Consumer Psychology Essays (Examples)

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How to Use Consumer Psychology to Increase Advertising Response
Pages: 10 Words: 3281

Consumer Psychology
In today's world, more than ever before, global business has grown to rely heavily on the influential effects of advertising. Consumers are persuaded to part with billions of dollars every day in exchange for product and services that advertising has brought to their attention. Yet, despite the awareness of the advertising that surrounds them, the vast majority of consumers remain ignorant of the intensive research and psychological methodology that lies behind the multitude of ads, brochures, sales letters, and newspaper/magazine adverts. Psychology has long been associated with advertising, and teams of skilled consumer psychologists routinely consult with ad agencies to assist them in constructing adverts that will powerfully affect consumers on a psychological, even subconscious, level. Understanding these concepts of human psychology and their practical applications can help a company to improve sales, and aid consumers to gain an increased understanding of marketing strategies.

Persuasion lies at the heart of…...


Whereas the majority of advertising techniques adopt a peripheral route to persuasion, the inoculation theory is designed to encourage a central route. When correctly utilized, this strategy requires the consumer to use active cognitive thought in defense of their consumer attitudes and decisions, thus affirming their choice.

The technique works by presenting a weak attack on the consumer's attitudes and behavior, which forces them to actively defend their personal decisions and values. By attacking the consumer's personal ideas and decisions, the strategy encourages them to use cognitive thought in an effort to defend them. This process of active thinking involves the use of powerful psychological concepts, such as consistency and the avoidance of dissonance which, according to the studies of Cooper & Fazio (A New Look at Dissonance, 1984) and Cotton (Cognitive Dissonance in Selective Exposure, 1985) cause the consumer to strengthen their belief in their existing attitudes and consumer behavior.

The crucial concept in this technique is that the attack is weak, as a strong attack runs the risk of having the opposite effect and weakening, or changing the consumer's attitudes. This is a strategy that is becoming increasingly adopted by advertisers, who publicize competitors' criticisms of their company and turn them to their advantage in the form of weak attacks which, by means of inoculation theory, serves to reinforce and ensure their consumers' loyalty.

How to Use Principles of Consumer Psychology to Increase Advertising Response
Pages: 20 Words: 5884

Consumer Psychology
Persuasion lies at the heart of successful advertising and marketing campaigns. In attempting to persuade individuals and groups, advertising agencies and social psychologists face the enormous difficulty of changing attitudes. The following technique achieves attitude change by manipulating the underlying beliefs.

Changing Beliefs.

Although consumer attitudes are notoriously resistant to change, this technique achieves it through switching the focus of its attack away from the attitudes themselves and onto the underlying beliefs. This can be done in a variety of ways. The most difficult approach is attempting to change currently held beliefs, as human psychology dictates that even if our beliefs are inaccurate or inconsistent they are always strongly held and resistant to change. In order to influence beliefs, advertisers use images and statistics that appeal either to emotions, such as fear, humor, or guilt, or to the consumer's intellect, through factual evidence and examples. In this way, the technique is…...

Consumer Subjective Personal Introspection of Your Own
Pages: 5 Words: 1839

Consumer subjective personal introspection of your own buying behavior, and to relate this to the notion of products as extensions of the self and consumer behaviour theory.
buying behaviour

Subjective personal introspection of your own buying behaviour as an extension of the self and consumer behaviour theory

It has been noted in many studies on consumer behaviour that the products that the individual purchases are very often closely linked to the identity and values of that individual. Consumer behaviour has been defined as, "The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives (e.g., brands, products, and retailers)"and "The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture, family, signs, media)..." (Lerner).

In other words, the products that one purchases are in essence often seen as an extension of one's self. This means that the customer purchasing behaviour is often best understood in terms of the…...



Bloom P. et al. (2006). How Social-Cause Marketing Affects Consumer Perceptions. Mit Sloan Management Review, vol.47, no.2, viewed 28 February, 2012,,%20Hoeffler,%20Keller,%20Meza%5D.pdf.

'Brand image: definition', viewed 28 February, 2012, 

Burnett, J 2008.CoreConcepts of Marketing, viewed 28 February, 2012, Date of access: 1 Nov. 2011.

Copely, P 2004. Marketing communications management: concepts & theories, cases & practices, Elsevier, Oxford.

