Dead Poets Society Essays (Examples)

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Dead Poets Society Is a 1989 Film
Pages: 2 Words: 727

Dead Poets Society is a 1989 film that explores the impact that an English teacher, John Keating, had on his students through his unorthodox methods of teaching and unique perspective on life. The film stars obin Williams as John Keating, an English professor at the extremely conservative Welton Academy and a former member of the Dead Poets Society, and obert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke, Josh Charles, Gale Hansen, Dylan Kussman, Allelon uggerio, and James Waterson as Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, Knox Overstreet, Charlie Dalton, ichard Cameron, Steven Meeks, and Gerard Pitts, respectively, as senior students at Welton Academy. Through his teaching methods and literature-inspired beliefs, Keating is able to inspire his pupils to pursue their personal goals and do what they want to do as opposed to what they are told they are supposed to do.
It is Keating's unorthodox approach to teaching that first grabs the attention of the boys…...



Haft, S., Witt, P.J. & Thomas, T. (Producers), & Weir, P. (Director). (1989). Dead Poets Society

[Motion Picture]. United States: Silver Screen Partners IV.

Dead Poets' Society Keating's Style
Pages: 4 Words: 1163

Expulsion due to disobedience is an example of this kind power that Nolan has as a member of the administration. Thus, as discussed earlier, Nolan was able to command the students' respect because he was backed up by the academic institution itself. In fact, the power that he enjoys as a teacher was based on tradition: that, as a teacher, the school's power is transmitted to him as a member of the school administration. Keating, meanwhile, developed his power over the boys by establishing a congenial relationship with them. He was considered a mentor rather than a leader, and his students believed in him because he offered a "fresh" respite from the traditional and oftentimes, boring, culture of the Academy. It is in these aspects that Keating became powerful over the boys, in the same way that Nolan earned his power through the school's support.
John Sculley and Steven Jobs…...

Frost in Dead Poets Society
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

Yet, Frost himself puts the poem on such an ambiguous footing with the last line being uttered in a tone that does not match the rest of the work. The tone may be understood to be one of whimsy and shrugging shoulders -- or it may be understood to be one of solemn pride and satisfaction. Indeed, for the president of Amherst College, where Frost was invited to stay, "Road" was a rallying cry of liberal education. Yet, the poem was hardly intended to be that at all. Frost himself indicated that the poem was tricky and could be easily misinterpreted. As Pritchard notes, it was meant only to be a poem in which Frost was teasing his friend (125). The poem, however, was read by the Amherst's president and by men like Keating as something more profound.

In other words, "Road" went from being a small, satirical poem to a…...


Works Cited

Frost, Robert. "The Road Not Taken." Bartleby. Web. 15 Oct. 2012.

Pritchard, William H. Frost: A Literary Life Reconsidered. MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1993. Print.

Leadership Film Project Dead Poets
Pages: 6 Words: 2105

"An older, more experienced teacher questions whether 15- to 17-year-old kids are really ready yet to handle Keating's brand of freedom. 'Gee, I never pegged you for a cynic,' says Keating. 'I'm not,' says the other teacher. 'I'm a realist.'… Although there's a carefully placed scene in which Keating tries to make the distinction between unfettered self-expression and self-destructive behavior, the principles behind the re-formation of the Dead Poets Society eventually lead to catastrophe. It becomes clear that at least some of the boys really aren't emotionally equipped to incorporate into their own lives the kind of freedom and nonconformism that Keating is selling" (Emerson 2010). The extremity of Neil's reaction shows the vulnerability of his unformed adolescent emotions and his inability to deal with his resistance to his father in a rational fashion.
However, for all of his faults, by the end of the film, Keating's students have clearly…...



Dead Poet's Society. (1989). Directed by Peter Weir.

Emerson, Jim. (2010). Dead Poets Society. Retrieved February 13, 2010 at Screening room.

Straker, David. (2010). Charismatic leadership. Changing Minds. Retrieved February 13, 2010 at

Psycho-Social Concepts in the Dead
Pages: 3 Words: 1208

Wallace x) Three psycho-sociological concepts which are well represented in the film are conformity of group behavior, gender roles in adolescents, especially boys and narrow tradition based attitudes about what is valuable in society.

The whole film is based upon conformity of behavior according to accepted traditions and accepted societal standards of the 1950s in America. Acting was not an accepted vocation, as accepted vocations were those which carried prestige and high salaries. Society's judgment of the value of a job was its monetary worth. The school and its teachers are bound by the traditional mode of teaching, which is largely stale drill and practice with attendant exams. The value is based upon the idea of education being based upon how much information a student can store and regurgitate. It is especially well illustrated by the scene with Keating where he has the students tear out the introduction in their poetry…...



