Corn Syrup Essays (Examples)

65+ documents containing “corn syrup”.

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Oz of White Corn Syrup

By 2 cm on the lumbar.
Discuss what effect changing the dropping height had on the resulting stains

In two cases out of one (on the cloth and on the lumbar) it resulted in a smaller less porous, more flexible blob with a greater production of splatterings. On the cardboard, the result was the reverse: the blob was more rigid than the previous one had been. The 'blood', however, had congealed on tip of pipette and this might have affected results.

Document your observations of the effect of alka selzer on the cleaned up blood; was it what you expected? Why or why not? Did you have difficulty applying the solution?

I was expecting a chemical reaction to occur as has been my experience in the past with the pill, but I found only slight chemical reaction on the cloth and some clotting as well as elongation, some more bubbles / fizz on….

Organic sugar is also brown in color, as some of the molasses properties remain. Thus, organic sugar is healthier for a person, yet just as inorganic sugars, the risks may outweigh the benefits if one eats too much sugar.
Information taken from: "What Is Organic Sugar Cane?" WiseGEEK: Clear Answers for Common Questions. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. .

5. Corn Syrup Solids and High Fructose Corn Syrup:

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) puts both corn syrup solids and high fructose corn syrup on its cut back list, which means that this agency believes that these elements are not very healthy for the public, if consumed in large quantities. Though extracted from corn, the risks associated with these two food additives outweigh the benefits, and the greatest risk is weight gain and the problems that come with it or its extremes, such as obesity. Thus, though corn may be….

Candy Factory

incurred in the Candy making process.
Candy Making Process

Process of making candy is a long process. The process involves blending and mixing of pounds of chocolate, milk & cream, sugar, candy coating and other ingredients to make candy that would be acceptable to customers. From the brief explanation of the candy making, it is revealed that the production process of candy involves combining the three factors of production such as land, labor, and capital to produce the final products.

In the Candy making, there is a need to set aside the financial resources that would be used to:

purchase the raw materials or the ingredients;

purchase the equipment to make candy;

rent or purchase the land to build the factory or lease the existing factory;

pay direct and indirect labor;

purchase office equipment;

settle other miscellaneous payments such as the telephone bills, water bills and others

After the owner of the business has satisfied all the above named….

Fructose and Diabetes

Fructose and Diabetes
Does Fructose Consumption Cause Diabetes?

The availability of unlimited amounts of simple sugars is a modern phenomenon, having emerged with the onset of world trade in cane sugar during the 18th century (Tappy and Le, 2010). During the last half of the 20th century the development of high fructose corn syrup (HFC), consisting of an equal mixture of glucose and fructose, has captured approximately 50% of the sweetener market because of lower cost, sweeter taste, improved shelf-life, and better moisture retention. Concern over its use as a sweetener in a variety of popular foods and drinks is growing though, because it coincides with a worldwide epidemic increases in obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome (Yki-Jarvinen, 2010). This essay examines the evidence supporting or not supporting a causative role for fructose in type 2 diabetes.

Evidence for Fructose Causing Type 2 Diabetes

The prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes is significantly higher….

" (NCGA, 2008) The following chart shows the U.S. Corn Supply and Total Use between the years of 1988-1989 and 2008-2009.
Source: NCGA (2008)

U.S. corn growers are stated by the NCGA to have responded to the increase in demand by producing "the five largest corn crops in history over the past five years - with the 2007-08 crop setting an all-time record of 14.4 billion bushels." (NCGA, 2008) Annual production is stated to have averaged 11.3 billion bushels from 2003/04 to 2007/08 compared with an average of 9.5 billion bushels in the previous five crop years." (NCGA, 2008) Acres are planted by corn growers in response to the marketplace signals and when corn demand is high and "revenue per-acres is strong relative to other crops, farmers will plant more corn." (NCGA, 2008) This is precisely what occurred in 2007 as farmers planted "92.9 million acres to corn, a 19% increase over….

High Fructose Corn Syrup
There has been some discussion in certain quarters about the idea of banning high fructose corn syrup from the food supply. Before such a determination can be made, one must understand what high fructose corn syrup is and what it is not. HFCS became popular by the mid-1970s as a replacement for sucrose. It has the same sweetness level of sucrose, but is more stable (White, 2008). Further, it derives from corn, a crop which is more plentiful in the United States that sugarcane. At this point, HFCS has nearly the same market share as sucrose in the United States (White, 2008).

One of the issues with high fructose corn syrup is that it is said to be less healthy than other sugars. Since the mid-1970s when it came into popularity, high fructose corn syrup use increased by 10,000%. It contributes 132 kcal per day, on average, for….

childhood obesity in the United States and many of the other estern nations have been growing at an alarming pace. This topic is interesting for many reasons. One such reason is that childhood obesity affects the first world at a much higher rate than developing nations. As society grows more technologically advanced and has mass produced foods then this seems to open many dietary challenges. Although food may be plentiful, the nutritional value is poor in cheaper foods in the United States that are processed and packaged. For example, there are a variety of cheap packaged pastries and soda drinks that are highly portable, inexpensive, and easily accessible which makes them popular among many demographics. This analysis will look at childhood obesity from many angles and try to develop a campaign that can help mitigate this growing trend.
Childhood Obesity Risks

There are many factors that have been identified that can….

