Customer Relationship Management Essays (Examples)

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Customer Relationship Management E-Customer Relationship
Pages: 17 Words: 5217

The majority are in the Developing Phase (45%) with just 3% in Optimizing. This indicates that there is a strong need for greater integration of social networking, permission marketing and customer information management in many e-commerce strategies today. The results shown in Figure 3 also indicates there is significant upside potential for companies who attempt to grow quickly through the integration of social networking, trust-based permission marketing based on relationships created via social networks and the use of customer information acquisition that also benefits each customer as well. All of these factors need to be brought together into a unified, strategic plan in order for companies to excel. The majority of companies in the Developing phase (45) of the maturation levels signal that marketing is merely interacting, not anticipating and planning what to do next for customers. What's needed is more of a focus on making all elements integral…...



Bampo, M., Ewing, M.T., Mather, D.R., Stewart, D. & Wallace, M. 2008, "The Effects of the Social Structure of Digital Networks on Viral Marketing Performance," Information Systems Research, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 273-290,392-394.

Cooke, M. & Buckley, N. 2008, "Web 2.0, social networks and the future of market research," International Journal of Market Research, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 267.

Cooke, S. 1994, "Database marketing: Strategy or tactical tool?," Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 4-4.

Doyle, S. 2007, "The role of social networks in marketing," Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 60-64.

Customer Relationship Management Takes a
Pages: 10 Words: 2801

The communication system may be able to facilitate the transfer of information, but an essential component of a CRM system is the transfer of responsibility. Somebody at the company must be responsible for every customer issue that arises. This is the only way that the company can ensure that its customers' needs are truly being met. Because of this need for responsibility, it is essential that customer relationship management become a second-nature activity, something that is ingrained in every facet of the organization and every action of its people. In other words, it must permeate the entire organization.
Relationship Marketing

One component of customer relationship management is relationship marketing. Relationship marketing takes the relationship that has been developed between the company and its customers and applies it to the marketing function. The organization will through its CRM program gather information about the customer, and this will be used to help build…...


Works Cited:

Anderson, K. & Kerr, C. (2002). Customer relationship management. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Ghavami, a. & Olyaei, a. (2006). The impact of CRM on customer retention. University of Lulea. Retrieved March 6, 2010 from 

No author. (2002). What is CRM? CRM Mediai. Retrieved March 7, 2010 from 

Peck, H.; Christopher, M. & Payne, a. (1999). Relationship marketing for competitive advantage. Woburn, MA: Reed Elsevier.

Customer Relationship Management Dealing With
Pages: 3 Words: 1262

just an isolated or siloed strategy. Gartner's definition is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Gartner Group's Eight Levels of CRM

Gartner has defined CRM using both purely technologically-based approaches and the processes that occur in any company looking to serve customers. Yet the most important area of this graphic is the interaction of the valued customer experience and organizational collaboration. At the store level of the example of the manager short two cashiers, its' clear from looking at this graphic of CRM in Figure 1 and also considering the significant investment in building demand that it is unthinkable to do nothing and just try to make the sale work with the two cashiers and the manager working the entire store.

What needs to happen is that the manager needs to immediately call, instant message or e-mail their manager and tell them that given the two cashiers being out sick there needs…...



Gartner 2001 - Eight Building Blocks of CRM: A Framework for Success. John Radcliffe. December 13, 2003.

Gartner Group. Groton, CT.

Accessed from the Internet on September 16, 2007 from location:

Customer Relationship Management 260 Lake
Pages: 2 Words: 627

This program helps users include articles that their customers find interesting, and to promote their products and services. This program also includes numerous discounts. The objective of this program is represented by building brands and reaching certain categories of customers (UNFI, 2011).
United Natural Foods' customers are represented by smaller, medium, and larger retailers. Some of them are store departments, while other focus on selling organic products. When collecting information on these customers, the company is interested in their location, because this is an important factor that must be taken into consideration by the distribution process management. The objectives of these companies are also important, because they reflect these customers' needs regarding United Natural Foods' products and services.

In addition to this, the company should be interested in information regarding the financial performance of its customers. This is because this issue can influence the relationship between United Natural Foods and its…...


