Continuing Education Essays (Examples)

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hythm interpretation
My project on the need for ongoing education of CLC nurses on heart rhythm interpretation relates to previous material from the course because of its focus upon continuing education as a critical aspect of improving high-quality care for patients. hythm interpretation is far from an intuitive skill and is inadequately addressed by most nurse's initial educational efforts. Experience is an important component of improving rhythm interpretations and a continuing education course provides nurses with a 'safe space' to work on this skill without affecting patient's lives while they are still learning. Knowledge about this area of practice is constantly evolving and keeping abreast of new developments is essential. As noted in the introduction to one online continuing education course: "the [electrocardiogram] ECG is a valuable diagnostic tool for the healthcare provider whether they are a doctor, nurse, or specialist in cardiac rehabilitation. Understanding the ECG enables the healthcare….

, 2001; Huddleston & Unwin, 2002). How do educational facilities and other entities address these concerns? They have to recreate programs so continuing education candidates see them in a new light. They have to promote continuing education as a tool that provides indidivuals with more opportunities, whether those opportunities involve earning more money, securing a promotion or providing better quality service (Gates, Augustine & Benjamin, et al., 2001).
With regard to changes in practice behavior related to continuing education, changes in practice behavior should occur in all continuing education facilities rather than some continuing education facilities. Changes that must occur must include incorporating a more diverse selection of courses that reflect modern-day needs. Continuing education facilities must also commit to providing consumers with the best quality service possible. They must appeal to the potential student's intrinsic needs. These needs may vary. The best way to find out what students may want….

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy
My strengths outweigh my weaknesses in personal and professional accountability. On this front, I am actively pursuing continuing education, which gives me to the tools to advance both in understanding of the field and in the workplace environment. I am planning my career along these lines. One of my weaknesses lies in doing the annual self-assessment, which I need to be better about doing and am making a resolution now in my action plan to do this every year so as to turn this weakness into a strength.

In terms of career planning, I am looking at possibilities about where I want to be in the next 5 to 10 years and evaluating options. Career-wise, decisions must be made on the basis of where I am in my continuing education and what the needs of my family are and where we are at as a whole. I….

Learning Journals in Higher and Continuing Education
The study by Langer (2002) exploring the use of learning journals in higher and continuing education presents new data that may challenge the existing paradigm in the area. This critique focuses on assessing the robustness of the study by examining the problem the author considers and the methodology employed to answer any questions raised. The literature that the author reviews becomes an important consideration since it provides a framework against which the work is examined. The results and findings of the author are discussed as they provide ample support for the conclusions the author posits. This examination will demonstrate that meaningful qualitative work can make a salient contribution to the development of knowledge in any discipline.

esearch Question/Problem

In this study the author considers a novel problem which speaks to a central concern of adult learners. The substantive question that is answered by the study….

The Importance of Professional Associates in NursingIntroductionA nurse is part of a profession that is constantly evolving. From new treatments and technologies to changes in the way care is delivered, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest developments (Monroe, 2019). This is where professional nursing associations can make a big difference. By providing nurses with access to educational resources, networking opportunities, and advocacy support, nursing associations help nurses stay at the forefront of their profession. In addition, many nursing associations offer insurance programs and other benefits that can save nurses time and money. Whether a nurse is looking for ways to further a career or simply wants to stay up-to-date on the latest news, joining a professional nursing association is a great way to do it.The ANAThe American Nurses Association (ANA) is a professional organization for nurses of all specialties. The ANA is the largest professional organization….

Education for Economy Theory as it elates to Adult Education
In an economy motivated by improvement and information, in marketplaces betrothed in powerful opposition and steady regeneration, in a world of incredible chances and risks, in a culture facing multifaceted business, political, scientific, technological, health and environmental challenges, and in diverse workplaces and neighborhoods that center on mutual associations and social networking, the cleverness, nimbleness and skills of the American people are vital to U.S. competitiveness (21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness, 2008).

