Crime Prevention
Anything that defies the laws and is accountable for punishment forms into a criminal activity with the nature of crime. Crime features harm and violence, to people, to laws, to properties overall showing denial to the existence of these entities. Crime as stated by the judiciary laws must be contrary to the limitations set by the laws and must pose harmful situation to present of future occurring events. Crime or criminal both show varying relationships between each other with respect to the intention of doing the crime and failing to pursue the intention. There are many ways in which the definition of crime is defined and which fall into different categories explaining situational crimes as well as non-situational. Crimes fall into the categories of violent crimes, property crime, white-collar crimes and public order crimes. Crime can be prevented through crime prevention programs however often these programs do not play…...
Lab, S.P. (2010). Crime Prevention: Approaches, Practices and Evaluations. [Albany, N.Y.]: LexisNexis/Anderson Pub.
Worall, & J.L. (2008). Crime Control in America. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
ut an open system of prevention could be the alternative. It would subject the court or legislature to closer and public scrutiny (Robinson).
President Lyndon Johnson's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice was viewed as the single and most influential postwar American criminal justice policy (Coles and Kelling 1999). Its wisdom, contained the policy's main report, "The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society, published in 1967, swiftly transformed into conventional wisdom. It became the foundation for criminal justice policy in the 70s to the 90s. It recommended that the police firmly adhere to lawful procedures in handling offenders and the nation's criminal justice agencies, especially the police department, should improve their relations with minority communities. The Commission had important contributions, but its findings and conclusions were later challenged and even abandoned. It pointed to the police, prosecutors, jails, prisons, probation, parole, and the courts as comprising the…...
Coles, C.M. And Kellling, G.L. (1999). Prevention through community prevention - new approaches to fighting crimes. 10 pages. Public Interest: The National Affairs, Inc.
Doherty, B. (1998). Blame society first - responsibility for heinous acts. 2 pages. Reason:
Reason Foundation.
O'Bryant, J. (2003). Crime control: the federal response. Domestic Social Policy Division: 10 pages. Congressional Research Service: The Library of Congress. Retrieved February 28, 2007 at
Crime Prevention and Community afety
Key issues in crime prevention and community safety
The recent focus on crime prevention is a very delightful movement within the law enforcement arena. Traditionally crime prevention has been viewed as an unnecessary appendage to its more robust siblings within the system of law enforcement and justice (Community-based 2010). While the importance of crime prevention has been recognized, the implementation of successful strategies has been beset by the problem of proving something that has not taken place (Gerard, 1944). However, it is necessary to have a holistic grasp of the interlaced dynamics that operate within society to produce criminal behavior (Rogers & Prosser, 2006 p.56). Therefore, to deal effectively with crime an understanding of the causality relating to criminal behavior is necessary.
The aforementioned causality is not an easy component to get a hold of since crimes by their very nature are diverse and, as a consequence will…...
mlaSmith, Susan J. (1984), Crime and the Structure of Social Relations Transactions of the Institute
of British Geographers, New Series, 9 (4):427-442.
Walklate, Sandra (1998) Crime and Community: Fear or Trust? The British Journal of Sociology, 49, (4): 550-569.
Also, other intervening variales, such as the expansion of the American economy, reduced crime in other parts of the city, and age cohort factors related to crime decrease, most likely also play a role in the positive oserved.
However, other things have to e taken into consideration when considering the value of such community environmental changes. The first is a much improved mindset y the residents, who are no longer surrounded y ovious street crime and empty uildings. Second, is the mindset of those who live or work outside of this area who are less fearful of settling or putting a usiness here. Third is the overall positive effect this has on the environment, itself, and the etterment of the community and society as a whole.
It may e difficult to determine which is the most important factor, ut it is not impossile to say that the design change had an…...
mlabibliography. Property Management 23(5): 328-356
Eck, J., Wartell, J. (1996), Reducing Crime and Drug Dealing by Improving Place Management: A Randomized Experiment. Report to the San Diego Police Department, Crime Control Institute, Washington, DC.
