Creationism Essays (Examples)

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Creationism vs. Evolution in Public Schools
What should be Taught?

The purpose of this work is to research Creationism compared to evolution in relation to curriculum in public schools. The basis for the statement that both creationism and evolution should be taught in schools is the fact that it is very possible that creationism and evolution.

Human beings now find themselves in a tug of war in relation to the teaching as well as in answering to issues to answer as to the teaching, or alternately not teaching creationism in the classroom several factors must be given consideration. Dr. Ernst Mayr, Professor Emeritus of Zoology Harvard ahs written "This is Biology the Science of the Living World, published by Balknap press, Harvard 1997 states that: "Whether a scientist is a creationist or evolutionist, he or she has assumptions." Mayr held the personal view as well as stating the thought that "Every new fact….

Creationism: Is there any Credible Evidence to Support it?
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) This quotation from the Bible plus numerous others from the religious books of various religions lead us to believe that man, the earth, and the rest of the universe were originally created by a divine force rather than having been created as a result of a "Big Bang" and subsequent "evolution" over billions of years. The religious theory about the origins of the universe, earth and man called "creationism" comes into direct conflict with the present day scientific theory about our and our universe's origins. Does any solid or credible evidence exist to support creationism? I shall explore this question in this essay.

There are several categories of people who advocate "creation science" but can be broadly grouped into the "young earth creationists" and the "old earth creationists." The former contend….

evolution and creationism. Evolution is usually held responsible for inducing immorality among its followers. This paper discusses the impact of believing in evolution on the behavior of student by describing both the evolutionary theory and its various effects.

It is the belief about an individual's origins that sparks a debate evolution and creation. This is because not only does the belief about origins (and the consequent debate) stir controversy but it also has serious implications. These implications are substantial in consequence because they relate to issues such as ethics, morals, truth, values, and a number of actions.


Belief about origins has two conflicting branches. These are creation and evolution. The theory of evolution claims that "all the living forms in the world have arisen from a single source which itself came from an inorganic form" (Kerkut, 1960). Since it is a widely-accepted phenomenon that beliefs have….

Science is in no way immune from politics, ideology, or corruption. In a democratic society, though, science functions much as the media does. It exists separate from the state in order to preserve the objectivity that is so fundamental to its very existence. hen politics infiltrates science, the results can be disastrous in some cases. The state could silence scientific data, for example, throw funding at science dedicated to nefarious projects rather than maximizing the potential for science to create meaningful change, social progress, and breakthroughs in multiple areas of research. In the Soviet Union, the fusion of science and politics led to some serious and lasting consequences including "toxic waste dumps, overuse of pesticides, and fossil fuel pollution," not to mention rampant superstitions and a lingering "fascination with medieval charlatans," (Josephson 613). Americans may feel themselves immune to the same consequences of ideologically driven science. Unfortunately, history has proven….

Morris seemed to not mind the fact that science would disprove (or at least seem to disprove) much of what he had written. Readers of the book would probably feel that though the statements were very controversial the evidence was incontrovertible on both sides. Many of Morris' statements could be argued from both the scientific viewpoint and the creationist's viewpoint equally well. That did not seem to stop Morris, and well it should not. The book was his attempt at saying both worlds could be right, and in fact, both worlds were right, and the information contained therein should be studied and discussed in an open an amicable way. If that was indeed the goal of Morris' work, then he accomplished it in fine manner. For those who believe that science as the only truth possible, as well as those who are adamant creationists, this book offers enough evidence….

Religion Has Been on the

Glynn concludes that fundamentalists exist not only in the Creationism Camp, but in the Evolutionism camp as well, regretting the unfortunate irony that Evolutionism Fundamentalists are attempting to suffocate constructive dialogue in much the same way Catholic Priests did in the past.
e. Thomas Demere and Steve Walsh -- Creationism Should Not Be Taught In Public Schools

Demere and Walsh argue that teaching a non-disprovable theory like Creationism would further weaken the already lagging Scientific literacy of American students. Demere and Walsh state that for something to be considered Science, it must depend on rational evidence and observation of natural events. Demere and Walsh conclude that the theory of Creationism does not meet this standard because it is supported only by religious texts and cannot be disproved on its own terms.


Most Personally Appealing Position

Regarding the broader relationship between Science and Religion, I agree most with Ruse, who suggests that a more….

Evolution be Taught in Schools?
Introduction / Thesis (Part One)

The debate between those that believe in creationism -- or "intelligent design," a refined offshoot of the creationism theory -- and those who believe in the science of evolution, spilled over into the schools in the United States many years ago. Conservative Christians and others who are in denial vis-a-vis Charles Darwin's research and theory argue that at the very least their religious-based theories should be placed side-by-side in public school textbooks. Scientists, biologists, teachers, scholars and others who accept the empirical nature of scientific evolution have battled to keep creationism and intelligent design (ID) out of the science textbooks -- with some degree of success albeit in certain conservative communities and states politicians and school board members have overruled logic by those insisting that ID be part of science textbooks. Some objective scholarship sees this debate as another example of….