Education economics is the study of economic matters as they relate to education, comprising the demand for education and the funding and condition of education. The leading model of the demand for education is founded on human capital theory. The main idea is that undertaking education is an investment in the attainment of skills and information which will augment earnings, or offer long-range benefits such as an admiration of….

Sometimes "book" knowledge is not the only applicable solution to a problem, and real, direct experience is a much better solution in situations such as these. As Foley concludes, "The aim will be to mine the implicit knowledge of practitioners rather than the explicit knowledge of the textbook, through a process of storytelling and the building of communities of practice" (Foley). This seems to take distance education in a full circle from where it started. It began as a way for a more diverse population to experience higher and continuing education, it has moved on to be a major source of higher education at many institutions, and in the future, it may alter yet again to bring vital education to a diverse population that can use it to better their lives.
Foley's view certainly only looks at one aspect of distance education, but it is an important aspect, because it….

While both gender and race are positionalities that are difficult to hide (not that one should need or want to, anyway), sexual orientation is not necessarily something that is known about a person, and its affects on the learning process can be very different. The very fact that sexual orientation can be hidden can create a situation where the learner closes off, hiding not only their sexuality but demurring away from other opportunities of expression and engagement as well. Conversely, if an individual with an alternative sexuality was open about this fact, it could very well cause discomfort in other adult learners who have a marked generational bias against many alternative sexualities and lifestyles (Cain). Both situations could provide useful grounds for personal growth in self-acceptance and self-security, for the learner of a minority sexual orientation and for the other learners in the class, respectively (Cain).

Situated Cognition v. Experiential Learning


Apex Middle School, part of the wake county public school system in aleigh, NC has implemented a rigorous curriculum for grades 6, 7 and 8. The curriculum for Apex Middle School includes the following: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Computer Education, Health and Physical Education (Wake, 2003). The objectives of each of these programs are stated below. The Apex Middle School curriculum and objectives outlined in this paper are similar to the curriculum and objectives for most public middle schools in NC. How does this differ from the middle school curriculum typically seen in New York middle schools?

According to the New York State Education Department, the objective or mission of educators is "That all students will meet or exceed high learning standards at the elementary, middle, secondary and continuing education levels" (NYSED, 2003). Major reform is currently occurring in New York. These reforms will have the potential to greatly….

Education the Value of a

However, including progress reports that are not valued (no a and B. Or percentage grades) allow parents to follow a child's learning (assermann 386). This breaks the cycle of rewarding or admonishing children for subjects that may naturally be easy or difficult. Instead of creating situations that may lead to learning-related anxiety, progress reports give parents information while children continue along a natural learning process.
In the case of teachers, those who enjoy traditional structure may find an open style daunting and initially chaotic. However, giving it a chance may be in their best interest. Many of the common struggles that cause burnout in teachers (again, these include behavioral problems, student apathy, etc.) are lessened in the open classroom. Hertzog reports that many teachers are less stressed by this method (530). Additionally, Dunn reports that teachers often regain their occupational focus because for the first time they feel that children….

The program uses good planning models to develop and create the program, and the planners are aware of the program's intended audience, purpose, and topics. However, there are some weaknesses to the idea, too. They need to develop comprehensive training that is both affordable and retrains workers for new jobs, so they need to identify the top employment needs of different employers, and design curriculum to meet those needs. The problem is that if they only train in certain areas, the employers may no longer have a need in those areas, and other training will have to be identified and developed, which could be costly and inefficient for the program. Another weakness is governments or agencies running out of funding, which could lead to the destruction of the program..

Departmental managers should play a role in determining the specific areas of special competence required of engineers reporting to them and they should contribute to the in-house development of testing tools used to ensure competence in those areas.
Monitoring their professional status is also an ethical responsibility of every firm employing professional engineers (Harris, Pritchard, & abins, 2008). At a minimum, that means maintaining accurate records of certification status and dates; but it also means that the organization must apply the same level of concern to ensure that all in-house standards and testing requirements are met, beyond those formally required by law. In practice, every supervisor and department head must play an active role in that regard by singing off on individual employee compliance with periodic testing requirements.

