Construction Essays (Examples)

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E. Sharpe, Inc., 1997.
Gambatese, John a. "Liability in designing for construction worker safety." Journal of Architectural Engineering: September 1998: 107-112.

Gitter, obert J. "Wage Subsidy Programs in Apprenticeship Training in the Construction Industry." Journal of Vocational and Technical Education Fall 1985: 3-10.

Gould, John P. And Bittlingmayer, George. The Economics of the Davis-Bacon Act: An Analysis of Prevailing-Wage Laws. Washington D.C.: American Enterprise Institute of Public Policy esearch, 1980.

Korman, ichard, Kohn, David and et. al. "The jokes are very funny anymore." EN 7 Sept. 1998: 26.

Krizan, William G. And Winston, Sherie. "Craft Work is tough on bodies." EN, 27 May 1996.

Lund, John. "Union owned or sponsored building trades cooperatives: a review of labor law issues." Labor Law Journal. October 1990: 685-93.

Maloney, William F. Employee Involvement in Construction. The University of Michigan, March 1961.

Miscimarra, Philip a. And Altschul, Andrew M. "The Town and Country case: legal issues and implications." Journal of Labor esearch….

Building Materials

If one is going to build a home or a business, one needs good materials with which to construct those dwellings. However, most of the materials that are used in construction projects in Iran are far from meeting international standards (Babai, 2011). They are of a low quality, and they do not hold up in the way that they would if high quality materials had been used. Many of the designers and others who are in charge of recommending and/or purchasing materials for the construction projects are faced with conflicting feelings about what they are using. They know that the items are substandard, but they have to meet a deadline and a budget. There is no room in that budget for materials that meet international standards, because they are much more costly. It is also not possible to order other materials that are better and wait for them to….

"Brainstorming, scenario planning, and expert interviews is the tools highway engineers commonly use in routine engineering and construction management tasks." (U.S. Department f Transportation 2007 P. 2). Table 3 reveals the summary of the tools and technique in the risk identification process.
Table 3: isk identification tools and techniques




Project description

Work breakdown structure (WBS)

Cost estimate

Construction schedule

Procurement plan

Team issues and concerns

Historic data


Final project reports

isk response plans

Organized lessons learned

Published commercial databases

Academic studies


Scenario planning

Expert interviews

Nominal group methods

Delphi methods

Crawford slip methods

Influence or risk diagramming

1.7: isk analysis

isk analysis is the process of identifying and quantification risk factors as well as estimating the likelihood of the impact of the risks in the construction lifecycle. El-Gafy (2008) argues that risk analysis is needed in order to determine the potential impact of risks. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques are used for the risk analysis, however, qualitative approach consumes more information and there is a need to gather….

This would help to cut costs, and was seen as a significant problem as evidenced by the table on page 2. Another important issue was the consequences of using construction material that is substandard, meaning that the materials may be more difficult to work with and they not be as reliable and durable. Most individuals did not want to use these products, but there are often no other choices. These substandard materials cause delays in construction, increasing costs, failures, and continued problems after construction that can be disastrous. Many companies use substandard materials, also, because they prefer to cut costs - but this often does not work the way they had hoped and can result in significant problems in the future.
There are many sanctions against Iran, and those are also not helping the construction industry in that country. According to those who participated in the study and answered that….

In addition, Sound Transit has installed eight sensing devices for the building, including probes that would register any soil shifting at the tunnel depth.
Such alerts would allow Sound Transit time to apply extra grout between the tunnel and the apartment building's basement.

6. Output Analysis and Discussion

Here, Sound Transit has taken reasonable and economically feasible precautions to reduce the risk of damage from soil sliding. At this point, the remaining hazards come from uncontrollable environmental factors, such as earthquakes and heavy rainfall, all of which are known to cause landslides and mudslides in the city of Seattle. Another factor which could cause damage to surface property is contractor negligence, for example when a contractor drills in a manner or pace which cumulates in excessive vibration and stress on surface structures.

7. Recommendation of the Improvement

In order to mitigate against uncontrollable environmental factors, Sound Transit should make sure that it has insurance….

Construction Contracting

THIS PARTNERING AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), is entered into on ____, by and between Capitol Home Improvement, LLC ("Capital Home Improvement") and The KEIMA CONSTRUCTION Corporation ("KEIMA CONSTRUCTION").

