Conclusion Essays (Examples)

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Nobodies in the Conclusion to His Book
Pages: 3 Words: 826

In the conclusion to his book Nobodies, John Bowe argues that the vast inequalities of wealth and power in the globalized world make the common arguments for "free markets" and "free trade" highly suspect. In fact, he sees labor coercion as well as environmental degradation as the likely result if global regulations are not placed over the global marketplace.

Bowe has the stronger argument here. As he states, "People like Friedman and many world and business leaders might honestly believe in freedom and justice as much as anyone else. They just have the benefit

What Bowe is pointing out is that not just the Friedmans, but also typical Americans have no idea how the people that make their goods live, whether in Tulsa or in Saipan. The critics are usually white males and epublican who have never left the United States. They do not know and do not want to know about…...



Bowe, John . Nobodies. New York, NY: Random House, 2007. Print.

Minumun 3 Level Heading Conclusion Level Heading
Pages: 5 Words: 1854

minumun 3 level heading (conclusion level heading. apa style. topic "Post traumatic stress disorder real hype?" ethical model outline I attached write paper.
Present day society has problems identifying the exact factors related to Post-traumatic stress disorder because people are unable to reach a solid conclusion regarding its existence. Although it has been accepted by the medical world and introduced into the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, there is still a great deal of individuals expressing doubt regarding the malady's existence. People today experience PTSD in a more diverse range of environments and this makes it difficult for doctors to be able to provide clear diagnostics when they come across patients displaying symptoms characteristic to the disorder. American involvement in conflicts in the Middle East has made it possible for the world to acknowledge the fact that stressing events are actually capable to induce states of terror in…...


Works cited:

Young, Allan, The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995)

Shephard, Ben, A War of Nerves: Soldiers and Psychiatrists in the Twentieth Century

, (Harvard University Press, 2003).

Wilson, John P. Friedman, Matthew J. And Lindy, Jacob D. eds., Treating Psychological Trauma and Ptsd (New York: Guilford Press, 2001)

Art Book Intro and Conclusion
Pages: 4 Words: 1061

What inspiration and creativity will the next generation of artists utilize in forming their great works and how will the world perceive their masterpieces.
Art Compilation Book Conclusion

After completing this course I can honestly say that my educational horizon has been expanded. Exploring the vast world of modern art and observing the strange yet innovative techniques used by modern artists has only inspired my personal pursuits and desires to implement such forms within my own art.

As this collection is concluded, I cannot help but think back on Janine Antoni's "Tightrope." This incredible image captures the true heart of modern artwork. Taken directly from Jeanine's imagination and desires to touch the horizon, she transformed this desire into a physical form by spreading out a tightrope across the horizon. She then proceeded to walk across the rope and at times her feet dip from the ocean and then rise to the sky.…...

Coral Reefs Conclusion and Assessment to Experiment
Pages: 2 Words: 662

Coral Reefs
Conclusion and Assessment to Experiment

The experiment as described provides strong support for the idea that temperature directly affects coralline health and that even relatively small rises in temperature can have devastating effects on corals (and coral reefs) because such a shift in temperature has the effect of destroying the relationship between the corals and small symbionts that live in the corals. Rising temperatures drive the symbionts out of the corals, and it is this fleeing of the small co-habitants of the coral reefs that producing the lightening of "bleaching" effect that is a definitive indicator of coral harm or death.

The experimental data provided indicate that at 26 degrees and 28 degrees Celsius, there was no colour change in the coral (Catalaphyllia jardinei). This met the expectations of the experiment, given that this temperature is within the temperature tolerance for this coral and its symbionts. Since the temperature was such…...

Biology Conclusion the Characteristic of a Crooked
Pages: 2 Words: 448

Biology Conclusion
the characteristic of a crooked antenna was selected with each parent. The dominant trait came out to be no antenna. The recessive trait came out to be the crooked antenna. The heterozygote phenotype came out to be no antenna. The phenotypes of the offspring came out to be the crooked antenna in each one of the samples. This is the same phenotype of all the parents. The mode of inheritance came out to be autosomal. At least one of the parents had to have the dominant trait of no antenna and at least one of the parents had to have the recessive trait of crooked antenna.

the characteristic of eye color was selected with each parent. The dominant trait came out to be orange. The recessive trait came out to be red. And the heterozygote phenotype came out to be orange. The phenotype of red eye color was selected in…...

Rule 3 Analysis 4 Conclusion The Issue
Pages: 2 Words: 575

Rule, (3) Analysis, (4) Conclusion. The Issue phrased form a question. (Example: "as client Negligent caused accident talking cell phone?") The Rule law applies case.
Google's online book searching service -- does it infringe copyright?

Google's decision to scan millions of books and to make it possible for individuals to search them online was largely believed to be irresponsible at the time when it was first discussed in 2004. This idea saw rapid progress and one can presently search information in largely any book by using the company's mediums. hile the concept seemed absurd in its early years, it gradually came to be more and more popular and it is presently used by numerous persons who feel that it is perfectly normal for them to have access to it.