Feins et. al.(1997)Solving Crime in Residential Neighborhoods: Comprehensive Changes in Design, Management and Use. Washington, D.C.: NIJ
Jeffery, C. Ray. (1971). Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Beverly Hills:
Sage Publications
Project Timeline
Finalize all preliminary building design element and prepare for submission to the City Planning Division, Aviation Division, and Mayor's Office
Schedule an informational meeting for all stakeholders to unveil the plans
Due date to submit commentary on the new designs and to provide any suggestions or concerns
Meet with key stakeholders to discuss results of public hearing and submissions. Discuss these changes and decide what to do with them.
Submit designs for approval to licensing and permits entities
Complete any necessary changes and re-submit until final approval is achieved
Complete revision and draft final version of plans
January 15, 2010
Final design approval by all stakeholders.
January 30, 2010
Complete scheduling of phases of project
February 15, 2010
Send out call for bids and proposals to needed contractors
April 15, 2010
Choose contractors from proposals submitted
April 30, 2010
Notify selected contractors of their status and award
March 15, 2010
Schedule contractor meeting to begin work on project
April 1, 2010
Begin work on first phases of project
January 1,…...
City of Atlanta (2008). Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Department of Aviation. Retrieved April 21, 2008 at
Crowe, Tim. (2000). Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. 2nd edition. Boston: Butterworth - Heinman. Cities Guide, Atlanta. (2008). Atlanta's Airport. Retrieved April 21, 2008 at
Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta International Airport. (2007). Terminal Layout. Retrieved April 21, 2008 at
Crime Prevention, obinson states "ational choice deterrence theories related theories understand criminal justice -- including crime control crime prevention activities police, courts, corrections -- reduce crime society" (2012).
ational choice and deterrence theories
The rational choice theory of crime is intimately related to the concept of the deterrence theory of crime. ational choice models suggest that all human beings are inherently rational creatures, capable of making reasonable, utilitarian decisions based upon a weighing of pros and cons. A rational actor, in other words, will decide not to commit a crime if the potential costs outweigh the potential benefits. Swiftness and certainty of the punishment for the crime will deter persons from offending. The theory also presumes that "people will engage in criminal and deviant activities if they do not fear apprehension and punishment. Norms, laws, and enforcement are to be designed and implemented to produce and maintain the image that 'negative'…...
Keel, R. (2005). Rational choice and deterrence theory. Sociology 200. Retrieved:
The problem analysis triangle. (2013). Center for Problem-Oriented Policing. Retrieved:
Crime Prevention -- Digital Gaming
What role does digital video gaming play in crime, delinquency or other forms of antisocial behavior?
American Psychological Association (2011, August 29). Playing highly competitive video games may lead to aggressive behavior. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 15, 2012, from / releases/2011/08/110829114714.htm.
In a unique twist of methodologies, the American Psychological Association added credibility to an interesting study done by several advanced degree students where were looking at the highly debated contemporary issue: is there a relationship between video games and violence? Past studies suggested that the issue of importance was not the violence but the level of competition. Through two versions of their approach, the researchers looked at how subjects reacted to highly or lesser competitive video games and their tendencies as a result to retaliate against another -- by fixing that person a more or less aggressively spiced taste of food in a flavor competition. The…...
mla"Video gaming is so widespread among American teenagers that to paint a portrait of a typical teen gamer is to hold a mirror to the population of teens as whole. Nearly every teen plays games in some way, regardless of gender, age, or socioeconomic status." The Pew Internet & American Life Project jumped into the gaming sector headfirst and gave many people a lot to consider. A massive collective of data, it took aim at assumptions about young people who play such games as being isolated or engaged in an environment that let violence go by unchallenged. This study should be reviewed by anyone and everyone who has an opinion on the subject of games and criminal, delinquency or anti-social behavior. It's a rich collection of game-changing knowledge.
