Corrections And Police Essays (Examples)

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While state legislatures have acted quickly to change policy, the reality has become apparent that most crimes committed by juveniles are nonviolent, making the need to incarcerate them for extended periods of time in adult prison unnecessary, and the vast majority of individuals who offend during adolescence do not continue to do so in adulthood (Border Disputes between Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems: Exclusion and Transfer Laws, 2008).
There are many ways that a minor can enter the adult criminal system:

Judicial waiver: the juvenile court judge makes a decision about whether a particular youth should be transferred to adult court, allowing for the consideration of the individual's characteristics such as the juvenile's maturity level, personal circumstances, and prior history.

Statutory exclusions: are laws that rule out youth from the juvenile court, usually if they meet certain age or crime criteria or both.

Concurrent jurisdiction and direct file which is also referred….

Policing Services and Programs:
Even as policing services and programs are being restructured across the globe, understanding this change in customary terms is rather difficult. In these new policing services and programs, the difference between public and private domains of policing is also problematic. However, understanding the ongoing changes is dependent on distinguishing between the authorization of policing and the way these services are provided. This is because of the fact that those who authorize policing services and programs may differ from those who provide these services (Bayley & Shearing, 2001). The restructuring of policing incorporates the weaknesses of the public police and is due to increases in crime, social structure, ideas and culture, character of government and the nature of economic systems. Due to the ongoing restructuring of policing, the role of the public police is significantly changing adopting a governmental rather than individual agenda. Furthermore, policing services and programs….

(Frederickson, 2000, p. 3) Police forces became the fodder for systematic research on the need for and development of improved minority representation in public service as well as a frequently attached public entity with regard to minority status in the community. (Frederickson, 2000, p. 3) As early as the 1960s and 70s police forces all over the nation began to be scrutinized for limiting their hiring pool to white males and began to make changes to support the reduction of this reality. (Broadnax, 2000, p. xx)
The development of police forces within the guidelines of public scrutiny as one of the most significant and public hiring authorities in the public sector has created a hiring protocol that though variant to some degree is similar in most agencies and is reflective of public demand for diversity in representation. Many would likely call the last frontier of this more egalitarian hiring process….

Police Management
Management, irrespective of the particular industry, has a profound effect on organizational effectiveness. For one, management has the ability to drive results through proper motivation and incentives. A manager must also effective lead through his or her ability to inspire action on the part of subordinates. These broad requirements of management demands various skill sets. Many of these skill sets including leadership, time managements, the ability to inspire, financial acumen, and so forth are acquired over time. Through a broad array of experiences, management is better equipped to handle varying and often conflicting circumstances. The law enforcement arena is no different in this regard. Management, particular those in law enforcement must be cognizant of a litany of behaviors and activities. Policing management, has undergone extensive change due primarily to the changing societal demographics prevailing in the world today. Cultures are now becoming more profound in America. The Hispanic community….

First of all, the number of people being arrested "is far lower than the number of crimes being committed," an indication that placing repeat and habitual offenders in prison for longer periods of time has decreased the arrest rate. Second, some crime analysts have estimated that keeping repeat and habitual offender in prison has lowered crimes by individuals by as much as fifteen crimes per year which when multiplied with the 1.4 million increase in the prison population since 1984 rounds out to about 21 million less crimes per year in the U.S. ("Lock 'Em Up," 2005, Internet).
Obviously, this "prison experiment" of locking up repeat and habitual offenders for longer periods of time seems to have been a success. Kathleen Auerhahn, writing in Selective Incapacitation and Public Policy, points out that both forms of incapacitation have greatly reduced the number of criminals on the streets of America and have….

According to search warrants, two days before Clark was arrested, investigators found blood in plain view on the kitchen floor near the entrance to his apartment. The warrants do not specify the source of the blood. Authorities removed plastic door panels and carpeting with blood-like stains from the car in which Clark was riding in the hours after Le disappeared. Police say a green-ink pen found under Le's body had her blood and Clark's DNA on it. Police say that Clark signed into the secure building with a green pen on Sept. 8, the day Le disappeared. DNA from Le and Clark was also found on a bloody sock that was hidden in the ceiling (Yale Lab Tech Hit with 2nd Murder Charge, 2010).
The jurisdiction for this crime would be the State of Connecticut. The specific actus rea in this crime would be the act of strangling. The mens….

The middle of the decade of the 1980's was witness to the creation of the Technology Assessment Program Information Center and the Technology Program Advisory Agency. Their functions were as follows:

Technology Assessment Program Information Center: Picked up laboratories for testing equipment, supervised the testing process, published reports concerning the results that the lab released after testing.

