Correctional Officers Essays (Examples)

205+ documents containing “correctional officers”.

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Correctional Officers:
As an attorney working in the Office of the Inspector General in the State Bureau of Prisons, I have been asked to evaluate two major issues involving various correctional officers at the state prison and the behavior of the lawyer assigned to represent them. These correctional officers have reported several incidences of assault by inmates, which has caused them physical harm. If these assault claims are proven to be true, the law automatically mandates an extra two years to the prison terms of these inmates. In order to determine the truth behind these allegations, I have conducted interviews and hearings on the claims. According to one of the prisoners, they were falsely charged and were subjected to previous hearings and interviews by the prison warden and the chief correctional officer. Despite of being aware of the practice and having no evidence, I suspect misconduct and abuse of suspects….

Correcting Corrections
Program for training correctional officers

The rehabilitative nature of incarceration depends to a great extent on the environment that an inmate experiences. If an incoming prisoner enters a world filled with corruption, drugs, and crime the potential for rehabilitation is nonexistent. Given the prevalence of corruption among correctional officers (COs), including ties to organized crime and street/prison gangs, reinstating the goal of rehabilitation in prisons and jails will require a dramatic sea change in how oversight activities are conducted. Official recognition of this problem was codified in the Prison ape Elimination Act of 2003, which mandated additional training for correctional staff to eliminate sexual abuse and misconduct between inmates and staff. One of the standards proposed is the creation or expansion of internal investigations by specially trained personnel. This essay outlines how an undercover internal investigations unit would be recruited and trained, whose primary purpose is to investigate all forms….

Correctional Officer
Life for a correctional Officer

The assigned section describes the responsibilities, duties and challenges of a correctional officer. A correctional officer is one of the most important and responsible employees at a correctional facility such as a prison or a jail where there is a need for keeping the inmates in order. The unique environment and people at a correctional facility makes it necessary for a correctional officer to possess a distinct set of personal and professional skills. These include courtesy and respect for people, value for fairness and impartiality, an ability to engage in effective communication, and the stamina to remain motivated at a job that may seem monotonous and unexciting at first. The reading is useful for those looking to make a career as a correctional officer and even for those interested in other areas of law enforcement.

As of 2005, prisons in the United States employed 295,261 correctional….

Correction Officer Turnover
This work intends to review two articles, which both have as their subject the increase in Correctional officer turnovers and to compare why correctional officer turnover is a trend in today's agencies and how the articles relate.

Udechukwu, et al. (2007)

The work of Udechukwu, et al. (2007) entitled "The Georgia Department of Corrections: An Exploratory eflection on Correctional Officer Turnover and its Correlates" reports an exploratory study that was conducted for the purpose of determining the reasons for correctional officer turnover at the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC). It is stated that strategic workforce planning "has played an increasing role in human resource related activities of "many state public agencies in Georgia. The GDC is no exception. The GDC's strategic workforce objectives are aimed at anticipating potential gaps in employee competencies, diversity and staffing, which if unchecked, could potentially create work challenges for the GDC. The GDC has….

Correctional OfficerCorrectional officers maintain safety and order within prison and jail facilities. A big part of their job requires that they be proficient with security systems, like electronic monitoring systems and surveillance cameras. Basic computer skills are also essential, as officers often log inmate information, write reports, and check databases (Indeed, ). Plus, communication devices like radios are vital tools in their daily operations, ensuring they maintain constant contact with other officers and staff.Becoming a correctional officer depends on state regulations and the specific facility. However, a common starting point is a high school diploma or GED, which is the minimum educational requirement for most positions. Beyond this, some states and agencies mandate that correctional officers attend a training academy. Thus, formal training is typically required and is usually followed by a period of on-the-job training. Some facilities or specialized units might have a preference or requirement for candidates with….

The forensic psychologist has a responsibility of ensuring that individuals are fully informed of their legal rights in regards to the anticipated forensic service and the reasons for evaluation and the nature of the procedures to be used as well as the intentions concerning the use of any product of these services. The forensic psychologist is required to obtain the informed consent of the party or their legal representative prior to proceeding with any evaluations or procedures.

Sometimes the party does not have the capacity to give informed consent and this means that the forensic psychologist must obtain the consent of the individual's legal representative before proceeding with evaluations or procedures. Confidentiality issues are of critical importance for the forensic psychologist to address with their client and where confidentiality is limited; the forensic psychologist is required to maintain confidentiality on any issue that is not directly related to the legal issues….

Correctional Law

Constitutionality of a Postcard-Only Mail Policy
Postcard-Only Prison Mail Policy

Constitutionality of a Prison Postcard-Only Mail Policy

The Constitutionality of a Prison Postcard-Only Mail Policy

The state Department of Corrections (DOC) has requested a legal opinion of its postcard-only mail policy covering all incoming and outgoing letters and packages. The DOC is facing several lawsuits alleging the restrictive mail policy is violating the Constitutional rights of inmates, as well as external parties wishing to communicate with inmates through the mail. The following opinion represents a review of the applicable case law and whether the mail policy could withstand Constitutional challenges.