More specifically, those elements of testing should be linked directly to performance by specifying different testing modules to correspond to every specialty area….

EDUCATION AND TEACHING Education and Teaching: Teacher Effectiveness and Years of ExperienceLiterature eviewIt has been well-observed that parents like to have their child admitted to a school or college whose teachers are hardworking and have the experience of teaching a class effectively. The teacher effectiveness could be gauged based on the students achievements academically. The following literature review provides an insight over the previously published articles relevant to the topic that whether teachers effectiveness is increased with their years of experience in teaching.esearch has shown that teachers years of experience have helped in improving their teaching quality, ultimately resulting in better student grades. For this, a study was conducted among 18 preparatory year teachers, 28 teachers taking classes of grade 1, 20 teachers of grade 2, and 14 teachers teaching grade 3 (Graham et al., 2020). The sample of these teachers was taken from primary schools in Queensland, Australia that….

Although further education courses can be at traditional universities, they are generally taught through colleges that are exclusively venues for further education courses. These institutions are sometimes called "community colleges" after the American institutions that are similar. (Although American community colleges offer both post-secondary education as well as further or continuing education classes.) Other institutions that offer further education courses may offer a variety of work-based learning classes while campuses that offer adult and community learning coursework also frequently offer further education coursework.

As is appropriate -- and indeed perhaps necessary -- for further education programs designed to ameliorate the skills of a profession as important as teaching (as well as other professions such as social work, medicine, or law), there is an agency tasked with ensuring that teacher further education aligns with national goals for the profession's standards. The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (the LSIS was formerly titled the….

egardless of how one defines productivity, it is clear that one cannot be productive at work if one is not at work.
Human resources

Of course, not all professional development is geared at reducing the impact of work-related stressors, but the reality is that that successful professional development should help relieve stress. In fact, professional development is considered a key element of establishing a healthy nursing work environment. According to the Florida Center for Nursing, professional development is one of the twelve essential elements of a healthy work environment. (Florida Center for Nursing, 2006). Obviously, a company's human resources department determines its policies regarding continuing education, including whether a company will offer in-office opportunities for continuing education, whether a company will pay for professional development, and whether nurses will be given time off in order to pursue continuing education. Therefore, it is important to understand the role of human resources in….

When writing a career plan, it is important to take into account all of the factors that could impact your career in the projected period.  You want to look at where you want to be in ten years, but, more importantly, you want to look at the steps that you are going to need to take to get there.  If you know that you will have significant personal events occurring in that time period or that you want to have occur in that time period, you want your plan to accommodate those....

1. The role of charismatic leadership in the church.
2. The challenges and opportunities of leading a multicultural church community.
3. The importance of mentorship and accountability in church leadership.
4. Rethinking traditional models of hierarchical church leadership.
5. The impact of technology on church leadership practices.
6. Balancing personal and professional boundaries as a church leader.
7. The role of women in church leadership positions.
8. Addressing burnout and self-care for church leaders.
9. Strategies for conflict resolution within church leadership teams.
10. The role of spirituality and emotional intelligence in effective church leadership.
11. Exploring the concept of servant leadership in the church context.
12. Incorporating principles of inclusivity....