Reference list:

1. About Us (2011). United Natural Foods. Retrieved August 22, 2011 from .

2. Consumer Marketing Programs (2011). United Natural Foods. Retrieved August 22, 2011 from .

Customer Relationship Management Social Media
Pages: 4 Words: 1214

Today, it is becoming much clearer that the use of social media in building customer relationships is no longer a matter of individual choice. With the greater use and adoption of these sites, most organizations, which do not aggressively use them will always find themselves locked out of very lucrative markets and thereby unable to compete in the increasingly challenging business environment effectively. These sites are no longer reserved to the it department in the organization. They have become important tools of communication, knowledge sharing and collaboration for both the small and large organizations in the market.

The adoption of social media platforms is nevertheless not a smooth process for most organizations. It has been realized that most executives are normally much reluctant to adopt social media strategies in order to improve customer relationships in the organization. It is normally a kind of apathy that arises out of fear for the…...



Aspray, W. (2010). The Internet and American business. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Boston College. (2010). Impact of new media and technology on customer relationships. ScienceDaily Retrieved August 31, 2010, from 

Lovett, J. (2011). Social media metrics secrets do what you never thought possible with social media metrics. Indianapolis, Ind: Wiley Pub.

Miller, M. (2009). YouTube for business: online video marketing for any business. Indianapolis, Ind: Que.

Customer Relationship Management CRM and Customer Loyalty
Pages: 6 Words: 1740

Customer relationship Management (CRM) and customer loyalty are successful marketing strategies in banking industry in Hong Kong
The role of customer relationship management is significant to facilitate the customer satisfaction within several industries including banking. Integration of marketing strategy, customer relationship and customer satisfaction processes results into reduced cost and performance improvement. Business allows the optimal use of resources resulting into optimal performance; it is facilitated through several initiatives of customer service and marketing tactics. The assimilation of information systems and customer relationship management processes facilitates effective flow of communication for all the participants of the systems. The increased flow of information allows the organizations to optimize the business processes performance. Cost reduction, shorter lead time, and improved communications are substantial benefits of customer relationship management.

The case of Hong Kong banking industry is investigated in order to understand the impact of customer service and customer satisfaction. The marketing strategy based on…...

Customer Relationship Management What You
Pages: 2 Words: 607

Consider how Harley-Davidson has created an exceptional brand with little reliance on technology and exceptional execution of their events including the annual rides and the mega-event in Sturgis, South Dakota that draws owners and celebrities globally (Schembri, 2009). A lack of technology is not a death-knell to any customer-centered business, but one that makes customer relationships, trust, empathy and transparency all even more critical than they have been before.
Without access to current information technologies (Internet-based) the focus would need to be on more face-time invested with customers, more outreach in terms of telephone calls, and whenever and wherever possible, outreach in person. Consider the remarkable success of Harley-Davidson (Schembri, 2009) and rock bands that have shunned the latest digital technology yet have millions of followers globally including The Grateful Dead and others.


Technology actually has very little to do trust and the development of relationships with customers. It is an…...



Bernoff, J., & Li, C.. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Tracey S. Dagger, & Timothy K. O'Brien. (2010). Does experience matter: Differences in relationship benefits, satisfaction, trust, commitment and loyalty for novice and experienced service users. European Journal of Marketing, 44(9/10), 1528-1552.

Hennig-Thurau, T., Malthouse, E., Friege, C., Gensler, S., Lobschat, L., Rangaswamy, A., & Skiera, B.. (2010). The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships. Journal of Service Research: JSR, 13(3), 311.

Schembri, S.. (2009). Reframing brand experience: The experiential meaning of Harley-Davidson. Journal of Business Research, 62(12), 1299.

Customer Relationship Management Modern Day
Pages: 2 Words: 580

"Effective marketing is and will always be founded on a simple premise: customers are won by personalizing the communication between the seller and the buyer and customizing the product and service offerings so they directly appeal to the desires and needs of individual customers." (Ross, 2005)
Trust is stated to be the single most important factor that can help promote loyalty and dedication to the common purpose of ensuring customer loyalty. "It is as important to get all the people relationships right, as it is to supply the right goods and services." (Senior, 2004) in the history of Harley Davidson explicit trust by the owners of these motorcycles has helped sustain the brand even through trying financial periods. The company just does not sell a product; rather it sells a way of life "untold miles of riding and gathering road wisdom along with the road dust." History has proved that…...


