Date Rape Essays (Examples)

245+ documents containing “date rape”.

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Ghb and Date Rape the

In the United States, it is classified as an illicit club drug, by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The primary concern is GHB's use as a date rape substance, due to its colorless and odorless appearance, and the ease of use on victims who are sedated prior to sexual assault (Drasbek, Christensen, & Jensen, 2006).
GHB was introduced in the United States' over-the-counter market in the spring of 1990.

It was introduced as a dietary supplement, as well as a sedative and for body-building effect (Maxwell, 2005).

This introduction was rapidly followed by reports of severe adverse effects at doses ranging from approximately 1 teaspoon to 4 tablespoons. ight away, there were widespread reports of poisonings.

In November 1990, this led to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration ban on the distribution of GHB for human use, outside approved clinical trials.

Adverse effects reported included: vomiting, nausea, dizziness, weaknesses, seizure-like activity, tonic-clonic, loss….

Gray Area of Rape Used

A third of those who responded said they believed she was to blame if she had been flirtatious. One fourth believed that wearing provocative clothing made women at least partially responsible if she was sexually assaulted. and, one fifth of respondents felt that having numerous sexual partners also led to the woman being partly to blame if she was raped. In all of these survey questions, men were more critical of women's behavior than women, except where alcohol was involved.
A rape case in Illinois demonstrates how so-called victims may not be just that. The girl in question was intoxicated, and the encounter, with multiple young men, was captured on video tape. However, jurors, having reviewed the evidence and watching the tape, said they saw hints that the girl may have been agreeing to sex (Yednak). It demonstrates that although when recovering from a drunken a person may regret their….

Le Viol (rape) by surrealist painter Rene Magritte. The painting was done in 1934 and it was clearly meant to shock the viewer as it is a repulsive representation of a woman's face. However, instead of eyes she has breasts, instead of a mouth she has pubic hair that one assumes is covering a vagina, and instead of a nose Magritte has placed a human belly button in that spot.
There are many possible suggestions that an alert observer could present in terms of what the artist had in mind when he created this piece (it was first a drawing and later Magritte produced an oil on canvas painting from the drawing). One idea that has value is that Magritte was not-so-subtly protesting against rape. He presented a woman's face as her anatomy, as though perhaps it would be her destiny to have her breasts and her vagina be a….

Cognitive Restructuring on Rape Victims
Recently, the growing numbers of research have been focused on psychological trauma which can be caused by physical, sexual and life threatening events. he survivors of traumatic events would exhibit great variation of symptoms, especially, self-blaming, guilt, negative beliefs about self and others, cognitive distortions, and inaccurate thoughts related to their traumatic experiences. Sobel, Resick and Rabalais (2009) proposed a cognitive processing therapy (CP) to reduce the posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and increase the positive thought and accurate cognition of the survivors. In this seminal paper, they reviewed the literature, classified the syndromes before and after the CP, reported the statistical results and suggested a cognitive restructuring method. Cognitions are assessed using coding and analyzing the participants' statements before and after the therapy and the scaling systems used are the Clinician-Administered PSD Scale and PSD Symptom Scale. hey scaled two cognitive processes, accommodation, and assimilation….

Marital ape
Attitudes toward Marital ape among College Students

Close to 62% of female rape victims are between the ages of 12 and 24 (osenthal 407), an age group which encompasses the college years. This would explain why an estimated one in four college women have been raped while attending college (osenthal 412). The men responsible for this statistic, between 7 and 25% of all male college students, admit to forcing a woman to have sex and most see nothing wrong with doing so. Feminist theory would have us believe that these acts are the product of males attempting to preserve a male dominated society through an act of violence, while evolutionary theory would posit that these men have low social status and therefore little chance of mating success (osenthal 207). Neither theory seems to capture the fact that fraternity members are responsible for at least 50% of all rapes that occur….

The case of Rita is a sad one. She works as an employee of a resort. She's never really been in a serious relationship. She has dated but nothing got past that point. Anyhow, she encounters a male acquaintance of a coworker. The man was to take Rita home but he instead takes her to a remote area and assaults her. She did not want her family to know what happened but she did notify an agency about what did occur. They collected forensic evidence and treated her for any potential sexually transmitted diseases she might have been exposed to. They also gave her emergency contraception. While she eventually gets the courage to report the rape to her family and the proper authorities, it is too late to make use of the forensic evidence that was collected.

The one obvious thing that should be changed is the 90-day window that ostensibly….

