Cost Effectiveness Essays (Examples)

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Collaboration on Cost-effectiveness Analysis
This evidence-based project has addressed the use of bilingual interpreters in enhancing patient-provider communication during provider visits in comparison to using family members as interpreters. It is common knowledge that Limited English Proficient (LEP) patients face communication challenges when seeking for primary and preventative health care services. Family members are sometimes used as interpreters to help improve communication between patients and health care providers. However, this evidence-based project has established that the use of bilingual interpreters would help to improve patient-provider communication as compared to using family members.
For the purposes of this evidence-based project, a basic budget and cost minimization analysis as described by Kleinpell (2013) will be completed as shown in Appendix A. The basic budget and cost minimization, which is part of the cost-effectiveness analysis, is based on the assumption that the use of bilingual interpreters would help improve patient-provider communication. As a result, the….

(Pope, 2007)
At the same time, it will highlight specific techniques that are being used in contrast with other regions of the world. This will be accomplished by dividing each unit into two different groups. The control group is those individuals who are working in the field and are using Internet-based solutions. While the independent variable, are people who practice in the same discipline. Yet, they have different approaches for treating CBT panic disorders and views about the underlying costs. These results will highlight the frequency of alternative techniques that are being utilized and their long-term impact on patients. (Pope, 2007)


The sampling technique that will be used is the random approach. There will be an emphasis on systematic techniques. This is when each person who qualifies will have an equal chance of participating in the survey (based upon creating a list and choosing them at select points). These factors will….

Given that the single fatality, that occurred in 1990 cost the company an increase of 7% in workers compensation insurance premiums which over the long run has been a substantial cost and individual falls have since cost the company significant time and production loss as well as other increased in premiums, related to injuries and simply as increases have occurred. Finally, the initial fatal fall cost the company a 4 million dollar benefits claim to the family of the employee and $1.7 in litigation and attorneys fees. Additionally, the settlement was mitigated by the attorneys, who managed to reduce the claim for pain and suffering significantly and calculated the remainder based on the lifetime earning potential of the individual at his current salary. It is unlikely that such mitigation would occur in every case, and the cost of a trial would be exponential if a reasonable settlement had not been….

Cloud Computing and Organizational Cost Management
The contemporary market trends have put a lot of pressure on many businesses to cut down on their spending and unnecessary costs using any reasonable measure. The globalization and the emerging trends in business demand that for any business to stand a chance to grow and expand across borders, it has to both adopt the current technology and do so at a reasonable cost that will not negatively impact on their profit margins. Investments into the information technology has been seen as one of the most significant and best approaches to not just cutting operational costs but also expediting the organizational processes, making the organizational systems efficient and also central in profit maximization of any organization. There are various technological advances that have been accepted in organization such as use of email as an official communication channel and acceptable documentation, teleconferencing, video conferencing and even….

Electric Cars and Energy

enewable Energy
Global energy and climate objectives have contributed to the increased development and use of renewable sources of energy that focus on lessening the environment impact of generating energy. The conventional sources of energy have contributed to significant environmental impacts, especially climate change. The environmental impacts that are brought by emission of greenhouse gases from conventional energy sources are endangering the world's ecosystems and human life. As a result, renewable energy sources are considered as suitable alternatives to help lessen environmental impacts while meeting energy needs. There are various renewable energy sources that are regarded as suitable alternatives to conventional sources including solar, wind, and electric energy. Even though these sources have minimal environmental impacts compared to conventional sources of energy, they are not cost-effective yet.

Solar, Electric and Wind Energy

Wind energy has been considered as one of the cheaper energy generation methods unlike conventional sources of energy like coal.….

Quality of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners
Cost and quality of healthcare access are two inter-related concepts that are central to the healthcare debate in the United States of America. The study will compare the effectiveness of quality and costs between NP and physicians. To achieve this purpose, the study will be guided y the following research questions; how does the cost of care provided by nurse practitioners compare to that of physicians: and how is the quality of care provided by nurse practitioners? The Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring is adopted for this study. The study will be conducted in five different hospitals that have health services being provided by both NP and physicians. Study participants will be selected from hospital databases with the help of hospital staff to establish which patients will be more suited for the study. esearch questionnaires will be used for data collections. The….

Economic Analysis
Application of Cost Benefit Analysis

EU Proposed Project Overview

Traffic Forecast

Investment Costs

Positive Impact of the Project

Economic Net Present Value (ENPV)

Cost benefit analysis (CBA) is a systematic process of comparing and calculating the cost benefit of a project. Recent business uncertainties within business environment make increasing number of businesses to implement cost benefit analysis to make a sound investment decision. Cost-benefit analysis is also an explicit or implicit method to assess the benefits and costs of a project. Typically, an organization is likely to go ahead with a project if the Benefits (B) > Costs (C). Cost-benefit analysis is often used by private organizations or government to evaluate the desirability of a project. (Anthony, David, Aidan.). The CBA is used to analyze the expected benefits and costs. However, cost effectiveness analysis is closely related to cost benefit analysis. Although both concepts attempt to achieve the same objectives, however, cost-benefit analysis is….

