Criminal Justice System Essays (Examples)

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Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System
Discuss the means by which police gain access to a suspect's records of cell phone numbers called and received. How do police deal with text messages and emails? Obviously, criminals are using cell phones, text messages, and emails to plan and commit crimes. How does the Fourth Amendment apply to these types of technologies? In what do suspects have a reasonable expectation of privacy?

The way that police are able to gain access to cell phone records is through a warrant. This gives law enforcement the power to listen, monitor and review the activities of the suspect. Text messages and emails will fall under similar guidelines based on the fact that they are considered to be personal communication. (Samaha, 2011)

The way that the Fourth Amendment is applicable is through limiting unreasonable searches and seizures. This means that several different guidelines are used to include:

Was the action considered to be….

Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System
The fourth amendment to the United States constitution is a constituent of the Bill of ights which prohibits unreasonable seizures and searches and requires that any warrant presented has t be sanctioned and supported by a reasonable cause. They have to be supported by oath or affirmation and the place to be searched has to specify as well as the person or things that are to be seized. This was adopted due to the abuse of writ of assistance a general search warrant that was issued by the British government that accused a lot of tension in the pre-evolutionary America.

Common law affirmed that any form of evidence even if it was got through illegal means was admissible and was never to be excluded simply because it was obtained illegally. Common law evidence of the guilt of the defendant defended against the charges with claims that the search was….

For example, Cook County, IL, has built a network of support for juvenile female offenders within the local community. The county has developed its own gender-specific assessment and treatment guidelines and has trained youth-facing community workers on assessing juvenile offenders and recommending programming. (Juvenile Justice Journal, 1999, p. 30). Also, the county designed a pilot network of social service agencies in order to provide a community-based continuum of care. (Juvenile Justice Journal, 1999, p. 30). This continuum of care helps to prevent at risk youth from slipping through the cracks.

Cook County's program was so successful that the State of Connecticut adopted a similar network of institutions practicing a uniform assessment method. Whereas Cook County agencies used the assessments to select programming choices for at-risk youth, Connecticut criminal justice institutions used the assessments to issue alternative sanctions tailored to the juvenile offender's particular risks, needs, and strengths. (Juvenile Justice Journal, 1999,….

Criminal Justice System in the United States
In today's world, it seems that crime simply cannot be fully stamped out. Yet, that is the essential goal of the field of criminal justice. In fact, criminal justice is the pursuit of investigating crimes, as well as trying and punishing those criminals who commit them. The very essence of criminal justice is the need to protect society from crime that may otherwise harm those within it. This is what makes criminal justice such a crucial element to today's modern world.

The definition of crime is not as cut and dry as many might think. Essentially, the modern dictionary states its definition "an act or the commission of an act that is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law" (Encyclopedia Britannica 2012). Crime is essentially an act….

Criminal justice system can be described as a collection of state, federal and local agencies which are concerned about problems of crimes. Such agencies assist to process convicted offenders, defendants and suspects. They are also interdependent as the decision from one agency is capable of affecting the other agencies. Their primary framework of their system has been provided by the judicial, legislative and executive branches of government.
The Legislature: Both federal and state always define crimes, fix sentence, as well as providing funding for criminal justice agencies. The judiciary: They are the trial courts which make judgments on and pronounce a person's guilt that has been charged with crimes, whereas the appellate courts interpret the law as per the principles of the constitution. Federal appallate and state courts can review legislative decision and give decision whether they are categorized under federal law, state law as well as ultimately, the United States….

In addition, victims may make a written victim impact statement and present their statement to the court.
Corrections: Identify 2 to 3 correctional facilities in Louisiana. Provide information about the types of facilities they are (maximum or minimum security); the types of designs; whether they are private or public; their population statistics; and their type of crime statistics.

The Elayn Hunt Correctional Center is the second largest prison within the state of Louisiana. It is a maximum security facility, housing within its confines all three levels of custody: maximum, medium and minimum. "EHCC receives and holds inmates with medium and maximum security for disciplinary transfers, mental health and medical concerns, shock incarceration participants, lifers, and trustees assigned to work crews" (Elayn Hunt Correctional Center, 2009). It is a centralized multi-service facility diversified in functions that benefit all of the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections. It has an inmate population….

Criminal Justice System
Describe criminal justice system a filtering process. What decides cases stay filtered? What type correctional client process produce? How process impact correctional system an individual institution's ability achieve goals?.

Criminal justice system

Criminal justice refers to a close examination of laws regarding criminal behavior and subsequent action that follows once found guilty. It involves the judiciary workforce, police, lawyers, members of the Supreme Court and advocates. The goal is to be always fair to a suspect of any given crime though this is not always achieved hence the reason for flexibility in implementing the laws, the power of the judiciary to interpret laws and capacity to make changes to unfair laws. Knowledge about the laws, privileges and rights of suspects and victims is important in aiming for justice in our law enforcement and court systems Siegel, 2010()


Criminal justice system has the goal of doing justice, preventing crime and controlling crime.….

