Critical Care Essays (Examples)

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Critical Care Nursing Regarding Legal
Pages: 30 Words: 9400

The questions on legal liability issues were minimal as the field of legal issues is new in nursing. The questions addressed a theoretical part regarding the legal liability issues. They were no need of clarification since the questionnaires were easy and self -- administrative. Although the researcher was there for assistance but telephonically.
1.7. Data analysis

In this chapter, the analysis is discussed in detail. Data was collected by means of questionnaires that were distributed in the critical care units of a private hospital group over five weeks. The questionnaires were completed and returned to the researcher. Of the two hundred questionnaires distributed, 171 were received back. This represents a response of 85%, which in view of the discussion can be rated as very good.

1.8. Layout of the study

The paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter one in generally on the general orientation of the paper while chapter is on the…...



1. ACEP Policy Statements. Procedural Sedation in the Emergency Department (2004) and Delivery of Agents for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia by Emergency Nurses (2005).

2. ACEP Clinical Policy: Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med. (2005) Feb; 45(2):177-196.

3. ACEP Clinical Policy: Evidence-Based Approach to Pharmacologic Agents Used in Pediatric Sedation and

4. Analgesia in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med. 2004 Oct; 44(4):342-377.

Director of Critical Care
Pages: 2 Words: 614

Director of Critical Care
Mr./Ms. X, Chief Nursing Officer

Adventist Midwest Health System

120 North Oak Street, Hinsdale, IL 60521

E: DIECTO OF NUSING III, Critical Care, Full Time (Job Number: 118447)

Dear Mr. / Ms. X:

My annexed resume is submitted for the position of "Director of Nursing III, Critical Care, Full Time, Job Number 118447." While the resume details my extensive qualifications, I appreciate this opportunity to speak pointedly about my exceptional capabilities for this position. Excellent patient care is the hallmark of my 20-year Nursing career and with or without the title of "Director," I have readily led, collaborated or followed as needed in my unflinching commitment to that ideal. As a result, in addition to the customary minimal qualifications, I possess a depth and breadth of outstanding skills that make me an exemplary candidate and I welcome 24-hour accountability to achieve system-wide excellence.

I am specifically well-suited to an executive role in the…...


Resources, Finance, Information Technology and Communications to advance programs and capably manage hospital units and resources.

I am eager to discuss my qualifications at your convenience. Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information/documentation that will aid in your decision about my enhancement of Critical Care as Director of Nursing III.


Mark E. Ingold


Nursing Critical Care Nursing and
Pages: 6 Words: 1884

The final question (g) of having adequate resource availability in terms of familial and financial aid I was unable to assess. I was curious if the medications she would have to take would be a burden in terms of costs, administration, or confusion with her many other treatment.
Personal reflection about visit to the CSICU

Although I was a bit frustrated I was not able to get to know Ms. X better, I thrived in the very intense and fast-paced environment. I was constantly aware of the need to closely monitor the patient, because I knew there could be and was likely to be constant change in terms of the patient's medical condition as she was still very critical and highly unstable, when she first came in from the operating room. It was very personally empowering to me to know that I had such a positive impact upon a patient's recovering…...


Works Cited

The AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care." (2005). AACN: American Association of Critical Care Nurses Website. Last updated Jul 2005. Retrieved on 13 Feb 2007 at 

Sundt, Thoraf. (2000). "Mitral Valve Replacement." STS Patient Information. Retrieved 13 Feb 2007 at

Thrombolysis in Critical Care How
Pages: 11 Words: 3560

The conglomeration of BCs and platelets held together by the fibrin forms the clot. After the injury to the damaged artery heals, the clot is no longer needed. The body will then destroy the clot by breaking down the fibrin fiber network that binds the blood products together. This action is performed by a chemical called tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), which is secreted by the endothelial cells within normal blood vessels. To be strictly correct, the TPA itself does not break down the clot but instead initiates a cascade in which plasminogen is activated and becomes plasmin, with then acts on the fibrin breaking fibrin down into fibrin degradation products. The fibrin fibers are cleaved, and the clot is destroyed. All thrombolytic agents facilitate the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin and are therefore known as plasminogen activators
Indications for thrombolysis are ST-elevation in two or more contiguous leads on ECG…...