WHEREAS, KEIMA CONSTRUCTION represents that it has expertise in the area of [specify area of expertise of which partner is sought], and is ready, willing, and able to provide assistance in that area to CAPITOL HOME IMPROVEMENT and to the client of CAPITOL HOME IMPROVEMENT (the "Client") on the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, CAPITOL HOME IMPROVEMENT, in reliance on KEIMA CONSTRUCTION's representations, is willing to engage KEIMA CONSTRUCTION as an independent contractor, and not as an employee, partner or joint venturer, on the terms and conditions set forth herein; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the obligations herein made and undertaken, the parties, intending to be legally bound, covenant and agree as follows:

Section 1



This is exactly the same case as the cladding stones used in covering the pyramids, if we use the same technique.
We would break the quarry stone into pieces, move it to the construction site, and put the pieces back exactly as they were in the quarry. This method required the stones to be marked or numbered at the quarry in such a way that enabled putting them back together in the correct order at the construction site. The stones were arranged exactly as they were cut from the quarry but flipped (turned upside down) to hide the cutting marks under the stones (Halim).

Construction Utilizing Large Labor Force was Plausible

Petrie, one of the first great modern Egyptologists, thought that the huge labor force the Greek historian Herodotus reported (100,000 men) to have been used for the construction of the Great Pyramid was plausible. In his view, which continues to have….

Construction Management
Construction sites are inherently dangerous places. Construction insurance, then, is critical to reducing liability risks and protecting assets during a project. It allows an organization to reasonably safeguard interests in the work. Adequate insurance provides protection against property damage and worker related injury (Agron 1998, pp.267). Myriad coverage options are available, spanning a multitude of potential problems. This analysis is designed to provide basic information concerning construction risks faced by City Hall and the insurance coverages available to respond to these risks.

Risk Management and Insurance Considerations

For the Victoria City Hall restoration project, the importance of leadership cannot be overstated. Formalized approaches to understanding, analyzing and managing risk are necessary. Quality assurance checks should be embedded into the overall project management plan and communicated to all project members. The primary goal is to limit exposure to various operational risks that can cause damage or loss to assets, or hinder City….

Daily Field Construction Report

DeMatteis/Turner Construction Site



Report No:


Temperature Conditions a.MP.M

Low Temperature: |_| Partly Cloudy . |_|

High Temperature: 50F |_| Cloudy |_|

|_| Windy |_|

Notes ? |X| Rain |X|

|_| Snow |_|

|_| Other ? |_|


Total Total Total

Abatement ? Field Staff ? Plasterers 1 Others: (list trade)

Balancing ? Finish Carpenters 1 Plumbers ? 1 safety officer ?

Carpenters 7 Flooring ? Roofers 1 laborer

Caulking ? Insulator ? Sheet metal

Ceiling Iron Workers ? Sheet rockers/Tapers

Concrete Finishers ? Laborers 12 Sprinkler 2

Control ? Landscapers ? Tile Setters ?

DDC ? Masons ? Watchmen ?

Electricians ? Operators ? Windows 2

Elevator ? Painters Totals:

Visitors to the site

There were few casual visitors to the site, which is of no special interest to tourists. However, there were a few onlookers who observed the site from safe points established by the contractor. Besides students, there were visiting members of the contractor team such as off-site supervisors, engineers, and other supervisors. Day laborers comprised….

5.4: Accept

Bullring team accepted some risks; however, the company developed the effective cost and schedule strategies to manage these risks. For example, the company allotted sufficient fund to militate against risks associated with the project costs and schedule. Table 2 presents the compressive list all the risks deemed to affect the outcome of the Bullring project.

Table 2: Associated isks on the Project

Cost elated isks:

Index Scores

Tight project schedule


Design variations


Project variations from the client


Unsuitable construction project's program planning


Occurrence of dispute


Price inflation of project construction materials


Excessive approval procedures within the administrative government departments


Incomplete approval of document and other documents


Incomplete and inaccurate cost estimate


Inadequate program scheduling


Time elated isks:

Index Scores

Tight project schedule


Design variations


Excessive approval procedures within the administrative government departments


Variations by the client


Incomplete approval of documents and other documents


Unsuitable construction project's program planning


Inadequate program scheduling


Bureaucracy of government


High performance and quality expectations


Variations of construction project's program


Quality related risks:

Index Scores

Tight project schedule


Inadequate program scheduling


Unsuitable construction program project….