Domestic Violence
The author of this report has been asked to respond to a number of scenarios. In each case, there is a question of who is responsible for a negative event happening given a certain set of circumstances. The blame will be assigned based on a percentage basis with the grand total fo the percentage adding up to a hundred percent collectively. There are five scenarios in total and they grow in complexity from one to the next. It was clear straight away the point that was being made and the "gray" areas that exist with some incidents. However, no gray areas exist when it comes to domestic violence. While there is a variety of ways in which situations can escalate and grow in severity, domestic violence is domestic violence and it takes on many forms.


The first scenario speaks of a man who bought a pair of slack at JC….

For instance, according to Begley, "Men who were promiscuous back then were more evolutionarily fit since men who spread their seed widely left more descendants. By similar logic, evolutionary psychologists argued, women who were monogamous were fitter; by being choosy about their mates and picking only those with good genes, they could have healthier children" (2009, p. 52). Although modern men and women may not look like Cro-Magnums, they all want to act like them deep down inside because of these primordial drives. In sum, Begley concludes that, "We all carry genes that led to reproductive success in the Stone Age, and that as a result men are genetically driven to be promiscuous and women to be coy, that men have a biological disposition to rape and to kill mates who cheat on them, and that every human behavior is 'adaptive' -- that is, helpful to reproduction" (emphasis added)….

advertisements for Harley Davidson both have the overall message that Harley Davidson's are for rebellious individuals and that societies rules do not apply to the Harley Davidson owner.
The text of the first ad, "in some circles, paisley and florals have yet to catch on" sets the tone for the ad and also conveys the meaning. Firstly, the text has an air of importance to it as well as an air of indifference. The "in some circles" is patronizing and suggests that these 'some' are not as good as the rest. The humor associated with 'paisley and florals' takes the edge of this patronizing feel, so that overall the text has a humor that means it is not to be taken too seriously. This creates a humorous and ironic tone to the ad. This text, without the picture, also captures the meaning of the ad. These 'circles' that haven't caught….

Social Work Exercises
Preparing for 3 Clients

Mrs. Nancy Cannon telephoned from her place of work ( the Capital nsurance Company -- phone [HDDEN] She sounded concerned. She said that on the previ-ous Saturday night, her 14-year-old daughter Amy had come home after her 9: 00 p. m. curfew, smelling of alcohol. She says that she " grounded" her daughter but now wants to talk with a social worker about the situation. Mrs. Cannon requested an appointment for herself alone, indicating that she wanted to sort things out with someone before she dealt further with her daughter.

Mrs. C. reported that this was the first such incident. She said, " 've never had any trouble whatsoever from Amy. She's been a wonderful child." She stated that she had not sought pro-fessional help before and that this was her first contact with any social service or mental health agency. She indicated that her husband,….

Scientific Approaches to Hookup Culture
On a practically day-to-day basis we are swamped with tales about the collapse of the current star marital relationship-- and cheating is usually the source of those who choose to separate. Is it even possible for 2 individuals to remain together gladly over a prolonged time frame? Since early evolution day, we've been informed that sexual monogamy comes normally to our types. However it does not and never ever has (yan and Jetha, 2010).

Mainstream science-- in addition to spiritual and cultural establishments-- has long propagated the belief that males and females progressed in nuclear households where a guy's possessions and defense were exchanged for a female's fertility and fidelity. However this story is breaking down; now more so than before. Less and less couples are marrying and divorce rates keep climbing up while adultery and flagging sexual libido drag down even relatively strong marital relationships (yan….

This too is a generalization
Dr. Judy is her most stereotypical in her section on "Men, women and dating" (chapter 13) where she informs men about women's desires and vice versa. She advises men for instance to send flowers -- but not all women like that. Some may prefer so -- called male trinkets such as books. She also advises men to cuddle; but some women may not like that either. To women, Dr. Judy advises that men like having a night out with the guys and would not profess devotion so soon. She also tells both men and women to adopt certain actions or to refrain from certain actions that may repel the other sex. Dr. Judy categorizes and by doing so (and refraining from telling her reader that she is doing so) is doing her reader a disservice.

She also categorizes in the stages of hooking. Nothing can be….

Television Shows
Since the 1950s, television has become an increasingly vital part of life, providing both an escape from the pressures of everyday life as well as offering social commentary. Television shows that center on family life have historically been among some of the highest-rated shows. One of the reasons why these shows are among the most popular are that they reflect the realities of actual families and family problems yet do so in a unique and refreshing way. In order to understand the role of television in explaining family structures, it is necessary to compare television shows from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s with contemporary television shows.


There are numerous similarities and differences between television shows of the 1950s, 1970s, and 1980s that center on family life and television shows depicting contemporary families and family forms. In general, television shows have adapted to reflect changing family structures, typical….

Other determining factors influencing long-term affects of abuse to a child include:
Whether the child's mother is supportive and child can confide in her.

Whether the child's experiences success at school

Whether the child has nurturing relationships with peers. (Ibid.)