American College of Cardiology Guidelines: The management of patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: A report of the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines, 2000, Bethesda, MD

Birkhead, J. (1999) Trends in the Provision of thrombolytic treatment between 1993 and 1997, Heart, 82:438-442

Boutros F, Redelmeire D. (2000) Effects of trauma on the care of patients who have chest pain in the emergency department. Journal of Trauma 48:649-663

Brownwald, H. ed. Harrison's Textbook of Internal Medicine, 15th edition 2003

Orem's Theory and Critical Care Background- the
Pages: 2 Words: 790

Orem's Theory And Critical Care
Background- The 21st century nursing profession has a greater exposure to new technologies, methods, and techniques than any other in the past. In fact, "the use of clinical judgment in the provision of care to enable people to improve, maintain, or recover health, to cope with health problems, and to achieve the best possible quality of life, whatever their disease or disability, until death" is one of the definitions of modern nursing (oyal College of Nursing, 2003). While this is certainly the case, it is also important not to lose touch of the holistic approach -- that of advocating and caring for the patient based on their individual needs. One approach that can help the nurse manage patient care and advocacy is the theory of "Self-Care Deficit," based on the book Nursing: Concepts of Practice (Orem, 2001).

Orem found the medical care system Post-World War II more…...



Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Theory. (2010). Current Nursing. Retrieved from: 

Alligood, M. And A. Tomey. (2005). Nursing Theory: Utilization & Application. Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby.

Beretta, R. (2011). Assessment: The Foundations of Good Practice. Retrieved from: -- %20Assessment.pdf

Emergency And Critical Care Evaluation of Quality
Pages: 15 Words: 4421

Quality of care provided by nursing practitioners at the emergency departments.AbstractOver the previous couple of decades, overcrowding in emergency rooms has now become progressively typical. Longer wait durations in the emergency room are linked to higher disease and death and lower client satisfaction. Providing quality care requires providing both the scientific and humanitarian aspects of nursing. The Rogers theory of unitary human beings enables nurses to function from a position of factual certainty while emphasizing the care they deliver. Personnel such as health care professionals, executives, and other professionals who undertake medical and non - medical roles play a significant role in evaluating the healthcare services delivered by nurse practitioners in the urgent care context. They assess the actions involved in providing quality care, make recommendations, and maintain quality.The studys primary objective is to report, review relevant, and consolidate the highest quality data on the quality of treatment, patient-to-provider time,…...



Chouinard, V., Contandriopoulos, D., Perroux, M., & Larouche, C. (2017). Supporting nurse practitioners’ practice in primary healthcare settings: a three-level qualitative model. BMC health services research, 17(1), 1-9.

Donelan, K., DesRoches, C., Dittus, R., & Buerhaus, P. (2021). Perspectives of Physicians and Nurse Practitioners on Primary Care Practice. Retrieved 25 July 2021

Griffin, M., & McDevitt, J. (2016). An Evaluation of the Quality and Patient Satisfaction With an Advanced Nurse Practitioner Service in the Emergency Department. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 12(8), 553–559. 

Hayden, J. K., Smiley, R. A., Alexander, M., Kardong-Edgren, S., & Jeffries, P. R. (2014). The NCSBN National Simulation Study: A Longitudinal, Randomised, Controlled Study Replacing Clinical Hours with Simulation in Prelicensure Nursing Education. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 5(2), S3–S40.

Evaluation of Critical Care Curriculum
Pages: 2 Words: 595

users of your curriculum? Medical Providers are the primary target user group of the Fundamentals of Critical Care curriculum.
What are their needs? Medical Providers need to continue applying relevant research to critical care practice. Ongoing support and continuing education are essential for effective, reliable, and evidence-based quality of care. Medical Providers need to make "sound and rapid clinical judgments" while under pressure and also need to "recognize and deal with the ethical issues inherent" in a critical care environment (WHO European Strategy for Continuing Education for Nurses and Midwives, 2003). Therefore, primary needs include measurably improving quality of care based on patient outcomes, and improving perceived quality of care measured by both staff and patient self-reports.

How will evaluation results be used? Global rating forms, self-assessment forms, essays on the respondent's experience, written or computer-interactive tests, oral examinations, questionnaires, individual interviews, group interviews or discussions, direct observation, and performance audits…...



"50 CATS by Angelo and Cross," (n.d.). Retrieved online: 

Lipsett, P.A. & Kern, D.E. (n.d.). Step 6: Evaluation and feedback.

WHO European Strategy for Continuing Education for Nurses and Midwives (2003). Retrieved online:

Ccrn Obtaining Critical Care Nursing Certification
Pages: 5 Words: 1429

Leadership Development Plan
As Moneke (2014) notes, the CCN certification "is a mark of excellence and a distinguishing accomplishment" (p. 77). It represents the knowledge that one, as a nurse, has and professionally uses to provide optimal level care to patients. Giving patients both the reassurance and confidence they require when receiving critical treatment and ensuring that I myself am qualified to give them the best care they can get is a top priority of mine,. Thus, my SMAT goal topic is to become a Critical Care egistered Nurse by obtaining my CCN certification.