Issue -- is Google guilty for negatively impacting the rights of individuals in charge of copyrights concerning its medium designed to assist individuals…...


Works cited:

Cain Miller, Claire, and Bosman, Julie, "Siding With Google, Judge Says Book Search Does Not Infringe Copyright," Retrieved November 15, 2013, from

Narrative Introduction Conclusion Analyzing Janson Medical Clinic
Pages: 2 Words: 687

narrative introduction conclusion analyzing Janson Medical Clinic. Be address paper: - Wha
It is quite obvious from reading the case study regarding the Janson Medical Clinic that there are a number of points of dissatisfaction it is creating within its customer base. The good news about this situation, however, is that this dissatisfaction largely stems from the process design that patients have to go through to receive treatment. The part of a customer satisfaction survey that the organization issued that relates to the treatment and care of its patients shows the least amount of dissatisfaction. Thus, it definitely seems possible to focus on the positive response from the treatment and care of customers, while making some systemic improvements to the process design whereby patients receive care, and to improve the lot of this organization as a whole.

The principle conclusions that one can draw from the satisfaction survey results are that…...



Cole, K.D., Waite, M.S., Nichols, L.O. (2003). Organizational structure, team processes and future directions of interprofessional health care teams. Gerontology Geriatric Education. 24(2) 35-49.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2014). Quality improvement. Retrieved from

Landes' Conclusions in the Wealth and Poverty
Pages: 4 Words: 1163

Landes' Conclusions
In The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, David S. Landes analyzes the distribution of wealth in his study of world economics. Landes writes that the key to the current inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world stems directly from the industrial revolution, in which some countries made the leap to industrialization and became extremely rich, while other countries failed to adapt and remained poor.

Landes concludes that the achievements of Western nations are rooted in culture, rather than just technology. Therefore, he believes they could have taken place nowhere else because technology itself is just a product of culture. The values that produced scientific and industrial progress also produced the entire culture of modernity. ecause of these values, Landes says, Western civilization provided better for its people than any other.

The West grew with more wealth, more comfort,…...



Landes, David. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Are Some So Rich and Others So Poor. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998.

American Studies Preface and Conclusion Thomas Jefferson
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

American Studies Preface and Conclusion
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and most of the other Founders of the country did not intend for it to be a democracy with equal rights for all citizens, although some like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine did. Like the Quakers, they were ahead of their time in supporting human rights for blacks and Native Americans, which did not exist in reality during the 18th and 19th Centuries. Racism and discrimination existed in America since the colonial period, long before it became an urban, industrial economy, and at the time the country was founded, almost all blacks were slaves. Nor did the most of the Founders wish to extend equal voting rights to all whites, but only those who owned property. Real democracy in the U.S. came only very gradually, with the granting of equal voting and civil rights to women, minorities and the lower classes, and…...

Inferences and Conclusions
Pages: 4 Words: 1395

settle the (questions)?

How did the author reach the conclusion?

Is there another way to interpret the information? Concepts

What is the main idea?

What are we taking it for granted?

What assumptions have led the author to his/her conclusions?

If someone is accepting the author's position, what would be the implications?

If someone is not accepting the author's position, what would be the implications?


From what point-of-view is the author looking at the issue?

Is there another point-of-view that I should consider?

This paper is review of an article in various perspectives. The review highlights the aims and objectives of the article, the information collected and presented the likely inferences from the article and implications. The purpose of paper is to apply the concepts of article review and analysis on one or few articles.

Article eview

This paper is the review of article Cyber bullying: An old problem in a new guise? written by Marilyn A. Campbell. The paper highlights…...



BBC. 2013. "Understanding Cyber Bullying." Accessed January 30, 2013. 

National Crime Prevention Council. 2001. "Cyber bullying." Accessed January 30, 2013.

The New York Times. 2010. "As Bullies Go Digital, Parents Play Catch-Up." Accessed January 30, 2013.

obesity childhood prenatal conclusion
Pages: 2 Words: 657

Obesity has become a global epidemic, “a complex condition, one with serious social and psychological dimensions, that affects virtually all age and socioeconomic groups and threatens to overwhelm both developed and developing countries,” (WHO, 2018). Because many, if not most, cases of obesity can be prevented and the resulting health problems mitigated, it is important to raise awareness and have a comprehensive public health intervention plan. This research contributes to the growing body of evidence on the importance of public health interventions and especially for preventative care.

Health literacy and other preventative methods can be applied in culturally appropriate ways to tackle the problem of obesity. To be culturally appropriate, public health interventions also need to take into account variables like gender, ethnicity, age, and socioeconomic class: all of which have an influence on how health information is communicated but also on diet and lifestyle norms.

An integrated model has been shown…...