Q1. Explain the differences between cost-effectiveness and performance management. Which performance elements are essential for assessing financial soundness of a nonprofit?
Although sound financial performance is clearly critical for an organization to flourish, cutting costs is not synonymous with performance management itself. An organization can be maximizing its cost effectiveness but not necessarily its performance. Performance management sets specific goals for employees. Goals must be measurable to be clear and effective but not necessarily tangible in nature. “Performance management is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed” (Heathfield, 2018, par.3). It starts with the hiring process, beginning with an effective job description of each employment position. Each employment position should be linked to specific organizational needs. This is followed up by training and monitoring that evaluates the candidate’s performance over time based on those needs. Presumably the performance markers are also linked to financial solvency….

2.) Qualitative evaluation endeavors to ascertain quality, as the name suggests, and in this particular case, how well the course did in achieving its goals, which are presumably how effective its pedagogy was. This is juxtaposed to qualitative evaluation which measures how much the course did.

Here the measure is quality and relevance of a particular program.

In an interview, a qualitative evaluator could use open-ended questions rather than a scale to perhaps learn more about such issues as whether or not the course encouraged the development of critical thinking skills. Toward that end, a qualitative evaluator might ask, "What intellectual skills did the course help you develop?" Or "What critical thinking or problem-solving skills did the course help you develop?"

Conversely, a simple yes/no answer is appropriate for some questions, as in #1. The question might become, "Were the goals of the course clearly expressed at the beginning?" The answers could then….

An understanding of other technological tools and approaches that have increased efficiency and cost effectiveness through automation, such as Electronic Product Codes (EPC), RFID tags, and real-time inventory control systems, can provide a more holistic background view of supply chain automation and the potential for low-cost and easily adaptable technologies.
he various levels of automation and their impact on supply chain efficiency and cost also raises another issue that will be explicitly examined in the research, namely the need to develop a system for quantifying the efficacy of robotics/automation adoption at various points in the supply chain. Large degrees of difference between impacts make it difficult to compare different technologies and different uses in a meaningful way, and as of yet no clear system for making such a comparison has emerged in practical or theoretical research. Addressing this gap will not only have intrinsic research value, but it will also….

Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) and the Importance of Such an Analysis
In essence, life-cycle cost analysis, LCCA, is an important tool that aids in the qualification of a specified project's alternative investment options differential costs. Its relevance, therefore, in logistics management and operations cannot be overstated. In addition to highlighting the factors of a life cycle cost analysis, this text will also concern itself with relevance of such an analysis.

There are various definitions that have been offered for LCCA. Sanchez-Silva and Klutke (2015, p. 233) define LCCA as " economic assessment of completing design alternatives, considering all costs of ownership over the economic life of each alternative, expressed in equivalent dollars." This is the definition that will be adopted in this discussion.

It is important to note that LCCA can be utilized in a wide range of capital investment decisions, particularly in those instances where costs (initial) end up….

Access, Cost, and Quality for Advanced Practice Nursing (APNs)IntroductionProvision of quality healthcare requires reasonable and appropriate treatment plans, access, an adequately qualified workforce, and responsible patient follow-through. People of all ages, particularly the elderly, usually require critical and emergency care services (Woo et al., 2017). This is due to rising cases of chronic illnesses, thus, the need for a more qualified workforce to provide such services. With an increasing demand for healthcare services, the effective utilization of advanced practice nurses is paramount to guarantee cost-effective and high-quality health services accessible to everyone. In some countries, healthcare wages total around 50 percent of healthcare expenditure (Joel, 2017). Therefore, regulatory cost strategies must be adopted to receive quality healthcare services. Various states are implementing measures to enhance access by increasing APN capacity.According to research findings, the global annual growth of advanced practice nurses is approximately three to nine times more than physicians.….

Business 315 and Analyzing Direct Costs
Analyzing Costs

It is crucial for an organization to properly calculate semi-variable costs in order to allocate indirect and direct costs. These costs govern over direct materials, which are "materials that physically become part of a product or service and therefore are clearly indentified with specific outputs or service" (Thompson 2011). Semi-variable costs change often, depending on the volume of the output. These mixed costs are associated with both fixed and variable elements to production. These costs are often broken up using the cost-volume formula which takes into account activity measures like labor as well as the fixed costs and variable unit rate. This helps an organization then outline indirect costs, which are those costs that are unable to be specifically outlined or traced according to a corresponding cost object (Thompson 2011). Essentially, indirect costs are associated with activities of an organization or enterprise business which….

Marketing Effectiveness and Efficiency
Marketing Effectiveness

Marketing effectiveness means combining the advances in marketing, sales and service - from anywhere in the world - to change how marketing works. The effect of the combination requires coherence and cost-advantage for capitalizing on the marketing effectiveness. It requires a merging of customer database, market research department into a customer insight department. Similarly it requires merging of individual channels, such as mail, call centers and the e-channel. In this case, brand is no longer the preserve of the brand manager and the advertising agency - it is a shared accountability.