Bernard, L.L. (1926). An Introduction to Social Psychology. New York: Henry Holt. Retrieved December 18, 2006, from Questia database: 

Hedley, M. (2002). The Geometry of Gendered Conflict in Popular Film: 1986-2000. 201+. Retrieved December 18, 2006, from Questia database:

Poet Ethridge Knight
Pages: 2 Words: 423

Etheridge Knight is effectively explained as an example of Whitman calls and egalitarian poem. At the same time, the analysis acknowledges that Knight finds himself forced to use language which some people would find offensive or even inappropriate. Rather than an unintentional slipping into common vernacular, this author explains that Knight's usage of profanity is an intentional commentary on the marginalization experienced by people in minority groups. The fact that they suffer from such widespread oppression throughout their lives breeds an inescapable and palpable frustration with the larger world which can only really be expressed by exclamations of profanity. The oppression of minorities is a common entity in literature written by people who have an ethnic heritage with a history of marginalization and social minimization.
Further, this author suggests that the oppression of minority groups seems to be such a force in their lives that they cannot help but be…...

John Keatings and the Prep School in
Pages: 6 Words: 1626

John Keatings and the prep school in Dead Poet's Society: Where do they fit in the philosophies of education?
John Keatings is, if not anything else, an original thinker and teacher in Dead Poet's Society. The film does not at all bother to hide this fact even in the opening sequences: Keatings is shown as different from the other teachers even by virtue of his grimaces and squeamishness.

John Locke wrote of education, "Virtue is harder to be got than knowledge of the world; and, if lost in a young man, is seldom recovered." John Keatings believes in this Lockian principle, but only to a certain degree. In his classroom, Keatings stressed virtue: He taught his students how to live and feel and treat one another as much as he taught them to classics. In fact, he deliberately skips the theoretical works in the class -- even having his students dramatically rip…...



Johnson, Tony & Reed, Ronald. "Philosophical Documents in Education." Second Edition.

Leadership as it Is Expressed
Pages: 5 Words: 1588

Surprisingly, Keating successful leadership was not imposed on his students, even with the fact that he influenced them greatly and was challenging in his teaching. Transformational leadership is present all across the motion picture as Keating goes through great efforts to assist students as they put their problems behind. The influence that Keating has on students is limited by none other than himself, as he trusts that most will do exactly as he wants in spite of the fact that they have the power to decide. Keating puts great price on the personal needs of his subordinates, as he knows that only through giving them what they want he can hope to become a successful leader. Being an inspirational leader is largely based on knowing what followers want and advising them in accordance to their interests.

Unconventional leadership involves a great deal of risk, since it regards doing things differently, in…...


Works cited:

Machiavelli, Nicollo. (1952). "The Prince." Plain Label Books.

Northhouse, Peter G. (2009). "Leadership: Theory and Practice." SAGE.

Dir. Lumet, Sidney. "12 Angry Men." United Artists, 1957.

Dir. Weir, Peter. "Dead Poets Society." Touchstone Pictures, 1989.

Management Lessons About Leadership Styles in Movies
Pages: 5 Words: 2068

Leadership Styles in Movies / Management Lessons about Leadership styles in Movies
Leadership is a major organizational resource, demonstrated by individuals via a wide range of skills and talents (Lester, 2015). Leadership represents a key means by which individuals change others' minds, moving people and organizations forward for achieving established aims (IAAP, 2009). Several leadership models exist, with some of them proving to be rather effective and helpful. However, rapid transformations in the world, particularly in the last decade, owing to emergence of globalization and extensive adoption of information technology, have led to drastic changes in workforces' behavior and expectations. One cannot now lead a workforce using conventional techniques of the past, if one desires to leverage staff talents and achieve optimal performance. A majority of successful companies today seek knowledge workers -- well-trained, skilled and experienced individuals desiring to utilize their abilities to their optimum potential in a work setting…...



Argintar, L. (2014). The Devil Wears Prada, A Boss, Not AB*tch: Why Women In the Workplace Get A Bad Rep. Elite Daily. Retrieved from 

Balzac, S. (2015). Princess Bride Problem Solving. LinkedIn. Retrieved from 

Batke, k. (2015). How Not to Manage Like Bill Lumbergh. Jostle Corporation. U.S.. Retrieved from 

Casse, P & Claudel, P. (2011). Leadership styles: a powerful model. Training Journal.

Autocratic and Transformation leadership
Pages: 5 Words: 1717

Dead Poets Society (Autocratic and Transformation Leadership)
The transformational and autocratic leadership approaches as a novel quality standard impact organizational process and role development. An organizational leader is required to apply the leadership process to make sure long-run corporate targets are achieved, particularly in the current competitive, unstable business climate. Normative principles and policies, methodical management and strict discipline mark Mr. Nolan's leadership. Follower obedience is grounded in both set agreements and realistic regulations and standards. Followers are restricted by the limits and duties fixed for them. Hierarchical systems pre-establish and rank worker compensation. They explicitly delineate coercive procedures and apply them under particular predetermined conditions. Meanwhile, Mr. Keating espouses devotion, valor and insight. Based on their individual faith in him and his aims, his followers enthusiastically accept his vision, mission and personality. They regard him as a prophet, a futurist, or a gallant warrior (Nikezic, Puric, & Puric, 2012).