I. Introduction
A. Definition of counselor identity
B. Importance of counselor identity in the counseling profession

II. Personal characteristics of a counselor
A. Empathy and compassion
B. Non-judgmental attitude
C. Active listening skills

III. Professional skills and knowledge
A. Counseling theories and techniques
B. Ethical guidelines and professional boundaries
C. Cultural competence and diversity awareness

IV. Roles and responsibilities of a counselor
A. Facilitator of change and personal growth
B. Confidentiality and privacy maintenance
C. Collaborating with clients and other professionals

V. Challenges and ethical considerations in counselor identity
A. Self-care and managing personal biases
B. Maintaining boundaries while building rapport with clients

Outline for an Essay on Counselor Identity

I. Introduction
A. Introduction: Hook and brief overview of the topic
B. Thesis statement: State the main argument of the essay

II. Professional Development
A. Early influences: Discuss significant experiences or individuals that shaped the counselor's initial interest in counseling
B. Education and training: Describe the educational and professional qualifications that have contributed to the counselor's development
C. Continuing education: Highlight the ongoing efforts the counselor makes to stay up-to-date in the field
D. Supervision and mentorship: Discuss the role of supervision and mentorship in the counselor's professional growth

III. Personal Attributes
A. Values and beliefs:....

2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Continuing Education Nurses

Words: 484
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

hythm interpretation My project on the need for ongoing education of CLC nurses on heart rhythm interpretation relates to previous material from the course because of its focus upon…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Quality Education Continuing Education Is

Words: 1209
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

, 2001; Huddleston & Unwin, 2002). How do educational facilities and other entities address these concerns? They have to recreate programs so continuing education candidates see them in a…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Why Continuing Education Is Important for a Nurse

Words: 1068
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy My strengths outweigh my weaknesses in personal and professional accountability. On this front, I am actively pursuing continuing education, which gives me to the tools…

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2 Pages
Article Critique


Learning Journals in Higher and Continuing Education

Words: 666
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Learning Journals in Higher and Continuing Education The study by Langer (2002) exploring the use of learning journals in higher and continuing education presents new data that may challenge…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Networking and Continuing Education for Nurses

Words: 850
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The Importance of Professional Associates in NursingIntroductionA nurse is part of a profession that is constantly evolving. From new treatments and technologies to changes in the way care is…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Education for Economy Theory as it Relates

Words: 4049
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education for Economy Theory as it elates to Adult Education In an economy motivated by improvement and information, in marketplaces betrothed in powerful opposition and steady regeneration, in a world…

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2 Pages


Education Foley's Viewpoint Carefully Reflect

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Sometimes "book" knowledge is not the only applicable solution to a problem, and real, direct experience is a much better solution in situations such as these. As Foley…

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12 Pages


Education the Existence of the

Words: 3464
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

While both gender and race are positionalities that are difficult to hide (not that one should need or want to, anyway), sexual orientation is not necessarily something that is…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Education Apex Middle School Part of the

Words: 1269
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education Apex Middle School, part of the wake county public school system in aleigh, NC has implemented a rigorous curriculum for grades 6, 7 and 8. The curriculum for Apex…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Education the Value of a

Words: 1995
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, including progress reports that are not valued (no a and B. Or percentage grades) allow parents to follow a child's learning (assermann 386). This breaks the cycle…

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1 Pages


Education an Agency's Approach the

Words: 329
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

The program uses good planning models to develop and create the program, and the planners are aware of the program's intended audience, purpose, and topics. However, there are…

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2 Pages


Education in Engineering Is a

Words: 556
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Departmental managers should play a role in determining the specific areas of special competence required of engineers reporting to them and they should contribute to the in-house development…

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9 Pages
Literature Review


Education and Teaching Years of Experience and Teacher Effectiveness

Words: 2592
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Literature Review

EDUCATION AND TEACHING Education and Teaching: Teacher Effectiveness and Years of ExperienceLiterature eviewIt has been well-observed that parents like to have their child admitted to a school or college…

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28 Pages
Term Paper


Education Teaching the Teachers Teaching

Words: 7160
Length: 28 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although further education courses can be at traditional universities, they are generally taught through colleges that are exclusively venues for further education courses. These institutions are sometimes called "community…

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12 Pages
Research Proposal

Health - Nursing

Education for Nurses How Does

Words: 3584
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

egardless of how one defines productivity, it is clear that one cannot be productive at work if one is not at work. Human resources Of course, not all professional development…

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