Marketing effectiveness requires quick feedback and this acceleration of the feedback loop into real time has put new pressures on marketing managers - they need to understand more quickly in order to react coherently.

In case of the marketing effectiveness the marketing manager will require to interact with several people at the similar rank so….

Barriers and Facilitators
Effectiveness, Barriers and Facilitators of Using Computerized Charting in the Operating oom

The world is surging ahead with technological boom which is leaving its indelible imprints on almost all the facets of human life. Healthcare is also one of the significant sectors in which medical technology is advancing to provide better diagnostic techniques, examining facilities, and treatment procedures. These technological developments mainly encompass the equipments used in diagnosis and treatment, medical services offered by the healthcare sector, knowledge regarding different branches of biology and medicine, and so forth. However, the growing usage of information technology holds a prime position amongst all (Lorenzi, 2005).

Computerized systems in healthcare are gaining immense limelight in the current epoch; however, it has considerably assisted in provision of improved and efficient surgical services to patients in operating rooms. Computerized information system, specifically the one used for the purpose of administering surgeries, largely facilitates in….

1. The impact of the death penalty on racial minorities and whether it creates a disproportionate number of executions for individuals of color.
2. Investigating the psychological effects of being on death row and the toll it takes on the mental health of inmates.
3. Analyzing the cost effectiveness of the death penalty compared to life imprisonment and whether it is a reasonable use of taxpayer dollars.
4. Examining the role of public opinion in shaping the use of the death penalty and how attitudes towards capital punishment have evolved over time.
5. Exploring the role of international law in shaping the use of....

2 Pages
Capstone Project


Cost effectiveness Analysis for Evidence based Project

Words: 660
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

10 4 Collaboration on Cost-effectiveness Analysis This evidence-based project has addressed the use of bilingual interpreters in enhancing patient-provider communication during provider visits in comparison to using family members as interpreters. It…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of

Words: 1385
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

(Pope, 2007) At the same time, it will highlight specific techniques that are being used in contrast with other regions of the world. This will be accomplished by dividing…

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10 Pages
Research Proposal


Safety Programs Cost Effectiveness of

Words: 2578
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Given that the single fatality, that occurred in 1990 cost the company an increase of 7% in workers compensation insurance premiums which over the long run has been a…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


The Cost Effectiveness of Using Cloud Computing

Words: 4573
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cloud Computing and Organizational Cost Management The contemporary market trends have put a lot of pressure on many businesses to cut down on their spending and unnecessary costs using any…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Electric Cars and Energy

Words: 1669
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

enewable Energy Global energy and climate objectives have contributed to the increased development and use of renewable sources of energy that focus on lessening the environment impact of generating…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Nurse Practitioners and Healthcare

Words: 2025
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Quality of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners Cost and quality of healthcare access are two inter-related concepts that are central to the healthcare debate in the United States of…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Open for Cost and Economic Analysis Class

Words: 1933
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Economic Analysis Application of Cost Benefit Analysis EU Proposed Project Overview Traffic Forecast Investment Costs Positive Impact of the Project Economic Net Present Value (ENPV) Cost benefit analysis (CBA) is a systematic process of comparing…

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2 Pages

Accounting / Finance

Accounting Cost and Performance Management

Words: 639
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Q1. Explain the differences between cost-effectiveness and performance management. Which performance elements are essential for assessing financial soundness of a nonprofit? Although sound financial performance is clearly critical for an…

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2 Pages


Public Administration Analysis of Costs

Words: 531
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

2.) Qualitative evaluation endeavors to ascertain quality, as the name suggests, and in this particular case, how well the course did in achieving its goals, which are presumably how…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


Low-Cost Robotics and the Supply

Words: 483
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

An understanding of other technological tools and approaches that have increased efficiency and cost effectiveness through automation, such as Electronic Product Codes (EPC), RFID tags, and real-time inventory…

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2 Pages


Cycle Cost Analysis Lcca the Importance of Such an Analysis

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) and the Importance of Such an Analysis In essence, life-cycle cost analysis, LCCA, is an important tool that aids in the qualification of a…

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4 Pages


Advanced Practice Nursing APNs Access Cost and Quality

Words: 1336
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Access, Cost, and Quality for Advanced Practice Nursing (APNs)IntroductionProvision of quality healthcare requires reasonable and appropriate treatment plans, access, an adequately qualified workforce, and responsible patient follow-through. People of…

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2 Pages


Business 315 and Analyzing Direct Costs Analyzing

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Business 315 and Analyzing Direct Costs Analyzing Costs It is crucial for an organization to properly calculate semi-variable costs in order to allocate indirect and direct costs. These costs govern over…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Effectiveness and Sufficiency

Words: 304
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marketing Effectiveness and Efficiency Marketing Effectiveness Marketing effectiveness means combining the advances in marketing, sales and service - from anywhere in the world - to change how marketing works. The effect…

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4 Pages


Effectiveness Barriers Facilitators Computerized Charting Operating Room

Words: 1355
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Barriers and Facilitators Effectiveness, Barriers and Facilitators of Using Computerized Charting in the Operating oom The world is surging ahead with technological boom which is leaving its indelible imprints on…

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