The transactional…...

Carver Given Poet and Author
Pages: 8 Words: 2663

The story "The Bridle," for instance, tells about what could have turned out to be a family tragedy. However, written by Carver it becomes much stronger and more positive. After going bankrupt in agriculture, a family moves with its few belongings packed into a station wagon to a cheap apartment in a hotel somewhere in the Midwest. The narrator, who is the unfriendly and uncaring woman who runs the hotel, relates the story of what happens to the mother, Betty, and the horrible temporary jobs she takes to take care of her family.

One day at a drunken party at the hotel's pool, her husband, Holits, climbs to the roof of one of the units to jump into the water. Betty cries out, "What are you doing?" But he just stands there at the edge. He looks down at the pool, deciding how much he will have to run to get…...



Carver, Raymond. A New Path to the Waterfall. New York: Atlantic Monthly, 1989.

Carver, Raymond. Call if You Need Me. New York: Vintage, 2000.

Kibble, Matthew (Ed). "Raymond Carver" from Literature Online biography. London: Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company, 2001.

Scribner's Writing Series. Raymond Carver. Writers A to Z. Section. New York: Thompson Gale.

Formation of Ancient Societies the
Pages: 7 Words: 2084

Both Spartan men and women exercised together in the nude, and both were "encouraged to improve their intellectual skills" ("omen in Ancient Greece"). Being a woman in Sparta certainly ensured a greater sense of gender equality -- but that does not necessarily mean Sparta was the preferred residence of women in Greece. After all, Sparta did without a lot of the creature comforts that other city-states like Athens took for granted as essential to civilization. There is a reason the phrase "Spartan living" has come to be synonymous with the bare necessities.
As for variance in the social structure of the various states, democracy prevailed in Athens for a time (but so did tyranny and corruption as well). Thebes also had its monarchy and later on its heroic warrior citizens. Sparta had two kings who ruled simultaneously. But its social structure was also more slave-based than anywhere else. In fact,…...


Works Cited

Haaren, John. Famous Men of Rome. NY: American Book Company, 1904.

Johnston, Sarah. Religions of the Ancient World. Harvard University Press, 2004.

Kyziridis, Theocharis. "Notes on the History of Schizophrenia." German Journal of Psychiatry, vol 8, 42-48, 2005.

Sikora, Jack. Religions of India. Lincoln, NE: Writer's Club Press, 2002.

EE Cummings Modernist Poet
Pages: 3 Words: 962

Modernist literature refers to a literary period from the first half of the 20th century, one that reacted to the external influences of an increasingly industrialized society, and one that was becoming more and more globalized. This was a population of people who had been hardened and drained by two world wars. This was a population of people who were pondering the future of humanity, human existence, the human condition and their place in the world. When compared to the romantic period, modernism appears edgier and less serene. The romantic period had more of a focus on the natural world and the experience of being; modernism focused more on the inner self, seeing more of a decline and fraught fragmentation with the external world. From a literary perspective, the period meant a subversion of typical norms: modernist prose and poetry played with structure and form in ways that readers weren’t…...

Classic Critiques of Society's Negative Aspects
Pages: 4 Words: 1380

Negative Aspects of Society
The author of this report is asked to review Augustine, Dante and Machiavelli when it comes to their views about the negative aspects of society. Indeed, they are major figures throughout history and their views are similar in many ways. However, they are also very different as well. Over the four total pages of this report, each of those three will be viewed one at a time. While some people dismiss what the people of the past have to say about society, the prior and current critics of the negative aspects of society have a right to say what they are saying.

One thing that dominated the words of Augustine was his challenging of the secular (non-religious) world with his Christian views. James O'Donnell had some words to say about Augustine and what he felt. Indeed, he notes that "ordinary men and women, left to their own devices,…...



Biography. (2015). Retrieved 23 June 2015, from 

Novel Guide. (2015). MACHIAVELLI'S VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE | Novelguide. Novelguide. Retrieved 23 June 2015, from 

O'Donnell, J. (2015). Augustine: Christianity and Society. Retrieved 23 June 2015, from 

Share Faith. (2015). The Last Supper - Judas Iscariot's Betrayal of Jesus. Retrieved 23 June 2015, from

Herrick and Marlowe Poems the
Pages: 4 Words: 1110

For Marlowe, the muse of song and dance are juxtaposed with the senses to inform a larger world -- not of innocent threats and fears, but rather one of coy teasing and delight.
Further, this rather flirtatious repartee' leads one to view the symbolic nature of love as part of the reason to make each day the most -- for what does one have if not love? Marlowe is full of symbols that evoke not only the season of Spring, but of more sylvan delights -- "valleys, groves, hills and fields," "shepherds and their flocks." Yet, Marlowe can be blunt as well, as he makes a bed of roses with "a thousand fragrant poises." Too, there is almost sexual tension and symbology when he comments on "ivy buds," "coral clasps," and "amber studs," -- clearly then indicating, "And if these pleasures may they move, Come live with me, and be…...

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