Criminal Justice System Program

The Violent Gang and Gun Crime Reduction Program

More popularly known as Project Safe Neighborhoods or PSN, this Program was conceived and designed to create safer neighborhoods by reducing crime associated with gang and gun violence (JA, 2012). Its effectiveness derives from the cooperation among the local, State, and federal agencies involved. It is led by the district attorney. He is tasked with establishing a collaborative PSN task force of federal, State and local law enforcement and other sectors of the community to implement gang and gun crime enforcement, intervention and prevention activities within his district. There are 94 federal judicial districts. Through the PSN task force, he implements the five design features of PSN. These design features are partnerships, strategic planning, training, outreach and accountability. They are geared towards addressing the specific and local gun and gang crime problems of the district. The….

In this way, the prison system in Britain is attempting to incorporate cultural diversity into the criminal justice system, in an effort to ensure success.
In addition, many other agencies now offer translation services, support services for culturally varied populations, and are working with other agencies to provide consistent improvement in the representation of the varied populations of Britain. In attempting such an open-armed policy, the criminal justice system is helping to ensure lower recidivism, higher acceptance within local communities, higher conviction rates, and a more balanced system.

It is clear that the complex criminal justice system of Britain embraces a range of agencies, cultures and objectives. Each agency, responsible for their own set of objectives, also answers to a higher system, creating a check and balance system useful for widening the potential of the system. In addition, as each agency works with one another, the acceptance of cultural diversity is….

Criminal Justice System
The judiciary of the United States is created as a co-equal branch of government under the United States Constitution, along with the executive and legislative branches. It is the judiciary that oversees the country's criminal justice system of courts.

The court system in the United States is a holdover from its colonial days and closely follows system laid out by English Common Law. This has given rise to the adversarial court system today, where two sides -- the plaintiff and defendant -- argue their cases in front of an impartial judge and a jury of their peers (Neubauer 2001).

Most criminal cases are jury trials. A jury is charged with determining the facts of the case, as argued by prosecutors who represent the state and the lawyers representing the defendant. The presiding determines and interprets the law in relation to the case (Rabe 2001).

Beginning of a trial

Depending on the state….

' (Johnson, 2003; paraphrased) Congress's work is "initiated by the introduction of a proposal in one of four forms:
1) the bill;

2) the joint resolution;

3) the concurrent resolution; and 4) the simple resolution. (Johnson, 2003)

There are two types of bills:

1) the public bill; and 2) the private bill. (Johnson, 2003) public bill is one that has an effect on the public in a general way while a private bill is one that affects a private entity instead of the population at large. Once a bill has been agreed to by both the Senate and the House of Congress it becomes a law only after:

1) "Presidential approval; or 2) Failure by the President to return it with objections to the House in which is originated within ten days or 3) the overriding of a presidential veto by a two-thirds vote in each house." (Johnson, 2003)

II. Case Law

There are those who believe that….

Criminal Justice System

What is the difference between a state trooper, state police, sheriff, college campus police officer, game warden, and a correctional officer? State trooper – The role of the Patrol Division Troopers is law enforcement on rural roads in Texas. They perform such duties as arresting traffic offenders, investigating the cause of accidents, recovering vehicles that are stolen, and to step in to assist other officers in the cause of law enforcement in emergency situations. The troopers also facilitate the populace with education on traffic safety and how to prevent crime. They are also in charge of the security at Austin State Capitol Complex. The state troopers are also mandated to enforce laws relating to registration of vehicles that conduct commercial activity.
State police –the police are in service for the government
Sherriff – A sheriff has powers to enforce the laws across the county. This group of leaders in the police service is….

1. Name the three (3) separate government components that make-up the U.S. Criminal justice system and explain their function and how they work together? The three separate government components that make-up the U.S. Criminal justice system comprise of courts, law enforcement, and corrections. Imperatively, these components are dependent on one another and one would not necessarily be beneficial devoid of the others. First of all, the courts are reliant on the law enforcement to legally gather and comprehensively record and document all evidence and statements made. Secondly, law enforcement works in tandem with the courts in regard to serving warrants and subpoenas. The third component of the justice system, corrections, are employed in making certain that criminals remain under confinement, facilitate the transportation of convicts to hearings, and also partake in the supervision of individuals subsequent to their release from custody. What is more, the courts make certain that the law….

Plea Bargaining and the For Profit Prison Industrial Complex Any discussion of systemic racism in America would be incomplete without mentioning how race impacts the criminal justice system. It should not be surprising to anyone to hear that the black population is overrepresented in the what Angela Davis has termed the prison industrial complex (Lentin, 2020). 37% of America’s prison population is black, yet blacks are only 12% of the total US population (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2014). In fact, the for-profit private prison industry uses the labor of the prisoners by farming it out to American corporations, who pay pennies on the dollar for prison labor (Pelaez, 2019). And this is just part of the problem. Clearly there is a conflict of interest in the criminal justice system if there is a for-profit industry that profits from incarcerations. But why do blacks make up such a large percentage of the….