Minimum provisions also include the estimated time frame for construction and completion of a project, description of the work necessary to complete the project, the exact dollar amount of payment including taxes involved, as well as any necessary deposits or progressive payments desired by one or both parties involved.
One of the most important pieces of a contract is the section concerning what to do in the event of changes to the original order. Construction sites are prone to unforeseen events and necessary changes which develop after the onset of building has already commenced, despite how thorough and well drawn out the contract involving that project might be. Changes can occur for a variety of reasons, including unexpected difficulties at the build site, design problems, and owner initiated changes. The importance of the Order Change section of each project is to ensure that any necessary changes will be dealt with….

Chapman (2001) equated the dangers explained within the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency Publication "Management of Project isk" into the design threats that included however were not restricted to "trouble in catching and pointing out the individual requirements," "problem of approximating the time and resources needed to finish the design," "trouble of gauging development throughout the advancement of the design." Chapman likewise specified that the design group's thorough expertise of the sources of danger can considerably affect the recognition of threats in the design stage of a project. Abdou (1996) further categorized the different construction dangers into 3 teams, i.e. construction finance, construction time and construction design, and dealt with these threats in light of the various contractual associations that exist amongst the useful entities associated with the design, advancement and construction of a project.
Threat category is a considerable action in the risk management procedure, as it tries to….

Construction Performance
In the construction industry, a large majority of the work that is performed is completed by members of a closely knit group of individuals that form a construction union. With a modest contribution to union membership dues, members are entitled to a variety of benefits, including competitive wages, healthcare benefits, and other incidentals. As a result, it is most feasible for construction employees to join the local union rather than to serve as independent workers, or what are commonly known as field employees.

In a competitive economic society, construction projects are quite significant sources of revenue and income for field experts, regardless of their union affiliation. However, those that decide to join the union designated for the construction industry will find that their privileges are enhanced, their rights are better protected, and their wages are more competitive. As a result, these individuals are more likely to actively engage their responsibilities,….

Construction Safety Issues: Wind and Solar-Array Farms
As the world's population continues to increase dramatically from the existing six billion people to more than nine billion by mid-century and global supplies of oil and gas continue to be depleted, the search for renewable sources of energy has become pronounced and even desperate. In response, wind and solar-array farms are being installed in countries around the world to help satisfy the growing demand for energy, especially the demand for renewable energy resources. To identify potential construction safety issues involved the large equipment; cranes and dirt moving equipment used in these projects as well as the potential electrical hazards that are routinely encountered, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature, followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

A number of renewable energy resources are being deployed around the world, including solar, wind, biomass, hydrogen….

Construction of a Collective Memory etween Jewish and Islamic Turks
Assmann (2001) writes that sociologist Maurice Halbwachs and Aby Warburg, art historian developed two theories of "collective or social memory." (p.125) Assmann states of collective or social memory that the "…specific character that a person derives from belonging to a distinct society and culture is not seen to maintain itself for generations as a result of phylogenetic evolution, but rather as a result of socialization and customs." (2001, p.125) The cultural survival of this group or type of what Assmann refers to as a "pseudo-species" is stated to be a "function of cultural memory." (2001, p.125)

Cultural Memory

Cultural memory is defined as a concept "through a double delimitation that distinguishes it first, "from what we can communicative or everyday memory which in the narrower sense of our usage lacks cultural characteristics; and secondly, "from science which does not have the characteristics of….

The first thing you need to do is understand what a theme is.  A theme is an idea in a movie.  Many people think of themes as the main idea, but a movie may have a central theme and several other themes.  If you are not sure how to identify a movie’s theme, think about the things in a movie that you want to talk about after you watch it or that leave you thinking about the movie. While themes can spur a number of different discussions, you should be able to describe the them concisely, generally....

Building a greenhouse is a great way to ensure you have a steady supply of fresh vegetables, fresh flowers, or just beautiful houseplants.  Greenhouses can be built in a variety of different locations from the backyard to space stations.  Determining how to construct your greenhouse depends on what you are growing, wear you are located, and your access to materials.

Here is a list of potential research topics for greenhouse plant materials:

  1. Are metal frames superior to other frames for greenhouse construction, and does the answer to this question depend on the environment outside the greenhouse, the....