Technology Program Advisory Agency: This was a large advisory body of senior local and federal law enforcement officials which are the predecessors to that which exists today

Important in the advancement of police protection was the creation and application in use of pepper spray.

VI. The Role of the National Institute for Justice in the Development of Law Enforcement technology:

The National Institute of Justice issued a "mandate in its capacity as the criminal research and development arms of the U.S. Department of Justice was to improve and strengthen the nations' system of justice with primary emphasis on….

Successful achievement of program requirements will often lead to a dropping or reduction of the charges while failure may bring back or enhance the penalties that are involved. Charges dismissed because of a diversion program will still lead to additional criminal history points under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines if there was a finding of guilt by a court or the defendant pleaded guilty or otherwise admitted guilt in open court, provided that the deferred disposition was not a juvenile matter (Diversion Programs: An Overview, 1999).

Alternative to Incarceration Programs (ATIs) are part of the mix of factors that have allowed the City to reduce crime, reduce jail and prison populations, and help individuals and neighborhoods across the City. As an alternative to sentencing someone to jail or prison, ATIs permit a judge to sentence someone to a program where they obtain treatment, education and employment training in the community, all….

They also point out the relatively low pay compared scale with other law enforcement professionals, and the fact that officers have no law enforcement responsibilities outside of the institution where they work, unlike police officers who have a responsibility to protect the community, even when they are technically off-duty. The median annual salary of correctional officers was $35,760 in May 2006. The median annual earnings in the public sector was $47,750 for federal government officers compared with officers employed in state government institutions whose median income was $36,140 and $34,820 for local government institutions ("Corrections officers," BLS, 2009). This may reflect the higher educational requirements of the federal system and the more extensive duties of corrections officers on a federal level.
However, the types of critical thinking required in a prison environment go beyond mere technical capabilities provided by on-the-job raining. Some form of college degree can be helpful and….

Corrections / Police / Criminal Justice
ould I lie to a suspect to get a confession even it was legal to do so?

Legal or not, lying to get a confession creates a moral black hole for an officer. To wit, how would an officer who was otherwise a good Christian later feel about getting a conviction albeit he obtained that conviction through deception? That is the question here. Chances are he would feel guilty; and it's possible that his wife, if she knew he used lies to tease a confession out of a suspect, would confront him. He would have had no place to hide from his sin in his earthly world and certainly spiritually he would live with a sense of guilt. Looked at a different way, when a good officer who was not a Christian but has always practiced ethical values is told by his superiors in the State….

Children between 4 and 6 and children who are distant will also be provided a pen pal packet.

Discount transit passes will be provided for children and their chaperone from the Boys and Girls Club through a benefit held by the inmates, as well as inmate donations. Supplies for pen pal packets have been donated by the United Way. All teachers are volunteering time to increase the efficacy of the program and show the inmates that they have commitment to it.

The yearly budget for the program will be $15,000, mainly consisting of costs incurred for transportation and supplies, which will covered by donations, the United Way and contributions from inmates. Students will be returned to the transit center to meet the B&G club volunteer by 5:30 PM so they are able to return to the B & G. club in time for the nightly meal, before they return home. If….

In fact, he did time in jail while he was the leader for arms possession and hijacking. Violence was common with this particular group, and in an effort to frighten and "intimidate" police, prison guards were killed by Hells Angel members in 1997. Eventually, Boucher was tried and convicted for orchestrating the killings (Editors).
In addition, many other criminal investigations have turned up large amounts of money, weapons, drugs, and evidence of other illegal activities, such as extortion and coercion by club members and in clubhouses across America and the world. The club Web site maintains that "1% of their members are bad, and ruin the reputation of the remaining 99%" ("Stew" & "Craig"), but the evidence continues to point to the fact that many HAMC activities are gang and crime related, and that many of its members join the organization for reasons other than a passion for motorcycles. The….

Louise oodward, 2008).
oodward's legal team filed motions after her conviction to the trial court for which a hearing began on November 4th. In the days following the verdict it came out that the jury had been split about the murder charge, but those who had favored an acquittal were persuaded to accept a conviction. This fact was of no legal consequence, however. On November 10th, at a post-conviction relief hearing, Judge Hiller B. Zobel reduced the conviction to involuntary manslaughter, saying that the circumstances in which the defendant acted were characterized by confusion, inexperience, frustration, immaturity and some anger, but not malice in the legal sense supporting a conviction for second-degree murder. He also said that he thought that allowing this defendant on this evidence to remain convicted of second-degree murder would be a miscarriage of justice (Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Louise oodward, 2008).

oodward's sentence was reduced to time….