Inderscience Publishers (2008, May 14). Could Violent Video Games Reduce Rather Than Increase Violence?. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 15, 2012, from / releases/2008/05/080514213432.htm. -
The International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry recently featured this piece Patrick Kierkegaard of the University of Essex, England. Kieregaard takes an apparently emotional dive into the question of whether video games really do cause violence by systematically looking back at the full field of study and their biases. Noting that this subject has been of importance since the 1990s, the case can be made that we should currently be experiencing an epidemic of violence given the growth in video game playing. Yet that is not happening. Crime and delinquency among these young people has actually decreased. This review is highly critical of biases about games and aggressiveness, noting that no reliable conclusions of this affect that be found in studies on topics as diverse as fighting at school to criminal assaults. The commentary seems to present a good representation of some of the frustrations that happen when scientists confront public perceptions that may have little grounding in fact. The average reader would likely find this kind of articles easy to read and emotionally appealing if he or she were truly interested in gaming -- which, coincidently, he or she most likely is.
Crime Analysis: CPTED
CPTED -- Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
Before committing a criminal act, offenders often make several decisions with regard to the effort expended and chances of being apprehended. Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) seeks to influence the decisions an offender makes, prior to committing a criminal act, via the alteration of the constructed environment. In addition to explaining the function of CPTED, this text will, amongst other things, also highlight how it is used and who exactly uses it.
CPTED, in the words of Sennewald and Christman (2011, p. 69), "is based on the theory that the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the incidence and fear of crime, and to an improvement in the quality of life." As the authors further point out, CPTED is further reinforced by concepts derived from such diverse fields as criminology, psychology, and…...
Hess, K. (2008). Introduction to Private Security (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.
National Crime Prevention Council. (2014). Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Training Program. Retrieved from
Sennewald, C.A. & Christman, J.H. (2011). Retail Crime, Security, and Loss Prevention: An Encyclopedic Reference. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
How Community Policing Promotes Social Justice
As Howell (2010) points out, youths “join gangs for protection, enjoyment, respect, money, or because a friend is in a gang” (p. 1). In the city of Cincinnati, gang activity among young people is on the rise, and City Council has expressed concerns over how to address this issue. The city of Mesa, Arizona, recently completed the Mesa Gang Intervention Program (MGIP), which focused on crime prevention among youths. This program primarily focused on the law enforcement aspect of the juvenile criminal justice system; however, it incorporated help from case workers, community leaders, probation officers, and youth workers. The program was a major success. As Mesa and Cincinnati are relatively similar in size, it is recommended that Cincinnati get serious about juvenile crime by implementing its own Gang Intervention Program modeled on MGIP. This paper will show why this program makes sense for Cincinnati and…...
Aguiar, C. M., & Leavell, S. (2017). A statewide parenting alternative sentencing program: Description and preliminary outcomes. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 87(1), 78-93.Carson, D. C., & Esbensen, F. A. (2019). Gangs in school: Exploring the experiences of gang-involved youth. Youth Violence & Juvenile Justice, 17(1), 3-23. Daly, K. (2016). What is restorative justice? Fresh answers to a vexed question. Victims & Offenders, 11(1), 9-29.Howell, J. (2010). Gang Prevention: An Overview of Research and Programs. Retrieved from Listwan, S. J. (2013). Introduction to juvenile justice (2nd ed.). Retrieved from Petrosino, A., Petrosino, C. T., & Buehler, J. (2005). “Scared Straight” and other juvenile awareness programs for preventing juvenile delinquency. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 1(1), 1-62.Spergel, I., Wa, K., & Sosa, R. (2005). Evaluation of the Mesa Gang Intervention Program (MGIP). School of Social Service Administration, The University of Chicago.
gathering of information on crime prevention initiatives is critical in the quest for a better equipped and evidence-based crime prevention programs (UNODC,2010).In this paper, we present the outcome of an interview which was conducted with Mr. ichard Aborn, the president of the Citizens Crime Commission of New York City, an independent non-profit organization which is nonpartisan and is focused on criminal justice as well as public safety policy reform. A review of their view on the Juvenile justice system is presented below.