The lawsuits that have been filed against the DOC for implementing a postcard-only mail policy allege violations of free speech protected by the First Amendment, privacy violations under the Fourth Amendment, and procedural due process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Brief Answer

Based on considerable U.S. Supreme Court jurisprudence, the only issues with….

institutional correctional staff experience, particularly as it mirrors the experience of inmates confined to these institutions. Search the Internet for at least one personal narrative of a corrections staff member other than the three videos you watched. Share the web link and comment on what you learned. Describe any differences in the experiences of male and female correctional staff.
In a review of the experiences of correctional staff members before the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons, the Commission asked Joe Baumann, a state correctional officer from Southern California with 19 years of experience working in prisons to testify before the committee. Baumann's experience was unique because although he was a male "his work has included two years spent in a mental health unit for women where there was a single staff psychologist caring for 700 inmates" (Baumann 1). Baumann testified as to the lack of adequately-trained mental….

For example, offenders without job skills can receive job training, while offenders with emotional problems can be ordered to attend the appropriate counseling. (Native American and Alaskan Technical Assistance Program, 2005). Because such a huge proportion of crimes are drug-related or committed by addicts, completion of in-patient or out-patient substance abuse programs is often an integral part of an offender's alternative sentencing program. Furthermore, alternative sentencing strives to make an offender personally responsible for their crime. Therefore, mediation and restitution play an important part in alternative sentencing, because mediation gives the victim a voice, while restitution can require an offender to repay his victim. (Native American and Alaskan Technical Assistance Program, 2005).
After one has an understanding of the different sentencing alternatives available, the logical step is to question whether alternative sentencing is effective. In order to answer that question, many criminal justice professionals look to recidivism rates. "However, limited….

This is largely because rehabilitation of offenders is for the purpose of transforming the criminal to an important member of the society from being a cost to the society. Some of the most common rehabilitation techniques in the correctional system include counseling and drug rehabilitation treatment as well as vocational training.
The two most extensively used modes of rehabilitation in the correctional system are education and work programs since they are integral to offenders securing employment and becoming productive members of the society. Education and work programs are widely used as modes of rehabilitation because they have a modest impact in lessening post-release recidivism, particularly when they are geared towards specific inmates ("ehabilitation," n.d.). The education programs are conducted in various forms i.e. life-skills training that are considered as counseling interventions and vocational education. The vocational education provided in the correctional system is geared towards preparing inmates for employment upon….

They also point out the relatively low pay compared scale with other law enforcement professionals, and the fact that officers have no law enforcement responsibilities outside of the institution where they work, unlike police officers who have a responsibility to protect the community, even when they are technically off-duty. The median annual salary of correctional officers was $35,760 in May 2006. The median annual earnings in the public sector was $47,750 for federal government officers compared with officers employed in state government institutions whose median income was $36,140 and $34,820 for local government institutions ("Corrections officers," BLS, 2009). This may reflect the higher educational requirements of the federal system and the more extensive duties of corrections officers on a federal level.
However, the types of critical thinking required in a prison environment go beyond mere technical capabilities provided by on-the-job raining. Some form of college degree can be helpful and….

ole of Correction Officers
Corrections officers, also known as detention officers have their work environment within the detention facilities as well as local, state or federal jails, penitentiaries and reformatories. Corrections officers have the duty of controlling individuals who are waiting to be tried or those who have already been convicted. The paper will look at the duties and responsibilities of corrections officers. Focus will be on the role of the correction officers within the social role of inmates and within the jail administration.


Security is one of the key responsibilities of correction officers and they have the duty of maintaining security within the institution and observe safety and health for both the staff and prisoners. They carry out physical patrols as well as visually inspect yards, units, buildings, prisoners, their property to ensure the safety, welfare and security of prisoners is maintained. They perform inspections of cells and physical premises so….

Dangers of Overcrowding in American Correctional System
There are several central governments, state and local authority's correctional facilities in the United States. Over the past few decades, the rate of crime occurrence has significantly increased. Also, the correctional facilities have experienced growth in population. There are a huge number of inmates in the various correctional facilities as compared to those in 1990's. For instance, the ureau of Justice Statistics found the number of prisoners at 665,000 across the country; this is a 159% increase from the jail population of 1985. The correctional facilities have, suffered several setbacks due to the increase in the population.

The capacities of the correctional facilities in the United States are not sufficient to hold the large population of inmates; research from the report released in 2002 indicate that the facilities operate at 108% capacity from the 85% capacity held in 1983. This has made the facilities have….