Recent fatal attacks by police against unarmed citizens -- in particular African-American males -- have been portrayed as insensitive, illegal, and unnecessary violence by cable news programs over the past few years. And those televised reports (shown over and over) have caused angry citizens to participate in large demonstrations in American city streets. Fairly or unfairly, these incidents have caused citizens to turn against police departments -- albeit most police departments do not train their officers to shoot unarmed suspects. Because everyone with a smart phone can take video of police actions, and share videos with news organizations, this has become a negative for law enforcement. In response to these incidents, some police departments are offering rewards to officers that show restraint in the line of duty. This paper presents examples of those strategies by police departments.
The Philadelphia & Los Angeles Police Departments

In Philadelphia, the police department rewards officers for….

Video One: Can Volunteers Protect Communities?

Is this a "Police-Public Relations" or "Police-Community Relations" program? Explain why.

In a sense, it is. While the people in question are volunteers and are thus not members of the police force. Even so, the volunteer force is a manifestation of a group that has at least somewhat good intentions when it comes to the crime rates involved.

Is this the answer in these tough fiscal times?

It can be given that having more and more police on hand costs money and this is not the easiest thing to do when budgets are stretched thin due to recession, over-use of resources and so forth.

Is this a good idea? Yes? or No? Explain why.

Only if it is properly limited and controlled. It can be good in that the volunteers can be extra sets of eyes and ears and this can in many ways replace the need to do simple….

2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections and Police Special Offenders

Words: 694
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

While state legislatures have acted quickly to change policy, the reality has become apparent that most crimes committed by juveniles are nonviolent, making the need to incarcerate them…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Policing Services and Programs Even as Policing

Words: 1602
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Policing Services and Programs: Even as policing services and programs are being restructured across the globe, understanding this change in customary terms is rather difficult. In these new policing services…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Police Recruitment and Hiring Has

Words: 1415
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

(Frederickson, 2000, p. 3) Police forces became the fodder for systematic research on the need for and development of improved minority representation in public service as well as…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Police Management Management Irrespective of the Particular

Words: 2681
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Police Management Management, irrespective of the particular industry, has a profound effect on organizational effectiveness. For one, management has the ability to drive results through proper motivation and incentives. A…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Collective and Selective Incapacitation

Words: 631
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

First of all, the number of people being arrested "is far lower than the number of crimes being committed," an indication that placing repeat and habitual offenders in…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Police Analysis of Substantive Criminal

Words: 739
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

According to search warrants, two days before Clark was arrested, investigators found blood in plain view on the kitchen floor near the entrance to his apartment. The warrants…

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14 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections Police Law Enforcement Police Technology

Words: 3819
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The middle of the decade of the 1980's was witness to the creation of the Technology Assessment Program Information Center and the Technology Program Advisory Agency. Their functions were…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections Alternatives to Incarceration Using

Words: 2057
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Successful achievement of program requirements will often lead to a dropping or reduction of the charges while failure may bring back or enhance the penalties that are involved.…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Officers Changing Educational Requirements

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

They also point out the relatively low pay compared scale with other law enforcement professionals, and the fact that officers have no law enforcement responsibilities outside of the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Police Values What Is Right and What Is Wrong

Words: 928
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Corrections / Police / Criminal Justice ould I lie to a suspect to get a confession even it was legal to do so? Legal or not, lying to get a confession…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections Criminal Justice the Development

Words: 1566
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Children between 4 and 6 and children who are distant will also be provided a pen pal packet. Budget: Discount transit passes will be provided for children and their chaperone…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections the Hells Angels the

Words: 1103
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In fact, he did time in jail while he was the leader for arms possession and hijacking. Violence was common with this particular group, and in an effort…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Business - Law

Corrections Case Study of the

Words: 1321
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Louise oodward, 2008). oodward's legal team filed motions after her conviction to the trial court for which a hearing began on November 4th. In the days following the verdict…

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2 Pages

Corrections/Police - Police Misconduct

Police Department Rewards for Defusing Violent Situations

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Recent fatal attacks by police against unarmed citizens -- in particular African-American males -- have been portrayed as insensitive, illegal, and unnecessary violence by cable news programs over the…

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2 Pages

Corrections / Police

Police and Public Relations

Words: 427
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Video One: Can Volunteers Protect Communities? Is this a "Police-Public Relations" or "Police-Community Relations" program? Explain why. In a sense, it is. While the people in question are volunteers and are…

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