Psychology Financial Decision-Making and Management of Household
Pages: 8 Words: 2652

The main purpose of this research study is to understand the psychology of decision-making and management of households with respect to Arab students living abroad. The study will take into consideration the impact of the difference in culture and also the influence of such culture in dealing with bank interest. The research model used in this study is the addition of a moderating variable. The data will be collected through questionnaires that will be designed, piloted, and distributed to the target population. Questionnaires will be designed in a way that can manage to gather accurate information on the aspects of psychology, financial decision-making and management of households. It is expected that the construction of accounts subsequent to considering the ambiguous expense, classification of expenses into different categories and psychology of belief in Islamic law, have a positive relationship with the level of spending and financial decision-making. Secondly, classification of expenses…...

Psychology Financial Decision-Making and Household Management
Pages: 9 Words: 2724

Psychology, Financial Decision-Making, and Household Management
Reason for Selecting Subject

The reason I chose this subject is that in the recent times, the aspect of financial education and understanding has become a contentious and significant one. Its importance has been realized largely because there is increasing intricacy of financial products and also the increasing accountability and liability of people with respect to their own financial well-being. It is imperative to note that knowledgeable, financially educated customers are more capable of making proper decisions for their households and as a result are better suited to enhance their economic and financial security and welfare (Hilgert and Hogarth, 2003). What is more, in accordance to behavioral economics, psychology plays a significant role in the financial and economic decisions made within the household. For instance, consumers with a great amount of money will spend less as compared to consumers with smaller amounts. The same case applies…...

Consumer Behavior advertising and cultural appeal
Pages: 5 Words: 1590

1. Propose a type of message appeal to be used in the advertising, making sure to explain the rationale behind the appeal
Advertising message appeals purpose to impact the manner in which consumers perceive themselves and how purchasing particular products can end up being advantageous to them. The message communicated through advertising appeals impacts the buying decisions and patterns of consumers. The type of message appeal to be used in the advertising is the masculine/feminine appeal. This appeal is deemed to be the most ideal for the reason that it seeks particularly to depict the ideal male or female to consumers who aspire to attain society’s and their individual ideal view of being a man or woman. Secondly, this appeal is particularly common when the product being sold, such as this one is purposed to either men or women. In addition, more often than not, this appeal has a tendency of…...

Psychology of Learning Summarize a
Pages: 2 Words: 987

The U.S. would be the attractive woman, minimally dressed, as well as the snake which sometime represents male reproductive prowess. The UR would be a general feeling of sexual excitement targeted toward men but could be experienced by either gender. The brand of vodka is the CS while the intended CR is a feeling of sexual excitement when viewing the brand.
Figure 1 - Smirnoff Ad (Crooked Brains, 2012)

3.How could stimulus control be used in the following behavior-modification programs? Be sure to describe the specific procedures that must be implemented in order for the treatment to work.

1. To treat drug abuse

This one is difficult because drug abuse has intrinsic conditioning already associated with it. After a drug user takes a drug, the sense of euphoria often becomes associated with the drug itself. Therefore, when a user simply sees the drug they could experience some euphoria. However, if a the CS…...


Works Cited

Crooked Brains. (2012, December 29). 20 Creative Smirnoff Advertisments. Retrieved from Crooked Brains: 

Experiment Resouirces. (N.d.). Classical Conditioning. Retrieved from Experiment Resources: 

Prize, N. (2001, May 15). Pavlov's Dog. Retrieved from Nobel Prize:

Psychology Mental Health Recovery Program
Pages: 6 Words: 1748

One of the best things about the WAP program is the flexibility that it has. Every patient has their own individual needs that need to be met by a recovery program. Most recovery programs are very rigid and to not have much give to them. The WAP program is just the opposite. It allows each patient to recover at their own rate and using the best resources available to them.
The flexibility that the WAP program allows each patient to have helps to reinforce the idea of self-management recovery. This is so important is giving each patient the responsibility for their own recovery. Empowering each patient to design and implement their own recovery helps to ensure that they will follow through and be successful in recovering.


Davidson, Laurie. (2005). ecovery, self-management and the expert patient - Changing the culture of mental health from a UK perspective. Journal of Mental Health, 14(1),…...



Davidson, Laurie. (2005). Recovery, self-management and the expert patient - Changing the culture of mental health from a UK perspective. Journal of Mental Health, 14(1), 25-35.

Dewa, Carolyn S., Hoch, Jeffrey S., Carmen, Glenn, Guscott, Richard, and Anderson, Chris.