Peter Drucker, the doyen of management theorists, states that managers and decision makers are constantly searching for the best and most effective management tools that they can use to control their organization. (Drucker, 1997) One of the most important and significant factor in the success of an organization is the customer base. CRM has gone through many evolutions. The Internet and the advent of e-commerce have changed the manner in which companies seek out their customers and ensure that customer satisfaction is achieved at all times. "Effective marketing is and will always be founded on a simple premise: customers are won by personalizing the communication between the seller and the buyer and customizing the product and service offerings so they directly appeal to the desires and needs of individual customers." (Ross, 2005)

Trust is stated to be the single most important factor that can help promote loyalty and dedication to the common purpose of ensuring customer loyalty. "It is as important to get all the people relationships right, as it is to supply the right goods and services." (Senior, 2004) in the history of Harley Davidson explicit trust by the owners of these motorcycles has helped sustain the brand even through trying financial periods. The company just does not sell a product; rather it sells a way of life "untold miles of riding and gathering road wisdom along with the road dust." History has proved that the 'Harleys' brand loyalty is emotional. President and CEO, Richard Teerlink believes that the Harley has taken over as the 'iron horse' of the modern world and 'go where you want to go and do what you want to do' attitude that America is so proud of.

CRM is a unique dilemma that the organization faces. Owners of the motorcycle range from all walks of life. They range from blue collar workers to high-power executives who want to break from the conventional mold and define their own paths. When an individual buys a motorcycle from the company they get membership to the Harley Owners Group (HOG) -- an outlet that helps the company keep close to its customer base.

Customer Relationship Management Given the
Pages: 3 Words: 871

This action is expected to produce more reliable information.
Sprint Nextel keeps in close and strong connection with its customers, through advertising campaigns that are designed to being the newest and the most complete information to its customers, and through call center that are designed to assist customers, on the other hand. egarding convenience, the company has implemented a series of actions designed in order to facilitate purchasing for customers. These actions are consolidated through continuous and constant developments.

One of the companies that have not been so successful in developing a serious CM strategy is BroadPoint Communications. The company was established in the United States and it offered free long distance calling supported by advertising (Wikipedia, 2007). The company did not invest in CM and the consequence is that BroadPoint filed for liquidation in 2002.

Another wireless company that is very involved in improving customer experience is Verizon Wireless. The company…...


Reference List

Annual Report (2006). Sprint Nextel Corporation. Retrieved December 4, 2007 at .

Broadpoint (2007). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved December 4, 2007 at .

Annual Report (2006). Verizon Wireless. Retrieved December 4, 2007 at .

Verizon Wireless (2001). U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Retrieved December 4, 2007 at .

Customer Relationship Management at Gibca
Pages: 18 Words: 5430

Electronic Customer elationship Management (eCM) -- the application of Customer elationship Management within electronic businesses

Customer Data Integration (CDA) -- the process by which data is collected, assessed and integrated within the organization to maximize its chances of attaining its pre-established objectives

Data mining -- the process by which a database is statistically assessed to identify customer patterns -- it transforms data into information

Customer loyalty -- at a most simplistic level, a loyal customer is a client who continually returns to purchase the company's products and services. Through expansion, a loyal customer is also considered one who offers the company consistent feedback, testimonials or product reviews, but also one who promotes the company's products and services through word of mouth (Wise Geek, 2010).

7. Organization of the Project Paper

Once the paper has introduced the context of the research it carries on with the following chapters:

Chapter II: Literature eview

Chapter III: Customer Data and Customer…...



Andersen, K., Kerr, C., 2002, Customer Relationship Management, McGraw-Hill Professional, ISBN 0071379541

Bearson, A., Smith, S., Thearling, K., 1999, Building Data Mining Applications for CRM, McGraw-Hill Companies, ISBN 0071344446

Brown, C.M., 1998, Turn Customer Data into Company Profits, Black Enterprise, Vol. 29, No. 3

Dyche, J., 2002, The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201730626

Customer Relationship Management and Its Link to Sales Performance
Pages: 25 Words: 6951

CRM and Ca Buying
The wold of business has come a long way since the only maxim was "The custome is always ight." One of the most impotant new vesions of that age-old wisdom is the model of "custome elationship management" o CRM. This pape examines that stategy, which is a model of doing business in which vaious techniques ae used to lean moe about the needs and behavios of the company's clients fo the pupose of develope stonge elationships with those customes. The motto of this stategy might still be "The custome is always ight" - but a moe appopiate vesion might be something moe like "Good custome elationships ae the coe of all long-tem business success." While CRM has so fa been pimaily used in companies involved in high-tech fields, it has extemely wide potential application in both poduct-oiented and sevice-oiented fims. This eseach examines the use of CRM…...


references of the researcher. However, when approaching any new research problem the researcher should always be open to new methods rather than simply relying on old favorites. The methodological choices made for this research were derived from the needs of the research itself rather than from an a priori assumption of what the best methods would be.