My goal is to become CCN certified and be in a position to provide optimal quality person-centered care to patients.


I aim to achieve this goal first by obtaining the appropriate study materials for taking the exam and utilizing them to strengthen my understanding of the core assessments; I will study, practice and finally schedule the exam…...



Conger, Jay A. (1989). Leadership: The art of empowering others. Academy of Management Executive, 3 (1) 17- 25.

Davis, L., Taylor, H., Reyes, H. (2014). Lifelong learning in nursing: A Deplhi study.

Nurse Education Today, 34(3): 441-445.

Kent, K. (2014). Adult CCRN Certification Review. NY: Springer Publishing.

Critical Care Theory
Pages: 2 Words: 580

ealth Care Theory
The Modeling and Role Modeling Theory was developed by elen Erickson, Evelyn M. Tomlin, and Mary Anne P. Swain. It was first published in 1983 in their book Modeling and Role Modeling: A Theory and Paradigm for Nursing. This theory is very pertinent in regards to the changing dynamic of healthcare currently underway. New health care laws and regulations have created a more diverse and unique set of individuals with access to healthcare. Many of these individuals, were previously uninsured, or had very limited coverage. Due primarily to new regulation, many of these individuals can now access health care. The theory enables nurses to care for and nurture each patient with an awareness of and respect for the individual patient's uniqueness. This concept is critical as individual patients, more than anytime in history, will now have unique attributes that need attention. This exemplifies theory-based clinical practice that focuses…...


How did the happenings of the nursing profession impact the origin of this theory?

The nursing professional plays an integral role in a globalized society. This is particular true in developed nations such as America and Japan. The nursing profession has undergone fundamental change reflecting the changing dynamics within the industry. For one, with emphasis on America, consumers are becoming older and living longer. The baby boomer population in particular has seen dramatic change in regards to the transition from work to retirement. The nursing profession therefore has needed to change in order to accommodate the changing needs of society with particular emphasis on the baby boomer population. As these demographic ages, they will typically become more prone to sickness or other forms of detrimental illnesses. As such, the importance of nursing in the coming years will be even more profound. Theories therefore have been impacted due to the changing occurrences within the profession (Janie, 2010).

Legislation in particular has had a profound impact on the overall nursing profession. First, due to the Affordable Care Act of 2010, the nursing profession is undergoing a fundamental shift in regards to the patient experience. As noted in the above theory. Patients will now demand a more unique experience, catering to their specific needs. A "one-size-fits-all," approach will no longer are tolerated by consumers. This will be particular true of minority patients who now have health care but who possesses differing needs. These needs have occurred primarily due to hereditary characteristics rather than behavioral characteristics. For instance, African-Americans are more prone to sickle cell anemia. However, the African-American population historically has had the highest numbers of uninsured individuals. As such, the U.S. health care system is now shifting the focus from acute and specialty care to that of primary care which requires a shift in business operations. Also, due primarily to that aging of the baby boomer generation mentioned above, the need for primary care overall is shifting to one that required individualized care. The last 10 years in particular has seen an increasing influx of retiring baby boomers that subsequently need care. A positive impact on the ACA legislation is that more

Critical Thinking Professional Nursing Issue
Pages: 8 Words: 3335

The decade-old system that specifies least standards for staffing in nursing homes need to be restructured, the report says. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services must call for nursing homes to have at least one N within the facility during all times. Based on the departments' 2001 report to Congress on minimum staff-to-patient ratios for nursing homes, the HHS should mention the staffing levels that increased with the number of patients. Central and state report cards on nursing homes should give information on levels of nursing staff, and measuring of staffing levels should be developed for hospital report cards. The healthcare facilities should avoid using nurses from temporary agencies to fill the vacancy. (Substantial Changes equired in Nurses Work Environment to Protect Patients from Health Care Errors)
Working for long hours on the part of the nurse's makes them fatigue since it decreases their energy and reduces their…...



ANA Commends IOM Report Outlining Critical Role of Nursing Work Environment in Patient Safety" (November 5, 2003) Retrieved at   Accessed on 11 February 2005 .

Hallmarks of the Professional Nursing Practice Environment" (January, 2002) AACN White Paper. Retrieved at   Accessed on 11 February 2005 .

Statement of the American Nurses Association for the Institute of Medicine's Committee on Work Environment for Nurses and Patient Safety" (September 24, 2002) Retrieved at   Accessed on 11 February 2005 .