(2009). Cost, Effectiveness, and Cost-Effectiveness of a Collaborative Mental Health

Care Program for People Receiving Short-Term Disability Benefits for Psychiatric

Psychology of Consumer Behavior
Pages: 4 Words: 1248

Psychology of Consumer Behavior
Consumer perspectives on the emerging culture of consumption in Singapore

b) Introduction

The consumption style of consumers alludes to the mental approach or orientation a purchaser has towards settling on decisions. Although purchaser choice making style depicts a consistent trend of affective and cognitive responses, national culture has been demonstrated to have an effect on individual attitudes and values. In this way, culture has a noteworthy impact on consumption trend in Singapore (Mooij & Mooij, 2011). This study will embrace buyer research into consumption styles to improve comprehension of how culture shapes consumption trends across Singapore. Primarily, this study will evaluate and confirm to the identified Singaporean culture. Minimal research analyzes cultural factors shaping buyer decision making. There is confirmation of cultural aspects in the purchaser's styles of making choices for fashion although no study has covered if this impact extends to the purchase of general goods.

In any globalized…...



Gelfand, M.J., Chiu, C., & Hong, Y. (2011). Advances in culture and psychology: Volume 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mooij, M.K., & Mooij, M.K. (2011). Consumer behavior and culture: Consequences for global marketing and advertising. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Psychology of Consumer Behavior
Pages: 4 Words: 1197

Psychology of Consumer Behavior
Over the last several years, the issue of compulsive buying has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because a number of individuals are making decisions that are not considered to be financially prudent. Instead, they are based the person feeling good about their purchase in the short-term. This is giving them a sense of emotional satisfaction. However, in the longer periods of time, is when these kinds of decisions can lead to varying financial consequences. As a result, marketers are more likely to target specific segments that are considered to be impulsive.

Two specific groups that were often perused include women and younger adults. This is because a number of studies were indicating, how these two segments are more than likely to engage in compulsive shopping. The main reason why is because women and young adults were often the focus of their surveys. This made the…...



Men, Women have Similar Rates. (2006). Stanford School of Medicine. Retrieved from:

What is Comparative Effectiveness Research. (2012). AHRQ. Retrieved from:

Psychology of Consumer Behavior
Pages: 4 Words: 1325

Psychology of Consumer Behavior
The research into how young women perceive their own bodies -- in response to constant exposure to media images of un-naturally thin and extraordinarily beautiful females -- has been a popular topic for many years. But when it comes to male models that are nearly perfect, handsome and muscular in exactly the right places, there has not been as much attention or research. This paper reviews the potential of -- and reality of -- dissatisfaction in males based on the media's model images of males.

Body Image for Males -- Background

Annette La Greca is Professor of Psychology at the University of Miami and Gerald Koocher is the Dean of the School for Health Studies at Simmons College. As co-authors of The Parents' Guide to Psychological First Aid: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Predictable Life Crises they assert that the research for body dissatisfaction among youth has "focuses…...


Works Cited

Cassell, Dana K, and Gleaves, David H. (2009). The Encyclopedia of Obesity and Eating

Disorders, Third Edition. New York: Infobase Publishing.

Grogan, Sarah. (2007). Body Image: Understanding Body Dissatisfaction in Men, Women, and Children. Florence, KY: Taylor & Francis.

Koocher, Gerald P., and La Greca, Annette. (2010). The Parents' Guide to Psychological First

Consumer Behavior - Branding the
Pages: 8 Words: 2754

As Farrell (June 14, 2000) states: "The idea is to make milk the "cool" drink. The "mustache" still runs, with current stars such as Britney Spears." The success of such milk advertising to teens, it seems, represents an especially skillful endeavor, since milk is otherwise so much (and traditionally) associated with babyhood and early childhood, life stages (and self-images and reflections by others) that teens in particular generally yearn to leave far behind. Moreover, the considerable success of the "milk mustache" campaign proves very well the fact that just about anything can be successfully marketed to teens, as long as it is marketed to them with enough imagination, research, and skill (and with plenty of advertising dollars).
Some advertising for teens is also currently undergoing some interesting media changes, internationally. Within one global mega-conglomerate, Coca Cola, according to Foust (March 1, 2004):

Coke has diverted money into new initiatives that allow…...



Farrell, G. (June 14, 2000). Milk does a body good, but ads do the industry even better. USA today. Money Section. 7b. Retrieved October 14, 2005, from


Foust, D. (March 1, 2004). Coke: Wooing the TiVo generation. Business week online. Retrieved October 15, 2004, at   / magazine/content/04_09/b3872088.htm. 