Which program have you initiated towards the larger juvenile justice system?
We have started a program aimed at pressurizing the federal government to raise the age of legal responsibility from 16 to 18 years.
What are the program goals and objectives?
The main goal of the program is to prevent underage executions and sentencing. This is because juveniles are supposed to be punished as juveniles and not as adults. The objectives…...
New York Courts (2011). Citizens Crime Commission.Available online at '
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2010). Handbook on the crime prevention guidelines Making them work.Available online at
Specifically, the criminal justice system is designed more to address crimes after they have already been committed than to prevent them beforehand.
The criminal justice system is well designed to investigate, prosecute, and punish criminal conduct; it is far less well designed to prevent criminal activity ahead of time, particularly in comparison to other social factors.
By the time criminal violations come under the purview of the criminal justice system, they likely represent only a small fraction of criminal activity in society; for every detected crime, hundreds of others go undetected. More importantly, to the extent societal efforts relate to genuine crime prevention rather than crime control after the fact, those efforts must address social values in the larger sense.
Paternalistic legislation also undermines the societal goal of instilling fundamental respect for the formal rules of law, precisely because criminalizing purely personal conduct is so much harder to justify. On a psychological…...
Applying equally strict enforcement to minor or merely "technical" violations of law that hardly affect others might reduce the quality of life in society instead of improving it. For example, in many jurisdictions motor vehicle codes are classified as penal (rather than civil) infractions that are arrestable offenses under strict application of the state police power through authorized law enforcement functions. However, it is doubtful that (1) taking enforcement action against every perceptible violation of law or (2) implementing physical arrest wherever authorized is in the interest of the driving public or society. On the other hand, certain types of crimes (including some that fall within the purview of vehicular laws) require a zero-tolerance approach by virtue of their capacity to harm other individuals and society as a whole. Furthermore, practical considerations such as the availability of personnel, physical resources, and budget require prioritization wholly apart from the question…...
hat is profitable, of course, is often fashionable. To create a disincentive to participate in criminal activity, expanded opportunities are necessary for the poorest members of society. In keeping with the Republican Party's stress upon free enterprise, giving tax breaks to large corporations that move into disadvantaged communities, and hire and promote members of the community is one way to use commerce to aid the poor. If businesses also include community beautification and betterment projects within their outreach programs, they can receive further tax incentives.
Step 4: Enhance accessibility to education
The average college tuition in 1999 was 8,086 U.S. dollars, accounting for 62% of the income of low-income families" (Randall 2000). This percentage has only increased. Tax incentives for low-income students who come from disadvantaged areas, regardless of their race will enhance social mobility and infuse dollars, through these individual's eventual earnings, into new segments of the economy. Also, if…...
mlaWorks Cited
Doorman, Franz. Global development. (2003). Part 1, Problems, Chapter IV.
Jan van Arkel International Books. Retrieved 22 Oct 2007 at
Kangas, Steve. (1994). "Myth: Poor people and minorities are committing the most crime." The Long FAQ on Liberalism. Retrieved 22 Oct 2007 at
Nieman Reports." (Fall 1998). "Serving the Poor." Retrieved 22 Oct 2007 at
Three Strikes dealing crime prevention Support post examples required reading material / scholarly sources, provide -text citation APA style. Page 2 Activity: How Much Are Americans Spending Corrections?