Originality and Limitation of Data

This data, being gathered from primary rather than secondary or tertiary sources, is entirely original and as such adds to the body of knowledge on this topic.

Because a large amount of data will be gathered from individuals with a range of experiences, the data have applicability beyond this particular project However, because the data will not be gathered using a randomized schema they are not generalizable per se. Rather than taking a traditional business research approach that considers only overall efficiency, this research thus provides a "native" perspective on changing workplace procedures.

Customer Relationship Management CRM
Pages: 4 Words: 1310

quality customer relationship program improve sales performance?
Introduction customer is certainly the most important asset of any organization or a business venture that depends on sales and repeat sales. Since the basic purpose of every business is to not only generate but hunt down ways to maximize profits, sales performance is one such area that comes under strict scrutiny. Moreover, since satisfied customers play a vital role in improving sales performance, organizations big and small are on the look out for the right tools and techniques for drafting most suitable customer relationship programs as one way of improving sales performance. However, it has been often observed that many organizations and individuals for that matter fail to clearly draw a line that differentiates the two overlapping concepts of sales and customer relations. Thus, by reviewing the plethora of literature on the due importance of Customer elationship Programs in the advancement as…...



Ellington W.B. Chapter 25: Sales and Customer Relations.

Keefe, L.M. (2001). "How Much CRM is Enough is Relative," Marketing News, 7 (May).

Lord, C (2000). "The Practicalities of Developing a Successful E-Business Strategy," Journal of Business Strategy, 21 pp. 40-43

Lim, K.S. (1997). "Brand Loyally and Situational Effects," Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 4, p. 101

Technology Customer Relationship Management the Lifeblood of
Pages: 4 Words: 1784

Customer elationship Management

The lifeblood of any business are its customer relationships and the lifetime value of customers from one product or service generation to the next. As cost and time pressures impact a business however they often resort to dealing with customers on transactions only, not investing the time in fully understanding their needs. As the text and course have shown, the integration of technologies into customer relationship strategies can deliver significant profitability and long-term company performance gains. The reliance on Customer elationship Management (CM) systems and the strategies they enable are revolutionizing businesses by quantifying customer expectations and creating a 360-degree view of each customer (Mukerjee, Singh, 2009). The insights gained from integrating CM systems into customer relationships also serve as the foundation for greater accuracy and precision in e-commerce, Web analytics, and the creation of more effective self-service strategies as well (Xu, Walton, 2005). CM's adoption throughout…...



Adebanjo, D. (2003). Classifying and selecting e-CRM applications: An analysis-based proposal. Management Decision, 41(5), 570-577.

Gatewood, B. (2009). Clouds on the information horizon: How to avoid the storm. Information Management Journal, 43(4), 32-36.

Kim, S.H., & Mukhopadhyay, T. (2011). Determining optimal CRM implementation strategies. Information Systems Research, 22(3), 624-639,682-683.

Kirby, M., & Trimble, S. (2011, Web Services at Virgin America. Flight International, 180, 24-24.

CRM Customer Relationship Management at
Pages: 2 Words: 537

The sales cycles of the enterprise software industry however are changing drastically due to Software-as-a-Service and Cincom's CM systems are in the middle of a transition as the company seeks to stay competitive in 2010.
Assessment of CM at Cincom Systems

The internal CM system was initially called Quota, which was meant to connote the urgency of attaining sales quotes by the Cincom sales teams. Quota had the ability to track customer requirements at the purely technical level and capture the names and addresses of key contacts within companies. It did not however have the ability to manage more complex strategies and campaigns, and lacked the ability to create ongoing tracking of complex opportunities. As a result, Cincom has started adopting Microsoft CM, based on the strategic partnership both companies have (Cincom, 2010). Microsoft CM has also made it possible to track more complex selling cycles and engage in team selling,…...