The Argument- The theory of evolution was developed out of the work of 19th century botanist and explorer, Charles Darwin and his book On the Origin of Species. Essentially, it is a scientific theory that postulates that organisms change over time based on pressures from the environment that cause genetic mutations within the organism. Over time, these changes are more adapted to a specific environment, more of that organism live longer and reproduce more, thus causing those traits to become even more entrenched in the population. Life then, is part of a gigantic tree in which primitive organisms, over millions and millions of years, evolved into higher beings due to the product of two opposing forces: variation in traits (common or rare) and natural selection (which traits aid survival) (Understanding Evolution).

Creation Science is a branch of creationism that has resurfaced in American education after several Supreme Court decisions defined what….

Lessons in Theory Building

Darwin's Theory Of Evolution
The construct of irreducible complexity is a pivotal aspect of genetic theory and of Darwinian theory. Irreducible complexity is a nexus of the older science of biology from which Darwin built his theory and modern genetic engineering. Darwin's words for irreducible complexity, most commonly associated with his argument about the construction of the eye, were "Organs of extreme perfection and complication," and Darwin further explicates,

"Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certainly the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural….

Nature of Science Even in

Smith notes that it may be impossible to unequivocally prove something with one hundred percent accuracy; rather, scientists seek probability.
The term theory is often misconstrued: Smith states that "theories always explain facts." Moreover, there is no clear demarcation between a theory and a hypothesis. Theories are basically broad hypotheses. Laws, on the other hand, are more restrictive and are often derived from theories. The practice of science entails experimentation as well as presentation to the scientific community. When the research is presented to other scientists, it is usually done so through peer-reviewed journals. Often other scientists will critique and critically evaluate the scientific experiment and attempt to replicate it. When the experiment has been replicated the hypothesis may become part of the canon of established science and from there, common knowledge.

Because science can only deal with what is observable and measurable, it can not apply to philosophy, aesthetics, ethics,….

The panelists, all of whom are conservative Republicans who have questioned evolution, will report to the school board which is expected to approve new science standards in June (Johnson pp). Defenders of evolution acknowledge that their boycott leaves opponents unchallenged but said that they hoped their absence would help to defuse the "media-saturated argument over science and the Bible" (Johnson pp).
Efforts to require schools to teach the purported errors of evolution are under way in nearly two dozen states, and are led by two groups of activists (Johnson pp). One group consists of religious conservatives who believe the traditional biblical account that God created the world in six days (Johnson pp).

The other group are the advocates of intelligent design and consists of "intellectual thinkers, some of them scientists, who argue that life on the planet is too complex to have come about without some sort of guiding intelligence" (Johnson….

ut science is about stepping stones: the creation of theories and hypothesis, and the testing of these hypotheses with empiricism. If these theories fail, then additional hypotheses have to be proposed. During the process of the testing these hypothesis, experimentalists will find evidence based that will enable to fine tuning of the hypothesis, and the process carries on. Indeed, most of quantum theory is hinged on the Uncertainty principle put forward by Werner Heisenberg. What apt that it be named the Uncertainty principle.
Eventually, one hopes that some consensus will come between those that support graduated equilibrium vs. phyletic gradualism in terms of evolution of species. Or a new theory will develop and come to the fore, if new fossil evidence comes to light. ut that does not mean that we subscribe to the watchmaker theory. William Paley, an eighteenth century moral theorist, philosopher and religious conservative, was perhaps the….

10)?" Indicating that there is no intellectual discourse on the subject, and, because they have already indicated that they perceive creationists as backward, asocial, and people essentially not capable of intellectual discourse on the subject; this book is done. However, and to the mystery of anyone who reads as far as the first ten pages of the book, the book lingers for more than 200 pages.
Young and Edis begin by informing their audience that, from their perspective intelligent design fails, because that is what they tell people in their title, and, if the title did not sufficiently turn readers away, the first 10 pages wherein the authors come across hostile, demeaning, and finally advise the reader there is no intelligent discourse on intelligent design to be had; that should be the end of the book and the number of people willing to read the book. "So what went wrong….

S. government is based upon that belief, while other governments, such as communism and Marxism is based on accidental evolution (Benen 2001).
This belief system appears to be the extreme, however it is a popular one among creationists.

According to the National Academy of Sciences, "The theory of evolution explains how life on earth has changed...In scientific terms, 'theory' does not mean 'guess' or 'hunch'...Scientific theories are explanations of natural phenomena built up logically from testable observations and hypotheses" (Benen 2001). Biological evolution is the best scientific explanation for the vast range of observations about the living world, thus "the occurrence of evolution in this sense is a fact," because scientists no longer question whether descent with modification occurred since there is so much strong evidence to support the idea (Benen 2001).

Since no one knows how long a "day" actually was in the Book of Genesis, it could well have been eons.….

