April 2010 the company faced a serious challenge when one of its oil rigs started leaking and simply couldn't be stopped. With Deepwater Horizon accident, BP's image suffered a lot and many urged the management to change its future strategy…...



BP's Corporate website, 2010. Annual Report 2010. Retrieved through   on 12th August 2010 

Corner, P. Kinicki, A. And Keats, B. (1994) Integrating organizational and individual information processing perspectives on choice, Organizational Science, vol. 3.

Drucker, P. (1954) The Practice of Management, Harper and Row, New York, 1954.

Gellerman, S. (1989) Managing Ethics from the Top to Down, Sloan Management Review;

Can you help me write my conceptual framework on How Women Leaders Respond in the Time of Crises in the Field of Education?
Words: 471

A conceptual framework is a type of tool used to analyze a topic.  Generally, in an academic context a conceptual framework is going to fall into one of several broad categories, including a working hypothesis, pillar questions, descriptive categories, models for decision making, or a formal hypothesis.  Deciding what approach you want to take to your research topic of how women leaders respond in time of crises in the field of education will help you decide what approach you want to take, which will guide your development of a conceptual framework.

Based on....

example of a reflective essay about accounting theory?
Words: 635

Accounting Theory: A Reflective Essay


Accounting theory serves as the foundation for the principles and practices that guide financial reporting. It aims to establish a common framework for understanding and interpreting accounting information. As a student of accounting, I have delved into various accounting theories, each offering unique insights and perspectives. This reflective essay explores my reflections on accounting theory, its significance, and its implications for the accounting profession.

The Role of Accounting Theory

Accounting theory provides a conceptual framework that underpins accounting practices. It establishes the principles and standards that govern the recording, classification, and reporting of financial information. By providing a....

How can the title of a text influence a reader\'s comprehension of the overall content?
Words: 619

The Significance of Titles in Shaping Reader Comprehension

The title of a text serves as a crucial gateway into its content, providing readers with an initial impression and influencing their subsequent comprehension. It acts as a preview, setting the tone and guiding expectations about the ensuing discourse. Beyond mere identification, titles play a profound role in shaping how readers perceive and interpret the text's message.

1. Framing the Discourse

Titles establish a conceptual framework for the text that follows. By selecting specific words or phrases, authors can convey a particular perspective or angle on the topic. For instance, a title like "The Perils....

How can prioritizing sustainability enhance project resilience through absorptive and adaptive capacities?
Words: 330

CONCLUSION Project resilience is a crucial concept in modern project management that emphasizes the ability of projects to adapt, recover, and thrive in the face of disruptions and challenges. This paper has explored the definitions, theoretical perspectives, and empirical evidence related to project resilience, highlighting the importance of absorptive and adaptive capacities, as well as the integration of sustainability principles. By synthesizing existing literature and proposing a novel conceptual framework for project resilience, this paper has set the foundation for future research in this area. The theoretical implications emphasize the need for further development and operationalization of project resilience capabilities, while policy....

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