Cincom Systems, Inc. (1 August). Hoover's Company Records,43154.

Steve Kayser. (2005). GIVE ME LIBERTY or GIVE ME . . . An IPO? The CASE for REMAINING a PRIVATE COMPANY. Corporate Finance Review, 10(3), 5-11.

Little, David, Kenworthy, John, Jarvis, Peter, & Porter, Keith. (1995). Scheduling across the supply chain. Logistics Information Management, 8(1), 42.

CRM Customer Relationship Management the
Pages: 2 Words: 618

In conjunction with these factors there needs to be a continual focus on increasing the quality of service as well, often using metrics including Service Quality Index (SEVQUAL) to quantify the performance of customer loyalty programs over time.
At present the company being evaluated in terms of their use of customer loyalty is entirely focused on service lifecycle management and warranty cost management. They see customer loyalty purely from the standpoint of how to create ongoing sales, not necessarily increase customer lifetime value by motivating customers to return and purchase more. This has had a corresponding effect of creating attrition in the customer base over time and lost sales. What is needed is a concerted strategy that takes into account unmet needs of customers and responds to them innovatively with exciting products and services to drive up lifetime customer value over time.


CM serves as a foundational series of strategies on…...



Marshall, N.. (2010). Commitment, Loyalty And Customer Lifetime Value: Investigating The Relationships Among Key Determinants. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 8(8), 67-84.

Wei-Ming Ou, Chia-Mei Shih, Chin-Yuan Chen, & Kuo-Chang Wang. (2011). Relationships among customer loyalty programs, service quality, relationship quality and loyalty. Chinese Management Studies, 5(2), 194-206.

Schmitt, P., Skiera, B., & Van den Bulte, C.. (2011). Referral Programs and Customer Value. Journal of Marketing, 75(1), 46.

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Customer Relationship Management Skills and the Business performance of salons in Kidapawan City?
Words: 336

I. Introduction
A. Background information on the salon industry in Kidapawan City
B. Importance of customer relationship management skills in the business performance of salons
C. Purpose of the study

II. Literature Review
A. Definition of customer relationship management
B. Benefits of effective customer relationship management
C. Relationship between customer relationship management skills and business performance in salons
D. Studies on the importance of customer relationship management skills in the beauty industry

III. Methodology
A. Research design
B. Data collection methods
C. Sample selection
D. Data analysis techniques

IV. Results
A. Overview of the salon industry in Kidapawan City
B. Analysis of customer....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Customer Relationship Management Skills and the Business performance of salons in Kidapawan City?
Words: 373

I. Introduction (200 words)
A. Background and Context: Provide a brief overview of the salon industry in Kidapawan City, highlighting its importance to the local economy and employment. Discuss the significance of customer relationship management skills in driving business performance in this competitive market.
B. Thesis Statement: Clearly state the central argument or hypothesis of the essay, which should focus on the positive correlation between customer relationship management skills and business performance in salons in Kidapawan City.

II. Literature Review (300 words)
A. Define and Discuss CRM Skills: Explain key concepts and theories related to customer relationship management skills, drawing upon relevant academic literature....

Need help generating essay topics related to Cloud Computing. Can you help?
Words: 627


Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals store, access, and process data. With its vast range of capabilities and benefits, cloud computing has become an integral part of modern technology. This essay topic generator provides a comprehensive list of thought-provoking topics related to cloud computing, covering its technical foundation, applications, security implications, and future prospects.

Technical Foundation of Cloud Computing

The Evolution of Cloud Computing: Trace the historical development of cloud computing from its inception to present-day advancements.
Cloud Computing Architecture: Explain the layered architecture of cloud computing, including infrastructure, platform, and software as a service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover corporate level strtaegies of nestle?
Words: 602

1. Analyzing Nestle's diversification strategy: How has Nestle expanded its product portfolio and entered new markets to drive growth and increase market share?

2. The role of acquisitions and mergers in Nestle's corporate strategy: Discuss how Nestle has used M&A activities to drive growth, acquire new capabilities, and enter new markets.

3. Examining Nestle's sustainability strategy: How has Nestle incorporated sustainability and ethical practices into its corporate strategy to create long-term value and achieve competitive advantage?

4. Evaluating Nestle's global expansion strategy: How has Nestle expanded its international presence and adapted its business model to different markets and cultural contexts?

5. The impact of....

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