In turn-of-the-century America, there were some major civil rights advances for some groups, while other groups saw no advances in their civil rights and even saw advances that had been made begin to erode.  The time period was well after the end of the Reconstruction era and the beginning of Jim Crow laws, the rise of the suffragette movement, and a continued assault on rights for Native Americans.  There was also a significant increase in anti-Asian discrimination. Here are some suggested titles and thesis statements for an essay about civil rights in this era.

Essay Title....

There are a number of different counseling theories that mental health professionals can use when working with a client.  The choice of counseling theory is often a question of personal preference for the practitioner; most counselors or therapists are trained in a particular approach and default to that approach for most clients.  However, individual client needs can also dictate the type of counseling approach that a therapist chooses.  Some approaches are not suitable for use with some clients, while some different theories and approaches have great track records with certain types of....

5 Pages
Case Study


Construction Industry in Iran -

Words: 1766
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

E. Sharpe, Inc., 1997. Gambatese, John a. "Liability in designing for construction worker safety." Journal of Architectural Engineering: September 1998: 107-112. Gitter, obert J. "Wage Subsidy Programs in Apprenticeship Training in…

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10 Pages
Literature Review


Construction Industry in Iran Problems

Words: 3643
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Building Materials If one is going to build a home or a business, one needs good materials with which to construct those dwellings. However, most of the materials that are…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Construction Project Risk Management Objective

Words: 2429
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

"Brainstorming, scenario planning, and expert interviews is the tools highway engineers commonly use in routine engineering and construction management tasks." (U.S. Department f Transportation 2007 P. 2). Table…

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5 Pages
Data Analysis Chapter


Construction Industry in Iran Current

Words: 1400
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Data Analysis Chapter

This would help to cut costs, and was seen as a significant problem as evidenced by the table on page 2. Another important issue was the consequences of…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Construction Risk Management of Channel

Words: 1856
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, Sound Transit has installed eight sensing devices for the building, including probes that would register any soil shifting at the tunnel depth. Such alerts would allow Sound…

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2 Pages


Construction Contracting Partnering Agreement This Partnering Agreement

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Construction Contracting PARTNERING AGREEMENT THIS PARTNERING AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), is entered into on ____, by and between Capitol Home Improvement, LLC ("Capital Home Improvement") and The KEIMA CONSTRUCTION Corporation ("KEIMA CONSTRUCTION"). WHEREAS,…

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4 Pages


Construction of the Ancient Pyramids

Words: 1290
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

This is exactly the same case as the cladding stones used in covering the pyramids, if we use the same technique. We would break the quarry stone into pieces,…

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2 Pages


Construction Management Construction Sites Are Inherently Dangerous

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Construction Management Construction sites are inherently dangerous places. Construction insurance, then, is critical to reducing liability risks and protecting assets during a project. It allows an organization to reasonably safeguard…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Construction Daily Field Construction Report Dematteis Turner Construction

Words: 883
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Construction Daily Field Construction Report DeMatteis/Turner Construction Site Contractor: DeMatteis/Turner Report No: Weather Temperature Conditions a.MP.M Low Temperature: |_| Partly Cloudy . |_| High Temperature: 50F |_| Cloudy |_| |_| Windy |_| Notes ? |X| Rain |X| |_| Snow |_| |_|…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Construction Project Risk Management Risk

Words: 2900
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

5.4: Accept Bullring team accepted some risks; however, the company developed the effective cost and schedule strategies to manage these risks. For example, the company allotted sufficient fund to militate…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Construction Contract Composing a Contract

Words: 2830
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Minimum provisions also include the estimated time frame for construction and completion of a project, description of the work necessary to complete the project, the exact dollar amount…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Construction Project Risk Management the

Words: 2876
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Chapman (2001) equated the dangers explained within the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency Publication "Management of Project isk" into the design threats that included however were not restricted…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Construction Performance in the Construction Industry a

Words: 1312
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Construction Performance In the construction industry, a large majority of the work that is performed is completed by members of a closely knit group of individuals that form a construction…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Construction Safety Issues Wind and Solar-Array Farms

Words: 908
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Construction Safety Issues: Wind and Solar-Array Farms As the world's population continues to increase dramatically from the existing six billion people to more than nine billion by mid-century and global…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

Construction of a Collective Memory Between Jewish

Words: 2483
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Construction of a Collective Memory etween Jewish and Islamic Turks Assmann (2001) writes that sociologist Maurice Halbwachs and Aby Warburg, art historian developed two theories of "collective or social memory."…

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