Sensibility and Paul De Man Conclusions Despite
Pages: 7 Words: 1993

Despite the fact that De man was not a trained philosopher his post war theoretical work is majorly concerned with the nature of the subject and the language in addition to the role played by language and subject in the larger epistemological question of how and what one can claim to know. As a scholar in the field of literature, however, he often took his departure from, and kept returning to, the problems that mostly affect literature in terms of language and criticism. De man did some work in literary theory and criticism dating back to 1950s, although this work cannot be associated with any previous school of criticism that were flourishing during that era. (De man 567)

esearch questions

What major theme does Austen bring about in her book 'sense and sensibility'

What styles does she use to build on the major theme?

Theoretical foundation

One obvious reason…...



Moore, Lisa L. Dangerous Intimacies: History of the British Novel. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2000.

O'Farrell, Mary Ann. The Nineteenth-Century English

Novel and the Blush. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1995.

Stoval, Bruce. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. 4th Ed.

Diagnosing Treatment and Drawing Conclusions
Pages: 1 Words: 388

He existing data does not indicate that with the syndromes of the classical illness found in children or adolescents who were studied in a follow up research further persisted into their adulthood. The family history is not necessarily a reliable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents presenting mood changing and behavioral problems due to a definition of the illness that is too broad.
The criteria used to diagnose the bipolar disorder can be met too simply by detecting reckless behavior, irritability, higher levels of energy etc. that although indicators of mania, may or may not be specific enough for diagnosing the illness.

Even if the symptoms occur, according the Consensus Guidelines, in concert, their assessment of frequency, duration and severity are not specific enough. Adult criteria for assessment of children symptoms may also be misleading in diagnosis and choosing the right treatment. The evolution of mood /…...

Gender Bias in Job Fair Summary Conclusions
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Gender Bias in Job Fair
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Terminology and Definitions

Permission to Conduct Study

Transmittal Letter/Survey Instructions

Survey/Interview Questions

Gender Bias in the Recruitment Process at Job Fairs

Administrative Research Problem

Gender bias is problematic for organizations that wish to increase innovation and avoid legal problems due to their hiring practices. Federal law requires that organizations should not exclude persons in their hiring practices based on their gender, race, or ethnicity. Hiring must be based solely on the person's ability and suitability for the job. Avoiding bias helps organizations to increase innovation due to the different perspectives that each person will add to the organization. Bias in hiring practices can be intentional or unintentional. Regardless of the motive, it is necessary to avoid bias in hiring practices. This research intends to explore the question surrounding job fairs. The study will explore the question of whether bias exists during the recruitment process at job fairs.

Research demonstrates that…...

Financial Plan and Conclusion
Pages: 2 Words: 784

Financial Plan and Conclusion 1. Financial Plan
A total of 39,500 will be committed in startup costs. The specific startup items have been described in table 1. Essentially, the flagship startup components are: lighting and studio/sound equipment, opening inventory, operating capital, fees and permits, and FFE. Lighting and studio/sound equipment are inclusive of 8 speakers, 2 amplifiers, 2 cd decks, 2 microphones, 2 switchers, 3 wash moving head lights, 1 LED DJ light, 5 DJ fog machines, 3 laser machines, 1 centerpiece effect DJ light, and other assorted lighting items. The opening inventory, on the other hand, is inclusive of all wine, beer, liquor, and other consumables (non-alcoholic drinks and beverages). The fees and permits component is inclusive of all fees we shall incur such as attorney, consultant, and accountant fees. Lastly, FFEs include, but they are not limited to, foldable chairs and tables, coolers, liquor racks, wine glasses, beer cups, etc.

How is a thesis statement developed?
Words: 316

To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....

How do I write a Professional Journal Article in Psychology?
Words: 117

If you\'re exploring a professional journal article, you can break the article down into different sections to write about. Much like a dissertation is often broken down into the Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion, and Conclusion chapters, your article can be divided so you can work on addressing one segment of it at a time. Walk your readers through the article and explain each area or section, so anyone who reads your paper will have a good understanding of everything the article was trying to say. Depending on your instructor\'s requirements, you may also want to include a section about....

What is a good thesis statement for research paper on airline safety?
Words: 130

Your thesis statement should be bold, but also something you can back up with facts throughout the paper. If you say, for example, that airline travel is becoming more dangerous, you will need statistics to prove that. You might want to focus your thesis on the risks vs. benefits of air travel, instead. You could use a thesis statement like \"despite the recent disasters occurring in the field of air travel, it remains the safest way for people to get from one place to another.\" As for structure, you could have an intro, information about the most recent disasters, what....

What is a good thesis statement on immigration reform?
Words: 366

Based on an understanding of the facts about immigration in the modern-day United States, this would be a good topic for a thesis statement on immigration reform: Modern immigration rules and laws favor immigrants from some countries over others and place a significant financial burden on prospective immigrants and on those who would sponsor them; removing some of those financial burdens would incentivize legal immigration and therefore reduce the number of people seeking to enter the country as undocumented immigrants, helping resolve the country’s undocumented immigrant problem.

Before trying to write a thesis statement about immigration reform, it....

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