Sugary sodas contain corn syrup, but the American Agricultural Department subsidizes American farmers for growing corn, and this is one of the reasons that high-fructose corn syrup is so ubiquitous in the food supply. e are taxing corn syrup and subsidizing it at the same time, in other words. "The bigger issue, which the industry neither can nor particularly cares to rebut, is that the product [corn syrup] exists at all. e pump absurd quantities of cash into subsidizing corn (we also have a huge tariff on Brazilian sugar cane, incidentally). Over the past 10 years alone, Congress has appropriated more than $50 billion to encourage farmers to grow the stuff. But people don't want to eat $50 billion in subsidized corn. And if the cobs just sat around developing mold, Congress would cut off the spigot. Enter high fructose corn syrup, which sucks up the subsidies and created….

Science is a neutral human pursuit. It is only the application of science that raises potential ethical questions. Kurt Vonnegut's novel Cat's Cradle perfectly exposes the ways science can be manipulated by the hands of its sponsors. Money determines the nature of research, its methodologies, its findings, and its applications. Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma raises similar ethical questions and concerns, focused not on the military but on the food industry. Arguably, the food industry poses far more complicated ethical issues than the military-industrial complex. The military can be viewed as an ethically incorrect institution, as even when it presumably protects the lives of Americans it does so necessarily at the expense of the lives of others. National security is not built on a universal human rights vision, but on a xenophobic model that presumes national superiority and reinforces an "us vs. them" mentality that is at the root of….

This increases the risk of heart disease in adulthood. Those ingesting the highest added sugars had lower levels of good cholesterol and higher levels of bad cholesterol. High-density lipoprotein levels are the good cholesterol, while the low-density lipoproteins are the bad cholesterol. There was a 9% difference between those who consumed sugar at the highest levels at 54 mg/dL of HDL levels and those with the lowest levels at 54 mg/dL. Research says that sugary beverages contribute the largest amount of added sugars. Examples are sodas, fruit drinks, coffee and tea (Welsh).
Combining its findings with the sugar content data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture My Pyramid equivalent databases, the survey team found a higher risk of cardiovascular disease in adding sugar and replacing the energy requirement from less than 10% to more than 30% (Welsh et al. 2011). The study involved 646 adolescents as volunteers. It found that….

Business -- Change Management Project
DopplerShift, Inc. is a full-service professional business consulting firm. Our mission is to provide the necessary assistance for successful business organizations to identify their optimal future strategic vision with clarity of purpose and the functional approach to implement the changes through which major shifts can be accomplished. Our goal is always to enable organizations to make significant changes without disrupting the current success of those organizations.

The client, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group is a licensed subsidiary of the Coca Cola Group that has built a two-century-long reputation for success in conjunction with a historic brand recognized worldwide. According to the organization's most recent Annual eport, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group recorded $202 million in revenue in the first fiscal quarter of 2011, representing a $15 million increase in earnings compared with the same quarter in 2010 (DPSGroup, 2011).

Nevertheless, DopplerShift analyses of the market and wider societal and political….

Strategic Choices

Strategic Choices - SOT
"Competitive advantage" is approached with the seriousness of a science involving carefully chosen strategies for cost advantage and/or differentiation advantage. Achieving one or both of those advantages through the use of one or more of four strategic business methods ideally gives a company a significant competitive edge over its competitors. The Coca-Cola Company apparently uses three of these strategies to achieve a premiere position in the global beverage industry.

Low cost



Strengths -- Social Factors

Coca-Cola can use the social factor of health consciousness to become the low cost producer of bottled water and vitamin water, targeting Coca-Cola's broad, worldwide market and gain the lion's share of the market with its exemplary distribution system

Coca-Cola can use the social factor of health consciousness to produce and deliver bottled water and vitamin water that is superior to other competitor's bottled water and vitamin water.

Coca-Cola can use the social factor of health consciousness….

Pollan stresses the need to cook our own food and reassert the historical and cultural importance of food in our lives. Again this strengthens Pollan's rhetoric and continues the line of reasoning he began in Omnivore's Dilemma.
So it's good to be encouraged by Pollan, who eulogises the pleasures of cooking, and to be reminded of some basic truths."hen you cook at home, you seldom find yourself reaching for the ethoxylated dyglycerides or high-fructose corn syrup," he says. "The cook in the kitchen preparing a meal from plants and animals has a great many worries, but 'health' is simply not one of them because it is a given."The final advice given by Pollan encapsulates it all: "Don't eat anything your greatgrandmother wouldn't recognise as food." ("Food Really Does Grow" 12)

The rhetoric of his work is demonstratively evident as his lines of reasoning attempt to make consumers more responsible for their….