Substantial Changes Required in Nurses Work Environment

Care Needs Concerns and Treatment
Pages: 12 Words: 4512

Furthermore, one of the pillars of collaborative care that will need to be firmly established is the fostering of clear dialogue and a means for strong communication within the care management planning. For instance, there needs to be a clear decision and communication of all tests ordered and when the test results will be available. One of the most important aspects of this collaborative care will be the nursing interventions which can have significant impact on the patient's health and stabilization (Allen, 2010). In fact, strategic nursing care can even minimize readmission rates of Margaret and other patients with comparable conditions (Chen et al., 2012).

Prioritize the Nursing Care Needs of Margaret

The prioritization of nursing interventions is essential, and the way in which a nurse determines this priority is going to be something unique and distinct. "Trials reviewed demonstrated a beneficial impact of nursing interventions for secondary prevention in patients with…...



Adler, H.M. (n.d.). Toward a biopsychosocial understanding of the patient -- physician relationship: An emerging dialogue. (2007). J Gen Intern Med,22(2), 280 -- 285.

Afilala, J. (n.d.). Frailty in patients with cardiovascular disease: Why, when, and how to measure. (2011). Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep, 5(5), 467 -- 472.

Allen, J.K. (2010). Randomized trials of nursing interventions for secondary prevention in patients with coronary artery disease and heart failure: Systematic review.

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing,25(3), 207-220.

Care Issler Is a Patient Who Recently
Pages: 4 Words: 1314

Issler is a patient who recently moved with his daughter-in-law who is no longer married to his son. As part of her interest in helping to take care of Mr. Issler, she noticed that he was pale and diaphoretic after a two and a half hour flight. The daughter-in-law took him to an emergency room where he was attended to by a cardiologist and set a follow-up check up for an echo cardiogram next week. Mr. Issler has complained of congestive heart failure and a history of deep vein thrombosis. The cardiologist recommended that he seeks out a primary care provider and check up of his thyroid. As the primary care provider, the patient has also expressed his uncertainties on whether he has hyper of hypo thyroidism though he has been under thyroid medication for several years. In addition to being very pale, he has a large bag of…...



Bray, D.L. (n.d.). Thyroid Storm and the AACN Synergy Model. Journal of Nursing. Retrieved from

Drewes at. al. (2012, October). The Effectiveness of Chronic Care Management for Heart Failure: Meta-Regression Analyses to Explain the Heterogeneity in Outcomes. Health Services Research, 47(5), 1926-1959.

Hardin, S. & Hussey, L. (2003, February). AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care Case Study of a CHF Patient. Critical Care Nurse, 23(1), 73-76. Retrieved from 

Kaplow, R. & Reed, K.D. (2008). The AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care: A Nursing

Care Information Systems and Medical Records
Pages: 4 Words: 1454

Evolution of Health Care Information Systems Physician's Office Operation
Filling in the hole of health care information technology will endorse safe, capable, patient-centered, and patient care that is fruitful in a timely way. In this essay, the theme is to look into two modern health

care organizations and then compare and contrast many characteristics that will involve the kind of evidence systems are using at the moment, investigate the transmission of information 20 years ago and how the substitute of data today. Furthermore, this essay will cover two major events and technology developments that have inclined present Health Care Informational Services practices.

Compare and Contrast Doctor's Workplace Operation

These day's doctor's office operation is familiarizing to the health care reform that was sanctioned in 2010 by the Obama organization. During sometime in October of 2013, the exchanges in health insurance was available on the market for customers on order to buy health insurance placed…...



Burke, D., Wang, B., & Wan T.T.H. & Diana, M. (2009). Exploring Hospitals' Adoptionof IT. Journal of Medical Systems, 21(9), 349 -- 355.

Callen, J., & Braithwaite, J. & . (2008). Cultures in Hospitals and TheirInfluence on Attitudes to, and Satisfaction with, the Use of Clinical InformationSystems. Social Science and Medicine, 65(4), 635-639.

Finchman, R., & Kohli, R. & . (2011). Editorial Overview -- The role of IS inHealthcare. Information Systems Research, 22(3), 419-428.

Caring for Body and Soul Critiquing Research
Pages: 5 Words: 1545

Caring for ody and Soul
Critiquing Research Report

Modern nursing practice has focused more and more on treating the whole person, through four domains (Chan, 2009). These are physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Of the four, the spiritual domain is the most neglected. A retrospective study recently found that nurses with religious beliefs are more likely to extend spiritual care. The greater their spiritual perceptions, the more frequently they include a spiritual dimension to their care of patients (Chan). However, not many nurses are able to extend care in this domain.