Japanese Correctional System as Compared to the American Corrections System
The Japanese correctional system places a strong emphasis on rehabilitation and preparing the prisoner for being released once again into society. The Japanese correctional system "is intended to resocialize, reform, and rehabilitate offenders" rather than enforce a system of retributive justice along the lines of the American model (Coutsoukis, 2004). This is why most sociologists state that the restorative philosophy of corrections is the predominant approach practiced in Japan, that is, the main aim of the system is to restore the pre-existing social order rather than enact retribution against a particular individual, or even to protect victim's rights, or to punish an offender in a fair manner (Hosoi & Nishimura 1999: 4).

Much like the American system, Japanese prisoners after conviction are classified "according to gender, nationality, kind of penalty, length of sentence, degree of criminality, and state of physical and mental….

Richard Allen, the state's prisons commissioner, said ednesday the change is meant to reduce overtime, and should save the state $3 million to $4 million a year. 'e don't have any choice about it,' Allen said. 'e've got to save money. e've got to do some things that are out of the box, and this is one of them'" (Diel 2008). Corrections officers have naturally protested this measure, citing the dangers of the job and the impact upon the quality of their health and financial lives.
Alabama is not alone. In Florida budget cutbacks were blamed recently when "A Florida correctional officer was killed on the job last week" (Ray 2008). Even though corrections officer positions have not been eliminated in the state of Florida, an expanding prison population coupled with a refusal to add more positions have lead to understaffed prisons and overworked, tired officers. In other states, cutbacks….

In this essay, I will explore the challenges and complexities of life in prison, including the impact of incarceration on mental health, relationships, and rehabilitation efforts. The prison environment can be extremely detrimental to inmates' mental health and rehabilitation outcomes. One of the primary challenges that inmates face is the lack of access to adequate mental health services and support. Many prisons are overcrowded and understaffed, making it difficult for inmates to receive the necessary care and treatment for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

In addition, the environment in prisons is often marked by violence, abuse, and isolation, which can....

7 Pages

Criminal Justice

Correctional Officers As an Attorney Working in

Words: 2324
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Correctional Officers: As an attorney working in the Office of the Inspector General in the State Bureau of Prisons, I have been asked to evaluate two major issues involving…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Program for Training Correctional Officers

Words: 1473
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Correcting Corrections Program for training correctional officers The rehabilitative nature of incarceration depends to a great extent on the environment that an inmate experiences. If an incoming prisoner enters a world…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Correctional Officer Life for a Correctional Officer

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Correctional Officer Life for a correctional Officer The assigned section describes the responsibilities, duties and challenges of a correctional officer. A correctional officer is one of the most important and responsible…

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2 Pages


Trends in Correctional Officer Turnover

Words: 510
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Correction Officer Turnover This work intends to review two articles, which both have as their subject the increase in Correctional officer turnovers and to compare why correctional officer turnover…

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1 Pages


Job Requirements for Correctional Officer

Words: 350
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Correctional OfficerCorrectional officers maintain safety and order within prison and jail facilities. A big part of their job requires that they be proficient with security systems, like electronic monitoring…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Correctional Subspecialty Roles and Responsibilities

Words: 556
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The forensic psychologist has a responsibility of ensuring that individuals are fully informed of their legal rights in regards to the anticipated forensic service and the reasons for evaluation…

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8 Pages

Business - Law

Correctional Law

Words: 2487
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Constitutionality of a Postcard-Only Mail Policy Postcard-Only Prison Mail Policy Constitutionality of a Prison Postcard-Only Mail Policy The Constitutionality of a Prison Postcard-Only Mail Policy The state Department of Corrections (DOC) has requested…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Correctional Staff and Facilities

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

institutional correctional staff experience, particularly as it mirrors the experience of inmates confined to these institutions. Search the Internet for at least one personal narrative of a corrections…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Correctional Methods Throughout Most of

Words: 1289
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, offenders without job skills can receive job training, while offenders with emotional problems can be ordered to attend the appropriate counseling. (Native American and Alaskan Technical…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Correctional System Plays a Critical

Words: 926
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This is largely because rehabilitation of offenders is for the purpose of transforming the criminal to an important member of the society from being a cost to the…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Officers Changing Educational Requirements

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

They also point out the relatively low pay compared scale with other law enforcement professionals, and the fact that officers have no law enforcement responsibilities outside of the…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Role of Correction Officers Corrections Officers Also

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ole of Correction Officers Corrections officers, also known as detention officers have their work environment within the detention facilities as well as local, state or federal jails, penitentiaries and reformatories.…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Dangers of Overcrowding in American Correctional System

Words: 3021
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dangers of Overcrowding in American Correctional System There are several central governments, state and local authority's correctional facilities in the United States. Over the past few decades, the rate of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Japanese Correctional System Compared to American Correctional System

Words: 1452
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Japanese Correctional System as Compared to the American Corrections System The Japanese correctional system places a strong emphasis on rehabilitation and preparing the prisoner for being released once again into…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Administration Corrections Officers

Words: 1001
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Richard Allen, the state's prisons commissioner, said ednesday the change is meant to reduce overtime, and should save the state $3 million to $4 million a year. 'e…

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