High Fructose orn Syrup - Diffusion in the Agricultural Framework - High-fructose corn syrup news and information. (2011). Natural ited in:

Tags: farming, corn, agricultural supplements, high fructose corn syrup

The idea of diffusion has a number of parts; it may become part of culture through innovation; but may also be the modus operendi of a partnership between big business and government (authoritarian figures in culture). One such example is High-Fructose orn Syrup. Excess corn production and increased pressures from farming lobbies created a governmental program that actually subsidizes farmers to sell to oOps that specialize not in feeding livestock but in producing the "new sugar." The process of diffusion in this article shows the real power of change within a small market through to appropriate channels may serve as either agricultural or biochemical change and diffusion. Of course, this also bleeds over to the numerous fast or comfort foods….

America's Diet

America's Diet
The typical American diet is one high in sugars and processed foods. Accordingly, The United States has earned the unfortunate nickname of "Fast-food Nation." The initiation of the rapid growth in fast-food consumption rates in America is likely a result of this country's lack of a widely embraced and highly diverse national cuisine. The United States as a country is truly a melting pot for cultures, religions, ethnicities and beliefs. This vast assortment has certainly carried over into the world of food. That is, most Americans have easy access to a large array of different cuisines on a daily basis and this chronic presence of other cultural food choices has virtually destroyed any possibility of creating a truly American cuisine. Therefore, American citizens along with the rest of the world have transfixed fast-food into this national category. Without question, on the global stage, McDonald's and urger King are the….

1 Pages
Lab Report


Oz of White Corn Syrup

Words: 407
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Lab Report

By 2 cm on the lumbar. Discuss what effect changing the dropping height had on the resulting stains In two cases out of one (on the cloth and on the…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nutrition

Ingredient Research This List Will

Words: 1176
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Organic sugar is also brown in color, as some of the molasses properties remain. Thus, organic sugar is healthier for a person, yet just as inorganic sugars, the…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Candy Factory

Words: 2379
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

incurred in the Candy making process. Candy Making Process Process of making candy is a long process. The process involves blending and mixing of pounds of chocolate, milk & cream,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Medical and Medicine

Fructose and Diabetes

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fructose and Diabetes Does Fructose Consumption Cause Diabetes? The availability of unlimited amounts of simple sugars is a modern phenomenon, having emerged with the onset of world trade in cane sugar…

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10 Pages


Pilgrim's Pride Feed Blunders That

Words: 2812
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

" (NCGA, 2008) The following chart shows the U.S. Corn Supply and Total Use between the years of 1988-1989 and 2008-2009. Source: NCGA (2008) U.S. corn growers are stated by the…

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2 Pages


Hfcs and the Ethics Thereof

Words: 778
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

High Fructose Corn Syrup There has been some discussion in certain quarters about the idea of banning high fructose corn syrup from the food supply. Before such a determination can…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Childhood Obesity in the United States and

Words: 2514
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

childhood obesity in the United States and many of the other estern nations have been growing at an alarming pace. This topic is interesting for many reasons. One…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Tax Federal 'Sin Taxes ' to

Words: 1079
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Sugary sodas contain corn syrup, but the American Agricultural Department subsidizes American farmers for growing corn, and this is one of the reasons that high-fructose corn syrup is…

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5 Pages


Omnivore Science Is a Neutral Human Pursuit

Words: 1613
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Omnivore Science is a neutral human pursuit. It is only the application of science that raises potential ethical questions. Kurt Vonnegut's novel Cat's Cradle perfectly exposes the ways science can…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nutrition

High Sugar Consumption Sugar Is

Words: 1471
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This increases the risk of heart disease in adulthood. Those ingesting the highest added sugars had lower levels of good cholesterol and higher levels of bad cholesterol. High-density…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Organizational Development a Plan to Manage Organizational Change for Dr Pepper Snapple Group

Words: 1674
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Business -- Change Management Project DopplerShift, Inc. is a full-service professional business consulting firm. Our mission is to provide the necessary assistance for successful business organizations to identify their optimal…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Strategic Choices

Words: 1654
Length: 4 Pages
Type: SWOT

Strategic Choices - SOT "Competitive advantage" is approached with the seriousness of a science involving carefully chosen strategies for cost advantage and/or differentiation advantage. Achieving one or both of those…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Michael Pollan in 2006 Published

Words: 2777
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Pollan stresses the need to cook our own food and reassert the historical and cultural importance of food in our lives. Again this strengthens Pollan's rhetoric and continues…

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4 Pages
Article Review


Diffusion of Innovation 2 in

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

High Fructose orn Syrup - Diffusion in the Agricultural Framework - High-fructose corn syrup news and information. (2011). Natural ited in: Tags: farming, corn, agricultural supplements, high fructose…

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13 Pages


America's Diet

Words: 3416
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

America's Diet The typical American diet is one high in sugars and processed foods. Accordingly, The United States has earned the unfortunate nickname of "Fast-food Nation." The initiation of the…

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