Describe and explain three strikes when dealing with crime and crime prevention 'Three strikes and you're out' laws, as their name implies, mandate "a minimum sentence of 25 years to life for three-time repeat offenders with multiple prior serious or violent felony convictions" (A primer: Three strikes, 2005, LAO). One of the first 'three strikes' laws was passed in California in 1994, based on evidence of chronic recidivism amongst a hardcore group of offenders. The philosophy behind the law was that it was intended to protect the public from inflicting the dangers of these hardened classes of criminals upon the public and implied that certain criminals were to some extent 'behind rehabilitation.'
Passing three strikes laws have the nearly-immediate effect of rapidly increasing…...
Billions behind bars. (2013). CNBC. Retrieved from:
Moore, S. (2009). Prison spending outpaces all but Medicaid. The New York Times.
Retrieved from:
A primer: Three strikes - the impact after more than a decade. (2005). LAO. Retrieved from:
Gang Prevention
As education levels go down, gang-related crimes rise. There are more organized gangs in the lower income inner cities than in the surrounding, more affluent suburbs. This is mostly due to and highly correlated with the socio-economic status of these respective areas (Howell, 2010). In order to attempt to equalize these situations, a successful educational system needs to be implemented in order to emphasize the importance of gang crime prevention. The public residing in areas that are more prone to gang violence need to be educated on ways to reduce this type of behavior, while the surrounding communities need to be educated on how to best deal with these types of situations. egardless of who is on the receiving end of the education, prevention strategies need to be implemented to reduce the negative impact on either community.
In order to reduce the crimes associated with the formation of street gangs,…...
Howell, J.C. (2010). Gang Prevention: An overview of research and programs. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. 1-24.
Esbensen, F.A. (2000). Preventing Adolescent Gang Involvement. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. 1-12.
1. The Impact of Understaffed Police Forces on Community Safety
This topic should explore the consequences of insufficient police staffing on crime rates, response times, and the overall well-being of communities. It could examine case studies of cities or regions that have experienced significant reductions in police personnel and the resulting impact on public safety.
2. The Role of Community Policing in Mitigating the Lack of Police Protection
This essay could investigate the effectiveness of community policing strategies in addressing the challenges posed by lack of police protection. It could analyze the benefits of building relationships between law enforcement and local residents, empowering....
Thesis Statement:
Community policing is an effective crime prevention strategy that enhances police-community relationships, promotes trust, and reduces crime rates by fostering collaboration, problem-solving, and proactive policing.
Supporting Arguments:
Collaboration and Trust:
Community policing emphasizes building partnerships between the police and community members.
Through regular interactions, officers get to know residents, understand their concerns, and gain their trust.
This collaborative approach breaks down barriers and fosters a sense of community ownership over public safety.
Community policing recognizes that crime has multifaceted causes.
Officers work with community stakeholders to identify underlying issues, such as poverty, joblessness, or social isolation, that contribute to crime.
Complexities of Capital Punishment
1. Ethical and Moral Implications: Explore the ethical and moral dilemmas associated with the death penalty, considering arguments for and against its use based on concepts such as retribution, deterrence, and the sanctity of life.
2. Racial and Economic Disparities: Analyze the racial and economic disparities in the application of the death penalty, examining the role of systemic racism and socioeconomic factors in sentencing outcomes.
3. Psychological and Neurological Aspects: Discuss the psychological and neurological implications of the death penalty, including the mental anguish it inflicts on individuals sentenced to death and the potential for irreversible mistakes in sentencing.
Enforced Military Service: Enhancing Community Unity and National Defense
I. Introduction
Begin with a compelling hook and statistics highlighting the prevalence of social issues in communities.
State the thesis statement: Enforced military service effectively addresses social issues while enhancing community unity and national defense by fostering discipline, commitment, and shared experiences.
II. Body Paragraph 1: Tackling Social Issues
A. Homelessness:
Explain how military service provides shelter, food, and structure for homeless individuals.
Discuss programs that connect veterans with housing and support services after discharge.
B. Gang Activity:
Describe how military training and discipline break down gang hierarchies and foster respect for authority.
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