Grimaldi, V. (2005).What is branding? Retrieved October

Consumer Decision Making Consumer Behavior
Pages: 3 Words: 901

Alternative evaluation: At this instance, the customer evaluates the brands and products that are in their suggested set. Customers appraise substitutes in terms of the practical and psychological reimbursement that they present. The marketing association wants to recognize what benefits customers for what they are looking for and then which features are most significant in provisions of making a choice. The related inner psychological procedure that is linked with the alternative evaluation phase is attitude configuration. Note that attitudes are studies tendency towards an item. Attitudes include both cognitive and affective fundamentals that are together what an individual think and how they become aware of something. The multi-characteristic attitude form clarifies how customers evaluate alternatives on a series of characteristics. For a firm, identification for a number of tactics is necessary which can be worn to control it. Lastly, there are a variety of methods that customers relate to this…...



Grunert, K.C. (1988). Research in Consumer Behavior: Beyond Attitudes and Decision Making. European Research.

Chisnall, P.M. (1992). Marketing: A Behavioral Analysis. London: McGraw-Hill.

Consumer Choice Behavioral Economics
Pages: 5 Words: 1763

Thus the indifference curve II passing through D. must have a negative slope. It is generally assumed that such curves are convex to the origin.
Now I-I is a particular indifference curve. We may think of the consumption of any bundle of goods on it as yielding a particular level of satisfaction, or utility, to the consumer. However there are indifference curves passing through every point on figure 2, each one negatively sloped and each one convex to the origin. Those which pass through points above and to the right of D. link

Indifference curves that cross are incompatible with the assumption that consumers order bundles of goods consistently.

Up bundles of goods that yield higher levels of satisfaction than those on I-I and those below and to the left yield lower levels of satisfaction. Such curves can never cross one another, for this would violate the rationality assumption. Consider figure 3…...



Bailey, M.J., The Marshallian Demand Curve, Journal of Political Economy, June 1994, reprinted in Breit and Hochman (op. cit).

Hicks, J.R., Value and Capital (2nd edition), New York (Oxford University Press) 1946, Chs 1-3.

Marshall, A., Principles of Economics (8th edition), London (Macmillan) 1936, Book 3.

Skurski, Roger. New Directions in Economic Justice. University of Notre Dame Press, 1983.

Consumer Behavior When You Are
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

Product use is usually a great interest to those in marketing, as this information can be used to best position a product for increased sales (Lars Perner, 2008). Using the Theory of Planned Behavior and the idea of perceived behavioral control, you can see how these advertisements hope to influence the consumers purchasing decisions. They are hoping that they will buy their product not based upon the idea of simply just buying the product, but the feelings that they will have about buying the product. They want the consumer to buy the product in order to have a nice smelling house. All three of these products have the same end result, a nice smelling house. It is the delivery of the nice smell that is different among each product.
The manufacture is counting on the fact that the consumer will buy the product because it will produce the end result…...


Works Cited

Mehrmann, John. Executive Blueprints. 2007. 9 March 2009. "Why People Buy. 

Perner, Lars. USC Marshall. 2008. 9 March 2009. "Consumer Behavior: The Psychology of Marketing.  

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Advertising?
Words: 479

1. The Impact of Digital Advertising on Consumer Behavior

Analyze the evolution of digital advertising channels and their impact on consumer preferences.
Explore the ways in which digital advertising personalizes the shopping experience and influences purchasing decisions.
Discuss the ethical implications of targeted advertising and data privacy concerns.

2. The Role of Neuroscience in Advertising

Describe how advancements in neuroscience have deepened our understanding of consumer psychology.
Examine the techniques used by advertisers to tap into emotional responses and cognitive biases.
Discuss the emerging field of neuromarketing and its potential to revolutionize advertising practices.

3. The Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing

Define the....

How do short brand stories on packaging impact purchase intention of natural cosmetics?
Words: 1142

Short brand stories on packaging play a significant role in influencing consumers purchase intention of natural cosmetics. These stories provide valuable information about the brands values, mission, and ingredients, creating a connection between the consumer and the product. Numerous studies have shown the impact of storytelling on consumer behavior, with many consumers preferring brands that tell a compelling story. In the context of natural cosmetics, where consumers are increasingly seeking transparency and authenticity, brand stories can help differentiate products and build trust with customers.

Research in consumer behavior has shown that emotions play a critical role in purchasing decisions. Brand....

How do short brand stories on packaging impact purchase intention of natural cosmetics?
Words: 730

Storytelling through Packaging: A Literature Review


In today's competitive cosmetic industry, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to differentiate themselves and capture consumer attention. One effective approach that has gained prominence is the use of storytelling through packaging. By incorporating short, compelling narratives into their packaging designs, brands can engage consumers on an emotional level, enhance brand recall, and ultimately drive purchase intention. This literature review investigates the effectiveness of short brand stories on packaging, focusing on natural cosmetics.

The Impact of Storytelling on Consumer Behavior

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can influence perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. By creating narratives....

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