Childhood intimacy problems and sexual abuse, interacting with family background, contribute the child's developing self-esteem and sense or "world" mastery being disrupted. These deficits, in turn, increase the probability of a child experiencing psychological problems later in his/her adult. These developmental deficits may lead to social and personal vulnerabilities later in life, and consequently contribute to the risk of mental health problems developing and/or increasing. (Ibid.)

Sexual Abuse "Signs"

Effects of early sexual abuse, which include childhood intimacy problems, last well into a person's adulthood and effect their relationships, family and work. Individual symptomatology tends to be reflected into the following four areas:

1. "Damaged goods: Low self-esteem, depression, self-destructiveness (suicide and self-mutilation), guilt, shame, self-blame,….

Connotative and Denotative Meanings of the ord No
Despite its apparent simplicity, in both length and form, the English word "no" has a wide nuance of meaning and expression. The word "no" has reasonably simple common denotative meaning, simply acting as a negative, or an indication of dissent. hen we explore beyond this simple denotative meaning, we find that "no" is commonly used as an adjective, an adverb, and as a noun. The connotative meaning of "no" is even more complex, and ranges from an association with the empowerment of women in a date-rape situation, to an association with a petulant toddler who is asserting his or her independence.

In common usage, we tend to think of the denotative meaning of "no" as a simple assertion of refusal or denial. Merriam-ebster's Collegiate Dictionary has three main definitions for the word "no" including functions as an adverb, as an adjective or as a….

9 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Ghb and Date Rape the

Words: 2558
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the United States, it is classified as an illicit club drug, by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The primary concern is GHB's use as a date…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gray Area of Rape Used

Words: 2375
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A third of those who responded said they believed she was to blame if she had been flirtatious. One fourth believed that wearing provocative clothing made women at…

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3 Pages

Art  (general)

Le Viol Rape by Surrealist Painter Rene

Words: 1035
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Le Viol (rape) by surrealist painter Rene Magritte. The painting was done in 1934 and it was clearly meant to shock the viewer as it is a repulsive…

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2 Pages
Literature Review


How Cognitive Psychology With Cognitive Restructuring Impacts Rape Victims

Words: 672
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Cognitive Restructuring on Rape Victims Recently, the growing numbers of research have been focused on psychological trauma which can be caused by physical, sexual and life threatening events. he…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Risk of Rape on College Campuses

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Marital ape Attitudes toward Marital ape among College Students Close to 62% of female rape victims are between the ages of 12 and 24 (osenthal 407), an age group which encompasses…

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2 Pages

Corrections/Police - Forensics

Statute of Limitations on Rape

Words: 738
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The case of Rita is a sad one. She works as an employee of a resort. She's never really been in a serious relationship. She has dated but nothing…

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2 Pages


Who Is to Blame for Rape and Domestic Violence

Words: 871
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Domestic Violence The author of this report has been asked to respond to a number of scenarios. In each case, there is a question of who is responsible for a…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Factors That May Affect

Words: 3469
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

For instance, according to Begley, "Men who were promiscuous back then were more evolutionarily fit since men who spread their seed widely left more descendants. By similar logic,…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Advertisements for Harley Davidson Both Have the

Words: 4814
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

advertisements for Harley Davidson both have the overall message that Harley Davidson's are for rebellious individuals and that societies rules do not apply to the Harley Davidson owner. The…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Social Work Preparation Exercises

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Social Work Exercises Preparing for 3 Clients Mrs. Nancy Cannon telephoned from her place of work ( the Capital nsurance Company -- phone [HDDEN] She sounded concerned. She said that on…

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8 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Scientific Approaches to Hookup Culture

Words: 3934
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Scientific Approaches to Hookup Culture On a practically day-to-day basis we are swamped with tales about the collapse of the current star marital relationship-- and cheating is usually the source…

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5 Pages
Book Report

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Advice Book This Advice Book

Words: 2049
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Book Report

This too is a generalization Dr. Judy is her most stereotypical in her section on "Men, women and dating" (chapter 13) where she informs men about women's desires and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Television Shows Since the 1950s Television Has

Words: 942
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Television Shows Since the 1950s, television has become an increasingly vital part of life, providing both an escape from the pressures of everyday life as well as offering social commentary.…

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25 Pages
Term Paper


Childhood Intimacy Problems Serve as

Words: 6896
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Other determining factors influencing long-term affects of abuse to a child include: Whether the child's mother is supportive and child can confide in her. Whether the child's experiences success at…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Connotative and Denotative Meanings of the Word

Words: 985
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Connotative and Denotative Meanings of the ord No Despite its apparent simplicity, in both length and form, the English word "no" has a wide nuance of meaning and expression. The…

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