Jean Watson's Theory of caring is applied as theoretical framework. Her concept sees caring as a process of transpersonal caring. It is something exceeding the self and recognizing the relationship as "mutual and reciprocal (Goliath, 2008)." It is in this environment that the nurse connects with the patient under his specific circumstances. Watson uses 10 carative factors in applying her theory.




Chan, MF. (2009). Factors affecting nursing staff in practicing spiritual care. Vol 19

Journal of Clinical Nursing: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Deal, B. (2010). A pilot study of nurses' experience of giving spiritual care. Vol 15 # 4

The Qualitative Report: Nova Southeastern University. Retrieved on May 18, 2011

Critical Thinking Case Study Let it Pour
Pages: 6 Words: 2530

Critical Thinking Case Study: Let it Pour - My First Assignment as Executive Assistant
Key Problems and Issues

The first of the problems are coming from the origin of the hospital as it is an organization with a lot of spiritual heritage and values. These have to be retained even while providing all the required services and satisfaction for the patients. The second problem that the hospital is facing is due to the difficulties that exist in the operations of any hospital, and those difficulties exist irrespective of the mission or the origin of the hospital. One of the problems from this origin is the headlines and extensive coverage given by the media to medical errors that hospitals are committing. These are mentioned and reflect on all hospitals whether they are a party to such errors or not. Another problem arises from the differences within the issues of living up to the…...



Baldwin, Fred. "Emergency Room Drama: Be Prepared Before a Crisis Happens" Retrieved

from   Accessed on 23 June, 2005 

Colliver, Victoria. (12 April, 2005) "St. Luke's could face merger California Pacific may join forces with S.F. hospital known for treating poor" San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved from   type=business Accessed on 23 June, 2005 ;

Evans BJ; Kiellerup FD; Stanley RO; Burrows GD; Sweet B. "A communication skills program for increasing patient's satisfaction with general practice consultations" Br Journal of Medical Psychology. 1987; December: 60 (Pt 4):373-378. Retrieved from   db=PubMed& list_uids=3426975& dopt=Abstract Accessed on 23 June, 2005 ;

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Nursing?
Words: 358

Nursing Theory and Practice

The Impact of Nursing Theories on Patient Outcomes
The Role of Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice
Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing: Frameworks and Case Studies
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and its Implications for Nursing Care
Innovations in Nursing Education: Exploring Future Trends

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

The Importance of Nursing Research for Improving Patient Care
Conducting Nursing Research: Research Designs, Methods, and Analysis
Translating Research Findings into Clinical Practice: Challenges and Strategies
The Role of Technology in Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Evaluation of Nursing Interventions: Methods and Impact

Nursing Management and Leadership

The Transformational Leader in Nursing: Inspiring and....

How can the experience of working in an emergency room be effectively conveyed in a written essay?
Words: 425

To effectively convey the experience of working in an emergency room in a written essay, one should utilize descriptive language and vivid imagery to paint a picture for the reader. Begin by setting the scene - describe the bustling, chaotic atmosphere of the ER with patients coming in with a myriad of injuries and ailments, the constant sound of medical equipment beeping and the hurried footsteps of medical staff rushing to attend to patients.

Next, highlight the emotions and adrenaline rush that come with working in such a high-stress environment. Describe the mix of fear, urgency, and determination felt by healthcare....

How does the outline of the research paper on macromolecules and sepsis progress?
Words: 384

I. Introduction

  1. Background on Sepsis

    1. Definition and epidemiology of sepsis

    2. Pathophysiology and clinical manifestations
  2. Role of Macromolecules in Sepsis

    1. Overview of different macromolecules and their potential benefits

    2. Mechanisms of action in preventing and treating sepsis

II. Body

  1. Current Research on Macromolecules in Sepsis Prevention

    1. Animal studies and clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of macromolecules

    2. Mechanisms of prevention and potential therapeutic targets
  2. Macromolecules in the....

What are the key elements to include in a comprehensive outline for becoming a nurse?
Words: 643

1. Introduction:
- Overview of the nursing profession
- Importance of nurses in healthcare
- Personal motivation for pursuing a career in nursing

2. Education and Training:
- Pre-requisites for nursing school
- Types of nursing programs (e.g. Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree, Accelerated programs)
- Licensing and certification requirements

3. Clinical Experience:
- Clinical rotations during nursing school
- Hands-on training in a variety of healthcare settings (e.g. hospitals, clinics, nursing homes)
- Preceptorship or internship opportunities

4. Specializations in Nursing:
- Overview of different nursing specialties (e.g. pediatric nursing, critical care nursing, psychiatric nursing)
- Additional training or certification required for specific specialties

5. Continuing Education:
- Importance of lifelong learning in nursing
- Continuing education....

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