Crime is Not Just a Criminal Justice Issue Introduction
The issue of mental health in the criminal justice system is important because, as Stringer (2019) notes, the US Department of Justice has admitted that nearly 40% of individuals in prison have a history of mental illness. Unfortunately, the criminal justice system does not appear to be focused on addressing the situation in a way that benefits people convicted of crime. The prison industry faces a crossroads with respect to the mental health needs of prisoners: it can either continue forward on its current trajectory, ignoring the obvious mental health needs of inmates, or it can take steps now to address the mental health problem within the criminal justice system. This paper will show why there is a problem and what can be done to address it. It will ultimately explain that the prison industry needs to do a better job of addressing….

The first thing you need to do when writing an argumentative essay is research your topic.  For a topic like sexual assault, we would suggest using a resource like RAINN, a nationwide resource with sexual assault data and information for sexual assault survivors.   For an argumentative essay about sexual assault, you may also want to read some resources that argue against criminalization of sexual assault.  Those resources can be more difficult to locate, as they are likely to lead you to sketchier areas of research.  However, the scholar Michel Foucault was a critic of modern rape laws,....

If you are approaching a 20,000-character essay, the first thing you need to do is have an idea how long 20,000 characters is.  If you use words that average six characters, then 20,000 characters is 3,333 words.  A standard page is 300 words, so the paper would be just over 11 pages.  That is a pretty significant-length essay, and you will want to keep that in account when planning how to write it. If you are comfortable with the standard 5-paragraph approach, which is introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion, you might find it helpful to think of....

This is a difficult question to answer.  In the era of COVID-19, when personal interactions with people are limited, especially with people outside of your immediate social group, being an agent of social change is more difficult than it is in other times.  That is because social change agents have to be able to influence people.  While some of that can be accomplished in a virtual environment, hence the popularity of internet “influencers,” that type of influence is simply not going to be enough to reach some people.  People tend to go to places on the internet....

This is a very interesting topic.  Near the end of each year, Lux Research posts a list of transformational technologies to watch in the following year, which might be a good place to start if you are looking for ideas about a specific technology.  However, those are going to be technologies that are already invented.  Inventing a technology that would transform society in a specific country would require an intimate understanding and knowledge of a country’s culture, geography, religion, history, infrastructure, and natural resources; identifying a problem that it has; and combing up with a novel invention....

2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Criminal Justice System Discuss the means by which police gain access to a suspect's records of cell phone numbers called and received. How do police deal with text messages and…

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2 Pages

American History

Criminal Justice System

Words: 688
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Criminal Justice System The fourth amendment to the United States constitution is a constituent of the Bill of ights which prohibits unreasonable seizures and searches and requires that any warrant…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System Juvenile Delinquency

Words: 842
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, Cook County, IL, has built a network of support for juvenile female offenders within the local community. The county has developed its own gender-specific assessment and treatment…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System in the United States

Words: 751
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Criminal Justice System in the United States In today's world, it seems that crime simply cannot be fully stamped out. Yet, that is the essential goal of the field of…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System Can Be Described as

Words: 796
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Criminal justice system can be described as a collection of state, federal and local agencies which are concerned about problems of crimes. Such agencies assist to process convicted offenders,…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System Define the

Words: 1325
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

In addition, victims may make a written victim impact statement and present their statement to the court. Corrections: Identify 2 to 3 correctional facilities in Louisiana. Provide information about…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System Describe Criminal Justice System

Words: 695
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Criminal Justice System Describe criminal justice system a filtering process. What decides cases stay filtered? What type correctional client process produce? How process impact correctional system an individual institution's ability…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System Program Reducing Gun Violence

Words: 1143
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Criminal Justice System Program REDUCING GUN VIOLENCE AND CRIME The Violent Gang and Gun Crime Reduction Program More popularly known as Project Safe Neighborhoods or PSN, this Program was conceived and designed…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System of Britain

Words: 1568
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In this way, the prison system in Britain is attempting to incorporate cultural diversity into the criminal justice system, in an effort to ensure success. In addition, many other…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Criminal Justice System the Judiciary of the

Words: 993
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Criminal Justice System The judiciary of the United States is created as a co-equal branch of government under the United States Constitution, along with the executive and legislative branches. It…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Criminal Justice System How Laws

Words: 772
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

' (Johnson, 2003; paraphrased) Congress's work is "initiated by the introduction of a proposal in one of four forms: 1) the bill; 2) the joint resolution; 3) the concurrent resolution; and 4)…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Criminal Justice System

Words: 2036
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

What is the difference between a state trooper, state police, sheriff, college campus police officer, game warden, and a correctional officer? State trooper – The role of the Patrol Division…

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3 Pages
question answer

Criminal Justice

US Criminal justice'system

Words: 988
Length: 3 Pages
Type: question answer

1. Name the three (3) separate government components that make-up the U.S. Criminal justice system and explain their function and how they work together? The three separate government components that…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Race and the Criminal Justice System

Words: 1024
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Plea Bargaining and the For Profit Prison Industrial Complex Any discussion of systemic racism in America would be incomplete without mentioning how race impacts the criminal justice system. It should…

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15 Pages
Capstone Project

Criminal Justice

Mental Health Needs in the Criminal Justice System

Words: 4387
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Crime is Not Just a Criminal Justice Issue Introduction The issue of mental health in the criminal justice system is important because, as Stringer (2019) notes, the US Department of Justice…

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