As Miller indicates, "the capacity for life is built into matter. In fact, the key molecules of life are largely constructed from just a few relatively few atoms, such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. In that sense, the chemical properties of these atoms are what makes life possible." (Miller, 119) Miller posits the argument that the building blocks of life are easily observable and demonstrate no deviation from that which makes up the rest of the universe.
Chapter 6: The orld That Knew e ere Coming

Miller's text is frequently refers to claims that man is crafted in God's image as one of the fundamental arguments against evolution. The religious right has long clung tightly to this idea as a cause for viewing the course of human progress as separate from that of other species. This chapter refutes this claim by examining the concept of evolution in other….

1. The role of the church in addressing social justice issues such as racial inequality, poverty, and immigration.
2. The impact of technology on the church and religious practices.
3. The controversy surrounding LGBTQ+ rights and the church's stance on sexuality.
4. The role of women in leadership positions within the church.
5. The challenges and opportunities of outreach and evangelism in a modern, secular society.
6. The church's response to climate change and environmental stewardship.
7. The intersection of religion and politics in contemporary society.
8. The rise of the "nones" - those who identify as having no religion, and its implications for the church.
9. The....

I. Introduction
A. Brief explanation of the topic
B. Thesis statement: The biblical creation account offers valuable insights into the origins of the universe, presenting a unique perspective on the concept of creation based on divine intervention.

II. Overview of the biblical creation account
A. Explanation of the creation narrative in the book of Genesis
B. Key elements of the biblical creation story, such as the six days of creation and the role of God as the creator

III. Creation ex nihilo: God as the ultimate source
A. Explanation of the concept of creation ex nihilo
B. Analysis of the biblical....

Biblical Creation Essay Outline

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a thought-provoking statement or question about the significance of creation in the Bible.
B. Thesis statement: State the main argument of the essay, such as "The Biblical account of creation provides a unique and compelling understanding of the origin and purpose of the universe."

II. The Creation Narrative
A. Significance of Genesis 1-2
B. The Days of Creation
C. The Creation of Man and Woman

III. Theological Implications
A. The Sovereignty of God
B. The Goodness of Creation
C. Human Responsibility

IV. Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives
A. The Age of the Earth and the Universe
B. Evolution vs. Creationism
C. The Role of Faith and....

2 Pages
Term Paper


Creationism vs Evolution in Public Schools What

Words: 414
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Creationism vs. Evolution in Public Schools What should be Taught? The purpose of this work is to research Creationism compared to evolution in relation to curriculum in public schools. The basis…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Creationism Is There Any Credible Evidence to

Words: 1127
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Creationism: Is there any Credible Evidence to Support it? In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) This quotation from the Bible plus numerous others from…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Evolution and Creationism Evolution Is Usually Held

Words: 3016
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

evolution and creationism. Evolution is usually held responsible for inducing immorality among its followers. This paper discusses the impact of believing in evolution on the behavior of student…

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6 Pages


Evolutionism Intelligent Design Creationism

Words: 1938
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Science is in no way immune from politics, ideology, or corruption. In a democratic society, though, science functions much as the media does. It exists separate from the state…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Henry M Morris' Book Scientific

Words: 1528
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Morris seemed to not mind the fact that science would disprove (or at least seem to disprove) much of what he had written. Readers of the book would…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Religion Has Been on the

Words: 1397
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Glynn concludes that fundamentalists exist not only in the Creationism Camp, but in the Evolutionism camp as well, regretting the unfortunate irony that Evolutionism Fundamentalists are attempting to…

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7 Pages


Evolution Be Taught in Schools Introduction

Words: 2286
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Evolution be Taught in Schools? Introduction / Thesis (Part One) The debate between those that believe in creationism -- or "intelligent design," a refined offshoot of the creationism theory --…

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3 Pages


Evolution in 1987 the Supreme

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The Argument- The theory of evolution was developed out of the work of 19th century botanist and explorer, Charles Darwin and his book On the Origin of Species. Essentially,…

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5 Pages


Lessons in Theory Building

Words: 1784
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Darwin's Theory Of Evolution The construct of irreducible complexity is a pivotal aspect of genetic theory and of Darwinian theory. Irreducible complexity is a nexus of the older science of…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Nature of Science Even in

Words: 595
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Smith notes that it may be impossible to unequivocally prove something with one hundred percent accuracy; rather, scientists seek probability. The term theory is often misconstrued: Smith states that…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Evolution the Concept of Evolution

Words: 1577
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The panelists, all of whom are conservative Republicans who have questioned evolution, will report to the school board which is expected to approve new science standards in June…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Intelligent Design Evolution Intelligent Design

Words: 2283
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ut science is about stepping stones: the creation of theories and hypothesis, and the testing of these hypotheses with empiricism. If these theories fail, then additional hypotheses have…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Intelligent Design Intelligent Design Is

Words: 2525
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

10)?" Indicating that there is no intellectual discourse on the subject, and, because they have already indicated that they perceive creationists as backward, asocial, and people essentially not…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Evolution Few Topics Stir More

Words: 640
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. government is based upon that belief, while other governments, such as communism and Marxism is based on accidental evolution (Benen 2001). This belief system appears to be the extreme,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Miller Evolution Miller's Theory of

Words: 2073
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As Miller indicates, "the capacity for life is built into matter. In fact, the key molecules of life are largely constructed from just a few relatively few atoms,…

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